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The Truth Keeps Silent: A Second Chance Romantic Suspense (Truth & Lies Duet Book 1)

Page 17

by A. V. Asher

  Looking back on it now, little had changed in the last three years. Alec could hold her attention the way no other man ever had. It wasn’t just his stunning good looks or the toe-curling accent.

  Sometimes he made her feel like she was the most important person in his world, that he’d do anything for her. The next thing she knew, he was dropping her without a word, repeatedly reminding her how forgettable she was.

  The chill of the night air had broken through the heat of her inflamed body. It would be too cold to stay out here soon. She inhaled again, wanting to take one more moment before his closeness stole her breath and common sense.

  A door squeaking shut behind her brought her attention to reality. Someone, most likely Alec, was coming up the path to the firepit.

  Shit. She wasn’t ready to face him again.

  Sniffing, she hastened to wipe her cheeks and brush back her hair. She’d be damned if her dignity would be on the ground.

  “Hello, lass.” The strange voice made her jump from the chair, her pulse screaming alive.

  “Oh! Damn, so sorry!” David Kennison appeared in the light, a chagrined smile on his lips. “I heard you come out. Thought maybe you could use a dram.” He held a bottle of whisky and two crystal glasses in his hand.

  Mercedes cursed herself for being so far away from Alec. She looked at the manor house, contemplating how quickly she could get back inside.

  David cocked his head. “I mean, I’m not sure if you’re a drinker or no. No trouble if you’re not. I also brought out a blanket if you’re cold.” He set the bottle and glasses on the edge of the firepit.

  Cress cleared this place. He’s the owner’s son. You are safe.

  Exhaling sharply, she let out a nervous laugh. “Actually, they both sound great. Thank you.”

  Beaming at her, he unfurled the blanket and handed it to her. She tugged it around herself, grateful for its warmth. Pouring a finger of amber liquid into the crystal glasses, David passed one to her. “Slàinte.”

  Mercedes held her glass up in response and took a sip. The smoky flavors mixed with the sharp heat of the whisky spread warmth through her.

  “Rough night, lass?”

  She wasn’t used to anyone but Alec and Declan calling her that.

  “Something like that.” At least David hadn’t come at the height of her ugly cry. “Have you ever had one of those moments when everything seems to go wrong?”

  “Oh, aye.” He took a sip of whisky. “My girlfriend gave birth to my daughter and announced three weeks later that she wasn’t cut out to be a mum.”

  “Oh.” Mercedes lifted her brow. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It gets better every day.” David shrugged. “What about you? You think you and your lad will work it out on this trip?” At her look, he added, “You’d not be out here crying alone in the cold if things were right with your man.”

  That’s the truth. “We’ll be okay. Things between us are . . . complicated.”

  “It’ll get better. It always does.”

  She smiled at his optimism, but her outlook was pretty bleak.

  When Mercedes had drained her glass, she stood. “I should turn in now. It’s been a long day. Thank you for the drink and the company.”

  “Anytime. We’ll chat about that trip another time.” David took the glass from her hand, and they walked to the house together.

  Once inside, Mercedes shrugged out of the blanket and handed it to him. She pulled the hood of the sweater off, running her hands through her damp hair. She looked up and saw David was staring at her with narrowed eyes.


  She’d washed her face in the shower. Her healing bruises were on full display.

  Mercedes touched her temple, where most of the yellowing marks were visible. “Ah. I was in an accident about two weeks ago now. Totaled my car. The airbag hit me pretty hard.” She closed the sweater around her neck, unsure if the recent assault had led to new bruising.

  David’s eyes went wide. “Oh, well. You’re lucky to be alive by the sounds of it.”

  She smiled at his spot-on assessment. “I’m lucky to be alive, for sure.”

  “Well, goodnight, Eliza.”

  Her fake name gave her a start. “Um . . . goodnight David. Thanks again for the drink.” Mercedes hurried up the stairs so he couldn’t examine her any further.

  She opened the door quietly and slipped into the room. Alec was lying on his makeshift bed in front of the fireplace, his back to her. Mercedes pulled off the sweater and climbed into bed. Huddling under the blankets, she let the whisky and wine settle her into sleep, the song of a long-ago waterfall playing in her head.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Clenching his fists and inhaling deeply, Alec struggled to ignore the deep throbbing of the wound on his chest. His entire body ached from the smaller bruises that were now making themselves known. Not to mention Mercedes’s scent was lingering on his skin, making him hard as hell. Shifting in his seat at the window, he sought to relieve the discomfort. No luck.

  Christ, what a clusterfuck.

  He should have let her go to bed instead of trying to hash things out when they were both wrung out and raw.

  Why the hell had he kissed her?

  Alec had spent hours in the car coaching himself on how to let her go again. To distance himself from how she made him feel and focus on keeping her safe. It had only taken an hour to blow that plan to shit.

  In his heart, he knew why he’d done it. Because she’d said something he’d needed her to say for three years.

  He was right to be jealous of you. He never stood a chance.

  Alec closed his eyes and swallowed hard, trying to clear the tightness in his throat.

  If he thought it was true, he’d move heaven and earth to be with her. To let the wall down and be her everything.

  But it wasn’t true.

  She’d already made that choice once. And she’d walked away without giving Alec a chance to fight for her. All the plans they made, the trips they wanted to take, it hadn’t been enough. Without warning, the phone calls stopped. Texts went unanswered. It was so unlike her. He had reached out to Luke to make sure she was alright. Luke said she was fine, but she was working a lot.

  Alec let it go on for nearly two weeks before he threatened to get on a plane. He was at least owed the courtesy of knowing what was going on. If she wouldn’t tell him by phone, she could do it face to face.

  That finally provoked a response. A series of short text messages was all she offered him. All he was worth.

  The distance was too much. She’d found someone else. Someone who loved her and wasn’t a half a world away. She was sorry. She’d never meant to hurt him. Please don’t get Charlie and Luke involved. Maybe someday they could be friends?

  Alec had never been so blindsided. But Mercedes had asked him to respect her decision, and he had. It had ripped his fucking heart out.

  Throwing himself into his work, he trained harder and worked more hours than anyone—anything to keep her out of his head. After time had lessened the pain, he recognized his own mistakes. He’d thought her feelings had matched his. It never crossed his mind that she was having doubts. He should have said the words out loud, told her how much he needed her in his life. Maybe if she’d known, she wouldn’t have looked for it in someone else.

  He’d been afraid to scare her off. How do you tell a woman you hadn’t seen in months you were falling hard for her?

  The whole affair was nothing more than a painfully lost opportunity.

  Now she’d crashed back into his life. Traumatized and shaken, but just as incredible as ever. It had been too easy to step right back into that soul-shaking connection. The pull toward her was as strong as it had always been. It didn’t help that she looked at him the way she used to. Like nothing had changed between them.

  That little moan she’d made when he kissed her came to his mind, and he grew even harder. Holy hell, he wanted her. Just one taste was an intox
ication, an addiction leaving him seeking more.

  If you can’t decide what I am to you, then don’t touch me again.

  Alec knew damn well what she was to him. A beautiful ray of light that would draw him in then tear his world to shreds.

  Mercedes was fucking dangerous.

  He couldn’t do it again.

  He had to keep his bloody hands off of her until she was safe and back to living her life.

  The door to the house squeaked open, and Alec’s body tensed. A tall figure walked across the patio to the firepit. He held himself ready to sprint to her, but the light caught the man’s face as he turned. He recognized the innkeeper’s son, and his muscles relaxed. Cressida would never have sent them here if she hadn’t cleared the family and staff.

  That didn’t stop Alec from pulling his gun and resting it on his thigh.

  He couldn’t hear their words, but David sat away from her, putting his feet on the wall of the firepit.

  Now there was a man who didn’t know how to keep his thoughts from being broadcast across his face. It was clear from their first meeting that David liked what he saw when he looked at Mercedes.

  Join the club, you poor bastard.

  Alec was about to go downstairs when they started back for the house. The lights shone on her face, and he could see a flash of the smile she gave David. A thrum of unreasonable jealousy plunged through him. God damn, she made him crazy.

  Alec turned away and pulled the curtains closed. Taking off his shirt and tossing it on his bag, he lay on the bed he’d made on the floor. When the door opened, he let out the breath he’d been holding. She was safe. Now he could finally get some sleep.

  The next morning, Alec woke up shivering. The fire had gone out, and his thin blankets weren’t doing the trick. Stretching, he tried to relieve some of the pain the floor had caused to his battered muscles. Sleep hadn’t been easy. Even with the fluffy rug, it was uncomfortable as hell, and his overly alert mind wouldn’t settle for the night.

  Mercedes was curled under the down comforter, breathing in slow, even breaths. Her chestnut hair splayed out across the white pillow. Sleep had softened the lines of worry and anger on her face. She needed all the rest she could get.

  Alec pulled on his shirt and shoes and slipped from the room. The lobby of the manor house had a quiet buzz to it. Guests had started to stir, and the clanking of teacups and the scent of breakfast filled the air. He wandered the rooms. There was a wing dedicated to a spa and a spacious parlor that had been turned into a library.

  Alec took in the tall shelves filled with leather-bound books. A baby grand piano was situated in the corner.

  A young woman was helping guests as they browsed the room.

  Alec caught her eye, and she came to greet him. “Morning, I’m Cecily. Welcome to the Kennison Library. Let me know if I can help you find a book.”

  “Thank you.” Alec looked to the corner of the room. “Can you tell me if that piano is tuned?”

  “Oh aye, we play it every evening during our wine and cheese hour. You should come by,” she said.

  Cecily’s eyes roved over his figure. Alec cleared his throat. “Is it possible for a guest to use it?”

  “Aye, as long as they’re good. Don’t want to drive away the guests. Do you play?”

  “Ah . . . my girlfriend does actually.” Cecily acknowledged this with a little nod, not looking too disappointed. “Do you think she might be able to play during our stay? She’s classically trained.”

  “Oh, brilliant.” Cecily’s eyes lit up. “I’m sure we can arrange that.”

  Alec hoped Mercedes would enjoy a chance to play. He’d brought her violin as well. With any luck, she’d find the stay here a peaceful distraction from the reality of their situation.

  Leaving the library with a book in hand, Alec turned a corner and nearly ran into David Kennison.

  “Pardon me, mate,” David said, his smile polite. “Oh, good morning, Mr. Cameron, is it? I see you’ve visited the library.”

  “Aye. I haven’t read Burns since I was a lad. I thought Eliza might like it.” In truth, he needed something to do besides look at Mercedes.

  “And how is Eliza this morning?” David asked.

  “Quite well. She’s knackered from the drive up. I was going to pick up some coffee for her.” Alec waved his hand toward the dining room.

  David followed his steps as he sauntered to the buffet table. “I was sorry to hear about the car accident she was in. Lucky to be alive from what she said.”

  Alec’s heart dropped. Shit. What had she said to this man?

  He took two paper cups from the stack and poured the coffee. “Aye, scariest phone call I ever took,” he said with perfect honesty.

  “How long ago was it?” David’s dark eyes watched Alec’s face. Alarm bells were ringing in Alec’s head as he stared at the cream. What was this man getting at?

  Stick close to the truth; that’s what he’d told her.

  “Around two weeks now.” Alec tossed the wooden stirring stick into the trash and picked up the drinks, eager to get away from David’s dark eyes. The last thing he wanted was to keep talking about Mercedes’s supposed car accident.

  David’s eyes had moved to the cups in Alec’s hand, his expression sharp. It passed quickly and was covered up by a nod.

  What else had Mercedes and David Kennison talked about on their excursion to the firepit last night?

  Alec returned to their room as Mercedes was stirring. She smiled dreamily at him. Then the smile fell away, and she sat up.

  Alec held a cup to her like an olive branch. “Coffee?”

  Mercedes took the drink and sipped from it, wrapping her palms around the cup. Alec sat on the edge of her bed, but she wouldn’t look at him directly.

  “I’m sorry about last night. It’ll remain professional from here on out.”

  “Professional,” she said dully. “Just a bodyguard and his . . . what’s the word? Protectee?”

  Her words had enough of a bite to hit his heart. She was so much more than that, but telling her wouldn’t help. Instead, he shrugged. “We prefer the term close protection officer.”

  Mercedes’s mouth curved up into a smirk. “If that’s the way you want it.” She set the cup down. “I think I want breakfast downstairs.”

  She untangled herself from the bed, gathered her clothing, and walked to the small water closet to change.

  Alec moved to the large windows and pulled the curtains. The daylight exposed the beauty of the landscape beyond the patio where Mercedes had spent the night before. The well-kept grounds held an English-style garden complete with a maze of short shrubs and a wide variety of flowers. Past the cultivated land, a sun-sparked river broke through a dense copse of trees.

  Alec heard Mercedes’s intake of breath and turned. She was staring out the window in wonder. “Where are we?”

  “The Borders.” At her frown, he added, “Scotland.”

  She joined him at the window, her face soft, “It’s beautiful.”

  “Aye, it is. Cress chose well.” Alec’s lips pulled up into a crooked smile. “We can go out. You don’t have to stay cooped up in the room like you did at the safehouse.”

  Mercedes’s eyes, greener in the morning light, were wide and hopeful. “Really? Oh, thank God.” She grabbed her makeup bag and dashed to the mirror. Her excitement made him wish he’d thought to bring her to Scotland before.

  On the way downstairs, Alec took Mercedes’s hand. She stopped and pulled it away, glaring at him as if he’d burned her.

  Alec looked around, grateful no one was around. He leaned close to her ear, the scent of her hair enveloping him. “We have a show to put on, darling,” he murmured. She inhaled sharply, her shoulders tense. He waited until she finally met his eyes. “Unless you want to go back to the room?”

  Mercedes’s expression darkened. Her gaze moved down to his mouth and back up to meet his eyes. Alec’s breath caught at her look of pure lust. She stepped towar
d him, pressing her body against his. Heart pounding, Alec’s mouth parted as she brushed her lips against his cheek, ready for her kiss.

  “How am I doing? Good enough for the show?” she whispered. She pulled back, her eyes wide with a coy innocence.

  Christ, was she really going to fuck with him?

  “You little shit,” he breathed. Mercedes’s lips turned up into a smirk as she backed away.

  He could play that game too. Slipping his hand around her waist, he pulled her to him, pressing her against his growing hardness. Alec’s lips swept along her jawline, and her body shuddered. He pulled back to look into her eyes. The teasing smile had faded, and the lust had returned, leveling him.

  “Careful, Alec.” Her voice was thick. “Wouldn’t want to be an unprofessional bodyguard, would you?”

  Alec wasn’t taking the bait this time. “I didn’t start this, Mercedes. But you’re right, we should probably stick to holding hands. What do you think, darling?” He released her, willing his heart to stop racing. He walked a few steps toward the reception room and turned, holding his hand out.

  Mercedes took a steadying breath before she put her hand in his. It gratified his ego to see he was affecting her. As much as he secretly enjoyed the exchange, he hoped that was the last of its kind. If she kept that up, he’d have her underneath him by sunset.

  They were seated next to the window overlooking the gardens. Mercedes stared out at the lush scenery, her fingers tapping against the table. Alec wanted to ask what she was thinking, but that would cross the line into the personal again.

  David Kennison appeared in the dining room carrying a baby on his hip.

  “Eliza,” David called. “Good morning.”

  Mercedes smiled at the baby. “Hi, who’s this?”

  “This is my Hannah.”

  “Hello, lovey,” Mercedes cooed. The baby’s wide, dark eyes mirrored her father’s. Hannah cycled her legs in excitement. Mercedes obliged by opening her arms to take the squirmy baby onto her lap.


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