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Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance

Page 11

by Andromeda -

  Chapter Seventeen: The Raiding Itch

  Alrik held onto Rashida’s waist as she moved her hips in a fast, but sensual pattern on top of him. They were alone in her room, back at her farm house. Her siblings were gone, having gone to play with his brothers. The young woman panted softly with a smile. Her hands roamed over his chest as she increased her pace, working to bring them both to a release.

  They had been together like this for almost four months now, come spring, and every night it was the same. He would sneak into her home late at night, they would shut the door and fall in each other’s arms. Alrik knew what he wanted. The first couple of times they would make love it was hard, fast and primal with need. Then, after a brief break, it would turn sensual, gentle and sweet.

  It was during these times he would touch and kiss every part of her body. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to have her bare body burned into his memory. It didn’t take him long to, and he loved everything about her. From the music of her soft, breathy moans as he thrust deep into her, to the small birthmark that looked almost like a cat’s pawprint that was on the midsection of her back. When he would have her from behind, he would lean forward and kiss this spot, run his tongue over this spot, and every single time it would make her shudder.

  Reluctantly, more so on Alrik’s part, they had tried to keep their relationship a secret. However, it didn't take others long to figure out that he left his father's home late at night and didn't come back until early the next morning. Other times, they went out into the woods and did not return for hours, but when they did, it was plain as day at what they had been doing.

  Alrik groaned and his fingers dug into her hips before he threw his head back in a guttural roar of release as Rashida cried out his name, before rolling onto his side. He pulled her close, throwing his arm over her head as he looked down at her. Her hair was plastered to her head with sweat, the room smelled like euphoria, her green eyes glazed over with lust and desire, but he loved it that way.

  Neither of them knew that it would have taken them so easily to fall into each other's arms and while they weren't official, they were a couple. They were loyal to each other. Rashida, who had sensed Sven’s feelings for her, explained to him her feelings for Alrik. While Sven was a bit disappointed, he could see the connection between the two. Sven himself became a sort of friend to Alrik, as both loved Rashida, but Sven knew that she belonged to Alrik, and he accepted that.

  Rashida herself had grown stronger in her powers, just like Astrid predicted. She had mastered what took Astrid years to learn in half the time and was making a name for herself in the village. From her knowledge of herbs to her visions and elemental abilities, the young woman was well on her way to becoming a powerful Seiðr.

  “I don't think I'll ever get tired of that,” Alrik whispered in the early morning light.

  “I don't think so either,” Rashida said with a smile.

  "I would stay longer, but my father needs to talk to me," he sighed as he sat up.

  Rashida did the same, but her lips twisted into a pout of annoyance at him having to leave so soon. "But…”

  "I'll be back," he promised, cupping her chin. "You know I always do."

  "I know," she sighed.

  Alrik looked her over, wondering what he'd done to deserve such a wonderful and beautiful woman. "I love you, Rashida," he said softly.

  She looked up in shock. During their time together, he had never said those four words and she knew it must be hard for him. He told her that he didn't believe in love after what happened with his parents.

  "Alrik…" she whispered. "You don't mean that…"

  "I do," he said firmly. "I love everything about you, Nakia. I love your smile, I love waking up to you in my arms, I love the feel of being inside you…I love your laugh. You are the love of my life."

  "Alrik…" she whispered dreamily.

  He smiled, pulled her close and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. Even a soft kiss like this would make them go for another round. He reluctantly pulled himself away, rose from the bed, and began to pull on his clothes as Rashida watched from the bed. He pulled on his furred cloak, turned back and gave her another kiss before he slipped out of the house and into crisp, morning light.


  Alrik walked through the doors of his father's home, and found his younger brothers playing with Rashida’s younger siblings under the watchful eyes of the servants.

  "Alrik?" a voice said behind him. “Can I talk to you a moment?”

  Alrik turned and saw Gala. He had to force himself to keep himself from scowling. He didn’t know what to do at first. While he didn’t exactly hate the woman, he didn’t like her, seeing as she was the reason his parents separated and divorced in the first place.

  "I don't see why not…" he said slowly before he walked over to her.

  Gala led him to a quiet room and looked up at him. "How have things been?" she asked.

  "It's been fine," he answered, not sure what she truly meant.

  "And you and…the Seiðr?" Gala asked.

  "She is fine," Alrik said quickly. "We both are."

  "I can see that," Gala said, a soft smirk formed on her lips. She too knew of the rumors of the two. Well, it was more fact than rumor, honestly. "You two seem quite happy."

  "Yes, we are," he said.

  "Do you want to marry her?" Gala asked suddenly.

  That caught him by surprise. Alrik never really pictured himself marrying anyone, but now that he thought of it, why not? Rashida was the woman of his dreams. Why wouldn’t they be married together?

  "I…I do not know…" he said truthfully.

  "I see," Gala said with a calculated smile. "Just…something to think on. Your father is getting the last thing ready for the raid. Are you taking her with you?"

  "No," Alrik said quickly. "Rashida is not going."

  Gala smirked a bit wider at this. "Has…the Seiðr said that she doesn't want to go?"

  "She isn't going," Alrik said firmly. "I will tell her this."

  Gala tapped her long nail on her chair. "I highly doubt that the Seiðr is the kind of woman that will let you tell her what she can and cannot do."

  Alrik frowned deeply. "Like I said, Rashida is not going raiding. Is that all you wished to talk to me about?"

  "That is all," Gala said. "However, another thing comes to mind. Your father is thinking of getting you invested as crown prince. As the eldest son, it's only right…"

  Alrik arched an eyebrow at this. He was no fool. He knew that having a son as crown prince of any kingdom was a great honor of any woman. As Henrik’s eldest son, the title rightfully belonged to him. However, his mother wasn’t married to his father anymore. Some people might say that the title rightfully then should belong to Knute, the eldest of Gala’s sons by Henrik.

  "Yes, it is," he said slowly. "And I intend to prove myself when we go raiding that I am worthy of the title."

  "I bet you will," Gala said coolly with a nod. "That is all that I wished to talk to you about."

  She watched as he briefly bowed his head in respect before he left. Slowly, an idea began to form within Gala’s mind. She hadn’t been to see Rashida lately. Perhaps it was time for her to make a visit.


  "Father?" Björn said as he entered his father's study. “You wished to see me?”

  Henrik looked up from his desk and waved his son in. "Come in, we have much to discuss. Close the door behind you."

  Alrik obeyed and walked over to the desk, standing behind his father as he looked over his shoulder. "What are you looking at?"

  "The different seas we traveled to get to England the first time," Henrik answered. "While you and your mother were…gone, I found a traveler who told me about so many lands on the other side of the Great Sea. He even gave me several maps for me to keep track. Places such as England are prime spots as well as an inland place called…France?"

  "France? That is a stran
ge name," Alrik remarked, as he looked over the great map on his father's desk.

  "Yes, it is, but we will think about that later. Right now, we will focus on England, to a place called Wessex," Henrik explained. "We were just scouting the land when I got the warning about that Jarl. If it weren't for our Seiðr, all would have been destroyed. How is she by the way?"

  Alrik flushed red as his father looked up at him. "What do you mean by that?"

  "Do you really think that I don't hear all that goes on here?" Henrik asked. "I know everything and I know that you visit her house every night and do not return until early morning."

  "So, what if I am?" Alrik asked defensively.

  "I never said anything was wrong with it," Henrik said with a shrug. "Just make sure to think with your head. The one on your shoulders."

  Alrik flushed slightly, but nodded. "Yes, father."

  "Speaking of our new addition to the family," Henrik said. "I want her to come with us."

  "She is not going raiding with us!" Alrik snapped.

  "I don't see why not," Henrik said with a shrug. "Her abilities would be of great use to us in case we got into trouble…"

  "She isn't going and that is final!" Alrik barked out firmly.

  Henrik chuckled and smirked. "Good luck with telling her that."

  Alrik glared at his father and turned back to the map. He wished everyone would stop saying that Rashida was going out raiding with them. She wasn’t and he was going to tell her that.


  Gala’s mind was working over him to figure out a plan for convincing Rashida to sail with Alrik and the others. While she didn’t exactly dislike Alrik, he did stand in the way of her own son, Knute, who she believed should be the rightful crown prince and then king if Henrik died.

  It wasn't a long ride to the farmhouse and Gala must admit, she was impressed at how homely Rashida had made it during her stay here. She hadn’t seen much of the girl as of late, but she knew her value. The only problem was that the girl thought that she was untouchable. How Gala would relish in teaching her her place. Tying her horse to a post, she walked to the door and knocked on it. It wasn't long before Rashida opened the door and her eyes widened.

  "Lady Gala," she said. "What do I owe this honor?"

  "Might I come in?" Gala asked. "I have a lot to talk to you about."

  Rashida nodded and Gala stepped inside. The inside was warm and cozy, and the older woman followed Rashida inside to the sitting chamber.

  "Can I offer you anything?" Rashida asked.

  "No, I'm fine," Gala said as she looked the girl over. "You look…different."

  In truth, she did. Rashida’s hair had grown longer and she let it hang wild, rather than braid it up. Her body seemed to be fuller and there was…something else about her. She seemed to be glowing, a look that Gala herself knew all too well. Instantly, her fertile mind began to work.

  "Thank you, my lady," Rashida said. "You are too kind."

  "I have come here to check in on you," Gala said nicely. "And see if you are going raiding when spring comes?"

  Rashida looked away a moment, and then turned back. "Alrik doesn't want me to go…"

  "Does Alrik control what you do?" Gala asked. "You are a Seiðr. No one tells you what to do but the gods, remember?"

  Rashida nodded slowly. "Yes…that is true…"

  "Just imagine all the adventures you will have when you go," Gala pressed. "Not only that, but you can protect the party with your abilities."

  "What about my siblings?" Rashida asked.

  "I shall watch them," Gala offered. “And Kaya as well will help. Her brother is going raiding, is he not? They can all stay in our home while you are gone."

  "We might be gone for a while…" Rashida said slowly. Secretly, however, she did feel a thrill, wanting to explore the different lands with Alrik.

  "Not that long," Gala said. "And knowing Alrik, you won't really see battle…just a taste while you watch from the shadows to keep safe."

  Rashida nodded slowly. "A…Alright," she said. "I would really like that…"

  "Wonderful," Gala said with a smirk. "Absolutely wonderful…"

  Chapter Eighteen: The Launching of Souls

  Rashida bent down and ran her hands slowly over the soft blades of grass before her, a smile splitting her face. Spring had finally come to Safirinnsjø, and with spring came new life. Calves were born, green appeared on the trees and the raiding season had begun. Ships from partnered Jarls were arriving every day as plans were made, plunder divided, and all waring among the territories was put on hold until after the raids. Rashida spent more and more time in Safirinnsjø, listening in on meetings of Henrik and the Jarls as well as spending time with Alrik.

  The two lovers knew that they couldn’t be together under Henrik’s father's house, so when Rashida came into town, they stayed in his mother’s home. Their days were spent in meetings while their nights were spent in each other's arms.

  The night before the day the ships were set to leave for the raid, Alrik and Rashida laid in bed, their limbs tangled as they tried to catch their breaths from their most recent lovemaking session. He twirled a lock of her scarlet locks around his finger as he kissed her shoulder.

  "I'm not going to be gone long," he whispered to her. "I'll be thinking of you every day…"

  Rashida looked up at him. "What are you talking about?"

  "The raiding," Alrik said. "I don't want you to feel so alone while I am gone."

  "I am going with you," she said.

  Alrik sat up. "What? No, you are not."

  "Says who?" she asked.

  "Says me!" he said firmly. "Rashida, raiding is dangerous. It's nothing like the training we do here. There will be enemies behind every tree, traps, and other things. If something happened to you…I don't know what I'd do."

  She sat up. "Alrik, I'm not a little girl. I can handle a bit of blood. Not only that, but I'm a Seiðr and my abilities can help you all! Gala says…"

  "Gala told you this?" Alrik interrupted.

  “Yes, she did," she said with a nod. "But not just that, but…I want to go. I want to explore with you! I don't want to be left here alone. Please, Alrik, say I can go."

  Alrik set his jaw. His instincts yelled at him to tell her no, that this wasn’t a good idea, whatsoever, but as she began to move to straddle him, all thoughts of telling her ‘no’ quickly left his mind.

  "Say I shall go…" she whispered seductively in his ear, as she slid him inside her. "Can you think of giving this up for so long…?"

  Alrik groaned deeply and gripped her waist. "If…If I say yes…you will stay by my side constantly…"

  "Yes…" she whispered, as she bent down to kiss his neck.

  "And you will listen to me in all things?" he asked.

  "I promise…" she swore, slowly moving her hips.

  "T…Then you shall go…" he moaned as he finally gave in.

  She smiled as she began to move her hips in the most wonderful way, Alrik knew best. His head tilted back and his eyes closed as he got lost in the moment of her hips.


  The morning of the launching of the ships, they dressed each other. Like most of the women going on the raid, Rashida pulled on trousers and a leather tunic. She looked at herself in the mirror, loving the feel of how free she was in the trousers, and swore to herself to always wear a pair under her dresses.

  Alrik looked at her as he tied on his boots. "Remember what I said, Rashida," he said.

  "I know," she said as she turned to face him. "I promise to keep my word. I also will not actively seek out a fight."

  "That reminds me," Alrik said. "I have a gift for you. Well, two really."

  "What is it?" she asked.

  He handed her the first gift in a long box and smiled nervously. Rashida looked at him a moment, and then took it. When she opened the book, her eyes widened when she saw what was inside: an elaborate but sturdy looking bow and quiver. Sh
e took it out the box and pulled on the string, finding it surprisingly flexible.

  "Remember that trip I took to a local town to take some items for my father to market?" he asked.

  "Yes," Rashida said as she put the bow down.

  "Well, I was coming back when I found that, and I thought you would like it. Arrows are ranged weapons and you are an unmatched marksman. You deserve a bow worthy of you."

  "Thank you, Alrik," she said as she smiled at him. "I love it."

  "And now for the second gift," he said nervously as he held it out.

  She took it. The item was heavy in her hands and as she unwrapped the cloth, she gasped. It was the mirror, made of beaten silver with jeweled forget-me-nots and other flowers around the top. As she looked at herself in the polished front, she saw Alrik looking back at her.

  "I got this mirror when my father first came back from England,” he said as he looked into her eyes. “Rashida, I've never loved a woman the way I love you.”

  She turned around and smiled, tears glittered in her green orbs. I love you too, Alrik."

  He grinned devilishly and pulled her close, his lips pressed to hers as his hands grabbed her rear to feel its plumpness. He felt something strange. Her rear seemed to feel overly plump, and he pulled away a moment to get another look at her.

  "Love, have you been eating more?" he asked.

  "A little bit," she said with a blush. "My appetite seems to have doubled as of late and…I know I'm gaining a bit of weight."

  "No, you're not," he said firmly. “I love it.”

  He looked her over though and absentmindedly ran his hand over her stomach. It was hard with a strange, slight roundness to it, but he said nothing.

  Could it be she is pregnant, he wondered to himself as he got his shield. Could there be other signs I haven't seen?


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