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The Manhattan Encounter

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by Addison Fox

  Will the mighty Steele fall?

  He’d faced down madmen with guns, hunted thieves and jumped off buildings for fun. So why is Liam Steele at his wit’s end when Dr. Isabella Magnini needs his protection? The brilliant and beautiful scientist’s work is revolutionary, and someone wants to keep her insights secret—no matter what it costs.

  When the House of Steele comes together to protect Isabella, Liam realizes just how isolated he’s truly become. And as he and Isabella dodge bullets, fires and even an invasion, he knows he’s in more danger than ever. Because how will he ever let her go?

  “Somehow I don’t get the feeling you’re a man who asks for kisses all that often.”

  Was that her voice? Those seductive, breathy tones that sounded like they came from the deepest part of her?

  “I can’t remember ever wanting one more.”

  He hesitated for the briefest moment, those vivid blue eyes sparking with fire, before pressing his lips to hers. Where she thought the awkward angle of their airplane seats would make it difficult to enjoy his kiss, it did the opposite. The barrier actually made the kiss sweeter, a subtle reminder they needed to work for what they wanted.

  Or reach out and take it.

  The thought hovered in the back of her mind as she laid her hands on Liam’s shoulders. If their kiss in the elevator that morning had been a surprise assault on the senses, this was a lush invitation.

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to the House of Steele! I’ve had a wonderful time writing about the Steele siblings—Liam, Campbell, Kensington and Rowan—and the high-end security firm they founded as a family. And oh, boy, have I been looking forward to writing Liam’s story.

  In The Manhattan Encounter the elusive, play-by-his-own-rules Liam finally falls into a situation he can’t brush off, walk away from or ignore. Pressed by his wily grandfather, Liam reluctantly takes on the case of a family acquaintance who has fallen into a spot of trouble.

  Dr. Isabella Magnini, a quiet scientist, has discovered an incredible breakthrough in DNA research. But when that breakthrough leads some unpleasant people to her door, she goes to the House of Steele for help.

  One of the things I most love about being an author is when a book takes me places I never expected. The Manhattan Encounter was one of those special books. When I started out, this was a fun, suspenseful romp putting two polar opposites on the run from the bad guys. What came out was an exploration of the importance of family, of self and of the deep importance of giving yourself—heart and soul—to another.

  I hope you enjoy Liam and Isabella’s story!


  Addison Fox



  Addison Fox

  Books by Addison Fox

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  *The Paris Assignment #1762

  *The London Deception #1774

  *The Rome Affair #1793

  *The Manhattan Encounter #1810

  *House of Steele


  is a Philadelphia girl transplanted to Dallas, Texas. Although her similarities to Grace Kelly stop at sharing the same place of birth, she’s often dreamed of marrying a prince and living along the Mediterranean.

  In the meantime, she’s more than happy penning romance novels about two strong-willed and exciting people who deserve their happy ever after—after she makes them work so hard for it, of course. When she’s not writing, she can be found spending time with family and friends, reading or enjoying a glass of wine.

  Find out more about Addison or contact her at her website——or catch up with her on Facebook (addisonfoxauthor) and Twitter (@addisonfox).

  For Jan

  Dearest friend, trusted confidant, word ninja, sounding board and wine enabler. For all these reasons and so many, many more, I am so blessed you are a part of my life.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  Chapter 1

  London, Today

  “You can’t be a damn playboy all your life.”

  Liam Steele stared down his grandfather and ignored the fact the man’s rheumy blue eyes held more mischief than censure. “Fascinating advice coming from a man who narrowly avoided an arranged marriage to a princess because the urge to sow wild oats remained too strong.”

  “I was waiting for the right woman. She wasn’t it.”

  “Maybe I am, too.”

  Alexander Steele’s snort was loud and about as subtle as the whistle of an oncoming freight train. “Could have fooled me.”

  A light sigh floated over the top of Liam’s head before a gentle hand cupped his shoulder. “Alex. For the love of God and all that’s holy, would you please leave the man alone? Even I’m sick of listening to you.”

  Liam stood and took his grandmother’s hand, helping her into the chair. “Nice save, Grandmother.”

  “A necessary one.” She settled her hands in her lap, her gaze focused on her husband. “He’s been going on and on and I’m done listening to him. You’ll settle down when you’re damn well ready to and not a moment sooner. Just because your father married at twenty doesn’t mean that’s the right path for you.”

  “Now, Penelope.” His grandfather started in with the tone Liam and his sister Kensington had dubbed the “Parliament Address.” “Marriage is good enough for Campbell, Rowan and Kenzi.”

  “Because they found the right partners. Liam’s still looking for the woman who makes his heart sing.”

  Liam shook his now-empty glass, the whiskey-tinged ice cubes making a satisfying sound to echo the end of Round 1. “I’m actually standing right here, you know.”

  “Yes, dear.” His grandmother patted the hand he’d left on her shoulder. “But sadly, the argument rages on whether you’re here or not. Your grandfather has wedding fever.”

  Which, to his grandmother’s earlier point, his siblings had done an admirable job of feeding. Three relationships in less than a year—good, solid relationships that were destined to stand the tests of time—had only increased his grandfather’s focus.

  His grandfather’s maniacal focus.

  “In the event it’s escaped anyone’s notice, I date plenty.”

  “Plenty being the operative word,” Alexander Steele grumbled. “You date a series of vapid models who are convinced a piece of chewing gum will make them fat. Real women eat.”

  Liam had learned long ago to let the opinions of others—even those he loved as dearly as he did his family—roll off his back. He lived his life as he chose and couldn’t muster up much concern about what anyone else thought.

  So why was the urge to simply leave so overwhelming?

  “I’m only in London overnight. Any chance we can discuss something a bit more interesting?”

  “What’s more interesti
ng than the rest of your life?”

  “Living it.” He set the leaded glass down with a thud on his grandmother’s antique end table. Whatever either of his grandparents had been about to say faded on their lips as they both stared at him, silence descending on the room like a thick roll of fog.

  * * *

  Isabella Magnini dug the piece of paper out of her pocket once more to double-check she’d come to the right address. Rain beat down on her umbrella, sluicing off in a curtain of water that made the front door hard to see, and she squinted to make out the gold numbers partially hidden by wet ivy. At least she’d found the place.

  The bottom of her slacks was a soupy wash of wool against her ankles, striking evidence that the Tube ride that had begun her evening was a monumentally bad idea.

  Like coming here.

  She fought the thought and marched the rest of the way toward the door. No backing out now. No turning around. No wishing her actions away. She needed help and if the increasing threats finding their way to her office, her home and her car were any indication, she needed it now.

  The London townhome rose several impressive stories above her as she lifted the heavy knocker. A small porch cover shielded her from the rain and she turned to shake off her umbrella as she waited for the door to open. A heavy clap of thunder startled her—just like everything else these days—and she jumped, water flying off her umbrella like a wet dog shaking out its fur.


  A dark voice behind her added to the surprise and she whirled around, the motion flinging more heavy drops of water toward the doorway.

  A man filled the portal, his thick dark—almost black—hair brushed back except for a few errant curls that formed artful waves over his forehead. Broad shoulders filled the breadth of a white button-down shirt that tapered into a narrow waist clad in black slacks. The water she’d inadvertently slung at him stained the white in heavy drops and he wiped water from his eyes before turning a narrow gaze on her.

  “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” She reached forward in a vague attempt to wipe the water off his shirt but stopped with her arm outstretched as the man took a decided step back.

  Oh no. She’d written the address down wrong, that had to be it. Another mindless mistake, one of the many she made in her daily life as her head filled with the abstract thoughts of her work. Thoughts that took up so much room she edged out all the smaller details others had no problem recalling with ease.

  She shook her head and dropped her outstretched arm, the heavy pour of rain at her back misting against her nape. She had the wrong house. Alexander Steele was eighty-five if he was a day and the man who answered the door most definitely did not have the look of hired help. This part of London was known for its high-end homes, an increasing number filled by eligible bachelors who worked the stock market or billed exorbitant rates at the city’s most well-heeled law firms. She’d clearly found her way to the front door of one of them.

  “I’m so sorry. I must have the wrong house.”

  The smallest spark of warmth filled his shockingly blue eyes before he reached out a hand and gestured her closer. “Where are you headed?”

  She glanced at the crumpled paper, now nearly transparent with rain, but didn’t move from her spot. “Three twenty-five.”

  “You’ve found it.”

  “But I’m looking for Mr. Steele.”

  “I’m his grandson, Liam.” Cultured tones lit up his voice—not quite British under the American but obviously influenced—before he reached out and snatched the umbrella, then took her firmly in hand. “You must be this evening’s entertainment.”

  Entertainment? “I’m just here to see your grandfather, Mr. Steele. I won’t take up much of his time.”

  A small smile lit up his face and the transformation was so shocking she simply stopped in the center of the large foyer to stare for a moment. A large glass chandelier hung from the ceiling, lighting the entryway in a soft glow and the warm light bounced off the rich locks of his hair.

  The smile changed his face—warmed it considerably—and in some small, nonsensical portion of her brain she had the distinct thought the man smiled rarely, if ever. The stoic figure who stood in the doorway had looked like a formidable opponent. But the smiling man before her was a devastating one.

  Sleek as a shark and likely as lethal, with a smile that begged you to come closer.

  “Who are you?”

  The words were as effective as the rain at dousing her fancies and she pulled herself from her drifting thoughts. “Isabella Magnini.”

  “Dr. Magnini?”


  “The Dr. Magnini who presented at Davos last year?”

  “One and the same.”

  Liam shook his head once more, his muttered words nearly undetectable as another clap of thunder echoed off the marble entryway. “Wily old bastard.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Please, let me take your coat. My grandparents are in their sitting room enjoying a cocktail.”

  “I’m so sorry to intrude on your family’s personal time.”

  The smile fell, that stoic facade concealing all expression on his face. The slightest lines bracketed his eyes and mouth—faint, yet evident enough to add character—and whatever sarcasm she’d sensed vanished when he finally spoke. “No intrusion at all as I’ve no doubt you were invited this evening.”

  “Your grandfather suggested I come. He’s been—” She broke off, not sure how to explain the conversations she’d had to date with Alexander Steele about the strange happenings in her life.

  How did one explain the subtle sense of being watched? Or the odd feeling that someone had rifled through your things, even when your clothing and papers and bookshelves remained in perfect order?

  Or the very real sense someone had been inside your home?

  She fought the shiver that threatened to roll down her spine and focused on the man before her, willing her nerves to calm. “Your grandfather believes he has the resources to help me with a...small matter.”

  If he had any question about her hesitation he gave no indication. “May I take your coat?”

  Isabella glanced down at the rain-soaked front of her jacket—how had she forgotten it?—and slipped from the garment. The endless days of spring rain had greeted her the moment she’d arrived in London the previous week from New York and she had moments where she’d wondered if she’d ever get dry.

  His fingers brushed hers when she passed over her coat and she forced herself to maintain simple, even breaths despite the flare of heat that skittered up her arm. Humans touched. Their bodies came into contact all the time. It was normal. Common, even.

  And certainly nothing to dwell on.

  She was dimly aware of his gaze before he turned to settle her coat on a hallway stand. That same rush of heat that had run up her arm kept up its assault, crossing her chest before settling in her stomach. With a precision born of long years of practice, she counted off the periodic elements in her head and willed her pulse to calm.

  Hydrogen. Helium. Lithium. Bery—

  “Let’s go introduce you to my grandparents, then.”

  With a soft sigh she followed behind him, the elements fading away like smoke, replaced with decidedly more well-formed thoughts. Like how strong and safe and solid and reassuring those broad shoulders looked under his rain-flecked shirt. And how enticing it would be to simply reach out and touch him.

  Stick with the elements, girl.

  Men who looked like Liam Steele didn’t look twice at women with wild hair and curvy figures and, in the rare instances where they did, her profession typically ran them off before they could take a third glance.

  Or any action at all.

  * * *

  Wily old bastard.

  The thought had ru
n through his mind on a loop since Dr. Isabella Magnini arrived, soaked to the skin, a half hour ago. Liam hadn’t touched the second whiskey his grandfather had poured for him while he’d gone to answer the door, preferring to keep his wits fully about him. The choice was a smart one as it hadn’t taken Alexander Steele long to dive into the matter at hand.

  “You need to protect the girl, Liam.”

  “Of course we will, Grandfather. That’s what the House of Steele does.” He and his siblings had formed the House of Steele about four years before, their diverse interests and skills a match for a surprising number of in-need individuals and companies. From basic protection to digital forensics to active investigation, he and his siblings had the tools and the talent to fix problems.

  While Liam ran the firm with his siblings, there was no mistaking his grandfather’s continued use of the word “you” had a distinctly singular ring to it.

  Although it was clear the rain-soaked doctor needed their help, he’d yet to fully understand what her problem was, and his grandfather’s pleading eyes and continued insistence on protection weren’t getting him any closer to figuring it out.

  “Why don’t you explain the problem for me, Dr. Magnini?” He’d kept his attitude casual, unwilling to play into Alexander’s hands, but Liam had to admit his gaze had strayed toward the woman a few more times than was comfortable. He had no idea why, but something in her demeanor had drawn his attention.

  It certainly wasn’t her clothes.

  Her sweater—a rich cashmere that looked like it had been stretched and worried over at the waist until it lost all shape—didn’t do much for her figure, and the wool pants that clung to the bottom of her legs like wet shackles were about as fashionable as a potato sack, but...

  His thoughts tapered off as her gaze collided with his.

  Those large green eyes blinked in surprise, before she nodded and looked away. “I’ve tried to explain it to your grandfather and not very successfully, I’m afraid. Something’s wrong, even if I can’t define exactly why.”


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