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Plain Jane MacAllister

Page 13

by Joan Elliott Pickart

  “No,” she said, “but you might change your mind about marrying me, because I’m not just a me I’m a we and I don’t know if you want to start out with a we because it was supposed to be later, in the future, and…”

  “Emily! What are you talking about?”

  “I’m pregnant,” she said, then burst into tears.

  Mark opened his mouth, closed it, shook his head slightly, then tried again.

  “You’re…carrying my…our baby?”

  “Yes,” she said, then sniffled.

  “I didn’t protect you those two times we made love and… You’re pregnant?”

  “Would you quit that? It isn’t going to go away if you keep saying it over and over again. It isn’t going to go away at all. I’m two months pregnant, and—”

  “And,” Mark said, framing her face in his hands and smiling at her with tears shimmering in his eyes, “this is the most incredibly fantastic, wondrous wedding present you could have given me.”


  “Oh, yes, really.”

  “You’re going to watch me get fatter and fatter before I had a chance to finish getting thinner and thinner,” Emily wailed. “But I want this baby so much, and I love you so much, and I—”

  Mark silenced her babble with a kiss that stole the very breath from her body just as Trevor came in the front door.

  “Oh, geez,” Trevor said, “you guys are hugging and kissing and crying, and the wedding isn’t even until tomorrow.”

  Mark broke the kiss and nestled Emily close to his side, turning them both to look at their son.

  “Tomorrow,” Mark said, smiling, “is the beginning of this family’s forever. Come on over here and join us, because your mother and I have something very special to share with you…big brother.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0072-2


  Copyright © 2002 by Joan Elliott Pickart

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  *The Baby Bet

  †Family Men

  ΔThe Bachelor Bet

  ◊The Baby Bet: MacAllister’s Gifts




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