A Soul Mate's Promise

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A Soul Mate's Promise Page 13

by Soprano, Robin H

I do as he asks, the best I can. I still feel like I’ve been run over by a steam roller.

  Sal watched me play with the soup. “Okay, Princess, enough,” he sighs. “Back to bed.”

  I nod carefully. “Not going to argue. I feel crappy.” After he tucks me in, he retrieves my medicine and I remember the job interview at the vet.

  Sal raises his hand to hush me. “I took care of it. I called her, told her what happened. She said to tell you when you feel better her door is open anytime.”

  “Really? Good, because I’m very interested in the job.”

  “Here,” he says handing me a pill. I swallow it down and lay back already worn out from just going down to the kitchen. Sal climbs up on the bed and I curl up next to him.

  “Aren’t you afraid you’re going to catch this flu?”

  “No, I won’t catch it.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Gracie, for years I traveled to all different countries. The CIA treated me with a series of injections for all kinds of infections. I should be good for a few more years.”

  “Really,” I say. “When was the last time you got sick?”

  He raises his eyebrows and his lips at the corner’s come down as he thinks about it. “I can’t remember. I might get a little cold every now and then, but I haven’t had the flu or something that bad for many years.

  “That must be nice,” I say. “But, when will I ever take care of you?”

  “You already do, Princess. Almost since the first day I met you, you have taken care of me.”

  My eyes are getting heavy again. “How?” I mumble.

  He gives a small laugh. “ You ground me. Umm.. let me see, the way you look at me. Your smile and the way you laugh, all medicine for my soul. Just being near you keeps me sane, that’s the only way I can explain it.”

  I lower my head down in the crook of his arm and he cradled me as I fall asleep.

  “I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

  * * *

  I woke up that morning alone in my bed. I knew Sal was not far. I sit up and do a quick diagnostic of how I’m feeling, much better to my relief. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and thought a hot shower later would feel great. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail then climbed back into bed. The first one to enter my room is Toby, he stuck only his head in first as if to peek.

  “Hi big boy let me see you” I chime. He was so happy to see me he jumped right up on the bed licking me, his tail swinging fast.

  “There she is, Sal says as he enters the room holding a tray. You look better Gracie, how do you feel?”

  “I’m feeling much better thank you. My body still has some aches but what ever is on that tray smells good.”

  “I cooked you some scrambled eggs and some toast. Do you think you can get it down? There’s some tea too.”

  He placed the tray over my legs and sits down. The two of them watch me, as if I have never eaten.

  “Looks good,” I say. I pick up the fork and shovel in the first bite, then the second.

  He smiles, “I think your appetite has returned.”

  “You did it. You nursed me back to health.

  He put his hand up. “It was my pleasure.”

  Sal glanced at my plate and noticed it was clean. His eyes widened with pride.

  “Good god Gracie, you ate it all. I thought you would take a few bites but you cleaned your plate, do you want more?”

  I thought about it for a second. “ No I better not push it, but… I would love a hot shower.”

  Sal got up and took the tray away. “Alright, he agreed. But you should soak in a bath, it’ll be better for your muscles.”

  “Stay right here. He said. I’ll get it ready for you.”

  I sit there waiting. I heard the water in my tub go on and some cabinets opening and closing. After a few moments he comes to help me out of bed. When I reached the tub there were bubbles to the rim, and fluffy towels piled on one side. Sal gestured to the tub, “Get in.”

  I give him a bashful glance.

  “Gracie who do you think put clothes on you to go to the hospital.”

  “Yeah but I wasn’t completely naked and I was kind of unconscious, and you were worried. It’s not the same thing. I’m just a little shy.”

  He smiles, “Okay, I’ll be right out side the door. Let me know when you get in.

  I climb in the tub and slowly lay back. The hot bubbly water feels so good on my sore weak body I almost melt. I am covered with bubbles when I tell Sal I’m in the tub.

  He approaches me, stands gazing at me with his warm brown eyes and a small smile.

  “How’s it feel?” He asks.

  “Wonderful, this was a good idea.”

  Sal sits down on the edge of the tub by my feet. He picks up a wash cloth and soaks it in the bubbly water. He gently snatches my foot brings it up and washes it, then does the same with the other.

  “Come, sit up over here He says beckoning me with his hand.

  With my back to him I sit in the middle of the tub with my knees bent up to my chest. Sal pours more soap gel onto his palms, massaging it into my back with his strong hands. He went around my neck, under each arm and down my ribs. I giggle.

  When he was done he helped me wash my hair, slowly massaging the tension away. How did I get so blessed with a man who actually cared. I don’t remember a time when Richard was even remotely this caring.

  When he was done rinsing me off he stood up with one of my big fluffy towels and held it up over his face so he couldn’t see me. I stood and stepped into it. He wrapped the towel and his arms around me patting me dry.

  He brought me my robe and turned away as I put it on. How did I get this lucky I thought again, was it fate, did all the stars and planets align? I know he is the one I’m supposed to be with now. I love him, and was ready to be loved.

  * * *

  After a few days I’m finally feeling better, but then with the care Sal’s been giving me, who wouldn’t? Hot baths, shampoos, foot rubs to ease the pain are only some of the special treatment I’m getting. If I’d had any doubts about him loving me before I got sick, I didn’t have any now.

  Celine had called while I was recuperating to tell me that nearly everyone at the SWS meeting that day got the stomach flu from Chloe and everyone was pissed at her.

  When I felt up to it, I sent a text message to Maggie:

  I’m sick, stomach flu, and Sal is taking such good care of me that I’m in absolute heaven. I am not used to being spoiled... he is gentle and tender with me!

  A moment later she replied:

  Get better soon my friend and get used to it. that’s how someone treats you when they really love you!

  As if surviving the damn flu and being spoiled rotten by Sal weren’t enough, the next call I received was from my lawyer, Leonard Burnes. He called to tell me that my divorce should be final as soon as Richard’s bank accounts were thoroughly checked.

  “It seems money has slowly been missing here and there,” he says.

  “Missing?” I say, not sure I understand. “How could that be? Richard is so particular with his business. I can’t imagine this happening under his nose.”

  “Well,” Mr. Burnes continues, “we’re calling in a forensic accountant to straighten it out. Seems someone is embezzling. For now most of the accounts are frozen until further notice. Good news is when you are feeling up to it, come by the office. I have the final papers for you to sign.

  “And then I’m divorced?” I ask, unable to keep the joy from my voice. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  “You will be one paper away from finalizing it, but, yes for all purpose and circumstance you will basically be divorced. The final paper is about your share of the monies, but like I said, Richard’s accounts are frozen due to a big red flag, but don’t worry Gracie, it’ll get squared away.”

  I hang up feeling kind of giddy but also confused about the red flag on Richard’s financial status. Embezzlement? Mr. Perfect appar
ently isn’t so perfect, is he? The whole situation did not sit well with me at all and I hoped it was all just a mistake.

  * * *

  My new job at the vet clinic is just what I needed. My first week is fun and productive and the bonus is that Toby gets to go to work with me. Veronica is a sweet lady and we hit it off right from the beginning.

  Veronica told me all about the big animal hospital in Jacksonville she worked at for many years and the high stress she was under all the time.

  “This is why,” Veronica explains when I go for my interview, “I wanted a nice quiet place to keep my hands busy, working with animals at my own pace. I was getting burned out at the big city practice. Too much stress.”

  I understand what stress can do to a person. “I’m so happy you opened a clinic so close to my home. For years everything I looked at for jobs was just too far. And I love to work with the animals. Toby is such a blessing to me and everyone we meet.”

  “Speaking of that,” Veronica says, “I knew your boyfriend’s dad a long time ago–Antonio Petroni. What a great guy and a great officer too. He was a K-9 cop and his partner was a German Shepard named Enzo. Enzo was so smart and he never left Antonio’s side–they were a great team. He would bring Enzo in for check ups and vaccines. It was so sad when Enzo had to be put to sleep because of a gunshot wound. It broke Antonio’s heart. I think that’s what drove him into early retirement.”

  “What?” I ask, snapping my head in her direction. “What are you telling me? I’ve known Antonio for years and we got very close in the last few. He never mentioned any of this! Wait a minute–, K-9 officer? Oh my god.. TOBY!”

  Veronica looks at me with wide eyes. “You didn’t know?”

  I stand there, quiet, having an epiphany as I mentally review certain conversations in my memories. “I found Toby on the beach, I always thought that was strange but I thought maybe someone dumped him there. Antonio told me I should keep him–it was right before Richard and I split.”

  Veronica bursts into laughter. “That is something Antonio would do. How old is Toby now?”

  “He’s about six, why?”

  She gives me a shy smile. “Just about five or six years ago, Antonio came down to the shelter where they train the K-9’s. This one pup was just a little too soft to be an officer, but he would make a great protector and pet. I heard through the grapevine that Antonio took him. I assumed he took him because his wife had passed on a while back and he wanted a companion. But to let you find that dog is something he would do. Antonio must think very highly of you. I can tell Toby loves and protects you. Gracie, couldn’t you tell the dog had some training in him?”

  “Well, yes,” I say, rolling my eyes and turning red. “Now I feel like a total idiot, thank you very much.”

  As I’m getting ready to leave for the day I peek my head into Veronica’s office.

  “Wait till I get home,” I say, “I’m going to have a nice chat with Antonio.”

  “Oh don’t get me in trouble,” Veronica says with a laugh.

  “You’re not the one in trouble,” I reply with a wave of my hand Toby is at my side.

  Veronica shakes her head, still laughing. “You better let me know about the look on his face when you bust him!”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I might take a picture and send it to you!”

  * * *

  As Sal worked in the kitchen on dinner, I ask Tony to join me in the living room. When I tell him I know about Toby, his color goes pale instead of red.

  “Caro, please forgive me! You know you would-a-never took a dog as a gift from me. You needed-a-something to take care of and-a-love. You love Toby now and he love’s you. I didn’t want you to be alone. I used to hear you cry at night, it made me sad. Finding Toby helped a little? No?”

  “Yes, Tony, but Why didn’t you tell me you were K-9. If you told me there was a dog that needed a home I probably would have taken him.

  I’m-a-sorry. I really didn’t keep it from you, I just didn’t mention it.

  I look up from Antonio and glance over at Sal. “What’s with the smug smile?”

  Sal shakes his head. “I told him he was going to get busted one day.”

  Raising my eyebrow I pace slowly over to the kitchen. We are on opposite sides of the counter and I lean in a little. “So you knew, too?”

  He leaned toward me and our lips are only inches apart. “I knew the moment you told me you found a Germen Shepard on the beach, Princess. I know my dad. Don’t be mad–he did it with good intentions.” Sal leans all the way over and plants a very sweet kiss on my lips.

  “I’m not mad I think I’m just shocked at the way I found this out. No more secrets deal?”

  “Deal, mio caro,” Tony says softly.

  Sal motioned for me to come into the kitchen. I did and he handed me a glass of wine, a nice woodsy Chardonnay.

  “Mmm it smells great Sal.”


  “Always,” I say with a smile and sip at my wine. I watch Sal move about the kitchen. I could watch him all day long.

  “What’s the matter Princess?”

  “Do you know how sexy it is to watch a man cook dinner for you?”

  “No..not a clue. I’m not really into men…”

  I made my way over to him and put my arms around him–he pulled me in tight. I sealed my mouth over his, the kiss is long and hard with purpose. His hands trailed up my back and into my hair. I’m lost in the rush of heat between us until Antonio clears his throat. We both jump apart.

  “Don’t burn dinner, Casanova I’m-a-hungry too. You two need to go get mushy on-a-your own time and not in front of me. Capisce?”

  I feel my cheeks turn red and I bury my face in Sal’s chest and laugh.

  “Pop, go to the table. It’s done. We’re gonna eat now.”

  * * *

  After dinner Sal helps Gracie clean up, as he dries some pots, he turns to her. “Gracie, Halloween is this Saturday. What do you say we take the Beast and drive into St. Augustine for the weekend? I’ll bet Pop will take care of Toby for you.”

  “That sounds like fun,” she croons. It’s a beautiful old city. I haven’t been there in years!”

  “Good. We’ll leave about mid morning–it should take about two hours to drive there. I’ll go online and see about a hotel, okay? Searching her face he knows what he’s looking for and she gives him a shy smile and a tiny nod. He exhales.

  “You’re all right, then? You’re ready?” He asks as he reaches for her and takes her in his arms. “I love you Gracie, with all my heart and soul.”

  His kiss tells every cell in her body that he’s telling the truth.

  “I love you too, Sal. I am more than all right–, and I am very ready.”


  I can’t help but marvel at the glorious clear blue sky, even if the temperatures have dipped into the high 60’s. The perfect day for a drive along the A1A coast highway to St. Augustine.

  The Beast gives a rough, but fun ride with the sun and air in my face and hair. Watching Sal’s strong hands on the steering wheel, I shiver. Those same hands make me feel special and safe and loved with every touch.

  Once we wind our way past the Castillo de San Marco with it’s Spanish flags flying in the bay breeze, we’re only blocks from our destination.

  We arrive at the Casa Monica Hotel and Sal pulls into the underground valet parking driveway.

  The young attendant is looking at the car with wide eyes and I wonder if he’s going to blurt out “voluptuous” and I keep my laugh to myself.

  “Wow,” he says to Sal with reverence in his eyes, “is that a Viper?” Without waiting for Sal’s reply, he continues on. “I’ve heard about these cars but I’ve never actually seen one!”

  Sal gets out and hands him the keys. “Well, now you get to drive one. Keep her safe for me.”

  “Yes sir, not a problem.” He hands Sal the claim check, waits while I remove our duffle bag from the back, and carefully drives away

  We enter the hotel through the valet side of the lobby and we’re transported to the days when hotels were rich and elegant. The huge, dark mahogany registration desk is off to the right and all around us are high-ceilinged walls displaying oil paintings that are taller than Sal is.

  As Sal checks us in, I look around, still thinking I should pinch myself at the change my life has taken. To the left is an old-time bar and elegant restaurant.

  Key in hand, Sal collects me from my wandering and we ride the elevator to our room which is as luxurious as the lobby. A suite with a king size bed, and a Jacuzzi tub off to the side, we’ve got a balcony view of the bay and the Bridge of Lions. He puts the duffel bag on the luggage stand and turns to me.

  “What would you like to do first, Princess?”

  I spin around in a circle, arms spread wide. When I stop, I give him a grin. “I’m hungry! Let’s go out and walk St. George Street and take in the sites–get some lunch or maybe do a food crawl!”

  He shakes his head and chuckles. “Hungry”, he mumbles, looking up at the ceiling and rolling his eyes. “She’s always hungry. Okay, lets get you some food.” His big sigh makes me laugh even more.

  As we walk hand in hand along St. George Street, we look into some of the shop windows, though I resist the fudge shop which smells insanely good.

  Being a famous “ghost” city, and this being Halloween weekend, it’s fun to watch all the people in costumes walking about as though it’s nothing special. The shops with all sorts of decorations are festive, too. We decide on an early dinner at a restaurant called The Columbia House.

  “Now what, Princess?” Sal asks as we come out of the cool alcove of the restaurant. I point to a booth on the corner opposite where we’re standing.

  “How about we get in on that walking ghost tour? Should be fun!”

  He nods, gives me slight bow, and I take his arm as we walk across Hypolito Street. We make our reservation for the eight o’clock tour, but it’s only seven, so we spot a bench on the opposite corner and deposit ourselves there.


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