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Juxta, Magi

Page 26

by Porter, Geoffrey C

  Monroe stepped forward and cleared his throat. "My king, if I may, I'd like to go with Ruskin's army to watch over them, so they keep their promise of peace and to share the knowledge of the rangers with them."

  "You have my leave, Ranger," King William said. "As for the ranger-code, you know the rules on that. Maybe in time, if Ruskin forms a proper fiefdom, we'll give them a copy of the Codex."

  Monroe said, "Thank you, my liege."

  Juxta, Simon, Monroe, and Ruskin left the throne room and headed their separate ways. Juxta returned to his house to research. Simon hurried home to Heather. Monroe and Ruskin went to gather up their army and then start the journey north to the tract of land they were promised.

  Robert materialized next to Juxta. "I know how you feel."

  "How could you know how I feel?"

  "You meddled in the affairs of the gods. The outcome was outside your control."

  "Twice I've lost Lisa. I don't think I can love again."

  Robert shook his head. "You'll live a long life. You're too young for that kind of thinking."

  "Leave me alone, Ghost."

  Juxta marched back to his home with his cat at his side. He started mulling over Robert's books and scrolls. He found no useful references. He decided it was time to visit the priesthood. He wanted to use ‘true sight' on Lisa, for maybe that would present some clue. He went to the temple complex where they were keeping her. He knocked. An aged priest opened the door.

  Juxta spoke first, "I would like to see Lisa."

  "No, Warlock, be gone with you."

  "She was my lover. Let me see her."

  The priest paused. "No, we can't have your witchcraft on our grounds."

  "I could destroy you. Let me pass."

  "Destroy me, if you wish. I'll not stand aside."

  Juxta didn't want to kill a priest. He left the complex and returned to his home. Weeks passed. The ranger trials approached. Robert tried over and over to talk with him, to cheer him up, to share his pain, nothing changed for Juxta.


  Timothy Drakkar planned to be one of the candidates at the trials. He traveled alone from the Drakkar estate, a fief within Lynken, to the capital. His father gave him a sealed letter for King William. Timothy wore an ancient blade at his side, the size a child would carry, but brilliantly enchanted. Timothy approached the castle proper and showed the sealed letter to a scribe. They admitted the young Drakkar to the throne room. King William read the letter. He spoke, "Scribe, send for Juxta. Timothy, have a seat."

  Timothy sat on one of the many benches. Juxta arrived in a hurry with Robert in tow. Quite honestly, Juxta hoped it meant something needed to be killed. The king pointed at Timothy. "Juxta, this is Timothy Drakkar. His father is an old friend and wishes him to become a wizard's apprentice. I'd like you to take him on."

  Timothy shouted, "I'm to be a ranger!"

  "Yes, you were, but your father has spoken," King William said.

  "I'll do as he wills."

  "I have no idea how to pupil one," Juxta said.

  Robert whispered in his ear. "I'll help you. The boy must be tested. He can be taught in the same way you were and tested in the same way. Ask for your fee of course."

  "The boy must be tested, and I require a fee of one hundred silver."

  Timothy stood up and moved to the center of the throne room. "I have the fee in gold. Test me, Master."

  Juxta first incanted ‘true sight' on the boy. His sword glowed with intertwining green and blue. His aura showed goodness and health. His broach glowed a feint silver. Juxta asked Robert what the broach did. Robert replied, "It's a healing talisman, very ancient. I don't think the druids even remember how to make them."

  Juxta nodded. He threw a ball of green fire at the boy. Timothy dodged it and drew his sword in one fell motion. Juxta smiled. "He'll do."

  Timothy said, "Thank you, Master."

  Robert whispered in Juxta's ear again. "You should let the boy stay at your house. It's large and empty."

  Juxta nodded at Timothy. "We'll lodge you at my house."

  Juxta had his cat with him. As they left the throne room, Timothy said, "I need to pick up my horse. He's stabled in the castle."

  Before they could make it there, Timothy started to eye the cat more and more. He reached down to touch it. Juxta used a force line to pull him back. "Don't touch my cat. He's very dangerous to anyone but me."

  "You moved me with magic?" The boy asked.

  "Yes, Timothy."

  "Is the cat Kergian?"


  "He's still very little then."


  They found Timothy's horse and rode to Juxta's home. They had extra bedrooms on the second floor. Juxta introduced Timothy to Robert. The boy asked, "You have your own ghost?"

  Robert tilted his head to the side and black, smokey fire burned in his eyes. "I'm not his. I'm my own. I simply enjoy Juxta's company."

  Timothy asked, "When do we start?"

  "At dawn," Juxta said.

  Timothy Drakkar didn't sleep that night.

  Dawn arrived, and Juxta expected Timothy to fix breakfast. Juxta said, "The youngest apprentice in a wizard's house is always in charge of fixing the morning meal. When there's one younger than you here, he'll fix it."

  After eating Juxta asked Timothy if he could read and write. The boy's eyes opened wide. "Of course, I'm a Drakkar."

  "Does that mean you know Ancient and Druidish as well?"

  Timothy paused. "A little Druidish…"

  Juxta looked through Robert's books and found them lacking in introductory texts on Ancient or Druidish. In Robert's time, Ancient was a spoken language and Druidish didn't exist yet. Juxta started with the simplest of tasks for Timothy, the summoning of power from within and around himself. Juxta demonstrated the lightning spell on a melon as Hebron had shown him. Timothy laughed with glee. Juxta explained to use the triangle symbol and to focus and release power. Timothy started summoning power.

  "Feed him enough power to destroy the melon, so he can know the feeling of power," Robert said as he materialized.

  Juxta sighed. "That isn't how I was taught, Robert."

  "It's the best way, Juxta."

  "Maybe in your era…"

  "I trained at least fifty apprentices, so many I lost count. Show him power on his first day. Make him work for it afterwards."

  Juxta asked, "Timothy, are you ready?"

  Timothy nodded.

  Juxta poured power into the boy. An exercise he had never done before, for it had always been a master pouring power into him. Timothy became like a little leech trying to suck more and more from Juxta. Juxta stopped the flow, for it had been more than enough to destroy a melon.

  Timothy shouted out and pointed with his hand at the melon. "Shoc!"

  It blasted the melon with a giant bolt of lightning.

  "Thank you, Master."

  "Now, try and create power on your own," Juxta said.

  Timothy focused and focused. After an hour his nose started to bleed, and he complained of a massive headache. Juxta said, "You're trying too hard. You must learn slowly. It takes a long time before you can summon enough power to blast a melon."

  The next day Timothy started practicing after breakfast, and his nose bled before midday. He didn't stop. He simply ignored the drying blood on his face and kept at it. Juxta let him. The next day the same thing happened. Juxta interrupted him for lunch, "Are you going to bleed each day, Timothy? And have terrible headaches for the next year?"

  "I'm a Drakkar,” the boy said. “I'm used to pushing myself to and beyond my limits."

  Juxta decided that after the trials they would journey to Weslan and acquire books on Ancient and Druidish for the boy to study. Juxta wanted to give him something to do besides practicing summoning power. That night Juxta caught Timothy feeding the cat chicken from the table. "What do you think you're doing?"

  Timothy lifted his eyes up to Juxta. "He begs, Master." He reached dow
n and petted the cat. "He's not dangerous to me. He lets me pet him."

  Juxta glared. "He shouldn't. He's not supposed to."

  "He does."

  Robert materialized and just laughed and laughed.

  Chapter 35

  It has been fortold, the chosen one (amethyst) will once again cleanse the realms. - Moldy text.

  Timothy looked pathetic the day of the trials. He simply sat at the table and stirred his eggs around with a fork. Deep blue circles ringed his eyes as if he didn't sleep the night before. He started shifting the bacon from the left to the right side of his plate and back again. His fried turnips remained untouched.

  Juxta looked the boy over. "I know Rollin fairly well. Perhaps they'll let you compete, even though you aren't joining their ranks."

  "But then I would decrease the chances of another boy being accepted."

  "You might not win. All the boys practice you know."

  Timothy shook his head. "I'm a Drakkar."

  Juxta sighed ever so lightly that the boy didn't notice.

  They found their way to the proving grounds. Juxta took his place with the king's entourage. The boys fought their mock battles with their wooden swords. One pair of boys took longer than the others. Once they finished up, Juxta approached Rollin and Simon. He asked, "My apprentice came here to become a ranger. Could you find an agreeable youth that he could face, so that he could at least feel as if he got to compete?"

  Rollin and Simon smiled. Simon said, "I'll go ask the champion of the field, if he'll face another."

  Rollin handed Timothy a wooden sword. Simon returned with a stocky 14-year-old carrying a wooden sword. The boy pointed at Timothy. "You want me to fight him?"

  "Yes, fight me."

  The adults gave the two boys room. The older boy waved to Timothy expecting him to go on the offense. Timothy closed the distance between them in a flash and started raining precise blows. The older boy started to back up more and more. Timothy planted the point of his practice sword right on the boy's heart. Simon called out, "Point!"

  The older boy knocked Timothy's practice sword off him. "Luck!"

  The older boy advanced with a flurry of slices and lunges with his sword. Timothy blocked and deflected all of them. Timothy grinned the whole while. As soon as he noticed an opening, Timothy took it and again planted the point of his sword on the boy's heart. Simon called out, "Point!"

  The older boy said, "Try that on the opponent I had to face!"

  Simon went to find the boy who had lost--another stocky 14-year-old. This boy asked, "If I can win this fight, does it count as a win in the competition?"

  Rollin overheard and shouted, "Yes!"

  The new boy approached Timothy. He motioned for Timothy to start. He advanced casually and started attacking. The boy's defenses held at first, and then he started to counterattack in between Timothy's attacks. Timothy blocked every one. Finally, Timothy struck to the heart on him. Simon called out "Point!" The older boy's face turned beet red. He launched a full scale assault on Timothy's defense. Timothy had to dodge and jump to avoid the frenzy of wood. The other boy lashed out at Timothy's midsection while throwing his fist at Timothy's nose. Timothy couldn't block both, and the fist landed quite painfully. Simon called out, "Point!"

  Timothy's grin disappeared, and he laid in with an assault on the other boy's defense. Timothy pierced his opponent in the heart. Simon called out, "Point!"

  Rollin turned to Timothy and grasped him on the shoulder. "The rangers are going to miss having you, young sir."

  Timothy turned to rejoin Juxta. Juxta's cat leapt on Timothy with his paws on the boy's shoulders knocking him down licking his face. Juxta said, "Cat! Stop that!"

  Timothy laughed.

  They watched the rest of the trials and went to the feast afterwards. Juxta did his best to keep a happy face while ignoring the dancing. The next day they headed to Weslan to purchase books for Timothy to study. Juxta's cat hunted at night. They went directly to Kirl's home to ask him about acquiring the books. Kirl gave Juxta copies of the books needed for Timothy.

  Kirl spoke to Juxta in private. "I'm very glad to see you have an apprentice, Juxta."


  "I think you're better off with more human companions. I know you still feel the loss of Lisa. You have great power, and if you can teach others that kind of power, it'll be a good thing."

  Juxta held his hands out in front of himself. "He bleeds everyday when he's learning. He won't study at the proper pace."

  Kirl nodded and nodded. "He's very young. Really too young for an apprenticeship. He'll learn."

  "He's the same age I was."

  "Let's go and see if Timothy wants to watch a duel."

  "That's a splendid idea."

  They found Timothy. Kirl said, "Would you like to watch a duel between two apprentices tonight?"

  Timothy's eyes opened wide as can be. "Magi duel?"

  Juxta said, "Sometimes."

  "When will I get to duel?"

  "It won't be for years to come."

  Timothy paused for a moment. "Have you dueled?"


  Timothy stared wide eyed that night as the magi dueled. He clapped when it was over.

  They left Weslan with their horses laden with the books Kirl gave them. Within a month of practice, Timothy was able to blast his first melon with lightning. He did some happy little dance that was perhaps proprietary to the Drakkar clan. Juxta began to think less often of Lisa. He still paused from time to time and thought, where is Lisa, she was just here a minute ago, only to come to the realization again and again that she was gone. The cat, which was supposed to sleep in Juxta's room, started sleeping with Timothy some nights. Juxta got used to it. Winter fell upon them, and Juxta taught Timothy how to make fire with his mind. He taught him ‘true sight'. Juxta checked in on Lisa at least every month. She was starting to gain weight laying in her coma. They must be feeding her too much.

  Monroe brought news of Juxta's fiefdom, and things were going well. They started a capital city, complete with a pub, a lumber mill, a smith, and a church to The One True God. All of the men had houses. Not large houses but houses. They raised livestock and horses. They mined a vein of silver for money to buy seed for the springtime. The land in Terc had been easy to mark off as their own. Necromancers fled their coming, and they broke the mausoleums down rock by rock. The mummified corpses they burned in great funeral pyres. The peasants didn't seem to mind the new rule. They had to pay taxes either way. Monroe and Ruskin wanted Juxta to visit mid to late springtime, and Juxta sent back word with Monroe that he would. Winter passed into spring and Juxta, Timothy, and the cat headed towards Juxta's fiefdom.

  Juxta met with Ruskin in a makeshift throne room. Ruskin greeted him, "My king!"

  "Hail, Ruskin!" Juxta said.

  "Are we keeping our word, my liege?"

  "Yes. The ogres of Tercia haven't been a major problem have they?"

  "No, they flee from armed parties."


  Juxta reached out and touched Timothy's shoulder. "This is Timothy Drakkar, my apprentice."

  Ruskin bowed. "Welcome."

  Timothy said, "Thank you."

  They spent a week inspecting the fiefdom, and all was right. Juxta and Timothy left for Lynken. Time again for another ranger trials, and Juxta needed to be there. Timothy had his studies as well.

  One night a terrible dream gripped Juxta, and he tossed and turned. Then he saw a pair of eyes, not unlike his, with blue and black streaks running through the iris. He heard Lisa cry out, Juxta!

  He sat up in bed with a start. Realization dawned on him that Lisa was awake. He hopped out of bed and donned a robe. He picked up his staff and burst into the hallway. He shouted, "Timothy!"

  Timothy answered, "What is it?"

  "My love is awake. Go to the castle and wait there. It's two days ride to the temple."

  "Aye, Master, good luck."

  But Juxta already charged down
the stairs. He ran to his horse and climbed up. The cat was nowhere to be seen. Juxta whistled and the cat poked its head out from behind a shrubbery. "Lisa is awake. Let's go!"

  The cat's ears perked up, and he took off in a run heading north. Juxta kicked his heels into his horse, and the steed took off in a gallop.

  For two days Juxta traveled north along the King's highway. He stepped into the temple during a mass.

  Juxta shouted, "Where is she?"

  The elder priest looked him in the eyes. "She passed on. We interned her yesterday. My condolences."

  Juxta's eyes started to tear, and he fought them back. "You lie!"

  The priest shook his head. "Why would I lie?"

  "I heard her cry out to me in a dream!"

  Another priest said, "They aren't here."

  Power sparked in Juxta's amethyst gemstone. He glared at this new priest who spoke. "Where is she?"

  The other priest's eyes darted here and there. "As he said, she passed on, Warlock."

  Juxta turned to him with an arc of power in his eyes. "I want to see her grave."

  The priest turned his back on Juxta. "All priests are buried in special places. You can't visit her gravesite."

  Juxta knew he lied, for they buried a priest in his village in his youth. "Tell me the truth, priest, or I'll pry it out of your mind with hammer and chisel!"

  The first priest shouted, "Forget them!"

  Juxta started summoning power wondering if he really could pry into the priest's mind.

  The priest started some prayer Juxta didn't recognize in their secret language. The other priest said, "The One True God can kill you, Warlock!"

  All of sudden, Juxta felt the oddest feeling, a slight pressure around his chest. Then he felt the pressure build and build like a great snake constricted him. He tried to breathe and couldn't. The priest shouted, "Your only hope is to leave this place!"

  Juxta turned and ran as his lungs started to burn. He hopped on his horse and kicked his heels into its rear. The horse took off in a gallop with the cat following. Darkness started to creep in on Juxta like a great dark cloud blotting out the sun, but the sky was cloudless. He slumped forward, and then he slumped off the horse. He hit the ground hard and rolled.


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