A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 12

by Soprano, Robin H

  “Ahh…yes, those-a poor kid’s. Let-a-me know when that dinner is. I want to go.”

  “I figured you would Tony. I’ll get you the information as soon as I know the details.”

  Entering the house expecting to see Sal, I hear the bathroom door shut and then the spray of the shower.

  I grab a mug and pour myself some coffee. After a few sips I meander down the hall to Sal’s bedroom. Pretty tidy for a guy, but since it was Antonio’s spare room there wasn’t much to it, really. It had a desk under a window with two dressers on one side of the room, and pocket door closets on the other with shelves.

  There was a brown recliner and a medium size flat screen mounted to the wall. “New additions.” There was a queen- size bed and a side night table.

  Noticing the bed was messed with the blankets and pillows thrown about, I figure I’ll go in and fix it up while Sal is showering.

  I place my coffee mug on the side table and see a small metal suitcase on the bed. I go to move it and notice the top is ajar. Next thing I know, the lid opens hydraulically on it’s own making a slight hiss sound. To my surprise it looks like some high tech custom-made lap top computer built right into it and the thing lit up like a Christmas tree. Just then I hear the door close.

  “Graaacieee?” Sal says my name like I’m being reprimanded for steeling a cookie out of a cookie jar.

  “I’m sorry,” I say with a red face. “I wasn’t spying on you or being nosey, I was going to make your bed and the case opened on it’s own when I tried to move it.” I pointed at the colorful box. “What the hell is this, Sal? Looks very hi-tech.”

  “That is my computer,” he says with a laugh. “Just a lap top, but you’re correct when you say high tech. It was issued to me at the CIA. I will probably have to return it, but for now, I’m still using it. You’re fine, Gracie–you did nothing wrong.” He pads his partially-clad self over in his bare feet, shuts it down, locks it up and shoves it under the bed.

  He tosses the towel he used to dry his hair to the recliner, then pulls me into his arms. He’s only got on his faded jeans, his eyes smoldering into mine, he kisses me and backs us towards the bed. Putting my hands on his chest I push away, breaking our kiss.

  “I really have to go,” I pant, though it’s the last thing I want to say at the moment. “I have that meeting, and I have to get ready to go.”

  Sal, ignoring me the whole time I’m talking keeps kissing my face and neck and proceeds to gently place me on the bed. As our kisses continue, we fall back into his unmade sheets and blankets.

  He smells as good as he feels. When his tongue trails up my throat and back to my mouth I take his bottom lip in my teeth and gently suck on it. My legs are wrapped around him, holding him tightly on top of me. I can feel he’s hard and our hips automatically move in rhythm. I break the kiss again.

  “I really have to go,” I hiss through clenched teeth. I’m aching for him like I’ve never hurt for anyone. Both our bodies are tight and vibrating with anticipation, our breathing heavy.

  “Gracie,” he whispers, his breath hitched.

  “Sal,” I whisper back. “Oh my god, I really have to go.”

  * * *

  I arrive at the little restaurant where we have our SWS meetings, on time. Celine is already there and chatting with our president and all around snobby busy body, Barbara Dalton. I wave to get her attention and she makes a beeline straight towards me.

  “Hey baby girl, good to see you.” She gives me a hug. “Do I sense a bit of a flush about you?”

  Despite a quick cold shower, I know I’m still steaming from this morning’s near-miss with Sal. I shake my head and wrinkle my nose to throw her off track. “Hi, Celine. How’s everyone’s mood today?”

  “Oh, the usual,” she says as she points around the room. “Barb’s got a bug up her ass the size of Texas. Mimi’s nervous eating habit has returned and she keeps poppin’ cookies in her mouth and thinks no one is noticing. Chloe keeps running to the ladies room to barf. Says she has a stomach bug of some kind, and the rest of them are just zombies following whatever Barb the Dictator tells them to do.”

  “Oh god,” I moaned, making a face. “Lets just get this done and over with.”

  Celine and I take seats at a table with a couple of the other gals. We eat brunch and talk over all options and discuss who can get or give the biggest donations. Also, where to have the event and who should decide the menu.

  After a few long hours, the meeting is winding down when Barbara Dalton’s inquisitive nasal voice pierces the room.

  “Grace, we have heard your divorce will be final soon. I do hope you will still be able to help with the up coming events we have scheduled. The Boumonts have always been a force of prominence to us and to the community. Do you think Richard will still send his usual generous donation to our cause?”

  All twelve women shimmy in their chairs to face me. I feel Celine put her hand on my knee under the table, a signal to stay cool and calm. Clearing my throat and putting my shoulder’s back I find my voice.

  “I’m so glad to hear you know more then I do about my divorce. I’m very excited to learn it’s coming to and end soon. While hoping that is true, I believe Richard will give the donations you seek. I’m sure he wants his mother’s good work to continue. In the eyes of the community it makes him appear to be the good guy and it’s good business so he would never pass that opportunity by. I also believe I should have no problems helping with the benefit. I love this charity for the children and it is a pleasure to do, but that is the only one I will devote my time to this year.” The women nod in happy agreement to my reply and Barbara actually thanks me.

  But I am on a roll. “Oh, one more thought I had, ladies. When I am no longer a Boumont, I’m pretty sure a new one will take my place. I know for a fact she would love to be involved with all your events. So sure in fact, that she will probably want to run for president of the SWS. Richard I heard, is basically engaged to Camille James. You all know her right? I’m sure she will be a new force in your lives. I hope you treat her just as warmly as you have treated me. You may even get bigger donations.”

  I take a sip of water. The room is so still you can hear the ice melting in the tea glasses. All eyes circle back to Barbara who appears as though she is about to explode. She stands up and points a bony finger down at the table and in a voice similar to the wicked witch from Oz, she threatens, “Over my dead body!”

  * * *

  Celine, Mimi, and I decide to stay at the bar and have one afternoon cocktail. We take a booth and decompress with a martini.

  “I never really liked martini’s,” says Mimi. “I was never much for alcohol.”

  “That’s why I ordered you a green apple martini,” Celine mentions, “it’s sweet–you’ll like it. I’m sure it will mix well with the two dozen cookies you ate.”

  “Oh, you saw that?” Mimi answers shyly.

  “Yes, we all saw that.”

  “ I didn’t notice, Mimi,” I say. “If you want to eat cookies then you should eat cookies, knock yourself out. But, if you are eating because something is bothering you, then you need to address it and fix it.”

  Mimi gives me a little nod then sips her drink.

  “Speaking of bothering–hot and bothered that is–how’s Mr. Sexy spy guy? Did you guys do the deed?”

  “Celine, you truly have a way with words,” I sigh. “No we didn’t. Taking it slow, remember?”

  “Y’all are killin’ me,” Celine says in a huff. “How can you stand the tension?”

  “It is getting difficult, I will tell you that. Before I came out here today, Sal and I had a moment. A very close moment.”

  “Ooh, what happened baby girl? Details now! Don’t leave anything out.”

  “Celine, your sex life is way more active then mine. Really, there is nothing to tell you except, that this damned meeting interrupted a very heated moment.”

  Celine spits her martini in Mimi’s direction and coughs. �
�You stopped a heated moment because you had this idiotic meetin’? My god darlin’, you could have been late–no one would have gave two shits. Hell, you could have sent me a text, told me you were getting your spy game on and I would have sent you the cliff note version!”

  Poor Mimi. I hand her some napkins along with an apologetic look.

  “Shhh.. keep it down, will you? I don’t want the whole bar knowing about my intimacies. I like that he is taking it slow, I told you, he’s being a gentlemen. Plus when that time comes, I don’t want it to be just casual and then get up and leave. I want to make love, Celine. I can’t do what you and a lot of others can do. It’s just not me.”

  “Good for Gracie,” Mimi cheers without putting down her drink.

  “Alright,” Celine says with her hands up in surrender. It’s your love life, but when that day comes darlin’ don’t worry bout just the bar. All of north Florida is probably going to hear your intimacies, I’ll goddam guarantee ya that!”

  Celine and Mimi roar with laughter while I just roll my eyes and shake my head. Friends. Geezz.

  “Honestly, what am I gonna do with you?” I giggle.

  After some more girl chit -chat, I look at Mimi who has a funny look on her face.

  “What’s wrong, Mimi? I ask, “you look as green as your martini. Don’t you like it?”

  “I don’t know,” she says, putting her forehead in her hand. I feel sick all of a sudden. I think I’m gonna go, ladies. I’ll see you soon.”

  Celine and I both wish her well and we all walk out together to the parking lot.

  “I’ll call ya in a few days, darlin’. Good luck with your spy guy. I really am happy for you.”

  “Thanks Celine, be good,” I tell her as she’s walking towards her car. She turns with a big smile,

  “Sugah, I’m always good.”

  * * *

  On the drive home my cell phone whistled. I know it’s a text from Sal. Only his text whistled, he programmed my phone to do that. When I got to a red light I check what he sent.

  Hi! where r u? I miss u

  I smile and feel butterflies. I hit the call button and on the first ring he answers.

  “Hi, Princess, where are you?”

  “I’m almost home where are you?”

  “Home, I just got back a few minutes ago and noticed you weren’t home yet, how was the meeting?”

  “Interesting as always, I mentioned a few facts that I thought they would want to know, the gossip is gonna be hot tonight.”

  “Oh, so you didn’t play nice this afternoon, Princess?”

  “No, and you know what Sal, It was long over due for that.”

  “How about I take you to a nice dinner and you can tell me all about it. Maybe some dancing afterward at the Rafters, I hear they have a pretty good DJ on the weekends.”

  “Sounds wonderful, I’m almost home.”

  “I missed you today Gracie, I thought about you all day.”

  “I missed you too Sal.” I hear him smile even though we were on the phone. “Drive safe see you soon.”

  As I get ready, I feel the twinge of a headache shoot through my temples. I grab some Tylenol and curse Celine for that martini. I feed Toby and five minutes later I hear the thundering roar of the beast. Sal pulls up and greets me with open arms and a smile. He is so handsome I thought to myself, I feel this longing ache in the pit of my stomach every time I see him.

  “You look beautiful, Gracie. He gives me a tender kiss hello. I really did miss you today.”

  Soon we arrive at the Mardi Gras Café. This place is a New Orleans theme restaurant. The décor was all purples and gold’s. Thrown beads of all colors hung on everything, and party mask’s covered the walls. The place is packed and loud with Friday night party people eating gumbo and drinking cocktails. We were lucky we only waited fifteen minutes for a table for two.

  Sal pulls out my chair for me and shoves me in, as he takes his seat I open my menu, I’m not really hungry and my headache seems to pound along with the music being pumped into the restaurants sound system.

  I feel eyes on me and glance across the table at Sal, his menu is still closed and there is a look of concern on his handsome face.

  “Something wrong Sal?”

  “You don’t look so well, are you feeling alright your face is very flush. You passed on a glass of wine while we were waiting for the table, and you’re quieter then normal moving a bit slow.”

  “I’m fine just a headache, it started earlier, I thought it was the martini I had with Celine after the meeting. But it’s getting worse.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were not feeling good, we could have stayed in.”

  “No, I’ll be fine, I just need some food in me.”

  “You sure you’re fine? Squinting his eyes at me, We can go.”

  After the food arrived I just pushed it around on my plate. “Don’t you like what you ordered? He asks, I’ve never seen you not eat, it’s one of the many things that intrigue me about you.”

  That made me smile. “My food is great, I just don’t have an appetite, my headache is turning into a migraine.” Sal got up from his chair and took a step towards me, he put his hand on the side of my face.

  “Gracie you’re burning up, I think you have a fever.”

  “A fever? No way, it’s just a migraine I’ll have to sleep it off, I’ll be right as rain tomorrow.” Sal looks at me suspiciously. “Come on, he says, were leaving.”

  The ride home was torture on my head, the sound of the motor and vibration of the viper rattled my brain, and my stomach was staring to turn. Sal held my hand the whole time. I just sat with my eyes closed trying to concentrate on not throwing up in the car.

  We got to my front door in record time.

  “Go to bed, he orders, your starting to look pale, I’ll stay the night in case you need me.”

  Feeling the way I do, I don’t want him to stay. I didn’t want to barf or god knows what else while he was here.

  “Thanks, but you really don’t have to stay, I’m not that far, and I really just need to sleep this off I promise I’ll call you if I need you, thank you for dinner, I wish I felt better, I’m sorry I ruined our date.”

  “Hey.. Sal put a finger to my lips. Never be sorry, Princess, you’re not well, get some rest, my phone will be next to me all night incase you need me.” He hugs me and kisses my forehead.

  By the time I get up to my bedroom, threw my purse in the closet and strip out of my clothes I am feeling like death. The room began to spin and my head hurt. I grab a bottle of cold water and put it to my forehead. All at once the pain in my head rolled my stomach into a knot, my throat thickening, I run to the toilet and heave. Oh how I hate to barf.

  I sat there for a few minutes and placed the cold water bottle on the back of my neck. Toby padded in to see the sight of me and gave me a curious sniff.

  When the dizzy pounding in my head slowed down a little I took a sip of water, but my stomach groans in protest. I still feel clammy and sweat is just dripping from my pours. I need some air. I open the door to the balcony, when the cool air passes over me, I feel such relief I stand there just breathing it in and cooling me down. Toby prances out too, sniffing the cool night breeze, and decides he wants to stay out there for a while.

  “Okay, fine, I tell him. I’m leaving the door open anyway.” Sleeping with the fresh air coming in would feel good.

  I crawled into my bed all my muscles were getting soar and I had a stiff neck. Sleep would be the best thing I could do now.

  * * *

  Antonio got two mugs of coffee and brought it out to his deck and hands one to his son. The sun is up and it’s a clear cool morning. Sal stands legs shoulder width a part, arms folded across his chest watching Gracie’s house for any signs of her.

  “Nothing?” Antonio says as he hands the mug to Sal.

  “No, I called her four times, it’s going right to voice mail. She hasn’t called me back and she hasn’t come out and walke
d Toby, I’m getting concerned.”

  Antonio looks at his son, nods towards Gracie’s house, “Go, go over there and check.” As soon as he said it Toby comes out on the balcony and spots them. He barks and runs in and out of the open door.

  “Pop, something is wrong!” Antonio watches as Sal runs off toward Gracie’s house.

  He gets threw the screen door and to the French doors in seconds, they are locked. “Shit!” Toby is still barking. I kick at the doorknob and the seam of the doors, they shatter and I get in.

  “GRACIE!” no answer. I race up the stairs and down the hall to her bedroom, she is in her bed not moving.

  “Gracie, Gracie, wake up!” I call out as I approach her. I reach out and grab her, gently lifting her dead weight, she is breathing and mumbling but not responsive.

  She is burning hot with fever and dehydrated. “Gracie can you hear me!”


  I’m thinking that I’m just glad to be alive. Following that damned SWS meeting, where I apparently contracted the flu, I almost died. If it hadn’t been for Sal breaking down the French doors and hauling me off to the hospital, I probably would have. That was five days ago. Since then, he’s taken care of me. I have no idea why I’m so lucky, but I’m happy that I am.

  I sit at my kitchen table watching Sal and Antonio preparing food. They place a bowl of chicken soup in front of me and encourage me to eat. I pick up the spoon which takes a monumental effort, lift some to my lips, but my stomach swirls and I drop the spoon back in the bowl. Everything still nauseates me.

  “You look better, Princess,” Sal comments. “Do feel any better?”

  “Well, my head doesn’t hurt as much, but, I have some pains in my legs and feet.”

  “You got to get more fluids in you, Gracie, please just try. Sip slowly at the soup.”


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