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Street Symphony: A Tainted Love Story

Page 12

by Treasure Malian

  “You said you wanted cake,” She cooed.

  Mitch bit down on his bottom lip while coming out of his sweats and briefs. He grabbed a condom out his top drawer and slid it on while making his way over to the bed. He climbed up and grabbed a hold of her waist, with one hand. With his free hand, he reached down and rubbed her pussy.

  “Shit is wet. You ready, huh?”

  Sym responded by making her ass clap. Mitch took that as his cue. He used his free hand to guide his thick pole, into her tight hole.

  “Sssss,” Sym hissed as he eased himself inside her.

  “Damn,” Mitch groaned while sinking as deep into her box as he could.

  Slowly, he moved himself in and out, sinking deeper each time she would back into him. Sym reached up and grab a hold of the headboard and prepared herself for the ride she knew he was about to take her on.


  Mitch slapped her ass and leaned back to watch it jiggled with his dick still snuggly fit between her cheeks. He pulled her back hard, slamming her against him.

  “Fuck, Mitch,” Sym cried out.

  Mitch was done playing with her. He had pent up feelings that he was about to release on her pussy. His slow, deep strokes quickly escalated to plummeting, and Sym enjoyed every minute of it. Aggressively, she threw her ass back to match his thrusts. The sound of skin slapping bounced off the walls of his bedroom. Feeling her walls pulsate on his dick had Mitch fucking her harder.

  “Yea, I feel that shit. Just let it, go, Sym,” He coached her, but she was trying to hold out on cumin’ because he was holding out. She leaned back so that her back was against his chest.

  “Down,” she instructed Mitch to lie flat on his back. She straddled him with her back still to him and rode him in reverse cowgirl. She bounced up and down on his shaft while rubbing her titties, with her head tossed back and her eyes rolling in the back of her head.

  Mitch held on to her waist and navigated the ride she was taking him on.

  “Fuck, Sym!” He groaned as he neared his peak.

  Sym was at hers, the shuddering of her body, in addition to the juice that saturated Mitch’s dick and sheets were a dead giveaway. Sym was coming down from her orgasm when Mitch slammed her down on him hard and released a low growl while emptying himself into the condom. She rolled over and collapsed on the bed beside him. They lied there in silence for a minute before he decided to get up and dispose of the condom. He came back in the room and joined Sym in the bed. He pulled her up on his chest, kissed her forehead, and got comfortable.

  Symphony lied there in silence until she was sure he was sound asleep. She eased her way from under his arm that was draped across her body. Quickly, she threw on her clothes and left. Sym had already broken enough boundaries with Mitch. She wasn’t ready for the one that was stopping her from sleeping over his house.


  The next morning Mitch woke up to an empty bed. For a minute, he thought that maybe she was in the bathroom of another part of the house, but he knew better. Sym had been taking steps in the right direction with him, but he knew there was still a lot that had her holding back. He wasn’t even going to press it. It was a new day, and he woke up in a better mood. He had her to thank for that.

  Knock, knock

  “Wake up, little ugly,” the familiar voice came from the other side of the door.

  Mitch picked up a pillow and put it over his head.

  “Get out my house, Michelle,” he groaned.

  “Come on; I would walk in but… Yea, just get up. Mommy is with me.”

  Hearing that his mother had stopped by with his sister forced Mitch out of the bed. He would have stayed buried under the covers if it was just Michelle but his other favorite lady was there; he had to make an appearance. After dragging himself out of bed, brushing his teeth, and washing his face, he made his way into the living room to greet his Women.

  “Maaaa,” he called out. “Box face,” he mushed Michelle and laughed.

  “Hello, baby,” his mother Mariam stated.

  He leaned down to where she was sitting on the sofa and pulled her into for a hug.

  “Who’s the hussy?” she questioned.

  “What hussy? Michie, what is your mother talking about?” He turned to his sister.

  Michelle laughed and handed him the note that was on the coffee table when they came in, “this.”

  Mitch shook his head already know it was from Sym. He hoped like hell she didn’t say anything that would have his mother giving her the side eye before they even met.

  I hope you feel better, Mitch. I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. I’m trying, work with me. :*

  “Why she gotta be a hussy?” he asked his mother after tossing the note back on the table.

  “Mitch, I told you about these fast ass girls. They ain’t nothing but trouble.”

  “Ma, it’s not even like that with Symphony.”

  “Ohhhh, this from the chick we spoke about?” Michelle reflected on a conversation she had with her brother a week ago.

  “Exactly, a nice wholesome girl,” he laughed.

  “Well, does she go to church?” Mariam added.

  “Ma, you don’t even go to church like that anymore, come on. Cut it out.”

  “Okay you got a point, but I need to meet this young lady. Michie told me ya’ll been spending a lot of time together lately.”

  “Eventually, you will. But, yo, mom, can you make some breakfast? I could go from some of you bomb ass grits right now.”

  Mariam reached over and popped him right on his lips.

  “Watch your damn mouth and of course, I can whip up some breakfast for my babies.”

  She got up from her seat and made her way to the kitchen. Mitch looked behind where he was sitting on the arm of the couch and picked up his phone from the end table. He expected it to be dead since he left it there over night, but it wasn’t. He headed straight for his text messages and sent Sym a message.

  Got your note. Well, my mom's and sister read it first. Good thing you didn’t say nothing about how the dick had you climbing the headboard. But yea, I feel much better. I’ma kick it with them for a bit and get at you later.

  “Chicks out here one night standing you, big brother?”

  Mitch laughed at Michelle, slid off the arm of the couch and landed on the seat right next to her.

  “Nah, this one just comes with a few issues, and I’m giving her space to work through them.”

  “Issues like what? You don’t need to be playing therapist to none of these bitches. You ain’t Doctor Phil.”

  “Michie, it’s not like that.”

  “You keep saying that, but you not telling me what it is like.”

  Mitch went through the photos in his phone in search of the one Sym had sent of him and McKenzie at Coney Island. When he found it, he handed the phone to Michelle without saying a word.

  “Who the hell baby is this? I know it’s not me because the picture looks too up to date, but this little girl has my face.”

  Exactly what Mitch been saying.

  “That’s Symphony’s daughter.”


  He put his hand over her mouth.

  “Shut up before moms hear your big ass mouth,” he whispered before removing his hand.

  “Pause, when did ya’ll have a baby? How the hell you kept this from mom and me?”

  “It’s a long ass story, but she claims the baby, not mine. Shit just too spooky. I mean, I know everyone has a twin, but look, shorty even got your birthmark on the side of her right eye.”

  Michelle reached up and rubbed the spot where the birthmark was above her eyebrow.

  “Nah, bro. She’s lying or some crazy shit, that’s too spooky. You need to get to the bottom of that, definitely.”

  “I’m trying. I just don’t want to get mom’s hopes up and shit for it not to be the case. I’m playing along with Sym’s rules for now, but I’ll get the results.”

  “So, you only messing with her beca
use you think the baby yours?”

  “At first, yea. And I told her that. But it’s different now. I’m really feeling her. It just comes with so much shit to deal with her; it’s hard. But you know me I’m never the give up type, so I’m sticking with it and seeing where shit goes.”

  “I can’t really speak on ya’ll relationship because I haven’t met her; which you need to fix soon, but in regards to the baby, you definitely gotta get to the bottom of that.”

  “I know, I know. Come on, though. Let’s go keep moms company in the kitchen.”


  Symphony stepped out of the shower and was greeted by the sound of her baby’s voice. She knew Kory was bringing her home early today because they had a meeting scheduled for that afternoon with someone who needed their services. She tied her robe and headed out to meet them.

  “My kid,” Sym squealed. “Hey, sis. How was she?”

  “She was an angel. I played that Mozart shit, and she slept like a baby.”

  “Stop cursing around my child.”

  Kory rolled her eyes animatedly before handing the baby over to Sym.

  “What time Laverne coming? Nadja moved the meeting with the new client up to this morning. Something about her having to meet with another client about some other shit.” Kory was the worse at relaying messages. When they were younger, she was also the one that fucked up the sentence whenever they played the telephone game.

  Sym glanced over at the grandfather clock, in the corner of her living room. “She should be here any minute. It’s already after nine, and she’s supposed… There she is,” Sym pointed to the door after hearing fumbling with the lock.

  “Let me run and get dressed so we can get out of here,” Sym passed McKenzie back to Kory, before retreating to her bedroom and getting dressed for the day. Because she only planned to be at the bunker, she settled for a denim romper and a pair or Saint Laurent slides. She headed into the bathroom, once she was dressed and sat down at the vanity to remove the flexi rods that was in her head.

  After making sure, her curls were situated to her liking, she headed back into her bedroom, grabbed her purse, and went to get Kory. After chopping it up with Laverne and kissing Kenzie goodbye, they were out the door and on their way.

  “Race you there,” Kory announced.

  “Only way I’m racing is if we putting money on it.”

  “Five bands.”

  Sym laughed at how easy it was about to be, taking five thousand dollars from her little sister.


  Sym walked off toward the direction of where she parked her car, and Kory did the same.


  “Gimmie my money,” Kory jumped from the seat and shouted as Sym walked into the room looking defeated.

  “What you did, run the red light?”

  “Ya’ll raced here?” Nadja inquired.

  “Yea and miss thing owe be five bands. I want my shit in singles,” Kory joked.

  “Fuck outta here. I’ma give you it, though. A bet is a bet.” Sym stated while pulling out her chair, sitting down, and getting comfortable. The three of them sat around kicking it, cracking jokes until it was time to switch into business mode when the new client arrived.

  Knock, knock

  There were the two knocks that alerted them that their guest had arrived. On cue, they looked toward the door as it opened and in walked the client.

  “Rory,” Nadja greeted him.

  She was the point of initial contact with this particular client, so Sym sat back and allowed her to take the lead.

  “What’s good, ladies?”

  The women gave him a short and to the point greeting before gesturing for him to have a seat.

  “We speak briefly about the services you needed, but now you can feel free to speak freely,” Nadja instructed.

  “Like I told ya’ll on the phone. I heard through the streets that ya’ll who I should see if I needed someone to disappear and, in this case, I need three people out of my hair for good. Shit is just bad for business.”

  “Yea, I got that clear. You know the price we discussed was for one person. Since it’s three we have to up that by two million.”

  “The money isn’t an issue. Here’s the information you told me to bring with me,” Rory slid the folder across the table to Nadja, who in turn passed it over to Sym.

  As Nadja went on about how the process worked, Sym examined the contents. She was completely engulfed and coming up with her plan in her head ass she went on until she ran across a familiar name; it was him. She flipped the folder closed and clasped her hands together on top of it. So many thoughts were going through her head. She knew he was involved in more than he was leading on to, after the night at Starlets but she continued to allow herself to deal with him. Now here she was smack dad in the middle of a place she told herself she didn’t want to be in; his mess. The other two guys she didn’t know well enough, outside of being his friends, but him…

  “Got it,” Rory spoke, assuring Nadja that he heard her instructions about setting up a meet for her to get half of the money up front before the job.

  “Cool, we’ll be in touch,” Kory sped up the process after seeing the look on her sister's face.

  Rory rose to his feet and stretched his hand out for each of the ladies to shake it. Kory shook first, since she was the closest to him, then Nadja. Sym looked at his hand as if it was diseased. He shrugged if off and back out of the room the same way he came. Silence replaced his presence as Nadja and Kory stared at Sym waiting for an explanation.

  “We’re not doing this job,” Sym stated.

  “What you mean?” Kory questioned.

  Nadja leaned forward while shaking her head. “What’s the problem? Why would you let me agree to the job if you knew you didn’t want to take it after reading the details?”

  “We’re going to take his money and kill him,” Sym answered.

  In unison, Kory and Nadja belted out, “What?”

  “Wait, what am I missing? What happened? Since when we moved liked this Sym?” Nadja demanded answers.

  Unfazed by her demanding tone, Sym said, “Set up the meet for tonight. We’re taking his money and killing him. Ya’ll never questioned me so, don’t start.”

  With that, she was done and over the conversation. She stood up while pushing her chair back and sliding the folder off the table at the same time, before making an exit leaving Nadja and Kory stumped.

  “Something really been going on with her lately and I been ignoring it because I figured she’d come to me when she was ready, but this? This way off course,” Nadja explained.

  Kory tapped the table with the pen that was in her hand while pondering over her sister’s actions.

  “What we going to do,” Nadja added.

  “What option do we have? If you don’t go through with this with her, she’ll attempt to do it alone.” Kory and Nadja both knew allowing Sym out on a job alone was out of the question which meant they only had one choice.

  “I’ll set up the meet,” Nadja somberly stated, knowing in the back of her mind that they would live to regret this decision one way or another.

  Chapter Fourteen

  [Contest Code: StreetLove]


  The sound of the gun slamming against Koran’s nose and bone breaking bounced off the walls of the staircase Niem, Nino found themselves in.

  “Where that nigga keeps the money at?” Nino barked before kicking Koran in his midsection, causing Koran to double over in pain.

  Koran was another young dude that worked under Rory. This particular night he had run out of luck and ended up showing up at the wrong place at the wrong time. He wasn’t the intended target of the beef, but when they spotted him, Niem and Nino thought it was best to use him to send another message to Rory. Rory had yet to retaliate against them for what they had Mitch do to his boys a few weeks back, and here they were repeating history. They didn’t need to rob Rory; it was just so easy to do so when they had
one of his most trusted soldiers outmanned and outgunned.

  “Fuck ya’ll niggas,” Koran spat.

  Niem stepped forward, grabbed Koran’s head, brought it down as he raised his knee, and slammed his face onto his knee.

  “Ouhhhh,” Koran cried out like a wounded dog. His face was covered in blood and leaked profusely.

  “Fuck you protecting this nigga shit for? You think he would do the same?”


  Niem threw a left hook that connected with Koran’s jaw. His head jerked to the side, and a glob of bloody saliva spewed from his mouth and landed near Mitch’s feet.

  Niem rained down blow after blow on Koran body. He hit the floor and crawled into a fetal position while Niem and Nino proceeded to stomp him to a bloody pulp. Mitch stood back leaning against the wall watching. This wasn’t his thing at all. He was more of a bust off and keep it moving type of nigga. Who had time for all this extra shit? Apparently, his boys did.

  Nino was adamant about getting the location of one or Rory’s spots from Koran, but he wasn’t budging.

  “It’s pointless, my nigga. Ya’ll did all that, and the nigga didn’t give up the spot yet.”

  Nino was winded. He leaned over with his hands on his knees, breathing extra hard, trying to catch his breath.

  “Fuck it. Rory will get the message when he sees his boy,” Niem added.

  “What? Nigga are ya’ll dumb? You don’t beat the shit out of someone like this and leave them alive to tell the story. Type of stupid shit ya’ll on. Ya’ll tryna die?” Mitch barked while retrieving his pistol from his waistband. He glanced down at Koran’s battered body, aimed the gun at his head, and let off one single shot; putting him out of his misery and instantly ending his life. “Let’s go,” Mitch ordered. “Can’t believe ya’ll niggas was going to let him live,” he scolded them as they made there was out the back of the building and back to Nino’s whip, undetected.


  Twenty minutes before Sym, Nadja, and Kory were scheduled to meet Rory, they found themselves riding from Williamsburg where their bunker was located to East New York. Rory insisted that they met at Gershwin park. It was a little out the ways for them, but Sym had an agenda. She would have agreed to meet him in Paris, and that’s what it took. Tension between the ladies were at an all time high. It was clearly Nadja and Kory against Symphony but she didn’t care because she knew they wouldn’t back out. One day, she would be able to explain to them why Rory had to die but that day wouldn’t be it.


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