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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

Page 6

by C. O. Amal

  When they reached the roof, they saw a stream of brilliant blue light coming from the nearby block. Edward and Carter rushed towards the edge of the roof to see what it is. Then they saw it. At first they couldn’t believe what they are seeing. The cube is glowing in a brilliant blue colour, and a stream of white light is continuously flowing, like a river, from under the cube.

  Then they saw a peculiar thing. There is a cloud of dust all around the cube, surrounding the flowing white light.

  “What the hell is that thing?” Edward muttered.

  “What are they actually planning? I thought they were just terrorists.” Carter said.

  “Yeah. They are definitely not just terrorists. They are something else. What I still don’t understand is, how did they able to make these cube and space crafts. From where did they get raw materials for these things? They can’t just do all this works under some bunker.”

  “I agree with you. And how did they able to communicate with all their comrades? How did they able to organise everything perfectly?”

  “I don’t care any shit about them. Let’s just get out of here before it’s too late.”

  “Okay. Let’s get out of here.” Carter and Edward quickly walked inside the building. In the corridor, Jan and Jim joined them.

  Edward quickly took a back pack from nearby room and then he walked towards Carter. They planned everything thoroughly a few hours ago. Edward’s back pack is filled with some packets of chips and bottles of mineral water. Carter also have a back pack. He took some canned goods.

  Before long, night sets all around them, but outside is faintly visible in the moon light.

  Edward and team exited the building and they started their walk through the desolated road. From deep inside the city, Edward could hear the howling of dogs. The city is certainly dead in every way. A few minutes later, they exited the small city and entered into a desolated road. There are no buildings on both sides of the road and the road is through a hilly region. Edward saw silhouette of a few trees here and there.

  After a few hours of walk, their legs began to hurt. Jan and Jim were the first to surrender to tiredness. There is a dry grass land nearby and they walked towards the grass land. After Edward made sure that they are pretty far from the road, they huddled on the grass land in a sitting position. A few moments later, they all fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23 – Olivia

  Somewhere in Denver

  Olivia, William, Mrs John and Jeb ran through the desolated streets. Frequently gunshots echoed from behind them. They didn’t covered much distance when all of a sudden a series of swooshes came from the sky.

  They stopped moving and they quickly stood in the shade of a nearby building. They cautiously peered at the sky. Then Olivia saw two space crafts flying in a very low altitude. Fortunately, the space crafts did not detected Olivia and her team.

  After the space crafts flew away from the scene, they started running again. Suddenly a terrorist appeared in front of them. The terrorist was walking towards a nearby block from a nearby building. The terrorist clearly saw Olivia and her team. He quickly trained his gun at them.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Bullets rushed outside from the terrorist’s gun. Fortunately, Olivia and her team managed to haul themselves behind a nearby car.

  “William, do something.” Olivia said.

  William drew out his revolver. The terrorist continued to fire. The windshield and back window of the car completely shattered. William quickly peeked at the terrorist.

  Suddenly, the terrorist’s gun ran empty of bullets. The terrorist quickly got busy in taking a fresh magazine from his back pack. William froze for a moment. Olivia quickly became angry at William. He has the gun and even when he got a chance to fire, he is not taking that chance.

  “William,” Olivia shouted.

  William quickly discarded his cover and he fired a round.


  The bullet went astray.

  William fired again.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  This time all the bullets struck on the terrorist’s chest. The terrorist quickly dropped dead. Olivia quickly rushed towards the terrorist. She took his back pack and the assault rifle.

  “You know how to use it?” William asked.

  “I had played a few video games.” Olivia said.

  “Now, can we just get out of here?” Jeb asked. Jeb and Mrs John are in complete panic even though the terrorist is dead.

  A few moments later, they started running through the desolated road. They still weren’t out of the city when the sun settled in the horizon.

  Olivia and her team ran through the road in the faint light of the moon. A few hours later, they exited the city and entered into an area where both sides of the road are filled with small houses.

  “Let’s stay inside a house for the night.” Jeb said.

  “Okay, I am pretty tired.” Olivia said.

  They quickly got inside the first good house they saw. They huddled in the living room in a sitting position and they slowly lie down on the cold floor.

  “Please, god, end this madness.” Olivia silently prayed before sleep took over her.

  * * *

  Olivia woke up when the sunlight hit her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and saw sunlight seeping inside through the windows and air holes. She slowly stood up. William, Mrs John and Jeb are not awake yet. She slowly moved towards William. She didn’t even made one step closer to William when she tumbled down, face first, into the wooden floor.

  “Ahh ...” Pain cursed through her face. She slowly hauled herself in a sitting position and she looked at the spot from where she tumbled down. She saw nothing peculiar.

  How did I fell?

  She massaged her forehead and she stood up. She slowly took a step closer to William. Suddenly she lost her balance and she almost tumbled down. She quickly regained her balance. She then took one more step closer to William. Suddenly, she again lost her balance.

  “What the hell?” She muttered.

  “William,” she called.

  William slowly opened his eyes and he stared at Olivia who is struggling to stay upright. William smiled at her.

  “What?” William asked.

  “I can’t walk.” Olivia complained.

  “What?” William quickly stood up. He quickly started walking towards her. He didn’t even made one step closer to her when he too tumbled down, face first, into the floor.

  “What the?” Olivia muttered.

  “Ahh ...” William winced. He massaged his forehead and he stood up.

  “What the hell happened?” William asked.

  “I don’t know. You just tumbled down.” Olivia said.

  William looked all around him. He couldn’t see anything peculiar on the floor. William slowly took one step towards Olivia. Suddenly he lost balance and he tumbled down again. He quickly prevented the fall by using his hands. He then slowly stood up.

  “What the hell is happening?” William asked in disbelief. “Mom, Jeb, wake up, guys.”

  Mrs John and Jeb slowly opened their eyes.

  “What is it, William?” Jeb asked.

  “We both can’t walk. Can you walk towards us?” William asked.

  “Are you kidding me, William?” Jeb sat up.

  “No, man. I am not kidding you. We are dead serious.” William said.

  “Whatever.” Jeb muttered. He is in partial sleep.

  Jeb slowly stood up and he took a step towards William. Suddenly he tumbled down.

  “Ahh ...” Jeb screamed, but in a low voice.

  “Holy cow!” Olivia couldn’t believe this is actually happening. “Guys, I think I get it.”

  “Then tell me, Olivia. Why can’t we walk?” William asked.

  “I think, the gravity is low.” Olivia said. It’s the only thing which make sense to her.

  William stared at Olivia with open mouth.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24 – Josephine

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Josephine and her team saw a good looking house when sun settled down in the horizon. Jonathan walked towards the house.

  “Are we staying inside that house for the night?” Josephine asked.

  “Yeah. We can’t continue the journey in the night.” Jonathan said.

  They quickly got inside the house and they cleaned the living room by removing the chairs and tables. Josephine slowly entered inside the kitchen and she rifled through the refrigerator. She found mineral water in it. She quickly took three bottles of mineral water. She placed the water on top of the table and she then searched through the house. Before long she found what she was looking for. A back pack. She quickly took the back pack and walked towards the kitchen. She then put the mineral water in the back pack. It’s better if she prepared for a long journey, before the shit hits the fan.

  Before long, they all huddled in the living room in a sitting position. Then they slowly lie down on the carpet. Josephine for a moment thought about her mom. She wished her mom was here with her.

  Josephine slowly closed her eyes and she let the good memories fill up in her mind. With that smiling face, she fell asleep.

  * * *

  “Josephine, Jonathan,”

  Josephine woke up hearing Bobby’s call.

  “What is it, Bobby?” Josephine asked after she sat up.

  “You guys won’t believe what I could do.” Bobby said.

  Josephine smiled. “What is this important thing you can do?”

  Jonathan sat up on the cold floor and he glanced at Bobby.

  “Watch this.” Bobby said. And he braced himself for something to do. “Watch closely.”

  Then Bobby jumped in the air. What peculiar about this jump was, he jumped from near Josephine’s foot and he landed near the kitchen, a few feet away from Josephine. Bobby for a moment struggled to maintain balance as he landed.

  “What the?” Jonathan is confused. Josephine too is confused.

  “Where did you learn to jump like that?” Josephine asked in shock.

  “From here, just minutes ago.” Bobby said.

  “How?” Josephine asked.

  Bobby jumped again and he landed near Josephine.

  “When I woke up, I couldn’t walk. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t walk, even a single step. All the time, I tumbled down. And when I jumped in the air, I realised that I could jump higher and longer.” Bobby said.

  “Why can’t you walk?” Jonathan asked.

  “I don’t know. All of a sudden, I just can’t.” Bobby said. “Look this.” Bobby tried to walk forward. He didn’t even made one step when all of a sudden he lost his footing. But Bobby quickly regained his balance by widening his arms. “You see.”

  Josephine and Jonathan stood up. Then they tried to walk, but they didn’t even placed one step forward when they both lost their balance. Josephine and Jonathan tumbled down, face first, into the cold wooden floor.

  “Ahh ... Ahh ...” Josephine and Jonathan winced.

  “Holy shit.” Abigail sat up and said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly he saw something floating in the air, just above his head. Panic sets inside him. He quickly sat up. Then he saw it. It was a small rock. The rock is floating in the air.

  “What the?” Edward muttered. He glanced at Carter, Jim and Jan who are still asleep. Then he saw it. Across the dry grass field, thousands of small rocks are floating in the air.

  “Carter, wake up.”

  Carter slowly sat up.

  “What is it, Edward?”

  “Look, man.” Edward pointed at the floating rocks.

  Carter looked in the direction Edward had pointed, then he too saw it.

  Carter and Edward stood up. Carter first moved towards the floating rocks. He only moved one step before he collapsed to the ground.

  “Ahh ...” Carter sat up and massaged his forehead.

  “What happened?” Edward asked. “You, okay?”

  “I am okay. I think I tripped over something.”

  “But, there is nothing on the ground to trip over.”

  Edward felt something bad about this. These things are all unnatural. Edward slowly took a step forward, towards Carter. Suddenly, he lost his balance and he almost tumbled down. But he quickly, somehow, regained his footing. Only one thing makes sense about this.

  “What is happening, man?” Carter asked with a worry.

  “I think our planet’s gravity have started deteriorating!” Edward said.

  * * * * *


  * * * * *

  “He shall unite his people in thy kingdom …”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 26 – Frank Chester

  Somewhere in Chicago

  One week ago

  It’s Sunday, and Frank sat on the couch and he switched on the TV. Today he don’t have to go for work. He actually hates his job. Working for the government is not so good. But, the money is enough for him to run his small four member family.

  He increased the volume and he lie back on the couch. A few minutes later his wife Susan entered inside the house through the front door. Frank glanced at his wife and he smiled.

  “How was the church?” Frank asked.


  “Where is Sam and Wendy?”

  “They saw a friend on the way. They went to the park with the friend.”


  Susan took away the scarf which was around her neck and she walked towards the kitchen. Susan quickly got busy in preparing breakfast.

  Frank concentrated on the TV. Suddenly the bell ringed. Someone is outside. Frank cut down TV’s volume and he walked towards the front door. Susan peeked at the front door from the kitchen doorway. Frank slowly opened the door.

  Just outside the doorway stood a Fed Ex mail man.

  “Are you Frank Chester?” The mail man asked.

  “Yep. That’s me.” Frank said.

  “Here you go. Your package.” The mail man produced a small envelope. He gave the envelope to Frank and then he left.

  “What’s that, honey?” Susan asked from the kitchen.

  Frank looked at the envelope. On the envelope it is written that this envelop is from L.O.W.

  Frank quickly recognised the name. Finally, the time have come.

  “It’s from my work. Secret stuff.” Frank said.

  Susan nodded and she returned to what she was doing earlier. Frank quickly switched off the TV, and he got inside his office room. He closed and locked the door. He quickly sat before the table and he unwrapped the envelope. There is a sheet of paper and a plastic card in it. He put everything on the table and he put the envelope in the nearby trash box.

  Then Frank took the plastic card in his hand. At the front of the card, there is a picture of a man in black outfit. In this man’s hands, there is an assault rifle. And this man’s face is covered using a black bandana which is wrapped around his head.

  Frank flipped the card and he looked behind it. Behind the card, there is a small picture of Frank and in the bottom of the card it is written that Frank is a member of an organization known as Liberators of the World – L.O.W.

  Frank smiled at the card. He quickly took his wallet from the table’s drawer and he put the card inside the wallet. He has been waiting for this for about a year now. And finally, it’s here. It’s time to purge the souls and redeem the world from darkness.

  He looked at the sheet of paper which accompanied the package. It was actually a letter. Frank slowly ran his eyes through the words.

  Dear Brother/Sister,

  If you got this letter, that means our long waited time have arrived. This is for what we have been preparing our souls for all this time. This also means that, this process will start in the coming Tuesday. Wherever you’re, we are watching you closely.

  And let�
�s come to the better part.

  All of your weapons and explosives will be delivered to you shortly after you get this letter. Look for a black Porsche outside your homes/apartments. The number of this car will be 666. We chose this number because, we all know what it means. It means death.

  Let’s bring the death to their doorsteps. Let’s deliver light across the planet. Let’s redeem the souls of our brothers and sisters.

  Finally, good hunting and god speed.

  The letter finally ended. Frank smiled, and he crushed and threw the letter in the trash box. He is full of euphoria and whatever the letter was, it sparked some kind of fire inside him. He slowly lie back on his smooth chair and he closed his eyes, dreaming for the coming days.

  * * *

  Beep! Beep! Beep!

  A vehicle’s horn came from outside. Frank slowly opened his eyes. His holy weapons are here! Frank slowly opened his door and he got outside. It’s already night. Susan may have called him for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but he was in the middle of a dream, so he must hadn’t heard it. He slowly walked towards the bedroom. On the bed lies his wife Susan.


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