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Page 15

by Arcadia Shield

  Heath looked at the group. “Where’s Bellatrix?”

  “She was right behind me a moment ago,” said Brett.

  “Bellatrix? Where are you?” asked Heath over the comms.

  There was silence.

  “Brett, you saw her last. Go get her.”

  Brett raised a hand. “She said she wanted to check out another corridor. Said there was something giving off a bad vibe.”

  “And you didn’t think to go with her?” snapped Juniper.

  “I’ve seen Bellatrix in action. That girl can take care of herself.” Brett was already moving, though, worry on his face.

  Ranger held aloft a data stick. “We’ve got something good here. I’ve only had a chance to scan some of this information.”

  “What’s it showing you?” asked Heath.

  “This isn’t the only site.”

  “They have other sites where they’re developing dragon eggs?” The thought sent a wave of horror through Juniper.

  Ranger nodded. “That’s exactly what they’re doing.”

  “We’ll take a look when we get to base,” said Heath. “Take your group and check the east corridors. Make sure we haven’t missed anything. We’re running out of time.”

  Ranger stashed away the data chip and headed off with Moira and Jahil.

  A shout rang out. Brett rounded the corner, Bellatrix leaning against him, her face deathly pale. She pointed behind her. Her mouth opened, but no words came out.

  “Is she hurt?” Heath strode toward Bellatrix and Brett.

  Brett shook his head. “She’s not injured. I found her leaning against a wall. I think she’s in shock.”

  Juniper hurried over and grabbed her elbow. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Bellatrix shook her head. She blinked, and a tear ran down one cheek. “I smelled something really bad, like rotting meat left in the sun.” She gulped, and more tears fell.

  Juniper inhaled deeply and caught a whiff of exactly what Bellatrix was describing. “What the hell is it?”

  A choked sob slid out of Bellatrix. “They’re tied up.”

  Juniper wrapped an arm around Bellatrix’s shoulders and she gave Arlo a worried look. “Let’s see what it is.”

  As one, the group moved, turning the corner and heading along a corridor with heating pipes running along the roof.

  Bellatrix halted. “I don’t think I can look again.”

  “Come on, we need to know what’s there.” Juniper urged her on.

  After giving her a reluctant look, Bellatrix continued. “It’s around the next bend.”

  Arlo moved next to Juniper. As they rounded the corner, she was glad he was there. In front of them were a dozen tied-up humans. They smelled like they were rotting.

  “Holy dragons,” muttered Juniper. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Brett gagged and covered his mouth. “How long have they been here?”

  Heath clamped a hand over his nose. “From the smell of them, it must be weeks, maybe months. We can’t leave them here. Get them down.”

  “The State left them to rot to death?” Arlo walked forward slowly, his weapon raised on instinct.

  Juniper breathed shallowly through her mouth as she followed Arlo. She stopped a couple of feet from what might have once been an attractive woman. She raised her fingers toward the body.

  The woman shifted in her bindings and moaned.

  Chapter 15

  Arlo caught Juniper as she staggered backward. She spun around and clung to him, a harsh cry shooting out of her as her shoulders shook.

  Fighting against his own shock, Arlo wrapped his arms around Juniper, his gaze fixed on the woman. How in the name of all things unholy could she still be alive? Injuries covered her, most of which were badly infected.

  “I didn’t just imagine that, did I?” Juniper looked over her shoulder. “She’s still alive.” Her cheeks were pale as she stumbled around and faced the woman.

  “She is,” said Arlo, keeping a tight hold of Juniper’s shoulders.

  “Check all of them,” said Heath. “Get them free from their bindings.”

  Everyone moved into action. Arlo could see the bindings wound around each individual’s wrists and neck. It must have been agony. Every time someone else moved, another person’s bindings would have tightened.

  As quickly as they could, the group removed the first body from the wall. Juniper remained by the woman who was still alive, muttering quietly to her under her breath.

  Arlo’s throat felt tight as he assisted Heath in removing the slight figure of a young girl. She must have been dead for some time. He could only imagine the agony she’d endured.

  He reached Juniper and rested a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, but then sank into his touch.

  “Do you think she can be saved?”

  He wanted to tell her something hopeful. Show her there was an opportunity to save these people. But he didn’t need to be a medical expert to know they were too far gone. All the others were dead. This woman should be too. There were holes punctured through her arms and fragments of bone poking through her skin.

  “Not even the dragon serum will save her,” said Arlo.

  Juniper stared at the woman for a second before nodding. “She’s been broken. Even if we heal her body, her mind must be in turmoil.”

  Between the two of them, they carefully lowered the woman to the ground. She moved again. Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Lincoln, can you help us?” asked Arlo. Lincoln’s medical knowledge was better than his, and he’d have drugs to ease her suffering.

  Lincoln ran over and sank to his knees. The expression on his face said it all. There was nothing he could do. “I’ll give her a few shots of morphine. It’s the best thing for her.”

  “Please,” the words whispered out of the woman’s cracked lips. “Help me.”

  “We will.” Juniper touched the back of the woman’s hand, stroking one of the only pieces of flesh that didn’t look injured or covered in blood. “Can you tell us what happened? Why did the State do this to you?”

  “Punishment,” croaked out the woman.

  “What did you do?”

  The woman groaned, and her eyes closed.

  “I can give her the morphine now,” said Lincoln, a morphine pen already in his hand.

  “Wait,” said Juniper. She placed her hands gently on either side of the woman’s head. “Everything will be okay. There’s nothing to be scared of. No one will hurt you ever again. The pain you’re feeling now, that’s fading away. In a moment, you’ll feel nothing but happy and free. Do you understand?”

  The woman’s eyes opened. They already looked clearer, and although they were bloodshot, Arlo could see they were blue.

  “Everything is fine,” continued Juniper. “All you need to do is relax and let go. No harm will come to you. You’re happy, safe, and free. No one can touch you. You are happy. There is no pain. Not anymore.”

  A lopsided smile strained on the woman’s damaged cheeks. “There is no pain. I am free.”

  Arlo’s heart clenched as he heard the hurt in Juniper’s voice. Whatever she was doing, it was helping this woman, but she was paying the price for using her ability, convincing this woman she wasn’t suffering.

  Tears trickled down Juniper’s cheeks. “That’s right. No more pain. Just let go. Take your last breath and relax.”

  The woman took a final, deep, shuddering breath, and her chest stopped moving.

  Arlo gripped Juniper’s shoulders. He kneeled and pulled her against him. They rested on the floor for a moment, his arms wrapped around her as she let out deep, bone-racking sobs. He’d do anything to take away this agonizing pain she felt.

  “I had to do it,” said Juniper. “She’d suffered enough.”

  Arlo took hold of one of her hands. It was covered in bruises. “You absorbed her pain?”

  “Not really,” said Juniper. “I convinced her she couldn’t feel anything bad. I took away some of the ag
ony. I convinced her everything was good and she had never suffered. I hope she died happy. I hope I gave her a moment of peace.”

  “You did.” His grip tightened around her again as his fingers stroked across the whirl of bruises on her delicate skin. She was always so quick to stand up and help others. Always so quick to take the punishment and pain rather than let somebody else suffer. Juniper hadn’t known this woman, but she had wanted to keep her safe and prevent her from suffering. Holy hell, she was amazing.

  Heath cleared his throat. “We’ve checked on the others. They’re all dead.”

  Arlo felt a hollow, hot anger inside him at what they’d witnessed. Helping Juniper to her feet, they rejoined the group.

  “Let’s do a final search of the remaining rooms and then get out of here.” Heath sounded exhausted as he spoke. “Hopefully, there won’t be any more surprises like that.”

  “Do you want me to set off another bomb?” asked Arlo. “The guards won’t be distracted for much longer.”

  Heath nodded. “Buy us any seconds you can. It’s time to leave.”

  Arlo activated the detonator on the next bomb. Another rumble shook the building as it exploded.

  Heath commed Ranger. “Have you seen anything useful?”

  “We’re stuck by a damn security door. There’s no sign of any guards, though. Looks like they’re all concentrating on the explosions.”

  Heath looked at the group. “We were wrong about this being the location of the egg.”

  “You don’t know that. What about whatever’s behind the security door Ranger’s stuck at?” asked Juniper. “That’s where we need to be. We have to get through that door and see what’s on the other side. The egg could be there.”

  Heath grimaced. “Five more minutes. Then we leave.” He raised his eyebrows at Juniper. “No arguments.”

  “Then it’s time to blow this place apart,” said Arlo. “We might not have the egg, but if it’s hidden in here and we destroy it, it means the State can’t use it.”

  THE GROUP MOVED AS one. Heath led them swiftly along the east wing of corridors. Juniper felt sore and achy from using her ability on the dying woman. She was glad she’d done it. The bruises and headache were a small price to pay.

  She couldn’t think about that woman or recall the smell of all that tortured, putrefied flesh. Juniper shook her head. She had to hold it together, at least until she could have time alone to fall apart. For now, it was all about finding that dragon egg.

  Juniper watched Heath as he monitored and directed everyone. She could see why he was in command of this group. He didn’t take any shit and stayed calm under pressure. The squad trusted him, and he looked out for everyone. It must be nice to have someone watching your back.

  She glanced at Arlo who was right by her side. He was focused on checking the remaining charges on his bombs. Lines of tension radiated across his forehead. His face softened when he caught her eye. He brushed a hand against her arm.

  That touch gave her the strength to keep on moving, to keep focused on what they needed to do.

  They turned another corner. Ranger, Moira, and Jahil were up ahead, standing by a door.

  “Arlo, go see if you can persuade the door to open.” Heath gestured Arlo forward.

  He nodded, a grin on his face. “Always happy to try a little of my special persuasion methods.” He already had a bomb in his hand. It was small enough to hide in his fist. Juniper didn’t let that fool her. This bomb would work.

  The rest of the squad kept their distance as Arlo ducked down and examined the door panel.

  Juniper watched as he prized off the panel, slid aside the wiring, and attached his bomb. She loved watching him work. Even though what he did was so destructive, he was doing it for the right reason. He was keeping people safe and causing trouble for the State. Those were two priorities she also held dear.

  Arlo jogged back to the group. “Are we ready for some fireworks?”

  “Just do it,” said Lincoln.

  Arlo smiled at his brother, closed his eyes, and hit the detonator. The bomb flashed, and a loud pop shot along the corridor.

  “That was one of my more refined explosions,” said Arlo, giving the group a quick bow.

  Heath led the way to the door and forced it open with his shoulder.

  “Heath, you’ve got incoming.” It was Zane over the comms. “I’ve picked up an enemy fighter plane heading your way.”

  “How long until it gets here?”

  “Ten minutes.”

  “We’ll be out in five.” Heath looked at the group. “Focus on finding the dragon egg. No stalling. We leave when I say we need to.” His gaze settled on Juniper.

  She raised a hand. “I’ve followed your orders since we’ve been here.”

  “So far. Malachi and Brett, stay by the door and keep watch. There are still a few guards on the loose.”

  They nodded and stationed themselves by the open door.

  Heath turned and walked into the room. He stopped dead and let out a curse.

  “What is it?” Juniper hurried in. The room was a high-ceilinged space, more breeze blocks and exposed pipework. Her eyes widened as she saw a dozen tall glass cylinders. Yellow liquid filled them. Inside each cylinder was the preserved body of a human.

  “It’s a nightmare, that’s what it is.” Heath scrubbed a hand down his face, suddenly looking tired.

  Juniper hurried to the first cylinder and stared into the blank face of a woman in her thirties. She was naked and suspended in the yellow liquid. Now that Juniper was closer, she could see the liquid was viscous, like a jelly rather than water.

  She felt Arlo next to her and sagged against him. “Why are they doing this?”

  His arm went around her shoulders. “It could be more experiments. The Dinnorms want to know how we function so they can find our weaknesses.”

  A hollow ache developed in Juniper’s stomach as she moved to the next cylinder and saw a young male dragon hybrid inside. His once vivid scales ran across his stomach and over his chest. The look on his face suggested he did not have a peaceful death.

  She looked over her shoulder and saw the rest of the group staring into the cylinders, all as shocked and disgusted as she was.

  “We need a record of this,” said Heath. “Ranger, record some footage. Maybe Sophia can figure out what the State have been doing to these people.”

  Ranger nodded, his jaw tense as he activated his helmet camera and sent live feed back to base.

  “Jude, I’m sending you some images,” said Heath. “Get Sophia to look at the footage.”

  “Jeez! What the fuck have they been doing to these people?” Jude’s tone was shocked.

  “You’ve not seen the worst of it.” Heath let out a sigh. “We need to move.”

  Juniper pressed a hand against the cool surface of the cylinder she stood by. Inside was the body of a child. She couldn’t have been more than six when she died. Her mouth was open in a silent scream. “I’ll make them pay,” she whispered against the glass.

  “We all will.” Arlo pulled her to his side and led her away from the glass. “There’s nothing you can do for them now. If we find this dragon egg they’re hiding and take it, that will be a real stab in the guts. It will be a way to make them pay.”

  Juniper wiped a hand across her cheeks and sucked in a deep breath. “You’re right. And when we leave, promise me you’ll destroy this place. We can’t bury those people in the cylinders or the ones we found on that wall, but we can make sure no one gets the chance to study them or use them.”

  “I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. She leaned into his touch. Usually, she was fine. Juniper could handle anything the State threw at her. But not this. How much more horror did she have to endure?

  Juniper looked up at Arlo and saw the concern on his face. No, she would hold herself together for him. She had to stay strong for Arlo.

  They hurried past the rest of the cylinders. Despite trying her best to keep her
gaze on the floor, Juniper had to look into each one. The individuals inside deserved to be recognized and acknowledged. They were not just specimens in a tube, they’d had lives and people who loved them.

  She slowed as she reached the last cylinder. There was something different about the body inside. Her mouth went dry, and the hand she held out shook.

  “Come on. You’ve seen enough,” said Arlo.

  Juniper swallowed her horror. “No! You have to see this.” Inside the cylinder, there was a malformed dragon. The body had what looked like wing fragments attached to the arms, and the legs were too curved to be human.

  Arlo stood beside her in silence.

  “They are trying to breed dragons here. We’re in the right place.”

  “This isn’t a dragon,” muttered Arlo. “It’s a sick experiment.”

  “But they’re getting close to breeding a dragon,” said Juniper. “Look at the wing casing and scales. They cover most of the body.”

  “Heath,” called Arlo. “You need to take a look at this.”

  Heath hurried over and stared into the cylinder.

  Juniper looked up to see the shock on his face. It matched her own gut-wrenching anguish. “There could be more here. Maybe even a few who are alive.”

  “We’ve searched everywhere,” said Heath. “This is the last place to look.”

  Resting her head against the cool glass of the cylinder, Juniper made a silent vow. She would destroy the State and would not stop fighting until every last one of them was gone. The ache in her chest was nothing compared to what these individuals had endured.

  “I promise you,” whispered Arlo in her ear, “we will destroy this place.”

  She took in a shuddering breath. “You’re right, we will.”

  Chapter 16

  Arlo kept Juniper by his side as they sped through the room and away from the monstrosities within the cylinders.

  He knew Juniper was distressed by having to leave them. They were all shocked by the discovery. But if they stayed any longer, State reinforcements would reach them, and they’d all be trapped.

  They hadn’t found any more bodies or State experiments as they continued their hasty search.


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