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Fox's Awakening

Page 9

by F. G. Adams

  “You are sincere. I’m able to discern that much, but how so?” I stare at the churning water, curious as to how his mind works and intrigued by our conversation, even if it is going on in my head.

  “I realize you are skeptical yet eager to learn more. I have been studying and absorbing everything available about the man Brenton Fox. For one, we are both fierce warriors and leaders of our time. A seeker of truth and justice to prevail,” Fedor points out.

  “You have me there. I agree with your assessment one hundred percent. Since I was a young child, I’ve always been a sucker for good to conquer evil.” I share the memory of the teenager bullying my friend while we played at the park. He and his friends ganged up on him because he was small, alone, and vulnerable, demanding he give them his baseball and glove. I stood up for him. Hell, I went home that day with a swollen, black eye, and a lasting friendship. Right is right, and wrong is wrong.

  “Hmm, yes, I see. I told you, there are many similarities in us. Also loyalty. The people you care about most, you will protect till the end,” he announces in a tone filled with pride.

  “Yeah, and sometimes that gets us in too hot water,” I lightly jibe at him.

  “For the love of the Gods! Why would we want to be in hot water? Unless it is to be bathed. Oh wait, I get it.” Fedor snorts. “A joke of sorts.”

  “Yes, of sorts. A twist on words we humans fondly use.” I laugh briefly and sniff the salty air. A familiar scent of jasmine draws near. “We are both in love with the Goddess Jadzia.”

  “The most important truth,” Fedor vows. “Your capability to call on my senses will continue. She comes, but you are already aware. This is good, Brenton. It will help protect and keep her from harm. We must be her strength against Baako. We will talk more later, my friend. Just remember, I am here with you always.”

  I glance behind me, and my eyes open wide watching the beautiful angel casually walking toward me, her tall, perfectly-sculpted body decked out in a little yellow polka dot bikini with a wrap covering up the parts my eyes long to feast on most. A yearning to touch her spreads like a wildfire.

  “Jadzia.” My voice comes out in a whispered hiss. I’m tongue-tied, choked up from examining her remarkable beauty. Desire floods me, quickly replaced with uncertainty.

  “What is it, Brenton? Is this not appropriate attire? You did say you wanted to go snorkeling in the Red Sea. Wren and Candie were kind enough to help me decide on a swimsuit before we left. Wren informed me you would be highly pleased and excited to escort me if I wore it. Was she wrong? Did I do something to offend you?” she charges, unsure of her attire.

  “Wren, you say?” I manage to squeak out. “That little…”

  “Yes, and Candie. They were most helpful. We’re here, and I’m ready to go, so are you… How do they say it? Oh yes, are you game?” she playfully taunts me.

  “No, I mean, yes,” I stumble over my words and take a much-needed breather. This side of Jadzia fascinates me.


  I snap out of it and scramble to remember my train of thought. “I’ve heard there is an enchanting coral reef further up north I was hoping we could visit, but it’s well past the Port of Sudan. The captain informed me earlier the waters where we are now can be very dangerous from lurking pirates sailing on the sea. I don’t want to chance a normal human crime, like being held hostage for ransom, to happen. Another time, maybe?”

  “You’re so cute. Quit thinking like a human, Brenton. I wouldn’t allow that to occur. Together we would be fine. But I understand your need to protect. Well, I didn’t put on this costume for nothing, my love. Let’s go swimming. Shall we?” Jadzia winks and drops the sarong from around her waist and twirls. I’m stunned speechless.

  “Fuck me. I’m in so much trouble.”

  Laughter flitters through my mind. “You are utterly adorable, my warrior. It’s beautiful outside, and I don’t want to waste a second of it when I’m with you. Come on. Let’s play.”

  Jadzia takes hold of my hand and tugs me toward the sparkling swimming pool. We spend the rest of the day playing, splashing, and sunbathing in the loungers at the pool. Together.

  With each passing second, the love we share for Jadzia overtakes us. Binding us more, combining what was once Brenton and Fedor into one. Solidarity. A meeting of the minds of sorts took place as Jadzia naps like a well-fed little kitten partially shaded by an umbrella on the plush lounger beside me, content. Her golden skin glistening with droplets of moisture in the warm afternoon sun.

  “How can we make this work, Fedor? I mean, you said we would no longer be Fedor or Brenton, but one. What does that mean exactly?” I candidly question and wait for his answer.

  “Honestly, I’m not exactly sure myself, Brenton. I’m not a seer like some of our brethren. I don’t have that ability. I just have a feeling of what’s to come.”

  “That’s so comforting.” I rub the tensing muscles in my neck.

  Chuckling, he continues, “Call it intuition or instinct. In all fairness, Brenton, I’ve never been in this situation before. I might be an elder Immortal, created by Zenon, but you are the first one inhabiting my soul to come in contact with our beloved. So, it’s new to me as well.”

  “Makes sense. But how will we continue this way? How do we make it work, Fedor? I don’t wish to lose myself, nor do I wish you to lose who you are.”

  “Let us worry about that another time. Face the trials coming tomorrow. For now, relish in the company of our Goddess. Being here with her and you is enough for me.”

  “You’re right, brother. Now is not the time to dwell on the things we can’t know or control.”

  The understanding between Fedor and me grants a sense of peace within for the time being. As long as she’s by my side, I can deal with anything else. Hell, having a consciousness as wise and knowledgeable as Fedor helping me, I deem as a win-win in the ultimate game book. So, the rest of the afternoon into the evening, we relish in the moment, enjoying the small reprieve from the outside world, just the three of us.

  At dinner, we converse as old friends and new lovers. A lifetime, twenty lifetimes could never sever the bond shared between us. She is my mate. The full impact hits me square in heart and travels south to the throbbing ache her presence causes. It seems like a continual state for me. The slight pink blush on her perfect face quickly brings forth the never-ending yearning we feel for Jadzia.

  I attempt to broadcast my desire to retire early and devour her deliciousness. I have my eyes on the prize, and it’s all Jadzia. “I’m craving an Immortal prime delicacy, my lovely Goddess.” Her blush intensifies. I cannot help myself. “I’m going to strip you down until there isn’t anything between us. No clothes. Skin to skin.”

  “Brenton, you are playing with fire,” she warns in a raspy tone.

  “Hmm. I’m willing to get burned if you are the one meting the punishment.”


  “C’mon, love, I have the persistent need to seduce my mate.”

  The bright yellow glow of the sun streams in through the light, wispy fabric covering the panoramic windows in our suite. My senses are alerted by the nonexistent sound of the engines indicating we’ve stopped. I scramble out of bed over to the window to discern our position and what’s going on outside.

  An amazing sight greets me. Large cargo ships, yachts, sailboats, and small tug boats alike fill the port docks. The modern city is bustling with traffic from its citizens and tourists. Protect her at all costs.

  The soft, warm touch on my tense shoulder from behind causes me to release the pent-up breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Leaning around, I wrap my arms around Jadzia, kissing the top of her head as she melts into my arms.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” I smile happily and am comforted by the woman I hold in my arms.

  “Good morning, my love. How was your sleep?” Jadzia envelopes me with her love and concern. Of course, she would know of my constant thoughts.

�Actually, I slept really well. I didn’t dream of chasing a herd of gazelles or any crazy shit. Hmph,” I blurt out, hardly restraining myself from returning her to bed. She’s a sight with her normally perfect locks messy and rumpled from sleeping.

  “That’s wonderful news. The integration of your souls is coming to an end. It will only get better from here,” she announces and glances away quickly. What is she not telling me?

  “Wait. How do you know?” I tighten my hold on her when she attempts to extract herself from our embrace. “What can you tell me, my lovely Goddess?”

  “Nothing that you don’t already understand between you—”

  The ship’s PA system interrupts us with a Beep. Beep. Beep. “Attention, please. This is your captain speaking. All docking procedures have commenced. You are now ready to enter into the Port of Sudan.”

  “Later, my warrior. It’s time for us to leave. We have one more train to catch before we reach our destination.” She pats my chest and walks into the bathroom to get ready for the last leg of our journey, provocatively swaying her hips back and forth. She is completely unaware of the effect she has on me. Oblivious.

  “Later it is, Goddess. But we’re far from being finished,” I mumble into the empty room, wondering what she might know and why she hasn’t told us more about the unification.


  Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tiptoeing around is not my forte, but taking the first step is tough. That’s why I say, ‘Fuck it,’ and jump in with both feet. ~ Brenton Fedor Fox

  “I’ve got good and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” I saunter up to where I left her.

  “Oh, I do love a good game of good and bad.” She clasps her hands together. The comical expression on Jadzia’s elegant face causes a chuckle to escape from deep in my gut, bubbling out before I can stop it.

  “Sometimes, the things that come out of your sexy mouth—”

  “What?” she cuts in, grinning from ear to ear. “I like to have fun just like everyone else, including the animal that resides within you. Okay. I believe I’ll take the good news first. That way if the bad is really awful, it won’t sting as much.” Her smile is endearing, and the feelings it provokes has me bursting at the seams from the sheer joy of it.

  “Well, my lady, the good news is”—I draw out the ending and animate a drum roll—“I managed to acquire the last two tickets for a train heading to Khartoum.”

  She chuckles and claps in a round of applause as I take a mock bow. “Perfect. How long will it take us?”

  “That’s the bad news. It’s approximately a twenty-two-hour ride. With one brief stop in Atbara,” I divulge and wait for her reaction. The strain of keeping the cloak of our whereabouts from Baako rolls off her. I witness the moment my words sink in. Like a balloon losing its helium, the beautiful smile deflates, and with a small huff, her shoulders slouch. “I’ll help you, my love.”

  She sighs in acceptance. “Not so perfect. But I’ll make it work. Will we at least have private quarters for the duration?”

  “Actually, that’s the sweet part. I paid a pretty penny for it but procured the train’s chief engineer’s room. It’s a small suite with a private bath. And they will serve food as well.” I beam with pride that I was able to provide a small amount of tranquility for her.

  “Thank you, Brenton. Your generosity is welcomed and greatly appreciated.” She steps forward and places a chaste kiss on my lips. “You take such good care of me.”

  “I’d do anything for you, my Goddess. I value your welfare above all others’,” I solemnly promise.

  She graces me with an amazingly sexy grin, one filled with promises of things to come. I grab her hand, and we walk toward the train and board.

  Twenty-four hours later, we arrive at the Khartoum train depot. It took longer because there was an altercation with a guest at the stop in Atbara and the police had to escort the wayward traveler off the train in shackled in handcuffs. My concern for Jadzia’s well-being escalated. Was it a ploy of Baako’s to draw us out? Is he somehow able to track Jadzia without her knowledge? We are so close to our destination.

  We arrive in the city under the cloak of darkness, a day earlier than planned. Tomorrow is the solar eclipse. Jadzia explained to me more about how the alignment in the atmosphere happens only once every four hundred years where the site is located along the Nile. Our journey is coming to an end. It’s been a long two weeks, but at the same time, I wouldn’t change a single minute of it.

  During the train ride, I made the mistake and taught Jadzia the song Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, a catchy tune she loved so much we had to sing it over and over again, almost making me and Fedor regret teaching it to her. Almost. We also discussed more about the upcoming retrieval of the crown.

  “So, tell me again how much time we have to retrieve the crown and return to the earth realm?” I request, contemplating our plan, troubled by the temporal period she’s relayed so far.

  “Two minutes, give or take, before the portal will close and we’ll be trapped inside or outside, unable to regain the talisman for another four hundred years,” she relays with a dainty shrug.

  “Oh, just great. That’s a lifetime. Plenty of time to get in and out. No sweat.” I brush my hand through my hair and tug. “Impossible much?”

  “My dearest warrior. You’re so funny at times. I’m still learning your sarcastic humor,” she reveals with a clever smirk.

  “What part am I missing, Jadzia? Because it sure seems to me two minutes isn’t enough time to get in and out. Explain it, please.” I’m confused because she’s not in the least bit worried about our time constraints.

  “Once we step through the portal, time in the earth realm stands still, virtually giving us a sufficient amount of time to find and recover the crown,” she explains.

  “Huh? No kidding? So, how exactly does that work?” I need to know more to ensure her safety.

  “Well, it’s simple, really. Think as an Immortal, Brenton,” she sweetly coaxes. “Time inside other realms equates to days or years even outside of the portal. This particular portal is somewhat unstable, but I’m positive it will do our bidding. So, you see, we’ll be fine as long as we get inside. The time shift anomaly works to our benefit.”

  “Somewhat unstable?” I snort. “Maybe to you it is, but to me…hey, it’s new. That’s very comforting, my love. But I trust you; we trust you. We can do this, together.”

  “Yes. Together. That’s the only way, my warrior.”

  Sighing heavily, I resign myself to the fact everything in my world is changing. I’ve got to change with it, or she’ll be unguarded and vulnerable to Baako’s attacks. “Then let’s do this, Goddess.”

  I find a house for us to rent near Tuti Island to rest for the night. The isle is secluded enough yet out in the open, where we will access the portal in the morning. It’s nestled between the fork in the Nile River, where the White Nile and the Blue Nile branch off. A weird place for sure for a portal to be located, but maybe that’s the point of it. A location out of the sights of the evil that would destroy life as we know it.

  One more night, and this leg of the quest will be over. One more night, and we will possess the Crown of Freya. One more night, and we’ll be one more step closer to ending Baako’s tyranny. One more night all alone with our beloved.

  “Baako is on the move. I feel it,” Jadzia calmly proclaims. Her golden eyes are shimmering with power.

  “How do you know this, sweetheart?” I move within reach of her, needing to feel her touch.

  She shrugs in a calm manner. “It’s the twin factor again. We’ve been joined together from conception. I feel certain things. I can discern some of the wonderings of his demented mind. At the same time, I know when he’s crazy with madness. Right now, his hackles are up, like he’s a cornered animal about to be killed for sport. This doesn’t bode well for any of us.”

  “I will
protect you, Jadzia. We will protect you. With our life if necessary.”

  “I know you will try, but it is I who needs to protect you, my warrior. He will come for you again. But this time, we will both be ready. I cannot go back to the way it was before,” she confides in me, her voice thick with emotion.

  “For certain.”

  We go to bed with heavy hearts weighting us down with the knowledge of our mission. So much is riding on our successful retrieval of the crown. The light is dimming for us, but in the end, we will prevail or die trying.

  Fedor stirs, restless. “Still awake, my friend?”

  “Yes. I can’t sleep. I keep picturing everything that could go wrong. Too many variables I don’t quite understand. And you? I’m guessing you’re worried about what’s to come in the morning. It has my insides feeling batshit crazy.”

  “Batshit crazy? Of course, that would drive the jaguar crazy.” Fedor chuckles as an image of the albino jaguar chasing bats appears in my mind, jumping through the air like a gazelle, the bats just barely within reach. The comical scene causes a laugh to overflow from my lips.

  Silence reigns for a short time, and then Fedor’s soft baritone voice begins again. “It is our emotions compounded, which magnifies the concern we’re both experiencing. You are correct, Brenton. Hence, it’s keeping us awake. Tomorrow is of grave importance. We must make it to the portal without alerting Baako. She holds the key to our success. Or everything we’ve done the past few weeks will be for naught.”

  “Agreed. What do you have in mind?”

  “I will give you guidance when needed, but until you call on me, I will allow you to lead the way. You understand this modern world more than I. Unless you are incapacitated and cannot perform. Do you understand?”

  “So, I will be me, in my body, and you will only come out as the jaguar when needed? Is that what you mean, brother?”


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