Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction

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Zero Gravity Zero Hour - Extinction Page 10

by C. O. Amal

  “Shit ...” Olivia muttered before someone hit her on her head using something. She fell down without making a noise and her world went blank.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 44 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward wrapped his arms around Jan and Jim and he braced for the bullet. All the terrorists trained their guns at Edward and Carter.

  Carter raised both of his arms and he wept like a child. Edward closed his eyes.

  But even after a few minutes, the expected pain didn’t came. Edward opened his eyes. Then he saw the terrorists looking outside through the windows. Something outside is spooking them. Then Edward saw his way out. The back door is opened ajar and nobody is stopping them. Edward motioned at his team to follow him. Carter nodded his head.

  Edward quickly led them all to the exit door. Before long he got outside in the drenching rain. A cold wind blew towards them. It’s then he noticed the silence around him. Edward peered at a nearby window and found a terrorist staring at the distant sky. Edward too looked at the sky.

  Then horror struck him. Numerous aliens, or whatever they are, are raining from the sky. These aliens are like transparent humans and their whole body is glowing in a vibrant yellow colour. One can clearly see through their body. The aliens landed here and there on the neighbourhood.

  Edward shifted his gaze at Carter and he met Carter’s eye. Carter is too shocked.

  “What now?” Carter asked.

  Edward didn’t answered. He don’t have any answers. The sun then began to set in the horizon plunging the whole place in darkness. Since the sky is filled with rain clouds, everywhere around them is in pitch darkness. But, they could clearly see the place where the glowing aliens are landing.

  Suddenly a series gunfire broke out from nearby buildings. Edward quickly forced his team to take harbour in a nearby building. Suddenly, an alien landed nearby them.

  The alien looked straight at Edward and his team through its glowing blue eyes. The alien indeed looks like a human. Suddenly, the alien lurched forward by putting forward its both hands.

  “Run ...” Edward managed to say. Edward grabbed both Jan’s and Jim’s hand in his and he ran towards a nearby building. Carter closely followed him. Suddenly Carter screamed out loud. Edward didn’t looked back. He ran and ran. He is actually too scared to look back. Right now, his first priority is the survival of his kids.

  Before long, in the pitch darkness, he found the door of a nearby building. He entered inside through the already unlocked door. Then he frantically searched on the door for the locking mechanism. He quickly found that and he dead bolted the door.

  “Dad,” Jim started saying something.

  “Shh ...” Edward whispered. “Keep silence.”

  “Umm.” Jim whispered.

  Edward can guess that Jan is too scared to move her lips. They huddled on the floor in a sitting position. Jan and Jim wrapped their arms around Edward. Edward lightly patted on their shoulders.

  Everything is certainly going to change.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 45 – Josephine

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Jonathan is on the ground and his gun is empty. Four terrorists surrounded him. Josephine quickly climbed down the building and she cautiously stood near a building nearby Jonathan and the terrorists. Josephine quickly trained her assault rifle at the terrorists and she pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  All bullets found their mark. All four of them dropped dead. Josephine quickly galloped towards Jonathan. Before long she crouched down near Jonathan and she helped him to stand up. Blood started to ooze down from his head. The terrorists must have damaged his head.

  “Can you move?” Josephine asked.

  “I don’t know. My leg hurts a lot.” Jonathan replied.

  Fortunately, moon is still shining in the sky. In the moon light, Josephine and Jonathan slowly galloped towards their hideout.

  Before long, they climbed the set of stairs and they reached the top level of the building Jonathan quickly sat down on the floor. Josephine quickly took her first aid kit from her back pack and she crouched down near Jonathan.

  Josephine slowly cut out a small part of Jonathan’s pant using a scissor. Now she could clearly see the bullet wound. She quickly lighted a candle and she heated the tip of her scissor.

  “This is going to hurt a lot.” Josephine warned.

  Jonathan forced a nod. He winced with surging pain. Josephine quickly poked the wound with the heated scissor. A moment later, she removed the bullet successfully. Suddenly blood poured out from his leg. Abigail quickly handed Josephine a bottle of medicine and a band aid. Josephine quickly applied a little medicine on Jonathan’s leg and she quickly pasted the band aid on the wound. Abigail handed her a few more band aids. Josephine pasted all of them on Jonathan’s wound.

  Jonathan slowly tested his leg. “Not bad.” He smiled.

  Josephine smiled and she unscrewed a water bottle. She gave the bottle to Jonathan. Jonathan slowly sipped the water. Before long, he emptied that bottle. Jonathan placed the empty water bottle on the floor and he lie down on the floor. He slowly closed his eyes.

  Josephine went near the window and she peered outside. No terrorists are outside. She quickly blew out the candle and she lie down on the floor near Jonathan. She looked at Abigail and Bobby and she found them also lying on the floor.

  Josephine slowly closed her eyes. It was actually a fortune she got there on time, or those terrorists would have finished Jonathan.

  God, please end this madness.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 46 – Frank Chester

  Somewhere in Chicago

  Frank looked around him. Everything is covered in darkness. Certainly it’s been too long since sun settled in the horizon, and everyone must be in sleep. Frank stood up and tested his arm restraints. The plastic tape is too tight. His arms barely moved.

  Suddenly gun shots broke out from outside.

  “No, it can’t be right.” He muttered.

  An intense fire fight is progressing outside. He can hear gun shots happening right outside his room. The gun shots echoed throughout the building. A few minutes later, everything fell in silence. Frank quickly went near the door and peeked outside through the peek hole. He could make out the form of a man lying outside. He must have been shot dead.

  Suddenly two men appeared in front of the door. Frank stared at the men and saw his leader among the men. Frank couldn’t recognise the other man.

  Suddenly the door knob began to shake. The leader must be trying to open the door. Frank stepped back.

  A moment later, the door opened and in the doorway stood Frank’s leader and a tall old man. Suddenly both the men’s eyes glowed in blue colour. Frank suddenly stumbled back with fear.

  “Hello, Frank.” The tall old man said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 47 – William

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  William stared at the terrorists who have surrounded him. Panic surged through him. They will definitely kill him. His mom is looking at him with a worrisome face. Olivia is on the ground, unconscious. Someone hit her on her head using the butt of a gun. It is then his mom noticed that Jeb is not with them.

  “William, where is Jeb?” His mom asked.

  William didn’t said anything. He is too scared to move his lips.

  “On your knees.” A terrorists said to William. William obeyed. His mother too stood on her knees. Two terrorists came forward and they shoved the mouth of their rifle at the back of William’s and his mother’s head.

  “Any last words?” One of the terrorists asked.

  William and his mother said nothing.

  Suddenly a loud swoosh came from the sky. Terrorists stopped talking and they listened. Something is coming towards them from the sky. Terrorists quickly became alerted. They all peered at the sky. Then they saw it. William too saw it.

  It appear that, a flying sauc
er is coming straight at them. They all stared at the gigantic flying saucer. A moment later, the flying saucer hovered over them.

  “What the hell is that?” One of the terrorists asked.

  “Is it our new ship?” Another terrorists asked.

  Then it happened.

  Numerous transparent bodies fell from the flying saucer. It looks like a form of light, but in the form of an adult human. The light men, or whatever they are, landed on the ground around them. Then all of a sudden, the light men lurched forward and entered inside the terrorists’ body. Some terrorists ran away from the scene. The light men followed them and they fly inside the terrorists’ body.

  William and his mother froze at the scene. Then Olivia stood up by massaging her head. She too saw the event happening around them. She acted fast. She quickly took a gun from the ground and she shot the nearest terrorist. Suddenly, instead of blood, light poured out from the terrorist’s body.

  “William, run.” Olivia shouted.

  William, Olivia and William’s mother ran away from the scene. The very air got filled with terrorists’ scream. Then the light men stopped raining from the flying saucer. The flying saucer then flew away from the scene.

  William and his team stayed behind a building and they peered at the scene. It seems that the light men are somehow merging with the terrorists’ body. The terrorists for a short time wriggled from where they stood as the light men entered inside their body. Then they stopped wriggling. Then William saw it. All the possessed terrorists’ eyes are glowing in a vibrant blue colour. The terrorists crouched down and they took their dropped guns from the ground.

  The terrorists didn’t utter a word. They moved towards a nearby building. William and his team watched all this with open mouth. Suddenly, from a nearby building, other terrorists opened fire at the possessed terrorists. As the bullets struck the possessed terrorists, light pour out from their wounds. Then the possessed terrorists also opened fire.

  Suddenly, a few light men standing nearby flew inside the building. They entered inside through the walls and closed doors. There is nothing stopping them from entering the building. The terrorists inside the building fired in all direction and a series of light beams arose from here and there. The bullets are indeed hurting these light men, or alien, or whatever they are. A few possessed terrorists dropped dead, but the remaining possessed terrorists opened fire at the terrorists who are inside the building.

  Scream of terrorists came from various directions. It’s complete chaos.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Olivia said.

  William nodded. They quickly ran towards a nearby building. Suddenly an alien appeared in front of them. It stood there, watching William and his team. William and his team froze for a moment. Suddenly the alien rushed towards William.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Olivia trained her gun and pulled the trigger. Bullets rushed at the alien. All the bullets struck the alien and light beams poured out from all over its body. Suddenly the alien exploded into pieces, each piece resembles a shard of light.


  “Ahh ...”

  Suddenly one of the possessed terrorist shot down William’s mom from behind them. She dropped dead with a short yelp.

  “Mom,” William cried out loud.

  Olivia acted fast. She trained her assault rifle and pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly the possessed terrorist also pulled the trigger. Some of the bullets struck on William’s shoulder. William dropped to the ground. He struggled from the ground and he screamed in pain. Olivia’s bullets finally struck the terrorist’s head. Suddenly light poured out from its head and it dropped dead.

  Sound of gunfire can be heard from all directions. Olivia quickly helped William to stand up. She quickly hauled him inside a nearby building. She closed the door behind them. Suddenly William collapsed on the floor.

  “William,” Olivia’s voice filled in his head.

  Then William’s world went blank.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 48 – Edward

  Somewhere in Wyoming

  Edward slowly opened his eyes. Jan and Jim are still asleep on his lap. Edward slowly placed Jan’s and Jim’s head on the floor and he stood up. He felt very cold. His shirt and pants are still drenched in rain water. It hasn’t been long since the sun broke in the horizon.

  Edward slowly looked around him. He is in an apartment building. He galloped towards a nearby door. He slowly opened the door and got inside a room. Then he found what he was looking for – dry clothes. Edward took a pair of clothes from the shelf and he quickly undressed. Then he wore the dry clothes on top of him. The new clothes are perfect fit for him. Now he need clothes for Jan and Jim.

  Edward rifled through the shelves for tiny clothes.

  Before long he found two pairs of small jeans and shirts. He took them and then he galloped towards Jan and Jim. Jan and Jim are still asleep. Edward went near them and he shook them.

  “Jan, Jim, wake up, kids.”

  Jan and Jim slowly opened their eyes.

  “Wear this.” Edward gave them the dress.

  * * *

  Edward and his kids stood near the window and they peered outside. Edward took a bite of his hamburger and he stared at the sky.

  “Dad, are we going outside?” Jim asked.

  “We have to, Jim. We need to find a good place to stay.” Edward said.

  Suddenly, Edward saw a movement from behind a building across the street. Edward stared at the streets. Then he saw a few terrorists walking through the street with assault rifles. All of them are wearing that high tech suit and everyone have that helmets on their heads.

  Edward quickly crouched down on the floor. Jan and Jim did the same.

  “Dad, what would we do now?” Jim asked.

  “I don’t know, son, I don’t know.”

  Edward then thought about those aliens. He thought about Tracy and he remembered what she had said. She said humans are their robots. The aliens must have got inside her body and the alien must have merged with her body.

  If that’s the case, the terrorists outside might also be possessed by the aliens. Last night, hundreds of aliens rained from the sky. They all must be inside the terrorists’ body. Fortunately, that tall terrorist was able to kill Tracy. So, the aliens definitely will die. Now the question is, how could he escape from this city alive? Those things might be anywhere.

  God, show me a way out.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 49 – Bobby

  Somewhere in Oregon

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Bobby woke up hearing a series of gun shots. He quickly stood up with a surging panic. He found Josephine, Jonathan and Abigail near a window. Fortunately they are fine. They are observing something outside. Bobby took a deep sigh.

  Based on the sounds, a fire fight is progressing just outside the building. Bobby quickly galloped towards a window and he peered outside. Then he saw it.

  Numerous things similar to human, but they are not human, are raining from the sky. The sky is filled with rain clouds and the origin of these things is not visible. One thing he observed about these things is that, these things are glowing in a yellow colour.

  “Are they angels?” Bobby asked.

  Jonathan shook his head. “Watch the streets.”

  Bobby quickly stared at the streets. Since sun had started breaking in the horizon, everything is faintly visible. Then he saw it. Numerous light things are on the ground and they are getting inside the terrorists’ body. Terrorists are shooting in all directions and a few bullets managed to strike the light things. Suddenly light beams emitted from the light things. A few light things suddenly exploded into pieces as bullets struck them.

  A moment later, the possessed terrorists also started to shoot in all directions. When bullets struck on the possessed terrorists, light beams came out of their wounds.

  “What the hell are they?” Bobby asked in confusion.

bsp; “My best guess is aliens.” Jonathan said.

  Aliens? What the hell? I thought this is a terrorist apocalypse. Why on earth aliens involved in this?

  Certainly, this is the end of the world.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 50 – Frank Chester

  Somewhere in Chicago

  “Get back from me, you bitches.” Frank shouted.

  The men approached Frank.

  “Frank, Frank, Frank. Cool down, man.” The leader said.

  “Cool down? You, fucking cool down. You guys are the fucking aliens.” Frank said.

  Leader shifted his gaze to the tall old man. “He will not cooperate. Do want him alive for experiments?”

  The tall old man shook his dead. “I don’t need him alive. I just need the body.”

  The leader drew out his revolver from its holster.

  “Good bye, Frank.” The leader said and he trained his gun at Frank.


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