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Take My Heart (Heroic Rogues Series)

Page 27

by Marie Higgins

  Nodding, she held herself still. His nearness made her nervous. Was it because of his ruggedly handsome appearance or the fact that he had killed her father? She didn’t know why his deep voice had sent shivers through her more than once. As she gazed on the days-old growth covering his chin and cheeks, she couldn’t help but wonder what he would look like clean-shaven, and without his mask?

  He placed the scarf over her eyes and tied it in back of her head. A large, muscular arm secured her body against his as he urged the horse to a trot. She had no other choice but to grasp his arm for fear of slipping from off the animal to the ground.

  Against her ribs, the pressure of the hard dagger gave her some comfort. She would certainly use it if Hawk made any improper advances toward her. Men like Captain Hawk didn’t deserve to live. He killed men in cold blood as he had her father.

  What had her father ever done besides try to save his own life that fateful day? His valet had been freed after their stagecoach had been attacked and told her the story of how her father died a brave man. In the end, Captain Hawk and his crew of cutthroats still stole all the valuables they could get their greedy hands on, which in turn left Isabelle penniless.

  Bile rose to her throat. If her father didn’t have the estate to sell in New York, she would have to find the wealthy man her father betrothed her to and hurry along the marriage she didn’t want. Hopefully, the latter wouldn’t happen. She’d heard her betrothed, Matthew Winston, was ruthless and underhanded. Why her father had picked him was beyond her knowledge, unless it had something to do with the man’s wealth.

  She shivered. One obstacle at a time was all she could handle, and right now, she needed to keep a rodent from invading her person so she could walk away from all this when Hawk freed his prisoners.

  * * * *

  Marcus Thorne glanced at the beauty sitting so close to him with her hands clutching his arm. Good fortune had been with him as of late, and taking his enemy’s daughter prisoner topped the day. It didn’t matter if his men found nothing of consequence on the stagecoach, Marcus realized his world had brightened because of the treasure nearly sitting on his lap.

  He didn’t know Miss Isabelle Stanhope, just her father. Marcus had done the world a service when he purged the scoundrel. Marcus had dealt with the older man on several occasions and concluded the weasel couldn’t be trusted. He hadn’t planned on killing Commodore Stanhope, but the foolish man tried to stab him in the back. Literally. On impulse, Marcus shot the man between the eyes, killing him instantly.

  It wasn’t until later that day when Marcus, rummaging through the Commodore’s trunks, had found a miniature of an extremely beautiful woman. Several days afterwards, he studied the picture and read some of the missives the Commodore had written to his daughter, but never mailed.

  Months later, Hawk realized the Commodore had somehow alerted the British soldiers to his hideout. Marcus was nearly arrested, and he and his men lost many valuable items during the raid.

  Now Marcus had something of value belonging to the Commodore. It didn’t matter if the man was dead, Marcus would fulfill his revenge by keeping the daughter as his prisoner. Hopefully, he’d be able to discover what she knew about her father’s dealings with the King’s soldiers as well.

  Not only was Miss Stanhope most becoming, but her fiery temper surprised him. Spirited women challenged him and kept him on his toes. Isabelle’s beautiful blue eyes were like an ocean on a serene day, so different from her temper.

  Her presence nearly made him forget his own reputation as a fearsome highwayman. At one time he’d been a pirate—as were his men—but soon Marcus realized he could accomplish more as a highwayman.

  Clearing the turbulence Miss Stanhope had brought to his mind, he couldn’t understand why she lied about her name. Why didn’t she want him to know who her father had been? Most assuredly, Marcus looked forward to uncovering her secrets.

  When the wagon full of prisoners caught up to him, he pushed his horse faster toward his hideout. Since the King’s soldiers had found his last place, Marcus had discovered another out-of-the-way spot to call home—at least home for his gang of thieves.

  Miss Stanhope bounced on his horse so bad, he pulled her closer to his chest until she rested her head against him. He wouldn’t let her fall, but he knew she didn’t trust him. So having her in this position made his heart glad.

  A half hour later, they reached the border of his hideout and he slowed the horse. Quickly, she pulled away from his chest and straightened. Several of his men stood guard at the tall, wooden gates and let them enter then secured the slats of wood as they passed through.

  “Miss Stanley, you’re too quiet. Dare I ask what vengeful thoughts are swimming in your head?”

  He watched her lips closely since he couldn’t see her eyes. Not even a semblance of a smile touched her mouth.

  “Vengeful? Tell me, Captain. Why would I think such a thing about the man who holds me prisoner?”

  He chuckled. “You’re most humorous, but after a few minutes in my charming presence, I promise you will change your mind about my character. I’m certainly not the rat you think I am, nor will I ever become one. Especially to a lovely woman such as yourself.”

  Finally, the corner of her mouth lifted slightly. “I reserve the right to form my own opinion, Captain Hawk.”

  “Absolutely.” He patted her soft hands.

  He stopped the horse in front of the main house. “Here we are, my dove.” He jumped down then lifted her off. As he set her on her feet, she stumbled and quickly reached for him. He steadied her before removing her blindfold.

  Blinking, she glanced around them, around the acres of land, to the house and the separate buildings, then back to him. “I must say, Captain Hawk, I rather had a different picture in my head when imagining your hideout.”

  “Were you picturing more of a dark castle with torture chambers?”

  “Indeed, I was.”

  He laughed. “That’s my other hideout.”

  Marcus walked her into the house and down a hallway. He stopped in front of an empty room. His servant boy had died last year from the fever, and Marcus had yet to find a replacement. Although he had planned on dining with Miss Stanhope in his room this evening, he dared not take her there yet. She would undoubtedly snoop through his trunks and find her father’s belongings, especially the letters and miniature he had kept.

  Smaller than most in the main house, the servant’s room would do for now. He’d give Miss Stanhope time to simmer. After being locked away in the windowless room only big enough for a small cot and trunk, he prayed she’d be more agreeable. Then again, he did enjoy her feisty personality.

  As soon as she stepped inside, she gave him a quizzical stare. “Captain Hawk, I cannot believe you would stoop to accepting a mere pittance of a room such as this. I highly doubt this is where you sleep.”

  “It’s not. I won’t allow you in my room until after it’s clean.” He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Rest yourself, my dove. I shall fetch you when our evening meal is ready.”

  She nodded, but the glare in her eyes let him know she wasn’t satisfied.

  After he closed and locked the door, he sprinted up the hall and outside to see if his men had found anything of merit in the trunks and satchels they’d confiscated from the stagecoach passengers. Marcus must get his mind off Miss Stanhope and concentrate on more important matters. Like finding those documents he knew were on the stagecoach.

  In the past ten years, he’d been amongst men who sought revenge against Britain for one reason or another. Marcus had a personal reason for loathing the aristocrats, and especially those serving in the Royal Navy. Too many were like his father—cold-hearted men who didn’t care for anything but wealth and title. Too many of these men disowned their own families for dreams of power and prestige. And worse, they would ruthlessly kill without having any second thoughts.

  Since stepping into the role of the pirate, Captain Hawk, Mar
cus only attacked the King’s ships. However, now that he no longer trolled the seas, he took prisoners from the stagecoaches occupied by these soldiers. Today’s hold-up had been different, however. Marcus had overheard the soldiers were trying to fool the elusive Captain Hawk by transporting the documents differently, carried by a civilian. Marcus was smarter than the king’s soldiers. He had spies everywhere.

  For many years, his father had been a Commodore of the navy and didn’t have a clue to what his sickly son had been doing with his life. Especially after the old man thought he’d killed me, Marcus thought. He took advantage of his father’s ignorance and made friends, those his parent wouldn’t approve of. The old chap hadn’t been in his life since Marcus was a young lad, which was the reason he had become a pirate. Indeed, revenge was sweet.

  “Captain Hawk.” Simon strode across the yard wearing a satisfied grin. He tied a leather strap around his hair, which stopped the wind from blowing it in his face. “The prisoners are secured down in the cellar.”

  “Were there any problems?”

  “That companion of Miss Stanley’s was a handful, to be sure, but she finally closed her obnoxious trap and I didn’t have to listen to her harping.”

  Marcus nodded. “And I’ll threaten her once again if she steps out of line.” He walked toward the wounded stagecoach, and just as he arrived, Gabriel Lawrence, Marcus’ best friend, rose from his position on the ground by one of the passenger’s trunks.

  “Captain, you must take a look at this.” He held out the parchments. “What caught my attention was the name of your father.”

  Curious, Marcus snatched the missives from his friend and read. Although Marcus’ father had been on his deathbed for over a year, it seemed his uncaring parent was still working for the King.

  Marcus glanced at Gabriel, a man who’d been his friend for two years since taking over his first ship. They shared the same hatred for Britain and vowed to do all they could to stir up trouble. “Where did you find these?”

  “In this satchel.” He lifted the brown leather bag.

  Marcus frowned. “Unfortunately, these are not what I seek. From this letter, it appears my father is no longer residing in London.” He paused, looking out across the yard in deep thought. Apparently the old man hadn’t died, so where was he?

  He met Gabe’s stare. “Do you suppose my father is in New York or thereabouts? These letters appear as if they were being sent to him.”

  “Aye. My thoughts exactly, Captain.”

  “If my father is involved, I believe the documents I seek may be a bit of a challenge to locate. The man who sired me is a devious, calculating man. We must think as he.”

  Gabe chuckled. “It should not be hard. After all, the fearsome Captain Hawk is brilliant enough to evade getting captured by Britain’s soldiers.”

  Marcus nodded. “You’re quite correct.” He glanced back at the stagecoach. “What else have you found?”

  “Nothing of consequence, Captain. However, we’re still searching.” Gabe pushed his fingers through his auburn hair, adjusting his own mask.

  Marcus rubbed his forehead and growled. This was the stagecoach he’d been told about, and what day and time it would travel. “Keep looking.” He met Gabe’s stare. “I know the papers are here. Check every floorboard if you must until we find it.”

  “Captain? What if we cannot find them?”

  “Then we’ll burn the conveyance until there is nothing left but ashes. If we cannot have the documents, the King’s Navy won’t have access to them, either.” Marcus turned to go back to the house, but quickly stopped. “I want you to search Miss Stanley’s trunk first, then bring it to my room.”

  Gabe chuckled. “Miss Stanley, eh?”

  “Yes. I will keep her as my prisoners for a little while before we release everyone.”

  His friend’s laughter followed Marcus as he retraced his steps back to the main house. Before anyone could disturb him, he strode to his room. Just as he reached the door, he stopped beside Isabelle’s room and pressed his ear to the wood. Her pacing echoed in the nearly empty space, her voice lifting in a grumble.

  That woman would be spitting mad by the time he let her out. A grin tugged at his mouth. A feisty wench he could handle. He looked forward to the task.

  Marcus entered his room and searched for any items belonging to her father. The Commodore’s letters were kept on his desk, along with Isabelle’s miniature. The image of her was slightly younger than the woman he’d recently spoken to, but the lovely, wide and luminous eyes were unforgettable. Once he had the opportunity to study her as she stood before him in a stubborn stance earlier, he realized he would enjoy her personality. Usually he charmed women easily, but this one would be worth verbally sparing with. Little had he known the miniature of the woman he’d stared at so often this past year would stir such excitement inside him when he finally met her.

  Of course, this was an end to revenge and that was all . . . although he would enjoy every moment thoroughly.

  After he locked the items in one of the trunks, he proceeded outside and to the other house to ask his prisoners questions. Someone must know something! And they’d better tell him quickly because he still had to wash and change into fresh clothes before his evening with Commodore Stanhope’s lovely daughter. If he were to dine with her, he wanted to look his best. He also needed to inform the cook he would be entertaining in his room. There were to be absolutely no interruptions tonight.

  Other stories from Marie Higgins

  “Winning Mr. Wrong” – Romantic Comedy (LDS novel)

  “Heart of a Hero” – Historical romance

  “Hearts Through Time” – Time-travel / suspense romance

  “Secrets After Dark” - Paranormal / suspense romance

  “In the Arms of Danger” – Romantic suspense

  “Dreaming of You” – Christmas Inspirations romance

  “Crazy For You” – Romantic comedy

  Christian Historical Series

  “A Walk In Heaven” – (book 1)

  “Reaching For Heaven” (book 2 not out yet)

  “A Touch of Heaven” (book 3 not out yet)

  Regency Romance Series

  “The Sweetest Kiss” – Regency romance (book 1)

  “The Sweetest Touch” – Regency romance (book 2)

  “The Sweetest Love” – (book 3 not out yet)

  Victorian Romance Series

  “Love Me Always” – book 1

  “Charmed By Knight” – book 2

  “True Love’s Deception” – book 3

  “Belong To Me” – book 4

  “Love Comes Blindly” – book 5

  Colonial Romance Series

  “Take My Heart” – (book 1)

  “Falling In Love Again” – (book 2)

  “Wonderland By Night” (book 3)




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