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Page 3

by Pelaam

  “I love you,” he murmured.

  “I love you, Storm.” Ceron’s smile widened.

  Aware that Vevina was quietly slipping from the room, Storm eased Ceron into his arms and kissed his now proclaimed mate-to-be.

  He needed to plan his next move very carefully.

  Chapter Three

  Two days had passed since their declarations of love. Today Storm intended to deepen their relationship. Then he would make Ceron known to his family as his choice of mate.

  Halfway to Ceron’s grandmother’s home he’d prepared a special place for them. This was where he hoped to take the next step with his mate. He paced back and forth as close to the village as he dared and his heart skipped a beat when he finally saw Ceron hurry into view.

  Pulling his beloved into a tight hug, Storm kissed him deeply and then, hand in hand, they headed into the forest.

  When they reached halfway, Storm urged Ceron away from their normal path. “Come this way, my precious one.” He led Ceron deep into lush foliage. At Ceron’s puzzled gaze, he smiled, and then kissed Ceron’s cheek. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What is it?” Ceron’s eyes were alight with excitement.

  “A special place, just for us, to spend some more intimate time together.” To his delight, Ceron was both eager to go with him and trusted him. They walked deeper into the thick foliage where they were easily hidden from sight.

  As they ducked through a thicket of bushes Storm heard a soft exclamation of pleasure as Ceron took in the sight before him.

  Just ahead of where they stood, Storm had created a shelter for them using the boughs and thick surface roots of a great tree. Good, solid branches formed the sides and a roof to keep them sheltered from the chill autumnal air. The mix of evergreen, as well as branches of leaves in reds and golds, made it a beautiful sight to behold.

  “I dug out the ground a little.” Storm puffed out his chest, pleased and proud with Ceron’s obvious appreciation of his handiwork. “There are soft leaves and a couple of thick, fur rugs for comfort and warmth. Will you lie with me a while?”

  “Yes. Oh, yes.” Ceron’s voice was soft but there was no mistaking his eagerness.

  Settling down on the bedding, Storm was careful to ensure that he did nothing more than kiss Ceron for several long, pleasurable moments.

  Easing back from Ceron’s sweet lips, Storm stroked the back of his hand down his beloved’s cheek. “I would like to do more, Ceron.” He let his voice drop to a sensual purr. “I love you, Ceron. Do you accept me as your life-mate?”

  “I love you, too, Storm. And yes, yes I accept you.” Ceron nodded.

  Tilting his head to the side, Storm watched curiously as Ceron removed his necklace. He let the two silver rings hanging from it slide into the palm of his hand.

  Looking up into Storm’s eyes, Ceron held out his hand. “These were my parents’ rings. They are the only things I have left of theirs. It has always been my wish that I would wear one and my chosen spouse would wear the other. Will you wear my ring, Storm?”

  For Wolven, the need to exchange rings was unnecessary; however, Storm was aware that it was an important symbolic gesture for humans. He nodded and held out his hand.

  “I will wear your ring, Ceron. I want all to know I am your mate, just as you are mine.” His mind was still slightly in a whirl that Ceron had agreed to be his mate.

  Pursing his lips Ceron looked at the rings he held and then at Storm’s hand. Storm was barely aware that he was holding his breath as Ceron made his selection and tried the larger of the two rings.

  “It fits.” Ceron’s delight was almost palpable as the ring slid onto Storm’s finger. “Please?”

  Grinning with delight, Storm took the other ring and pushed it onto Ceron’s finger. It was a tight fit and Storm decided they would need to see a silversmith and have it stretched. But it would suffice for now. The fact that Ceron had gifted him with his father’s ring told Storm just how committed to their relationship Ceron was. He drew Ceron into a deep kiss, expressing his love.

  As they parted, Storm held Ceron’s gaze for a moment. “May I touch you?”

  “Please, Storm, I want so much for you to touch me.”

  Despite his beloved’s determination, Ceron’s scent was a heady surge of arousal mixed with nervousness. But Storm knew that as nervous as Ceron might be, he still wanted Storm’s touch.

  The softly spoken invitation broke through the dam of Storm’s restraint. All thought vanished save the one of making this human his. Storm released his lover’s beautiful hair from its restraint and fanned it out. He stroked the marmoreal column of Ceron’s throat and slipped his fingers into the thick, red-gold tresses at the nape of his lover’s neck. Storm urged Ceron even nearer until it seemed they shared but one breath, their lips were so close.

  “There is nothing to fear from me,” Storm whispered the words, not wanting to break the magical moment.

  He traced the outline of Ceron’s lush, parted lips with a gentle fingertip. Hesitantly, Ceron lapped at his finger. Storm groaned as his cock jerked in reaction but he ignored his insistent flesh and concentrated on his young, inexperienced human. He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to the alluring lips. He trailed his fingers through the long hair, and caressed Ceron’s throat.

  “I will bring you pleasure, precious love. I want to touch you, taste you.” He leaned forward and whispered the words into Ceron’s ear. His love’s breathing grew more rapid, and the pulse at Ceron’s throat fluttered frantically.

  “Oh, yes, Storm. Please,” Ceron moaned.

  When Ceron trembled in Storm’s arms, he drew back a little, concerned that perhaps he was moving too fast. He gazed into Ceron’s eyes.

  “Are you afraid of me?” Storm asked softly.

  “I’m nervous. I want this and I want to please you, but I’m unsure of what to do. I don’t want to disappoint you.” Ceron avoided eye contact with him, his gaze dropping.

  At the innocent and honest words, Storm groaned. Ceron clearly had no idea just how alluring he was. Storm stroked a hand down Ceron’s back.

  “You could never disappoint me, my precious Ceron. Let me show you how to make love.”

  He nuzzled at a delicate ear lobe, enjoying the shiver that ran through Ceron. He kissed a path down his mate’s throat before moving back up to the other ear for a final lick. Storm possessed Ceron’s ripe lips, allowing the kiss to grow in intensity until he’d wrapped his tongue together with Ceron’s in an ancient dance.

  Finally Storm pulled away, needing to breathe and, moreover, he needed to ensure he was in total control of himself. Now was not the time for him to fully claim Ceron. He removed his jerkin and then his shirt, relishing the heavier scent of Ceron’s growing arousal.

  He gazed down with a mix of love and lust. Ceron’s mouth was reddened and kiss-bruised as he lay back, panting softly on the makeshift bed and Storm thought he was the most beautiful and desirable sight he had ever seen. He reached out a hand and at Ceron’s frantic nod, unfastened the shirt he had given his young human.

  Gazing down, he stared at Ceron’s bared chest with avaricious eyes. He trailed his hand lightly across Ceron’s collarbones, skimming across them gently with a single finger before moving lower. Ceron’s furless chest was as smooth as the finest silk and the perfect, plump nipples beckoned silently. Unable to resist, Storm dropped his head and kissed the soft skin before licking a teasing path to first one hard nubbin and then the other.

  “Does it feel good, Ceron?” Storm darted teasing licks to each juicy nipple. Even his beloved’s skin tasted sweet.

  “Yes,” Ceron moaned softly, writhing restlessly beneath Storm.

  Glancing down Ceron’s body, Storm saw that his love’s shaft had fully filled. The organ strained against the leggings Ceron wore, tenting them, and a damp patch of desire grew before Storm’s eyes. Storm grinned triumphantly to himself as he lapped at Ceron’s nipples watching the bulge at his lover’s groin twitch allur
ingly with each motion of his tongue.

  “May I touch you, Storm?”

  The request from his mate was breathy and faint but it caused Storm’s own shaft to jerk beneath its confines. The thought of Ceron’s hands on his body made Storm’s blood pound through his veins.

  “Of course.”

  Moving to lie between Strom’s spread legs, Ceron reached out tentatively to touch Storm’s chest. The Wolven felt each gentle caress like a flame, branding him as belonging to his human.

  “You are so handsome,” Ceron whispered.

  Trailing his fingers across Storm’s chest, Ceron stroked a hardened nipple. Then, more bravely, Ceron leant forward and dropped a swift, uncertain kiss to Storm’s chest. At the nod of encouragement, Ceron swirled his tongue across Storm’s firm pectoral muscles, through his lush fur and across peaked nipples.

  Reaching to cup Ceron’s chin, Storm raised his love’s face and kissed him. He stroked the lean muscles of Ceron’s back and then lower, to the firm, covered globes of Ceron’s nether cheeks. Despite the layers between them, he could feel the heat of Ceron’s arousal as their bodies pressed together.

  He slowly pulled his mouth away, peppering butterfly kisses to Ceron’s lips and throat before easing him flat on the bedding. He continued to kiss, covering the bared skin with delicate touches as he moved over Ceron’s body. With a soft growl he rocked his hips against Ceron as he moved back up meet Ceron’s lips.

  He pushed his tongue into Ceron’s mouth, coaxing his love’s tongue back into his, sucking on it gently. Ceron’s innocent writhing soon became rhythmical thrusting against Storm, and they moved slowly together. The soft, breathy moans that fell from Ceron’s kiss-swollen lips made Storm’s blood pound through his veins. Breaking the kiss, he placed his hand at the ties of Ceron’s leggings. He paused, waiting until he received a frantic nod.

  Slipping his hand inside, he stroked the coarse curls at Ceron’s groin, the sweet scent of musk was thick and heady in his nostrils. He eased the leggings over slim hips and freed straining flesh. He was unable to suppress a half-whimper of desire. Even here, Ceron was nothing less than beautiful to his eyes. His lover’s slender shaft arched eagerly toward Storm’s hand. Storm reverently encircled the blood-suffused flesh in his hand and Ceron’s cry of pleasure rang out.

  The solid shaft felt perfect in Storm’s palm, as if they had been made for one another. He simply held Ceron’s cock for a moment, letting Ceron get used to the feel of being touched for the first time so intimately by another. The sight of Ceron lying with his head back, kiss-swollen lips open and panting and his eyes dark with want was almost Storm’s undoing. He was forced to relinquish his grip on Ceron while he undid his pants to squeeze the base of his own dick to stave off his impending release.

  “Just feel, precious love,” Storm murmured soothingly as Ceron writhed restlessly.

  He kissed Ceron and caressed his love’s hard cock with firm strokes. He swirled his thumb in the crystal juices now seeping freely from the slit. It felt so good to be able to bring pleasure to his mate. He knew it would not take long. Ceron was inexperienced and highly aroused and Storm’s touches were urging his love to completion.

  He watched eagerly as his lover shook and then went rigid before convulsing helplessly in his ecstasy. Storm continued to stroke Ceron, milking his cock of all it could offer, Ceron’s seed coated his hand and droplets cascaded onto the quivering flesh of Ceron’s abdomen. Releasing the spent flesh, Storm licked his hand clean. Ceron tasted sweet and musky with a salty tang.

  While Ceron lay panting in the aftermath of the intense climax, Storm straddled his lover’s thighs. There was no time for gentleness or finesse for his own aching flesh. All that mattered to him was achieving release and marking his mate. Growling with desire, he pumped his straining cock roughly and muted his roar as his seed rained down on Ceron’s supine body. Storm ensured the droplets covered Ceron from his throat down to the spent flesh lying sated on his belly.

  When the last drop fell from his spent dick, Storm rubbed their combined releases into Ceron’s skin and inhaled deeply. His earthier scent complimented Ceron’s perfectly. His heart soared with joy.

  Moving carefully, Storm stretched out alongside Ceron, gathering his sated lover into his arms, and scattered kisses across Ceron’s beautiful visage.

  “I love you,” he murmured softly into the small shell of Ceron’s ear.

  “I love you, Storm.”

  Ceron’s voice was a little rough from all the moans and cries of pleasure. Storm nuzzled Ceron, licking at his throat.

  “I want to take you to my settlement,” Storm whispered, leaning up to meet Ceron’s gaze. “Will you come?”

  “Yes.” There was no mistaking the scent of nervousness from his mate, but Storm smiled to see the determination in his mate’s eyes.

  “It’s time to tell my parents that you are my future. My mate.” Although Storm would not reveal such a thing to his lover for fear of making him uneasy, there was no way to disguise Storm’s intimate scent on Ceron from another Wolven. It was intentional. His father might try and ignore Storm’s words, but the Alpha male would not be able to disregard what his other senses would tell him.

  Chapter Four

  As they travelled toward his pack’s camp, Storm was grateful that Ceron remained oblivious of his increasing anxiety. He easily scented Ceron’s nervousness, and he tried to focus on reassuring his beautiful lover, and not on how his father, his pack’s Alpha male, would react to Storm’s declaration.

  As they neared the camp, Storm was certain he caught sight of one of his father’s watchers. He’ll already be alerted that I’m bringing a human. Storm took a deep breath, and pulled Ceron into a hug, kissing him deeply. It helped settle his own skittering nerves, as he inhaled his beloved’s scent and tasted Ceron’s unique sweetness. He earned a loving smile that warmed Storm to his soul. He would fight tooth and nail for Ceron.

  The second they stepped into camp, Ceron was the centre of attention. To be the focus of so much interest, and some of it appearing less than welcoming, was turning into an ordeal for Ceron. Storm both felt it and scented it. As Ceron instinctively shrank closer to him, Storm wrapped a protective arm around his mate’s slender shoulders and drew him into a tight, reassuring embrace.

  “We rarely get human visitors, my love,” he murmured against Ceron’s cheek. “They’re just curious. And, of course, with the accusations flying around so freely, they’re a little concerned when a human does come.”

  Unseen by Ceron, Storm bared his teeth at those pack members who stared at Ceron with unfriendly eyes. The primal gesture left them with no doubt that the human youth belonged to Storm and was under his protection.

  “Hello! We’re Dusk and Twilight.”

  Two voices spoke in unison and Storm grinned at his cousins as they moved to join him.

  “See? All is well, Ceron. The pack is just unused to a visit for friendly reasons from a human these days. These are the sons of my uncle. They’re twins. Dusk is the darker and is the first-born.”

  Nodding against Storm’s shoulder, Ceron eased away from where he’d pressed tight against Storm’s body.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you. I’m Ceron.” The words were shyly spoken, and Storm felt a surge of protectiveness. He was deeply touched by Ceron’s implicit trust in him.

  “I’m Twilight and pleased to meet you too, Ceron,” the lighter of the identical Wolven said.

  “And I’m Dusk.” He then pulled Ceron into a hug as if it was the most natural thing to do.

  Twilight flanked Ceron and began to chatter animatedly, telling him of some of the jewellery they made, and Storm could have howled for joy. While Twilight distracted Ceron with his chatter, Dusk added his own warning to unfriendly eyes. Storm felt the pack settle at the tacit acceptance of Ceron’s presence. All he had to do now was face his sire.

  Word of their appearance had reached his father. Storm took a deep breath as the tall, powerfu
l Alpha male came toward them. His father’s face was shuttered, but Storm saw the way his nostrils flared and knew they were being scented. He stood firm, sticking out his jaw with a look of ferocious determination he kept hidden from Ceron. Not even his father was going to take his human from him.

  “Are you going to introduce us?” His father stopped before them.

  “This is Ceron, my mate-to-be.” Storm met his father’s stare levelly. “Ceron, precious one, this is my sire. His name is Rain and he is also the Alpha male of our pack.”

  In speaking to his father, Storm ensured his voice reflected his possessiveness. Something a human like Ceron wouldn’t notice, but a Wolven, especially an Alpha, wouldn’t fail to hear. He’d also used the formal title for Ceron that left no way to doubt his intention.

  Remaining silent, Rain’s nostrils quivered. There was no mistaking the intimate scent on Ceron either. Storm watched as Rain’s gaze moved to Ceron.

  Reaching out, Rain touched Ceron’s hood that was threadbare in places. Then he touched the sleeve of the shirt Ceron wore.

  Trying not to shuffle, Storm forced himself to remain calm while his father quietly regarded Ceron.

  A few of the pack gathered around, watching and waiting to see Rain’s reaction. Storm glanced quickly around at them.

  Since the accusations of the attacks, there had also been rumours that the villagers resold meat, clothing, and jewellery that they had bought from the Wolven, growing wealthy while the pack remained poor. A suggestion that the pack should move on, closer to the rapidly growing nearby town had become popular.

  Some Wolven were already settled there, within the town itself. With the accusations made against the pack, it was something that Rain had under consideration. However, Storm and his father knew the majority of his people wanted to remain here, where they considered it to be their home.


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