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Heart's Conquest; A Viking Romance

Page 14

by Andromeda -

  “My lords,” he said in a deep voice that sounded respectful.

  “What do you want?” Alrik asked.

  “I come from my lord and master, King Cadewyn,” the messenger explained.

  “Another king?” Henrik asked with a light scoff. “How many kings does this country have?”

  “King Cadewyn is the most powerful king,” the messenger said. “And he has sent me here to invite you to share a meal at his table to inquire as to why you are here.”

  “Why does the sun rise in the morning?” Henrik asked. “Why does it rain? Why does the tide crash against the rocks? It’s because it was meant to do so.”

  The messenger shifted. “The king…will listen to what you wish to say.”

  “Does the king really expect us to ride into his home without guards?” Alrik asked. “He must not take us as fools.”

  “The king has heard that you have a captive,” the messenger said. “He is the brother of my king’s great ally, King Gruffudd. You may use him as a hostage if you like. My king will extend an olive branch of welcome and peace.”

  “I will consider what you have said,” Henrik said. “And will send a messenger with my answer.”

  The man bowed his head and then spurred his horse off. Henrik and Alrik watched as he left and then turned their own horses away.

  “What do you think?” Alrik asked as they moved at a slow pace.

  “I will accept the invitation,” Henrik said with a shrug.

  Alrik looked at him in shock. “You are considering this?”

  “I considered it, and then decided to do it,” Henrik answered.

  “But why?” Alrik asked.

  Henrik smiled the way he normally did when he had something up his sleeve. “To refuse would be rude, and we are guests in this land. Besides, they have something we want, and we have something they want. It is only fair to consider going to this meeting of kings.”

  Alrik frowned. “I still don’t like it…”

  “Would you like to come?” Henrik offered.

  Alrik arched an eyebrow. “Me?”

  Henrik laughed. “Yes, you. You are my son, and as such, should be at a meeting such as this.”

  Alrik considered this. Inwardly, he did wish to go to this meeting. He did wish to stand at his father’s side while this important meeting took place. However, he knew that if he went, he had two other options: take Rashida with them, or leave her behind. Neither of which Alrik wished to do.

  He knew the men wouldn’t touch her. After that one incident, everyone knew that she was forbidden. The other option was to bring her with them, but that too was a less than favorable idea. No one looked the way Rashida did in the region he knew. No one had the power that she had. If they walked in that meeting with her, then most likely, these Englishmen would try and kill her. Then, Alrik knew he’d go on a murder spree if anyone touched a hair on her head. Thus, to him, the former option, of leaving her in the camp, seemed like the better one. He just had to convince her.


  She was still sleeping when Alrik entered their tent. He smiled, not wanting to wake her at first, but he knew that he must as they had to talk. So slowly, he approached her, and tapped her shoulder gently.

  Rashida stirred and slowly opened her eyes. “Good morning.”

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Good,” she said with a yawn. “Where did you go?”

  “A brief meeting with my father,” he sighed. “But I have to ask something of you.”

  She sat up. “Oh? What might that be?”

  Summoning a breath of courage, he looked at her. “I am going with my father for a meeting with the Englishmen,” he said slowly. “And…I want you to stay here.”

  Rashida blinked and then frowned. “What? Why?”

  “It’s for your safety,” he pressed. “Please…We don’t know how this will turn out and we need, no, I need, for you to be safe.”

  She wanted to go, she wanted to be with him at this meeting, but she could tell he meant this. He needed her to stay and he was worried for her safety. So, she finally sighed and relented. “Alright.”

  He smiled softly and pulled her close, a kiss placed upon her lips. “I don’t know what I’d ever do if you weren’t here…”

  “Most likely be a complete idiot,” she teased.

  Laughter shook the tent as he pinned her under him playfully. “Oh, really? You think I would have been an idiot? Well then, you must not the things I did to you last night…”

  Rashida smirked softly. “You didn’t hear me say that…”

  He grinned and bent. This time when he kissed her, it was red hot in passion. His hands reached down and he began to unbuckle his belt, but when he heard footsteps outside the tent, he stopped. Someone cleared their throat outside and he cursed under his breath before he pulled away, fixed his pants and stepped outside. It was his uncle Gerik and he had a knowing smirk on his face.

  “Am I interrupting something?” he asked.

  “No,” Alrik said. “But can I help you with something, Uncle?”

  “Your father wishes to talk to you to plan for the meeting with the kings,” Gerik said, a smirk still on his lips. “So, that means you must leave your lover for the day.”

  Alrik gritted his teeth, but knew not to say anything, else his uncle would tease him more. So, he reluctantly stuck his head in to say goodbye to Rashida and went to his father’s tent to discuss the plan.


  Rashida sat in a tree, her eyes looking at the flickering lights in the distance. That was where Alrik was, where she wanted to be, but she had agreed to stay behind. She knew that Alrik worried for her safety, but sometimes, she wished that he wouldn’t be so protective. Yet she knew that if she told him this, then he would just ignore her and do what he thought best.

  She couldn’t help but softly chuckle to herself as she thought of all that they’d been through, all that they’d done together and yet…she knew that the future still had surprises in store. No one could predict what the gods had in mind.

  The gods… She reflected on how easy it was for her to convert from her Egyptian gods to the Norse. Yet, in her mind, it did make a lot of sense, as many of the Norse gods and Egyptian gods shared the same attributes. Thus, it was justified for her to convert to the Norse religion. However, sometimes she couldn’t help but wonder, to dream, about Egypt.

  She missed her home, there was no doubt about it, but she also wasn’t sad to have it behind her. If she had stayed in Egypt, she never would have met Alrik. Priestesses rarely married, and with some temples, it was forbidden to have any kinds of relations with men. She would have given up all that she’d experienced if she had stayed in the temple.

  Movement in the distance caught her attention. With a frown, she quickly shifted from looking through the eyes of a woman, to looking through the eyes of a Seiðr. She saw men moving slowly through the bushes, heading in their direction. A small group of 12, they moved like cats through the bushes.

  The scouts wouldn’t see them until they got closer because it was dark. However, because Rashida had enhanced sight, she could see all. She knew what they were doing and why they were here. A quick glance behind her and she saw the English nobleman. He was still shackled to the tree they had tied him to when they captured him, but he wouldn’t stay there for long.

  With a quickness and as silent as a mouse, she jumped down from the tree and walked to the Englishman. He looked at her with a clear scowl on his face, and a winkle of disgust on his brow.

  “What are you doing here, witch?” he spat.

  “You’re not going to get away,” she said plainly. “Just thought that I would inform you.”

  “Be silent, you bitch,” he said before he literally spat at her.

  The spittle floated in the air before her, before Rashida made it fly back and smack himself in the face. Without another word, she left him shackled to the tree and walked back to her
tent. Picking up a knife that Alrik had left, she left the sheath before going to confront the infiltrators.

  They didn’t know who watched them in the shadows. They didn’t know that that night, their lives were forfeit. They didn’t know that night they would never see their loved ones ever again.

  Rashida moved as silent as a cat, and as swiftly as a cobra when she attacked. The first and last thing any of the men saw was a glowing of green and a flash of metal before their throats were cut. She normally hated having to resort to violence, but when the time came for it, she was as deadly as any man. It wasn’t long before they were all dead at her feet, and she was covered in blood.

  With a deep exhale, she dropped the knife in the grass and looked at the bodies that littered the ground. Inwardly, she got sad, but then she also felt angry that these men tried to attack them while Henrik and Alrik were gone, so she came to a quick conclusion. If that Englishman was alive, then he posed a threat to their safety. He would continue to try and escape. He had to die.

  It shook her briefly at how coldly she thought, but then she remembered that this was a time of war and she needed to start thinking of the bigger picture. So, when Henrik and Alrik returned, she told them both of what had happened and showed them the bodies. With a brief talk with his father, Henrik agreed that the Englishman had to be dealt with.

  They all walked to the man who stank of sweat and urine, as they hadn’t given him anything to clean himself with. He glared at them and even spat in their direction as they approached.

  “What do you want with me, heathens?” he asked.

  “I have recently gotten done negotiating with your brother,” Henrik answered. “And he is considering sending me over 10 thousand gold coins to return you alive.”

  “That is all you wish?” the man scoffed. “Money?”

  Henrik smirked. “I am not finished. Your brother’s ally, King Cadewyn—I am sure you know of him—is offering me 50 thousand for your head on a spike.”

  The blood drained from the man’s face. “T…That is not possible…” he stammered.

  “It is very possible,” Rashida said as Bastet appeared at her side. “And as you can see, we are packing up camp.”

  Bastet stalked closer, her fangs gleamed in the early morning light as she growled lowly.

  “S…Stop!” the man pleaded. “My brother, King Gruffudd, will give you twice that!”

  “No, he will not,” Alrik said. “Your brother, King Gruffudd, insulted us, almost the same way you did. King Cadewyn saw things our way…and he wants the throne of England for his daughter and her descendants. You stand in her way.”

  “Bastet,” Rashida said in a cool voice. “Feed.”

  The man screamed as Bastet lunged forward, his screams quickly silenced in a gurgle of blood as Bastet tore him apart. They watched until only his head was left, which they delivered to King Cadewyn, who in turn, delivered their gold pieces. Once that was taken care of, they all got in their ships and left England.

  Most of the warriors couldn’t wait to see their home again. They couldn’t wait to see their family again. Rashida was one of those people. Because, as she huddled under the blankets to keep warm, her hand went to her belly where a new life grew.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Beloved by the gods

  It all began with a single cry in the night that woke all within the village, that told all the great battle had begun. Torches were lit, people shouted, and men struggled to pull on their trousers as doors flew open. A small group of people moved within the darkness to make it to a large building. Inside, scented candles were lit, their shadows dancing on the walls. A figure was laid onto the clothed ground before being urged to get on her hands and knees, her head thrown back in another loud cry of pain.

  "You can do it," Kaya whispered softly. "You are a strong woman."

  "Don't think about the pain," another woman pressed. “You can handle this.”

  They surrounded the lone woman dressed in white, her body covered in sweat as she cried out in pain in the force of her labor. The time had finally come for her to be relieved of her burden. The time was for Rashida to finally fulfill her final duty.

  For 9 long months, she carried the life within her womb, and it was now time for her to bring the life she held inside into the world. Outside the birthing pavilion, many people gathered, whispering and pushing to try and catch a glimpse of what was going on inside. Bets were placed on the gender. Everyone wanted to know what the princess was carrying.

  Inside, Rashida cried out in pain again, her body tightening and constricting as her womb worked to push out the life that was within her. "How would something…something so pleasurable end up with bringing me so much pain?!"

  "Easy, Rashida," Kaya whispered at her side. "Let your body react."

  Rashida grunted, clenching the sheets on the floor in her fists, screaming loud enough to wake the gods themselves. Seven months ago, they returned to Safirinnsjø and life had been good to her and Alrik.

  Henrik officially installed his eldest son as crown prince, and because of this, it made her crown princess. They got married and Alrik moved into her home, and officially into her bedroom. However, not long after the wedding, she didn’t see much of her husband, as since he was crown prince, he was normally away on duties for his father. Last month, he left for a trip, but promised to be back in time for the birth of their child, but he had yet to come back.

  "I can feel it coming," she panted as she pulled up her gown to put a hand between her legs to feel. "I…It's close!"

  The women lifted her up and placed her in the birthing chair: a large high-backed padded chair that made her open her legs wide. It had a hole in the center for the babe to fall through. A bowl of hot, but not scalding, water was placed at the bottom, between her legs.

  "Let the baby come on its own," Gala, who was there, urged. “Push, Rashida.”

  Sweat made her hair stick to her head as Rashida panted, her head thrown back as she screamed. Her body shuddered as with a great rush of blood and water, the babe was pushed from her womb.

  Kaya acted quickly. Cutting the cord, she got the baby and looked it over for any deformities. "A boy," she whispered. "Rashida, you have a son! You and Lord Alrik have a son."

  The shouts of the word 'son' echoed outside, as cheers and clapping were also heard. The people loved her and knowing that she had given their prince a son, showed that the gods truly did favor the royal blood line.

  Panting heavily, Rashida offered Kaya a small smile, but then she threw her head back again, crying out in pain. The women looked at each other in confusion and then Ingrid, who was in the back, pushed her way forward.

  "She has another," she said. "There is another baby in there!"

  Rashida felt as if her body was being torn in two as she pushed, screaming loud enough to wake Anubis, the Egyptian god of death. Alrik… My love, you promised me that you would be there… Shall I go into the afterworld and not see your face one last time?

  "WHERE IS MY WIFE?!" an all-too-familiar voice shouted outside the doors. "Get out of my way! I want to see my wife!"

  The doors burst open, and through her tear-blurred eyes, she could see the mighty form of her young husband on the threshold. His sharp blue eyes took in everything, and when he saw his wife, he rushed to her side and dropped to his knees before her.

  "I'm so sorry," he whispered as he took her hand and pressed it to his lips. "I am so sorry. I tried to get back as fast as I could…"

  "You came back…" Rashida panted softly. "You came back just in time…"

  "Have you had the baby yet?" he asked.

  "I—" she began to say, but was cut off as her back arched and her mouth opened as she cried out in pain again.

  Alrik jumped back in shock and fright.

  "My son, move!" Ingrid said as she pulled him out of the way. "She has to get the other one out."

  He obeyed, though his head was spinning. His eyes took in Rashida, who was panting, screaming lo
ud enough to wake the dead and he was ashamed of himself. He did this to her, his seed did this to her. He didn’t once think of the pain as he gave her pleasure.

  Rashida’s body shuddered again and as she screamed out one last time, her second child came into this world in a rush of blood and water. The women hurried to it, cutting the cord and then checked it over.

  "A boy!" Kaya yelled out. "Twin sons!"

  Outside, everyone heard it and loud shouting and cheering echoed. One son was a blessing, but two? It was rare that happened and all knew that such a thing would only happen when one was beloved by the gods, not just favored.

  Alrik watched with wide eyes as Rashida was taken away to be cleaned and then looked to where his sons were laying. Both were fast asleep, swaddled in linen as they snuggled close to each other in their sleep.

  "My sons," he whispered to himself.

  "Our sons," Rashida lightly corrected him, as she appeared at his side.

  He pulled her into his arms, looking her over as he cupped her face in his palms. "My love, are you in good health? I was so afraid when I saw all that blood. I was afraid of what I had done to you…"

  "I am fine, Alrik," she said. "You have given me a son, two sons. The gods love your family."

  He nuzzled her neck, kissing gently. "Never again, will I put you through that," he said softly. "We have two sons, and that is all I will ever want. What do you want to name them?

  "Hakan and Horus?" she suggested.

  "Perfect," he said with a sigh.

  He kissed her cheek and they both turned back to their sleeping sons, the new heirs to a new dynasty.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: A New Future Comes

  "Horus? Horus, can you hand me that bowl, please?" Rashida asked her son.

  "Yes, mama," six-year-old Horus said with a nod, as he reached for the bowl and handed it to his mother.

  “Takk lille,” she said in thanks.

  Her hand patted his cheek as she took the bowl and placed it on the table so that she could put the fresh boiled eggs in it. She was making a special lunch, as the winds had told her that her husband was returning early from his newest mission, and she wanted to surprise him with his favorite foods. As she began to peel the eggs, her mind began to lose itself as she thought of how her life had changed since she had come to Safirinnsjø.


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