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Waiting for Love

Page 32

by Marie Force

  Rising to her knees, Abby began with kisses to his belly, giving special attention to each of the well-defined muscles that rippled in response. She moved down to discover he was fully onboard with her mission. “That didn’t take much effort on my part.”

  “He’s not completely convinced, so you might want to make sure he’s here to stay.”

  She smiled as she took him in hand, stroking him gently, trying to learn what he liked—and what he didn’t. There seemed to be much more of the former than the latter. “I’m not very good at this.”

  “You’re holding the evidence to the contrary.”

  “What do you like?”

  “Anything you want to do. I promise I’ll like it.”


  “Use your imagination.”

  “How’s this?” Abby bent down to run her tongue over the tip, which drew a sharp inhale from him.

  “Very good. Do it again.”

  She did it a second time, adding a bit of suction.

  When he fisted a handful of her hair, she let him guide her down, taking him into her mouth. “Use your tongue. Yes, yes, like that. Abby… How can you say you’re not good at this?”

  Encouraged by his response, she took him deeper the next time.

  “Stop.” He tugged gently on her hair. “Stop.”

  She looked up at him. “Did I do it wrong?”

  “No.” Adam sat up and reached for another condom and then for her. “You did it perfectly right. So right that I’m about to explode—again.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “Come here.”

  “I’m here.”


  Abby straddled his lap. “Is this close enough?”

  “Almost.” With his hands cupping her bottom, he raised her and brought her down on his length.

  “Is this close enough?” she asked.

  “Not quite.” His lips hovered close to hers, and his chest hair tickled her breasts as she took him in. “Now wrap your arms and legs around me. That’s it. Tighter. Mmm. Perfect. Finally close enough.”

  Abby took advantage of the opportunity to comb her fingers through his thick dark hair. “I love your hair.”

  “I love this spot on your neck,” he said, placing a kiss that made her sigh. “You do that every time I kiss you there.”

  “Do what?”

  “Sigh with pleasure—at least I hope it’s pleasure.”

  “It is.” She’d never known such pleasure. Sex without anxiety was all new to her, and she discovered she quite liked it. “So much pleasure, I’m drunk on it.”

  “So much better than tequila, huh?”

  “Way better.”

  “Kiss me.”

  Happy to do as he asked, Abby brought her lips down on his and kept them there as he picked up the pace. When he reached down to coax another orgasm from her, she tore her lips free and held on tight to him. As she climbed toward release, she couldn’t believe the way he seemed to always know what she needed. Lost in a sea of overwhelming pleasure, Abby was barely aware of him turning them so he was on top as he drove them to the finish line, which they reached together in a moment of utter harmony.

  They remained locked together for a long time afterward. Abby had never felt closer or more in tune with another human being. Here was what she’d always wanted and had begun to fear she’d never find. Once again, however, she’d ended up with a man whose home and life were elsewhere. She wouldn’t think about that until she had to, she decided as he lay heavy and warm on top of her. For now, for as long as they had together, she’d enjoy every minute and then let him go when the time came.

  “I can feel you thinking again.”

  “How can you feel someone thinking?”

  “You get all tense, and your lips get tight.” He traced a finger over her mouth to make his point. “What’re you thinking about?”

  “Nothing, really.”

  “Don’t start lying to me now, Abs. Not when you’ve been so honest about everything else.”

  His insight only made him more appealing, if that was possible. “I wish things were different. That’s all.”

  “What things?”

  “I wish you were planning to stay here, for one thing.”

  “How do you know I’m not?”

  “Maddie said something tonight about you going back to New York to deal with your company. That was news to me.”

  “Sorry you had to hear it that way. Nothing has happened yet beyond asking my lawyer to get involved. I expect it to drag on for months, which is why I didn’t say anything. There’s nothing to say until something happens.”

  “What’ll you do if you win?”

  His hand moved in a soft caress on her back. “Hard to say until it happens. If it happens.”

  “What made you decide to fight?”

  “I got past the shock of it all and finally got mad. When I called my lawyer, he was already mad on my behalf and had only been waiting for my call to press forward. He says we have a very strong case.” Adam shrugged. “I’m trying not to think about it until I hear more from him.” He raised his head from her chest and kissed her. “I’m sorry you heard it from someone other than me.”

  “It’s okay. I understand why you wouldn’t want to talk about it.”

  “In the meantime,” he said, kissing her, “I’m right where I want to be.”

  “So am I.”

  When he started to withdraw from her, Abby stopped him. “Stay.” She wanted him to stay forever but would never ask that of him. She told herself this was enough. If it was all they ever had, it would be enough. But even as she had the thought, she knew it wasn’t true.

  Adam woke to sun streaming in the window and Abby warm and naked in his arms, her legs wrapped up in his. Since he couldn’t move without disturbing her, he stayed still and enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the morning after a night he wouldn’t soon forget. The sex had been incredible. But more incredible had been the emotion, the intimacy and the connection he’d experienced with her.

  Now that he knew what he’d been missing with Sasha, he couldn’t believe he’d stayed with her as long as he had. He was more convinced than ever that she’d done him a huge favor by screwing him over—in more ways than one.

  If he were being honest, it was also a huge relief to no longer have the weight of responsibility for the company weighing on him every minute of every day. For many, many years, he’d loved the work, the rat race and the thrill of watching the company he’d built from nothing find success unlike anything he could’ve dreamed of at the beginning. But after nearly two weeks away from the company, it was a major revelation to realize he didn’t miss it—at all.

  With his mind and body fully relaxed and sated from the best sex of his life, Adam dozed off again, waking to his ringing phone sometime later. After years of running for ringing phones, he ignored it because he could. When it rang again about five minutes later, he thought about getting up to find it but couldn’t seem to work up the effort it would take. The third time it rang, Abby stirred.

  “Is that your phone?”

  “Yeah. Third time in fifteen minutes. I’d better get it.” By the time he disentangled from her, he’d begun to worry about his family as he pulled the phone from the pocket of his jeans. He glanced at the caller ID and saw his lawyer’s name. “Hey, Rick. What’s up?”

  “Glad you finally answered.”

  “Sorry, I was sleeping in.”

  “Must be nice.”

  He glanced at Abby in the bed, eyes closed, lips plump and swollen from passion and dark hair spread out on the pillow. “It’s very nice.”

  “We’ve had a somewhat major development in your case.”

  Hoping Abby would go back to sleep, Adam took the phone into the bathroom and closed the door. “What’s that?”

  “Sasha resigned last night. The board has reached out to you with a letter of apology and an invitation for you to return as CEO. They’ve set a meeting for four o’clock today, an
d they’d like you to be there. This is moving very quickly, Adam. We’ve got them right where we want them, and this is your chance to return on your own terms. I got the sense that they’re prepared to move forward with other management if you’re not interested.”

  Adam listened to Rick and tried to absorb it all. Sasha had left. The company was his for the taking if he wanted it. Did he want it?

  “If you don’t wish to return, and part of me wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, they still have to buy you out, and they know it. So the ball is totally in your court.”

  The events of the last two weeks raced through his mind like a movie on fast forward—Sasha’s betrayal, the loss of his company, the accident that had nearly claimed the lives of his brothers, meeting up with Abby on the ferry and the time they’d spent together since then, culminating in a night of incredible passion.

  He thought about how he’d started CSI in his living room with a friend who’d taken a better offer soon after. Adam had moved forward alone and turned the company into a multimillion-dollar enterprise through years of hard work and dedication. Then he recalled how it had been taken from him in the course of one unbelievable afternoon.

  “Adam? How do you wish to proceed?”

  Images from the night with Abby flashed through his mind like an erotic movie, muddling his brain and complicating what would’ve been an easy decision only a few days ago.

  And then, in a moment of utter clarity, Adam knew exactly what he needed to do. It was so obvious it made him laugh to think of how foolish he’d been to think there was anything else he could do.

  “Let them know I’ll see them at four.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  With his decision made, Adam took a shower and got dressed. When he was ready to go, he sat on the bed and ran a hand from Abby’s shoulder, down her arm to grasp her hand. He leaned in to kiss her cheek and then her lips.

  She came awake slowly, her eyes fluttering open. When she saw him looking down at her, she smiled. That warm, sweet smile confirmed that he was doing the right thing. “You’re all dressed.”

  “I have to go to New York for a meeting about the company later today.”

  Her smile faded, and her brows furrowed. “Has something happened?”

  “Apparently, Sasha has resigned and the board has invited me to return on whatever terms I set forth.”

  “That’s amazing, Adam. I hope you plan to make them grovel a bit.”

  “Of course I will.”

  “I’m happy for you.”

  With his hands flat on either side of her, he gave her a lingering kiss. “Want to come with me?”

  “I wish I could, but Laura is counting on me to get the store open. Janey and Joe are looking at one of Ned’s places today, so I’ll hopefully be moving into their current house soon. I’ve got to get my stuff out of my parents’ basement. Lots to do here.”

  “I know.” He kissed her again. “I’ll call you.”

  “No,” she said. “Don’t call. Let’s not make promises we can’t keep. It was lovely. I enjoyed every minute we spent together, but let’s not make it into something it’s not. You’ve got your life in the city. My life is here, and I just can’t do another long-distance relationship. Not even for you.”


  She touched her fingers to his lips. “Please. Don’t say it. Go back to your life. I’ll be okay. I promise.”

  “Don’t sleep with strangers,” he said with a teasing grin that didn’t match the dismay he felt at leaving her.

  “I won’t. You’ve ruined me for casual sex.”

  “That was my goal.”

  She reached for him, and he went willingly into her sweet embrace.

  His lips brushed against her neck, making her tremble. “Don’t let anyone ever try to convince you that you aren’t perfect exactly the way you are.”

  “Adam,” she said with a sigh.

  He held her for a long time, longer than he’d intended to. “I’ll be back.”

  She shook her head. “No promises.”

  He cupped her face and kissed her one last time. “Take care.”

  “You, too. Fight for what’s yours.”

  “I fully intend to.”

  As the door clicked shut behind him, Abby put both hands over her mouth to muffle her sobs. She wanted to chase after him, to beg him not to go, to tell him she loved him. But she’d done all that before and couldn’t do it again, even if she already loved him more than she’d ever loved Cal or Grant.

  Everything was different with him. It had taken only a few days to know that for certain. From that very first encounter on the ferry, it had been different. He had been different.

  “God, you’re such an idiot,” she whispered through her tears. “All your declarations that you’re done with men, and you let this happen? How did you manage to make everything worse in only three days?”

  If there were a prize for world-class losers in love, Abby would have to be a contender for first place.

  Though her inclination was to stay in bed all day and lick her wounds, she dragged herself into the shower. Every inch of her body ached from the night of exquisite passion. As the hot water pounded down on her, she let the tears flow freely, determined to get them out now and then get on with it.

  She’d done enough crying over men for one lifetime. She’d never forget the time she’d spent with Adam, but it was over now, and she would survive. Somehow, someway, she’d get through this the way she’d gotten through all the other setbacks. She spent extra time on her makeup to cover the damage left by a mostly sleepless night as well as the ravages of tears and had just finished drying her hair when a knock sounded at her door.

  She resented the burst of excitement of wondering if he might’ve come back. When she opened the door, she found Janey rather than Adam in the hallway and tried to mask her disappointment.

  “Come in.”

  Red-faced and breathing hard after hauling her pregnant self up the three flights to Abby’s room, Janey sat on the edge of the rumpled bed. “We didn’t get a chance last night to talk about you and Adam.”

  The words struck Abby like a shot to the heart. There was no her and Adam. Not anymore. “There’s nothing to tell.” Abby kept her tone light to hide the heaviness weighing on her heart. “We got tattoos, hung out, had some fun. He’s on his way to the city today. Back to work where he belongs.”

  “My brother Adam got a tattoo?”

  “A map of Gansett on his arm.”

  “Where’s yours?”

  Abby held out her leg for Janey to inspect.

  “I love that. It’s gorgeous.”

  Pleased by her friend’s response, Abby said, “I love it, too.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “Like a mother-you-know-what.” Swearing would never, ever come naturally to her, no matter how hard she tried.

  “I hadn’t heard he was leaving.”

  “Apparently, he didn’t know either until he got a call this morning about a meeting this afternoon.”

  “You’ve been crying.”

  “Maybe a little, but I’m okay. Did you and Joe look at the house?”

  Janey nodded. “Ned had us over there first thing. We loved it. It’s perfect. It even has a fenced-in yard for the puppies.”

  Relieved that Janey hadn’t pursued the subject of Adam any further, Abby said, “Where is it?”

  “About a mile from Mac and Maddie’s. That was definitely a selling point.”

  “So you’re going to buy it?”

  “I think we will. Why rent when we’ll need a permanent residence here eventually?”


  “My place is all yours at the end of the month.”

  “That soon?”

  Janey rested her hand on the baby bump. “We don’t have much time to waste if we want to be settled by the time Junior makes his or her debut.”

  “Can’t blame you. I’ll help you move.”

won’t say no to that.” Janey held out a hand to her. “Why do I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me?”

  Abby took her hand and sat next to Janey on the bed. “There’s nothing to tell. Honest.”

  Janey gave her the best hug she could with the baby in the way. “I’m so happy to have you home again, but I’m sorry about the circumstances.”

  Abby closed her eyes and absorbed the comfort that only an old friend could offer. “I’m very happy to be here.” That would be true if it was the last thing Abby ever did.

  Over the next few weeks, Abby threw herself into getting the store open in time for the start of the season. She helped Maddie and Laura plan a baby shower for Janey and Joe, and spent time with her parents, who had plenty to say about the tattoo.

  Abby let them go on about the dangers of needles and the permanence of tattoos, but every time she looked at the pretty purple flower she felt proud of herself for trying something new. The tattoo served as a permanent reminder of a lovely few days when everything had felt possible again.

  By the time she moved into Janey’s house on the first of June, her parents had thankfully run out of things to say about the tattoo. They helped her move and unpack boxes she’d left at their house when she went to Texas. She’d expected to open those boxes again after she and Cal were married and she sent for her things at home.

  Her parents seemed to recognize that Abby was going through a difficult time and took a break from asking questions about her plans. As far as they knew, she was mourning her breakup with Cal, and she said nothing to disabuse them of that notion. She was grateful for their help and their company, and left it at that.

  On the first night in her new little house, she was in bed when her phone chimed with a text just after midnight.

  You said I couldn’t call. You never said I couldn’t text. I want you to know I miss you, and there isn’t any other way to tell you.

  Abby smiled as she read the text, her heart racing with excitement.

  The phone chimed again.

  I hope you’re behaving and staying out of the bars.

  Don’t you dare write back to me, do you hear? If you do, that might mean we’re having some sort of long-distance relationship…


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