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Baby For My Omega (MPreg Hospital Book 1)

Page 5

by Dex Bass

  “The policy is in the charter. The hospital was founded to be safe for everybody. And that means no unmated alphas in the patient areas.” Ollie shrugged. Then he looked at Oscar and sneered. “As much as that policy might derail your brazen attempts to find a hot doctor mate.” Even the cameraman winced.

  “Thank you for your thoughts, Ollie. Now back to you in the studio, Vilma.” Maybe that sounded a bit passive-aggressive. But Oscar really was thankful for Ollie’s thoughts. It would make good TV. And it confirmed that Adam Albright really was unmated and ready for love. And Adam was very likely holding out for Oscar. Ollie shook his head at the camera and sauntered off into the crowd. Oscar was hoping for Ollie to make a rude hand gesture to the camera. That would’ve made really, really great TV. But Ollie didn’t give Oscar that satisfaction. Maybe he knew it would’ve helped Oscar’s career rather than hurt him.

  The cameraman pushed a button on the camera and shouted “that’s a wrap,” then exhaled and shook his head a bit. “How you feeling, Oscar?”

  “A bit worn out, but I’ll be ok.” He was in fact worn out. But he was also excited. As soon as the camera guys were out of sight, he’d plan. Or something. The camera guy had no idea that Oscar really did know Adam Albright. Or at least he had Adam Albright’s phone number, on the business card that was still somewhere in his wallet, probably just behind his press ID.

  The camera truck’s crew drove off. Oscar took a deep breath — not to relax, but to smell the air and verify for himself that Adam really wasn’t at the hospital. Oscar wasn’t sure how far away he could’ve smelled Adam, but it felt as though he could’ve smelled him from anywhere around the hospital grounds. And on that morning at MPreg Hospital, he couldn’t smell Adam at all, even if he could smell what seemed like millions of other alphas milling around.

  Oscar went back to his car. He wanted privacy — privacy from the sound and the smell of MPreg Hospital. Safely in his locked car, he found Adam Albright’s card in his wallet. And on the card, he found Adam’s phone number. He dialed.

  “Oscar. Nice to hear from you.” Adam had answered before Oscar even heard a ring tone.

  “Doctor Albright. How did you know it’s me?”

  “Alpha magic. Actually, caller ID.”

  “Oh yeah. I forgot about caller ID.” Not everything was alpha magic, after all. Sometimes Oscar forgot that alphas were just regular people who used regular things like caller ID.

  “You’re cute.”

  “I work as a TV news reporter.” Oscar was about to make up a news-related excuse for calling Adam, but he was also going to put out the feelers for whether Adam would be alright with Oscar being on TV even if he and Adam were together.

  “I know that already.” That was a little terrifying: an alpha who seemed to be omniscient, or at least telepathic.

  “How did you know that?” Oscar lost his cool a bit when he asked it.

  “Alpha magic.” Adam chuckled. “Are you nervous?” Adam was cool and confident as always.

  “Anyway. Umm.” Oscar struggled for the next thing to say. Adam already knowing that he was a TV reporter threw Oscar off his planned routine. He had expected to spend some time explaining his job to Adam and making sure that Adam was ok with it before he even proceeded to speak any more with Adam. But Adam already knew, somehow. Alpha magic. And Adam was still interested in Oscar. Alpha magic again. “Anyway, Doctor Albright, I’m calling you for your comments because I’m doing a report on MPreg Hospital. Your coworkers told me that you walked off the job today.”

  Oscar could lie, just a little bit, and claim that his phone call was for his report. His report was already done, filed, about to air. But he didn’t want to look desperate or easy.

  “They’re my former coworkers. And your report already aired a few minutes ago, didn’t it, Oscar?”

  “How did you know — I didn’t — I mean, I didn’t — I had no way of —” Oscar was feeling all flustered again. Adam, through his sheer intelligence and confidence, made Oscar trip up. It was uncomfortable but also very comfortable and very sexy. Adam was taking on his alpha role even when he wasn’t consciously being domineering. He was just being smart and confident. The best kind of alpha.

  “No reason to lie to me,” Adam said, very much playing up the smart and confident angle. “Anyway, what did you want to know? Whether I miss MPreg Hospital or what?”

  “Your cowor— your former coworkers said the hospital can’t run without you.”

  “Maybe that’s true.”

  “I was wondering, on behalf of the residents of Springville, especially on behalf of omegas and alphas who badly need your medical care: would you ever consider coming back to work at MPreg Hospital again?”

  “Not for a while. It’s amazing being out.”


  “Openly being an unmated alpha. Being able to walk around and stare at omegas. I’m going to put up a profile on dating sites. All the things I haven’t been able to ever do in my life until now, since I wanted to go into male pregnancy medicine. Now I can forget about male pregnancy medicine and have some fun.”

  “You’ve never…?”

  “Bit personal, isn’t it?”

  “Are you a virgin alpha?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m a virgin. I’ve made use of hookups, especially when I’m traveling. But I’ve never had a mate or a boyfriend or any kind of — well, without getting into details, I just missed out on a lot, you know?”

  “Wow. Sounds like you missed out on a lot.”

  “Do you want to come over and help me make up for what I’ve been missing?” Oscar couldn’t believe Adam’s brash confidence. Adam’s blunt invitation was overwhelming and slightly impolitic, yet extremely sexy and alluring.

  “Uhm, would I, you’re asking whether I would, would I—” Oscar felt himself flushing bright red, sitting there in the parking lot of MPreg Hospital. The man who had caused the commotion inside the hospital was now causing a commotion in Oscar’s mind, and heart.

  “I’ll sext you my address,” Adam said. “I mean text you.”


  Adam had already opened the front gate in anticipation. Oscar was at Adam’s house within an hour. Adam had changed into thin sweatpants — “lounging pants,” officially — and nothing else. There was no reason to wear a shirt around the house. Especially when the omega of his dreams was coming over to Adam’s house, and Adam had a muscled chest and abs that would send any omega into heat. Adam’s sweatpants were sheer enough for the bulbous head of his erect dick to show itself through the fabric.

  Standing in front of Adam’s doorway, in the morning light, Oscar was that much more beautiful than he’d ever been in the confines of the hospital. His blue eyes reflected wild sunlight instead of only being able to reflect fluorescent hospital lights. His wavy hair was like a candelabra in the light. And the wind at Oscar’s back wafting into the house bathed Adam in a constant wave of Oscar’s enticing omega scent.

  “Come in.” It was the only thing Adam could say. Oscar still wore his pressed blue dress shirt and slacks, the very same ones Adam had just seen on the TV report. Adam’s fantasy had come true. Oscar was a TV figure who just showed up at his door. And Oscar wasn’t just any TV figure. He was the TV figure Adam had been dreaming about ever since he first saw him at MPreg Hospital.

  Oscar entered Adam’s house. He looked around and smiled. He gazed up at the vaulted ceilings and nodded in appreciation. At least he noticed those things. Adam enjoyed his high-end mansion, but he enjoyed it even more when Oscar noticed. It was the first time Adam had wanted to impress anyone with his house, or with anything.

  “Let me show you around.” It was, again, the only thing Adam could say. Oscar walked into living room. His tailored slacks accomplished an amazing feat of being classy and businesslike but perfectly showing off the curves of his full, fertile ass. But Adam would lead the way on the house tour. Oscar would be able to view the curves of Adam’s house, but Adam wouldn’t be a
ble to view the curves of Oscar’s ass, at least not in that moment. And it would most likely be Oscar breathing Adam’s pheromones as they walked around the house. Maybe the tour would end in the bedroom.

  Adam used to shrug off any compliments about his mansion. With six thousand square feet and four bedrooms for one solitary Adam Albright, it was a true bachelor pad. Adam’s house had impressed nobody but Adam himself. But now, Adam was basking in Oscar’s appreciative glances at the vaulted ceilings, the full-length mirrors and windows. Oscar even noticed the Sub-Zero appliances in the kitchen and gave an appreciative grin.

  Adam opened the glass patio door, the same glass patio door at which he’d rejected Ollie. Oscar looked outside, at the swimming pool. “Beautiful pool. Do you ever use it?”

  “Sometimes. I swim here sometimes. Naked, because this place is so private. But I’d feel better having someone to swim with me.”

  “I love swimming.” Oscar smiled. The way Oscar breathily said love — Adam quietly swooned.

  “Swimming is great exercise for a pregnant man.” Adam was trying to sound like a doctor, rather than like a horny alpha who wanted to make Oscar pregnant. He was very much both.

  “I’m not pregnant.”

  “You’re not pregnant yet.” In the hallway to the bedrooms, Adam turned around to face Oscar. He flashed his white alpha teeth at Oscar as he smiled at him. Adam tried to make his smile as meaning and portentous as he could. If the smile didn’t send the message, his fully raging alpha pheromones must have. And Adam’s dick had already swollen up inside his thin, sheer sweatpants. His sex power was on display.

  Oscar looked discreetly down at the bulge in Adam’s pants, then moved his eyes away to look at the two doors that loomed down the hallway. “You have four bedrooms here, and you live alone?”

  “Yeah. The other three bedrooms are guest bedrooms for now, even though I never have any guests. In the future I want one of the bedrooms to be for my child.”

  “You’re childless?” Oscar asked. And he coyly added, “I mean, childless so far?”

  “Of course I’m childless. I haven’t met the right omega yet.”

  “You haven’t?”

  “Correction. I haven’t made love to the right omega yet.” Adam smiled, then jutted out his hips ever-so-slightly.

  Adam’s erect dick tented the thin stretch fabric of his pants. It looked like a long mushroom wrapped in tissue paper. It was wrapped and hidden, but its shape was obviously visible. Adam only occasionally glanced down at Oscar’s crotch to check for a visible erection in his khaki slacks. It wasn’t as obvious to see in dress khakis as in sheer sweatpants. But there was definitely a tenting in Oscar’s crotch.

  Oscar’s omega smell was unbearable: unbearably alluring. Being anywhere but inside Oscar was what was unbearable for Adam. He breathed deeply to try to relax, but instead he only breathed more of Oscar’s pheromones. He felt himself turning red.

  Oscar stepped closer to Adam. Oscar’s smell almost put Adam in another world. Oscar was a drug. Adam looked into Oscar’s blue eyes and felt more and more intoxicated. Adam had never needed anything as much as he needed Oscar in that moment.

  Adam leaned in, his face closer and closer to Oscar’s face. He touched his lips to Oscar’s lips. Oscar closed his eyes slightly. Oscar’s pheromone musk was like a deluge over Adam’s nose. Oscar was releasing a lot of pheromones and Adam was highly aroused and sensitive to omega smell.

  He slid his tongue inside Oscar’s mouth, past his wet, tight lips. Inside, Oscar’s mouth tasted like mouthwash and spit and sex and omega lust. He roamed inside Oscar’s mouth, exploring his tongue, gums, and teeth. He pumped his tongue under Oscar’s tongue as if it were a hungry omega buttcrack.

  Adam wasn’t just highly aroused. He was rock hard and his balls heaved with hot, fertile cum, millions of sperm ready to make Oscar pregnant. He didn’t only want to kiss Oscar. Even just sex wasn’t it. He knew he needed to make a baby deep inside Oscar.

  Adam embraced Oscar and pushed him against the hallway wall, so he could kiss him harder. They made out furiously, tongues both erect and running over tongues, lips on lips, alpha and omega pheromones and lust everywhere.

  Oscar’s back pressed Adam’s hands hard against the wall. On Adam’s fingers it felt like a loving push, an embrace, almost like a love nibble delivered from Oscar’s torso. Adam did his best to palm and squeeze at Oscar’s back muscles. Meanwhile, Oscar frantically ran his hands up and down Adam’s naked back.

  Looking deeply into Adam’s eyes, Oscar unbuttoned his dress shirt, button by buttoned. He untucked the shirt, then peeled it off and threw it on the floor.

  Oscar was now shirtless. He was still wearing his tailored slacks, but Adam was sure he could change that state of affairs fairly quickly.

  Adam’s hands were now groping Oscar’s nude back just as Oscar’s hands groped Adam’s nude back. Oscar’s red nipples were erect and huge. It was a definite sign of a fertile omega very much capable of becoming pregnant and lactating, given the right load of cum from a capable alpha.

  Adam put his hands flat on Oscar’s abs, then slid them inside Oscar’s pants and underwear. Then unbuttoned. Opened. Slid down two layers, slacks and briefs, that were hiding Oscar’s omega reproductive powers.

  The pants and briefs were off. Oscar kicked them away with a slight laugh. Rising from Oscar’s pubes was the most beautiful slim, long, veiny omega penis Adam could have ever dreamed of. Adam saw a lot of omega cocks in his professional life, but he’d never seen a penis as pretty as Oscar’s. It sat in a closely trimmed scrub of brownish pubic hair. Oscar’s balls were on the big side, and manly. His birth flap, just below his belly button, was well-formed, crescent-shaped, ready to deliver a baby — although it obviously had not yet been used for that purpose.

  “My turn now,” Oscar said. He slid his fingers under the waistband of Adam’s sweatpants. Adam didn’t wear underwear at home. With one flick of Oscar’s wrist, Adam’s pants were down.

  Adam’s gargantuan alpha dick sprung up. Its precum-dripping head casually grazed Oscar’s thigh. Oscar gyrated his hips, running the length of his birth flap along Adam’s dickhead. Adam had seen plenty of birth flaps in his work, but had never felt the sandpaper-like lips of a birth flap on his dick’s sensitive, engorged cockhead.

  Adam kissed Oscar’s mouth, his chin, his jaw, his nose. He moved his hands down between Oscar’s body and the wall and palmed Oscar’s meaty ass cheeks.

  When Adam slid his mouth down to Oscar’s chest to lick at his nipples, he was holding his hands firmly under Oscar’s ass cheeks. Oscar took the chance to hop up into Adam’s embrace. Oscar wrapped his legs around Adam’s waist while holding on to his shoulders. Adam parted Oscar’s ass cheeks with his hands.

  “Are you ready for it?” Adam whispered into Oscar’s ear.

  “Ready for what?” Oscar was grinning, almost laughing. Of course he knew. But Adam could play along.

  “For me to fuck your ass like a good alpha and fill you with my fertile nectar.”

  “Yes, Doctor Albright. I want that procedure right now.” Oscar was still grinning, playing every bit the part of the cheeky, mischievous omega.

  Adam angled his long, fat cock up into Oscar’s asshole. Adam knew enough from male pregnancy medicine that Oscar was already producing enough lubrication. That, plus Adam’s own alpha precum, made it very easy for Adam to shove his entire dick inside Oscar’s ass. He lowered Oscar onto his own crotch and dick, pulling him onto his dick and filling him up completely with it.

  The fat dick rushed into Oscar’s hungry asshole. Oscar growled with pain and ecstasy and gratitude for being filled up.

  Adam held up Oscar’s ass cheeks, using his hands as a ledge, while using his dick to pound Oscar against the wall. Oscar wrapped his legs tighter and tighter while Adam was fucking him. With all his passion, Oscar dug his bare heels into Adam’s ass cheeks.

  They kissed again. Adam’s kiss was ecstatic and hungry. Adam’s dick
finally felt right, after a lifetime of needing an omega to satisfy his sexual, romantic, and reproductive needs.

  Oscar breathed quickly in rhythm with Adam’s pumping thrusts into his ass. Adam pumped his precum-soaked dick in and out of Oscar’s ass. Oscar breathed in and out. He threw his head back, pressing the back of his head against the hard wall. Then he looked into Adam’s eyes. “I love you. Adam Albright, I love you.”

  They kissed, deeper than ever. Their tongues reached deeply into each other’s mouths. Adam tongue fucked Oscar as he lifted Oscar up and down on his thick dick. Oscar’s natural lube mixed with Adam’s precum and dripped, drop by drop, onto their bare feet and the floor.

  Adam kept fucking Oscar as he held him up in his hands, bracing Oscar’s back against the wall. Adam varied the angle of his thrusts to explore up and down in Oscar’s ass and probe his prostate. He wanted Oscar to feel him all the way, from every direction. He was fulfilling his and Oscar’s sexual needs both. All that mattered in the end was that Adam’s fertile cum wound up deep inside Oscar’s ass.

  Adam whispered into Oscar’s ear. “I’m gonna pull out for a second. I wanna move to the bed.”

  “Sure.” Oscar approved with a face like he was about to get a present.

  Adam started to lift Adam up off his dick, to move to the bedroom. Adam’s cock was stuck deep inside Oscar. It could go in deeper, and it could move around inside of Oscar’s asshoel, but there was no way it was coming out — at least not until Adam had put his seed into Oscar. “Oh shit. I know this from medical school. Knotting.”

  Oscar laughed while pressing his ass down further to impale himself deeper on Adam’s shaft. “Smart alpha doctor. You know about knotting only from medical school. But it’s never actually happened to you?”

  “Supposed to only happen when you’re with an alpha’s real omega mate, ready to make a baby.” Adam gripped Oscar and held him even closer to himself while he kept pushing his dick in and around Oscar’s asshole.


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