The Secret Clan: The Complete Series
Page 140
The touch of his tongue and fingers was unexpected and stirred feelings unlike any she had felt before. Her mother certainly had never mentioned married people doing this, but she trusted Kit and loved him. If this was what obedience got a woman, let there be more of it, she thought wickedly, although she would never say that to him. Then her body leaped, and her mind emptied of all but her own fulfillment as sensation after new sensation flooded through her.
As she lay gasping, he moved to cover her with his body and to claim her mouth again. She could smell her own scent on his lips, and it stimulated her, so that when he entered her, she gripped him tightly, pressing against him and letting instinct take over. His eyes closed as he savored the pleasure he felt. Then his body moved faster, and as it did, he turned, holding her and lifting her so that she soon rode atop him. Then his eyes opened, and he watched, clearly delighted, as passion overwhelmed her again. A moment later, his own release came.
Quiet reigned for several minutes before he shifted her to lie beside him again and put his arm around her. “Art happy, lass?”
“Aye,” she murmured, still awed by the feelings he stirred in her.
“I have never known anyone like you,” he said, pulling her closer.
“I love you, Kit,” she said, turning her head to look at his face.
“I know you do, Anne-lassie, almost as much as I love you.”
“More,” she said softly.
“Impossible,” he murmured.
Contented as she had not known she could be, Anne closed her eyes.
The candles in the wall sconces guttered simultaneously and went out, leaving only the one on the little table in a room redolent now of wood smoke with a hint of lust. In its darkest corner, a shadow stirred, revealing itself as a small dark fox with a white tip to its high, bushy tail.
It gazed for a long moment at the silent couple in the bed as they held each other lovingly, and then it began to fade from sight. In the last moment, just before it disappeared, it changed to the plump figure of a little countrywoman, holding a slender pipe from which a thin curl of white smoke drifted upward.
Smiling with satisfaction at a task well done, Maggie Malloch vanished.
Dear Reader,
I hope you enjoyed The Secret Clan: Reiver’s Bride. For those of you interested in the historical characters I included in the book, Ill Will Armstrong really existed and was hanged by James V along with Johnny Armstrong, but Ill Will’s son’s name was Sandie, not Willie. Sandie was the father of Kinmont Willie Armstrong, whose ballad story formed the basis for my book, Border Fire.
With regard to the games mentioned in the book, Poque is an ancestor of Poker, and has been played in Britain since the early fifteenth century. Both Poque and its predecessor Poch were played on painted boards, and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London has a Poque board dated 1535. Poch was first recorded at Strasbourg in 1441, which makes Poker and its ilk the oldest identifiable card game known. (See David Parlett’s A History of Card Games, Oxford University Press, 1991.)
As for Fox and Geese, if you have played the game and wonder why Kit and company had only thirteen geese instead of seventeen, the answer is that throughout the sixteenth century and for sometime thereafter, the number was thirteen. Seventeen was considered an improvement, although if the person herding the geese knows what he or she is doing, the poor fox never has a chance.
Words for the two wedding ceremonies come from a Missal used during the reign of Richard II (1377–99), which gives the ceremony in English despite the contemporary influence of the Roman Church (which used Latin) throughout Scotland and England. The ceremony was not significantly altered again until the King James Version of the Bible came into being in the seventeenth century.
The wheel-lock pistol that Kit teaches Anne to shoot was common in the Borders as early as the first half of the sixteenth century. As mentioned at the end of Border Storm, the wheel-lock is thought to have been invented by Leonardo da Vinci, the great Italian artist and engineer. It worked on the principle of a modern cigarette-lighter. For more information on the weapons of this period, see English Weapons and Warfare, 449–1660, by A.V.B. Norman and Don Pottinger (London, 1966). See also Weapons Through the Ages by William Read (New York, 1976), and A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration, and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and in All Times by George Cameron Stone (New York, 1961).
I generally end my letters to you by thanking the people who have helped me with my research or with my career, but it occurs to me that you, dear reader, are who I should be thanking each and every time. This is book number 43, and you have been in my thoughts with every sentence I have written. Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your tremendous support, for all the letters you have sent via Uncle Sam’s ponies or cyberspace, for coming out in all sorts of weather to book signings and to Scottish games, and most of all, of course, for continuing to buy and enjoy my books. So I thank you, each of you, most sincerely.
Many thanks also to my wonderful editor, Beth de Guzman, my superb agents Aaron Priest and Lucy Childs, and to my longsuffering family and friends, who put up with me even when I’m at the tail end of a book and tend to be a bit testy and forgetful (but can still put a dynamite Thanksgiving dinner on the table!). I love you all and appreciate you more than mere words can express.
Slàinte mhath,
The author of over 40 romance novels and the recipient of the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA Award, Amanda Scott lives in California, outside Sacramento. She is a fourth-generation Californian.
Other Books By Amanda Scott
Lairds of the loch: The laird’s Choice
scottish knights: Highland Lover
Scottish Knights: Highland Hero
Scottish Knights: Highland Master
Tempted by a Warrior
Seduced by a Rogue
Tamed by a Laird
Border Moonlight
Border Lass
Border Wedding
King of Storms
Knight’s Treasure
Lady’s Choice
Prince of Danger
Lord of the Isles
Highland Princess
Border Fire
Border Storm
Border Bride
Highland Fling
Highland Secrets
Highland Treasure
Highland Spirits
The Bawdy Bride
Dangerous Illusions
Dangerous Angels
Dangerous Games
Dangerous Lady
The Rose at Twilight
“4 1/2 stars, Top Pick! The last of the Scottish Knights trilogy is Scott’s reward to her fans. The exquisite, yet subtle portrayal of her characters, coupled with their budding romance, hastens the reader’s emotional involvement with the novel. Excellent melding of historical events and people into the sensuous love story greatly enhances an excellent read.”
(RT Book Reviews on HIGHLAND LOVER)
“Infusing her characters with passion, courage, and often a wry sense of humor, Scott (Highland Hero) brings all the violence, splendor, and wicked machinations of medieval Scotland (and England when necessary) to vivid life in a thrilling story that makes good use of historical events and characters. Guaranteed to please.”
(Library Journal on HIGHLAND LOVER)
“As always in an Amanda Scott historical the inclusion of real persona and facts enhances the romance; while treachery and betrayal are a normal part of the court.”
(Harriet Klausner on HIGHLAND HERO)
“Amanda Scott has done it again - provided us with an exciting, adventurous tale set in Scotland.”
(Romance Reviews Magazine on HIGHLAND HERO)
Rave for Highland Master:
“Great with sensual scenes, Scott excapes the cliche of a masterful male taming a ‘wildca
t’ woman; instead, Fin and Catriona learn to communicate and compromise in this solid roomantic adventure.… Scott… deftly handles period dialogue and attitudes.”
(Publishers Weekly 2010)
For Highland Master:
“Marvelous Scottish tale of a time in history when various plays for power were held.… a piece of history as well as a great tale. Amanda Scott does it again with another fascinating part of Scottish history.”
(Romance Reviews Magazine 2011)
Rave for first book in Scottish Knights Trilogy: “Amanda Scott proves once again she is the Highland Master when it comes to a thrilling tale starring Scottish Knights.”
(Harriet Klausner 2011)
On Highland Master:
“[Scott] uses her knowledge of Scottish history to weave an engrossing and sexy story about Highland life in the 1400s.”
(The Salinas Californian Robert Walch 2011)
“Blue-ribbon Rating - 4 ! Deliciously sexy.… Highland Master is a rare treat of a read.”
( 2011)
“Amanda Scott has an uncanny knack of picking up her readers and plunking them down right in the middle of her storyworld. The physical settings, the tenor of the times, the characters, the language, and the political and family tensions, all present an unmatched air of authenticity to her work… Highland Master is an eminently satisfying read.”
(Romance Reviews Today 2010)
On Tempted by a Warrior:
“4 Checks!… Terrific story. Loved the tension between Fiona and Dickon… Plenty of… suspense throughout. Another wonderful Scottish tale with lots to recommend to all.”
(Romance Reviews 2010)
On Seduced by a Rogue:
“The historical romance writer adds this title to her impressive bibliography, delivering another trademark tale of strong-willed women and warrior-clans in 14th -century Scotland.”
(The Sacramento Bee, Allen Pierleoni 2010)
On Seduced by a Rogue:
“Another excellent novel from Amanda Scott, who just keeps producing one fine story after another…”
( -Romance Reviews Magazine 2010)
On Seduced by a Rogue:
“Top Pick! Scott’s wonderful book is… populated by characters who jump off the pages and grab your attention.… Tautly written, passionate romance.”
(Historical Romance Reviews, -Kathe Robin 2010)
“Ms. Scott is able to make settings and history come to life… For a read brightened by suspense, wit, and love, Tamed by a Laird is a great choice.”
(Romance Reviews Today -Jane Bowers 2009)
On Tamed by a Laird:
“Noted for her exceptionally well-written and well-researched Scottish historicals, Scott breathes vivid, colorful life into 14th-century Scotland with strong, well-motivated characters, a passionate love story, and enough political intrigue to keep the action lively.”
(Library Journal Reviews -Kristin Ramsdell 2009)
The Lairds of the Loch Series
Don’t miss Amanda Scott’s critically acclaimed Lairds of the Loch series.
Lady Andrena MacFarlan has been different since the day she was born. Possessing the power to sense others’ most intimate desires, she knows her duty is to marry the man who will take the MacFarlan name as his own and help her father regain the chiefdom of their clan. But her unique gifts don’t prepare her for the day when a mighty warrior suddenly enters her life. The attraction between them is undeniable—and insatiable.
Hunted by brutal enemies, the wounded Magnus Galbraith washes up on MacFarlan land where he is rescued by a laird’s lovely daughter. Andrena is like no one Magnus has ever known. She has the uncanny ability to both calm and enflame him in ways he never dreamed possible. But she has other unknown-and dangerous-powers. Now, as Magnus seeks to avenge a brother and protect a king, the young beauty could prove his greatest ally-or his ultimate undoing…
Sir Ian Colquhoun has never feared danger. So when Lady Lachina MacFarlan is captured by a ruthless enemy, mounting a daring rescue seems only natural for the courageous knight. But once he has Lina safe in his arms, he sees that the prim young girl from his youth has grown into an alluring woman of extraordinary gifts. When circumstances force him to take her as his wife, the stakes-for her life and their growing love-rise even higher.
Grateful for Ian’s bravery, though wary of his recklessness, Lina agrees to his unexpected proposal. As the two begin to know each other as husband and wife, Lina realizes that she desires more than a passionate protector. But when evil threatens both her family and the knight she has come to love, the lady must take the greatest chance of all…
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Title Page
Author’s Introduction
Abducted Heiress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Dear Reader
Hidden Heiress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Dear Reader
Highland Bride
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Dear Reader
Reiver’s Bride
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Dear Reader
About the Author
Other Books by Amanda Scott
Praise for Amanda Scott
The Lairds of the Loch Series
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2013 by Lynne Scott-Drennan
Abducted Heiress Copyright 2001 Lynne Scott-Drennan
Hidden Heiress Copyright 2002 by Lynne Scott-Drennan
Highland Bride Copyright 2003 by Lynne Scott-Drennan
Reiver’s Bride Copyright 2003 by Lynne Scott-Drennan
Cover Photograph by Marlene Ford/ Arcangel
Design by Diane Luger
Author Typography Ron Zinn
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
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