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The Highest Bidder

Page 11

by Chanta Rand

  She was stunning in her black strapless gown. He followed the elegant lines of her neck from her chin to her tempting cleavage where the fabric dipped into a vee. His hands itched to touch her everywhere. His lips would do the same, if given the chance. He’d rehearsed this moment in his mind for days. What would he say to her? How could he convince her that he wasn’t some crazy stalker who was obsessed with her? He’d read the shock in her expression. She had not expected him to be here. He didn’t know what his plan was. He’d just have to play it by ear.

  He watched as the older lady sitting beside Alexa stood up and left her seat. She was probably going to the restroom. Somebody up above was definitely looking out for him tonight. Thank you, Lord. Unable to restrain himself, he made his way to her table. Her eyes followed him, and they mushroomed with fear as she apparently realized his intent. He calmed his galloping heartbeat and sat down next to her in the empty chair. The Master of Ceremonies had begun speaking, and the man’s loud voice filled the air. Tristan had to lean over to whisper in Alexa’s ear to make sure she heard him. “I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather’s death,” he told her. “Is there anything I can do?”

  She turned to whisper in his ear, their faces alarmingly close to one another. “Thank you, Tristan. But surely you didn’t come all the way from California to express your condolences.”

  They stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Tristan thought she had never looked more beautiful than at this moment. Her makeup was flawless. Smokey colored eye shadow and dark mascara made her look exotic. When she gazed at him with those sad eyes, it was practically his undoing. He saw the pain and vulnerability reflected there. But he also saw the raw attraction she had for him. Was it possible she wanted him as badly as he wanted her? He put his pride on the line. He would tell her the truth. No more games. “I came to see you, Alexa.”

  “Why? Aren’t there enough one-night stands in L.A. for you?” She turned away and he breathed in the faint scent of her perfume. It was the same perfume she wore the night they went out for drinks. He loved the smell of it.

  He touched her bare arm. “Alexa, why are you mad at me? I should be the one who’s angry. You haven’t returned any of my calls.”

  She turned to face him again. “I told you before, there was no reason for us to talk.”

  “Are you one of those people who rely on their good looks and think they can treat people any ole way?” he mimicked the words she’d said to him at their first meeting.

  Alexa smiled tightly. “Don’t use my words against me. I’m a decent, caring person. I’m not deceitful, and I don’t treat people badly.”

  He shrugged. “Well, if you care for me so much, why don’t you take my calls?”

  “I never said I cared for you. You are a professional acquaintance and that’s it.”

  “Do you kiss all of your business acquaintances the way you kissed me?”

  Her mouth dropped open in shock.

  “Careful,” he warned. “Mouths open that wide get kissed over and over.”

  She immediately closed her mouth and looked around the table as if trying to see if anyone was watching them. “I think you should leave now,” she said.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “No one can hear us. No one knows that beneath your professional, polished exterior is a woman who craves my touch. You can be a cold fish with everyone else, but you can’t pretend when it comes to me. He leaned in closer, so his lips barely grazed her ear. “I know the truth, Alexa. I know you want me deep inside you. You just don’t want me to know it. Now who’s being deceitful?”

  From the corner of his eye he saw the older lady preparing to return to her seat. He stood up and gave his parting words. “You don’t have to suffer in silence, Alexa. I’m waiting. All you have to do is open up and let me in.”

  Alexa watched Tristan leave the room. She breathed a sigh of relief. Good. Maybe he was going back home. She looked around her own table and she was aware of every eye on her. Could they have heard Tristan’s erotic conversation? She bit her lip. Who did he think he was – upsetting the balance of her life, and whispering sexy promises in her ear? She could still feel his hot breath against her skin. The warmth of his hand on her arm was a scalding reminder of her desire for him. So what if what he said was true? So what if she secretly wanted him deep inside her? That scandalous information was for her knowledge only. It was her own private shame. And the fact that he’d discovered the truth only made her want him more.

  Thunderous applause broke out from those seated at her table. She pasted a smile on her face as she realized Viola’s name had been called. She regrouped and forced herself to focus. Tristan had distracted her momentarily, but he’d also given her a lot to think about. Seeing him again had a powerful effect on her. The sexual tension between them was undeniable. Maybe she should just go with the flow and see where it took her. Tristan could be just what she needed to ease her loneliness – and relieve the dull ache between her thighs. But she wouldn’t call him. She wasn’t some naïve star-chaser. If it was meant to be, they’d see each other again. Then, heaven help her – there would be no turning back.

  * * *

  The awards ceremony lasted for two hours. Alexa thought it was the longest two hours of her life. She had to admit, Tristan’s appearance had been the most exciting event of the night. Less than twenty minutes after the last applause, everyone had made a beeline for the door. Now if Viola would only shake a leg and get moving, they could leave too.

  Alexa watched as her friend took the time to hug people she hadn’t seen in eons, kiss the cheeks of those she remembered fondly, and swap business cards with those she wanted to get to know in the future. That was Viola – always networking. She either knew everyone or she knew someone who knew that someone. She should definitely run for politics. The question was, was she unscrupulous enough to do it. Alexa smiled to herself. Yes, she was!

  “What are you smiling about?” Viola asked as she approached.

  “I’m just watching you work the room.”

  She laughed. “I’m sorry I took so long. I saw a lot of my old colleagues tonight. It was fun just reminiscing with everyone. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “About as much as I enjoy watching paint dry.”

  Viola playfully rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Well, I guess I’d better get you out of here before I have a revolution on my hands.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  The two of them made their way from the elegant ballroom down the grand spiral staircase. Lush, dark blue carpeting covered each step of the thirty-two-stair masterpiece. Walking slowly, and careful not to step on her long evening gown, Alexa took much more time than she normally would have. “If I’d known I would be getting a work out, I would have taken the elevator instead,” Alexa complained.

  “I’ll second that,” Viola agreed as they reached the bottom and walked across the lobby to the front door. “I’m paying for all that politicking I did earlier. My feet are killing me.”

  “Girl, in that gorgeous outfit, I hardly think anyone noticed your shoes anyway.”

  Viola laughed. “Yeah, I am wearing this dress, but the shoes are wearing me, literally!”

  “We’ve all been guilty of sacrificing comfort for fashion,” Alexa admitted.

  Viola shrugged. “Well, I only bought the shoes because they matched my purse.” Suddenly, she turned around as if she’d lost something. “Oh no. Where is my purse?”

  Alexa watched her eyes scan the floor, then the long hall, and then the staircase. “You think you left it in the ballroom?”

  Viola sighed. “Yes. I must have set it down on our table.” She stared at her feet and a look of dread washed over her features. “Alexa, would you mind getting it for me while I have the valet pull the car around? I can’t stand the thought of walking back up those stairs.”

  “No problem,” Alexa sympathized with her. “I’ll take the elevator this time.”

p; When Alexa returned to the ballroom, it was empty except for the wait staff, who were fastidiously cleaning up. It took her ten minutes to search all the tables and chairs. She even looked on the floor beneath the table where she and Viola had sat. Nothing. She would have to go back downstairs and deliver the bad news: Viola’s purse was officially M.I.A.

  When she reached the front door, Viola was nowhere to be found. In fact, there was no one standing around, not even the valet. The building was eerily quiet now that all the occupants were gone. She debated on waiting inside in the cool air-conditioning or going outside to look for Viola. Texas nights could still cause misery, even when the temperature dropped below ninety. She threw caution to the wind and stepped outside. Viola was probably parked out there waiting for her.

  Almost immediately, a black Hummer limousine pulled up to the curb and stopped in front of her. She watched as the black film of the back window lowered to reveal a handsome man in a white tux. His tie was undone, hanging carelessly around his neck. Her heart flip-flopped as Tristan flashed her a sensual smile.

  “Can I offer you a ride, pretty lady?”

  She had to give him credit. He was definitely persistent. Correction: Persistent and sexy! “No thank you,” she said.

  “I would hate to see all that lovely makeup melt off in this heat.”

  She felt the same way, but she would never give in so easily. Did he think he could woo her with a limo ride? “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  “Alexa.” He held his hand out to her. “Let me take you to dinner.”

  She’d promised to have dinner with Viola, and she really couldn’t back out. Viola had been there for her. It wasn’t fair to cancel. “I already have plans, Tristan.”

  He continued to sit there with his hand held out, as if waiting for her to change her mind and hop into the limo with him. After a few moments of silence, he pinned her with a direct look and asked, “Do you want my hand to fall off?”

  Despite her best efforts, Alexa couldn’t stop the smile that escaped her lips. “That is by far the worst Billy Dee impression I’ve ever heard,” she told him. “And I believe he said, ‘Do you want my arm to fall off.”’

  Tristan dropped his arm and laughed with her. “No, I’m pretty sure he said hand.”

  She gently scolded him. “If you’re going to quote one of the sexiest men of all time, the least you can do is get the words right.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, I’m trying to create my own sexiness.” He looked her up and down, seducing her with one glance. “Now, what does a brotha have to do to get you in this limo?”

  “That all depends. Are you sure some crazy photographer won’t jump out the bushes and snap my picture?”

  “I promise that won’t happen this time. No one knows I’m in town. I’m incognito.”

  “The hell you are! Not riding in a Hummer limo.”

  “You make a good point,” he admitted. “Maybe you should hurry up and get in before someone recognizes me.”

  “I’ll have to take a rain check. I’m meeting Viola for dinner tonight.”

  Tristan shook his head. “No you’re not. I just talked to Viola. I told her I would take you home, so she left.”

  “And why would she do that?” Alexa asked suspiciously.

  “Because I asked her to. It’s all been arranged.”

  “Oh, has it?”

  He grinned mischievously. “Yes.”

  Alexa looked around the empty parking lot. Viola was nowhere in sight. So, she and Tristan had planned this? No wonder she couldn’t find Viola’s purse. The woman had sent her on a wild goose chase. Her heart began beating wildly again, the way it always did when Tristan was around. But tonight, she was not going to let him have the upper hand. Tonight, she was going to put him on the defense. And in the process, she was going to get him out of her system once and for all. She reached for the door handle. “I’ll get in. But I’m not going home.” She smiled seductively. “I’m going to your hotel.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tristan never expected Alexa to get into the limo. Now she was sitting beside him, looking like a million dollars and smelling like it too. It all felt like a dream to him. And to top it off, she wanted to go back to his hotel. When a woman told you to take her to your hotel that meant she only had one thing on her mind. But earlier he’d watched her knock back a few drinks and he was wondering if this was the liquor talking.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

  She surprised him by sitting in his lap. “What’s the matter?” she asked saucily. “Aren’t you up for the challenge?”

  He smirked. “If you’re referring to my manhood, it’s always up when you’re around.”

  She smiled provocatively. “So, are you telling me or showing me?”

  Alexa could turn him on without even trying. Already, he was hard as marble thinking about the things he wanted to do to her. He softly caressed her cheek. “Don’t play with me, woman.”

  She gave him a dark, sensual look full of promise. “I was thinking just the opposite. I want you to play with me, Tristan.” She gently removed his hand and pressed his palm to her soft lips. He watched as she placed feather-light kisses on each of his fingers. Then she slowly slid her tongue along his palm, tracing erotic circular patterns into his flesh. He savored the sensations she was evoking. No one had ever kissed his hands before.

  His passion was like a runaway train threatening to jump the tracks. Keeping his eyes on Alexa, he reached for the intercom. The panel separating him from the driver was in place, so no one could see or hear them in the nearly pitch-black interior. The only light came from the interior running lights on the floorboards. He pressed the buzzer on the intercom. “Lou, take us to the hotel.” He turned his full attention back to the gorgeous woman in his lap. “Now, where were we?”

  “Somewhere between here,” she pointed to her top lip, “And here,” she pointed to her bottom lip. He took the not-too-subtle hint and pulled her into his arms. The intensity of their kiss stunned him. He wanted to be sweet and gentle, showing her what a patient lover he was. But the moment he tasted the rich texture of her mouth, he was done for. He laid claim to her, invading her soft wetness and greedily sucking her tongue. It was even better than their first kiss, which had sustained him like life support while he waited for her call.

  He moved lower, kissing the slender column of her neck and nibbling her earlobes. He could smell her perfume even more now. He could imagine her dabbing it behind her ears. The sweet fragrance mingled with her own erotic scent, turning him on. Her low moans encouraged him to become bolder, and he let his hands wander down her thighs. The slinky material of her dress inched higher and higher, exposing her creamy flesh. She was curious too. Her hands were everywhere, rubbing, caressing and fondling him. He was used to being the aggressor. He’d never seen this side of Alexa. It made him horny as hell and crazy for more of her. In the far recesses of his mind, he knew they weren’t going make it to the hotel.

  He leaned her back against the limo’s massive back seat. It was more like bed anyway, allowing both of them to almost fully recline. He switched positions, placing himself on top of her, and pinning her arms above her head. The action pushed her ample cleavage further up, making her breasts spill from the top of her dress. With his free hand, he tugged at the neckline, instantly exposing the dark bud of one nipple. “Oh, and what do we have here?” he teased. “Blackberry, my favorite.”

  Alexa watched as Tristan gently licked her nipple. His tongue softly flicked against the bud, and he pulled it tenderly with his teeth, making it pucker and immediately stand at attention. She groaned as she felt his skillful mouth hungrily devour her body. He gently nibbled and suckled her breast before finally devouring it by enveloping it in his warm mouth. Hot sparks of excitement shot through her body, making her arch her back in response. If this was the appetizer, she didn’t think she was going to make it for the main course. Already, she felt a slow and steady climax buildi
ng deep within her core.

  She hadn’t meant for it to go this far. She’d only intended to tease him, to get him all heated up and then leave. She wanted him to know that she was in control, and they would have sex whenever it suited her – not him. But her plan had failed miserably. She hadn’t counted on her wanton response to him. It had been so long since she’d been with a man. And right now, she was so vulnerable and so lonely, she needed someone to soothe her pain. She needed Tristan. The moment his lips touched hers, she knew she was in trouble. She should have realized that Tristan Rexford was not a man to be toyed with. He’d warned her, and now she was helpless to stop him as he pulled her bodice down and started feasting on the other breast.

  As he worked his magic, leaving a trail of hot kisses along her breasts, she writhed with pleasure beneath him. When she felt his strong fingers dip down south, she was ready for him. He softly caressed her there, immediately finding her hot spot and fondling the nub of her desire. She heard a low moan escape her lips, but she didn’t care. She wanted him to know she was enjoying every minute of what he was doing.

  “Alexa, I want you to want me like I want you,” he said, his thick voice barely penetrating her passion-induced fog. “Do you want me?”

  She fought to remain coherent. Her heart was racing and she was breathless. “Yes. I want you now.”

  As his finger slipped inside, she gasped with pleasure. She arched her hips in the air, grinding her pelvis against his hand. She felt her own wetness as his slick finger slid back and forth, penetrating her flesh with an erotic rhythm. Then he captured her mouth, taking total command with his hot kisses. He consumed her, his tongue inside her mouth and his fingers deep inside her. He knew what he was doing, thrusting into her over and over again. Each time he pulled back, he let the pad of his thumb linger, caressing her sensitive tip. A wild heat spiraled through her as she felt another finger slide inside her. “Oh God!” She was already on the edge, and it didn’t take long for her to plummet off the cliff.


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