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Fox's Awakening

Page 1

by F. G. Adams

  Table of Contents





  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Coming soon

  Fox’s Awakening

  F.G. Adams



  About the Author

  Other Books by the Author:



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Coming soon



  Brenton Fox is a guardian of mankind. By day, he guards humanity as an agent for the FBI. By night, he is the leader of a secret organization called Hunters. He is a man on a quest to find an ancient relic needed to free the God Zenon and the Goddess Augusta. The only hurdle he faces comes in the form of the unearthly beautiful twin Goddesses Jazmine and Jada accompanying him on this mission. His attraction for both sisters is a distraction he doesn’t need.

  Goddesses Jada and Jazmine share a powerful secret. The closer they get to the sexy Brenton Fox, the more the secret is revealed and the more his dark, alluring charms become irresistible to them both. The sisters’ journey could prove to be their undoing or save the universes within the realm under their protection.

  Deep in the wilds of Africa, they must locate the portal to a hidden realm full of unknown dangers. The demented nature of the God Baako creates treacherous and unforgiving obstacles the trio must bind together to overcome.

  Will the unconventional hero tame the animal fighting deep inside and master the Goddesses he has come to desire?

  This is NOT a standalone. Please read Aldin’s Wish Book 1 for continuation of story.

  Copyright © 2017 by F.G. Adams

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, named features, artists and bands are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used for reference and without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.

  Cover Design: L Woods PR

  Editor: Julia Goda with Diamond in the Rough Editing

  Created with Vellum

  This book is dedicated to all the dreamers. Each one of us carries a spark inside, waiting to be set free, twinkling brightly in the night sky. Let your light shine!

  About the Author

  F.G. Adams writes contemporary and paranormal romance about sexy alpha heroes and feisty-mouthed heroines. The wonder twin sisters forming F.G. enjoy a healthy obsession of reading that started at a young age. Their books reflect an avid imagination that was cultivated by their grandmother who taught them the mind has no limits and to use both hands when reaching for the stars. Partners in writing, they both thrive on creating unique storylines for you, the reader, to enjoy.

  When not writing, you can find them on a beach with their significant other enjoying the waves or riding a Harley on a country road somewhere in the USA.

  Tell Us What You Think. Please leave a review. We enjoy hearing reader opinions about our books.



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  Instagram: @authorfgadams

  Other Books by the Author:

  This is Our Life series:

  Grayson: Book 1

  Keagan: Book 2

  Oliver: Book 3

  Lukas: Book 4

  The Enchanted Immortals Trilogy:

  Book 1: Aldin’s Wish

  Book 2: Fox’s Awakening

  Book 3: Marcus’ Vengeance

  The 7: Lust #6

  Read a sneak peek at the end. Releases 10/23/17

  Preorder Amazon / Nook / iBooks


  Thank you the reader for purchasing and reading Fox’s Awakening. You’ve enabled us to do what we’ve always dreamed about—writing. This book was an exciting and fun journey for both of us. Our imagination infused into a new world of Immortals, legends and others. We learned so much about each other and grew as writers. We really hope you enjoy the story.

  We absolutely love and adore Heather Roberts and L Woods PR. From the super amazing cover to your wealth of knowledge and encouragement goes above and beyond our expectations. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  Thank you so much Julia Goda, for taking on the dynamic duo. Twice the edits … twice the fun. Your knowledge and know how helped make Lukas not just a great book, but a fabulous one. We love you big.

  Thank you to our dear friend, the amazing Stephanie. Lady, you are the boss. We love you and appreciate everything you’ve done and continue to do to help us.

  Thank you to the bloggers, street team, and our fabulous Sisters in the Hangout for all your support and friendship.

  Thanks to the men in our life for supporting and understanding our dream.

  Yours truly,

  F.G. Adams


  Our heart's wildest dreams don't bow, don't turn around, don't look back. We prepare now our sword for the night's sweet hunt ~ Goddesses

  In the beginning, there were five Immortals. They walked, lived, and loved among the humans. After a while, they began to create new creatures. Beings with gifts bestowed upon them. Guardians of the human race. Three races were conceived: necromancer, shifter, and vampire. They were called Enchanted Immortals.

  This is one of their stories.

  For the mortals we live among and protect, the long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown. Nothing is impossible. To have the ability to forget the past is a kindness not bestowed upon my brethren—the Enchanted Immortals.

  We have endured the passing of time—the goddess I was stripped of my naturally-born ability and power by my mad and twisted brother Baako—as monozygotic twins with identical genetic information, Jada and Jazmine, only the consciousness within deciphering our differences.

  The holiest of holy chambers fills with quiet reverence as gasps echo throughout. The humans in Aldin, son of Markus, and Wren’s bonding party grapple to comprehend what they see before their eyes. Unlike the chamber in the pyramid they entered through, the room t
hey stand in appears to be made of solid gold dotted by intricately-placed gems of every precious-colored stone imaginable. In the center lies the core of the ancient gods.

  The Forever Living Immortal Scroll. A living entity with delicately scripted crimson words of the names of every Immortal: past, present, and future.

  “We are ready to begin,” Marcus, our brother, clears his throat and announces to those gathered.

  As Aldin and Wren move to the front of the Immortal Scroll radiating with love and affection for each other, we stand on each side of Marcus, adorned with our ceremonial robes and crowns. Happiness and adoration flows freely from everyone present. Happy for the time being that Baako was defeated in battle. Many more will come before the war ends.

  Brenton Fox is here. Awareness of the hunter and the importance of his meaning to us isn’t far from our minds. The day will come when all will be revealed to him. Until then, we idly watch and wait from a distance.

  “We gather here in the Temple of the Immortal Scroll…” Marcus begins the bonding ceremony that will tie Aldin and his true mate, Wren, for eternity.

  “Bonding to another, a true mate is not taken lightly,” we twin Goddesses continue in sing song voices.

  “Two become one,” Jada states with a gentle look.

  “Forever bound to the other,” Jazmine follows. Her eyes drift for a brief second to where the alluring hunter, Brenton Fox, stands with feet apart, hands clasped behind him, alert and very handsome.

  “Two become one. Forever bound to the other. The two halves become whole. Bonded forever.”

  Lightning strikes in the enclosed area, and we are held immobile like statues. Incapable of speech or movement.

  Marcus’ startled and worried voice booms within the chamber.

  “Sisters. Speak to me,” he pleads, but we are no longer able to respond, only watch as the unknown unfolds.

  We stand statue-still, gazing forward into nothingness as a bridge is formed across the abyss of time and the portal gate opens to Zenon and Augusta, our makers. Our eyes beam opalescence rays. We notice Brenton rushing forward to help only to be blocked by Marcus’ powerful arm.

  “No! You will not pass,” Marcus’ angry command echoes in the large space.

  “But something’s wrong, Marcus. Let me help,” Brenton expels in an aggravated tone and remains stock still with his eyes locked on us.

  Concurrently, the God Zenon and Goddess Augusta’s souls walk over the bridge of time and space to communicate with the wedding party through us, the twin Goddesses, and Jadzia, the one locked away.

  “Jadzia, dearest loved one, many eons have come and gone, as quickly as a blink of an eye, yet here we are together again. We weep with longing to be with you once more. If but only an infant span of time, it is too vast a stretch,” Zenon relays in a deep voice to her with fatherly adoration.

  “A bridge has been forged between realms. We have little time but much to share.” Augusta rushes along, “Listen wisely, lovely one, the foretold prophecy is awakening. To transcend as if each step was the end of the beginning.”

  “The rarest of all my creations returns to fulfill his rightful place at your side.”

  “But how will I know? It has been so long.”

  “Do not fret, my dear. Your soul will recognize him.”

  “The great beast will once again flourish within the earth realm, bringing forth peace and prosperity to those who need to find the path as one.”

  “Please don’t leave me here alone. Help me find a way out so that I can call forth the powers needed to bring you home,” I plead.

  “You are aware of your destiny, child. It has been written in the scroll from the beginning of time. Nothing Baako has done will change it. He waits for his equal part, separated ages ago, to return and right him. The past and present collide. You must find the one we speak of. Follow your instinct. It will not lead you wrong. Allow your heart to guide you, for only when it does will you be released. Together, you hold the key to the needed relic,” Zenon commands.

  “You will know the time to collect the Crown of Freya when the moon shadows the sun. Only then does the key work,” Augusta vows.

  “Good-bye for now, sweetling. Know we are with you always,” Zenon whispers then slowly fades away from the earth realm back to the unknown prison realm Baako trapped them in long ago.

  Watching from another realm through green eyes, Jadzia sees the twins speak in unison once more to those gathered before collapsing onto the hard stone floor.

  Maarku and the man called Brenton Fox rush toward the twin Goddesses, concern and worry etched on their perfectly handsome faces. Before they are able to reach them, they both stir. Jada confidently nods at Maarku when he extends his hand to help her up. Brenton helps Jazmine from the floor, eliciting a menacing growl from Maarku.

  Oh, Maarku, always the sentry in your protective duty.

  I focus on Brenton and acknowledge the flicker of hope his nearness causes.


  Impossible feats become improbable during a timeless existence. A concerned touch calls forth the inevitable, awakening him from a trance. ~ Goddesses

  Marcus has summoned the legends, demigod-like beings who serve the earth realm, and the others, Immortals and hunters to discuss the perilous quest to find the portal. Brenton and we prepare to leave the compound within a fortnight. Due to the precarious nature of the quest, and in light of the turbulent attacks around the world, Marcus has decided that staying in Egypt near the Forever Living Immortal Scroll is paramount. For the protection of all creation, we must keep it out of Baako’s hands.

  All Gods, Enchanted Immortals, legends, and others draw power from this place. It is the symbiotic relationship that generates a potent spiritual position for all of us to fight the evils lurking in the darkness. Leading us closer and closer to the end.

  Preparations are underway to ensure our success. But with every two steps forward, our thoughts of what’s to come hinder the progress.

  It is time. The hour draws near. After a period of almost two thousand years, the end advances, rendering my torment no more. Remnants of the exchange with our parents in the temple plague us, solidifying our knowledge that the coming forth of the beast is imminent and the peace we crave ebbs closer.

  Weariness has engulfed our splintered soul for so long. The knowledge that Brenton Fox holds the map inside his mortal mind, waiting for us to unlock it, has created dissension in our mind that was not there before.

  Although we are two individual bodies, we share a collective mind. From the beginning of our existence as twin Goddesses, we have been known by many different civilizations and different titles.

  Jada is the warrior, strong and fierce in battle, defending the earth realm from outside enemies. Known by humans in many cultures as the goddess of reason, intellect, arts, and literature. The embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purity.

  Jazmine is the nurturer, the goddess of the hearth, family, and domestic life. A patron of marriage and childbirth, having special interests in the protection of women and children. Known as a protector of nature and the hunt, both wild and tame animals are under her protection.

  Brenton Fox strolls into the large chamber with an air of confidence, and we shift collectively, eyeing his powerful strides as his strong, muscular thighs bring him closer to our current position at the helm of the table with Marcus. If the man only knew the power he possesses hidden deep beneath the surface. His strong patriarchal chin lifts then drops as he bows in recognition of our status in the hierarchy gathered within.

  Our senses are captured by the unearthly blue eyes of the predator within the man yearning to be released and worthy of our cause. For a moment in time, there are no others among us. Only the three of us. The animal within recognizes the scent it’s been searching for over the millennials. Reborn from one body to another down the lineage, until the match was formed. It was only a matter of time. In time, we will know if the bond will be accepted or rejected. We p
ray for the first, to be whole again.

  Thunder booms, reverberating in the room from Marcus’ rumbling, and interrupts our intimate stare.

  “Sisters,” Marcus manages to ground out.

  “Have a seat, Brenton, so we may begin,” Aldin calmly directs, witnessing the anger rolling off Marcus in waves.

  “Yes, Brenton. We’ve been waiting for your arrival,” Marcus openly chastises. “We are fortunate we weren’t in a rush to convene. Nevertheless, now that you are here, we may begin.”

  “Pardon my tardiness, my lord. But I was held up at FBI headquarters. Apparently, requesting leave for an unknown amount of time is an intricate process of red tape and bullshit bureaucracy. I would like my job back at the end of this little adventure. I didn’t work my ass off to get in the position I hold just to start all over again later. I’m sure you understand delicate matters such as these,” Brenton volleys back without delay.

  “Very well, Brenton. You’ve made your point. Find a seat and let’s discuss the situation,” Marcus accepts in an exasperated sound, waving his hand at the vacant chairs near the end of the table.

  He looks around and nods. “Yes, my lord.”


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