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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

Page 26

by Daniel Smith

  “Great,” Dan thought as he pulled the pry bar dripping yellowish ooze and brain matter from his head.

  He was about to go when he looked at the man’s belt. Pulling a flashlight from his belt and found it still worked putting it into his own belt, the handcuffs he left he had no use for them. Before pulling a black tube from a pouch under the flashlight beam he read.

  “Pepper spray,” Dan was about to toss it then changed his mind putting it into a pocket.

  Standing with the pry bar still dripping yellowish ooze from it Dan looked at it before slamming the claw side of the pry bar against the window in frustration with a resounding thumb. Surprising Dan when a chunk of glass broke free from the inside the window with some cracks appearing in the glass. Dan ignored the noise and started beating on the window hard it took several minutes before the window exploded leaving the way in open. He looked at his handy work before he climbed in taking the black bladed katana with him. He played the white beam around the shelving units to read the medicines.

  Most of them he could not pronounce as he looked for the medicine he needed. He looked at a large machine that resembled a safe. Even Dan knew this was for pain medicine. A groaning sound reached his ears, he turned the flashlight to the broken window to see two zombies staring at him. Dan felt amazed that these creatures could navigate through the darkness unaided. Picking up the katana from the counter he swung it with an offhanded sweep. Crashing the blade into the bridge of a zombie’s nose in hospital scrubs cutting deep into the skull under the eyes. Dan felt the blade pull free as the zombie fell backwards. Bringing the blade up one-handed then down violently sinking the blade into a zombie’s neck trying to climb through the window in a hospital gown. Managing to cut through the spinal cord but not all the way through the zombie’s neck making the head flopped forward on the flap of skin. Stopping to listen at hearing nothing he started looking at the shelf’s again most of the medicines he could not even pronounce let alone know what they treated. He was playing the beam across the medicines when he stopped at one he knew. Penicillin that one he could use Dan looked at the dispenser wondering how he was going to do this. It took him a couple seconds to figure out how to dispense medicine from the machine he was just thankful that he needed no power.

  Looking around for something to put the medicine in before seeing a white paper bag grabbing it he started filling it. He repeated this several times before spotting another medicine he recognized amoxicillin. Another medicine he could use as he played the flashlight around the room. Spotting a pen resting on the countertop grabbing the pen to write on the bags the medicine and dosage before filling another bag. Looking at several more medicines not understanding what they were. Then spotting another one he vaguely remembered this one he also took. Still looking he spotted several packages of decongestants and cough medicines on one shelf on the wall a couple more brands he remembered. Smiling he thought.

  “If they are here they must be industrial-strength,” Dan thought taking all he could carry.

  Shaking his head frustrated looking at the remaining medicines but what was it for.

  “Stick to the basics,” he thought reaching from one of the paper bags stopping

  “In paper bags if it rains or I go through water I will ruin the medicine that would not do,” Dan thought. Playing the flashlight beam around the room before stopping at on a container full of orange brown plastic bottles. he silently nodded his head.

  “Those would do it,” he thought as he sorted through several boxes trying to find the largest containers before stopping and transferring the medicine to them putting on the plastic caps.

  Taking time to transfer the names of the medicine to the bottles before putting most of them in his daypack and a couple in his pockets. Looking at his stainless steel wristwatch to check the time, it was well past three. He realized for the first time that he was hungry. Taking a couple minutes to devour the protein bars that he had brought with him before climbing through the broken window. Back into the hallway he made his way carefully towards the ever-growing light at the end of the hallway. Silently he made his way to the front of the building staying as much as possible in the shadows. Stopping inside the shadows of the hospital lobby he looked out onto the street. Nothing was moving and the only noise a faint sound of the breeze blowing. The air felt a little bit cooler than when he entered the building and he noticed the pale blue sky was beginning to fill up with grayish clouds.

  “Rain that is all I need,” he grumbled.

  Dan took one last look around the street finishing his plans. He would leave his bike that might be a trap he would stick to the tree lines near the buildings. Staying on foot while he would move as fast as he could he would probably be able to see or hear something coming at him quicker. Letting out a deep sigh, he started moving around the side of the building to the growth of trees behind the hospital. Following it back towards the farm. Paralleling the road Dan tried keeping out of sight nearing the intersection where the ghouls had been. Crouching in the underbrush, he studied the roadway carefully taking his time looking in all directions and after a few false starts. He finally decided to take off running as fast as he could, across the intersection into the trees. Not stopping until getting several yards in to the trees before he stopped to check to see if anyone had seen him. He felt relieved and started following the road out when he stopped cold hearing the sound of several engines.

  Crouching down into the underbrush Dan held his breath as several of the modified trucks went racing down the street, heading away from him. He decided to wait a good fifteen minutes before starting to move again going a little bit slower being more cautious as he traveled. Checking his watch again seeing it was getting later in the afternoon. The sky becoming darker as he looked up at the ever-thickening clouds. He knew that would mean rain.

  “That's all I needed,” he thought.

  The ground he was traveling on was becoming slightly uneven dipping and raising among the trees going only to level out as he approached a thinning spot near the road. Seeing he was near the redbrick church with a large walled yard. Dan took a good look at that funny looking platform on the steeple. Before dropping his gaze to a large group of sixty to seventy zombies standing out in front of the church as if waiting. Dan figured to go back into the tree line making his way around the back of the church. To head for the sixty-one stopping as he heard a noise. Looking around, he finally thought to look up at the steeple as the window started to open with a slight protesting groan. Dan watched as a man dressed in a black wide brimmed hat matching black jacket and pants with a button down white shirt climbed out onto the platform. He looked in amazement all the times they passed by the church they had had never seen any signs people lived there.

  He watched the man in black walked up to the edge of the platform. Looking down shaking his head as if in disappointment before reaching into a pocket removing out a small black book. Dan watched as he opened the book, shuffling through several pages before stopping looking down once more the undead that started groaning slightly at the sight of him. Dan heard a loud, commanding voice boom out.

  “Sinners repent.”

  Sitting there stunned as he listened to the man start preaching to the zombies. How God has damned for their wickedness, condemned them to walked the earth until they repent all of their sins. Dan watched for a second and wondered.

  “Was he with the People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies or another lunatic,” he thought. He pushed this from his mind as his stomach growled again those protein bars have been too little and too long ago, shaking his head.

  Moving into the forest, heading down the street before running across checking that no zombies noticed him. Making his way through the trees to a six-foot brick wall wrapping around the back of the church. Looking up to see several orange balls on a tree taking him a moment to realize those were grapefruit.

  “While he never cared for them they were good for you,” he thought as his stomach rumbl
ed again.

  Dan pressed closer to the wall and listened hearing nothing. He grabbed the edge of the wall pulling himself up. Looking into the yard seeing a few other trees, one showing apples that looked ready for picking and rows of well-tended vegetables growing.

  Slightly over to one side was a basket of freshly picked carrots, potatoes and some other mixed greens sitting on a wood table as his stomach took this time to growl again. Making up his mind for him as he climb further on the wall to sit on it before dropping into the yard looking around. Making sure no one had noticed him he could still hear the man in black, although muffled still talking out-front to the undead. Dan slowly pulled his daypack off unzipped it, as he started shoving several grapefruit apples, carrots, potatoes and a couple other items in it before zipping it up.

  As he was getting ready to leave the thought of his actions struck him. Manny had told him several times already, there is a fine line between salvage and survival and stealing. Someone lived here taking what belong to them was stealing unless he paid for it or traded something. Racking his brain for second before reaching into his pocket. Removing one of the large bottles marked penicillin. He half turned and was placing it on the table when he heard a.

  “Oh my.”

  Dan turned quickly his right hand going for the brown checkered grip of the autoloader and was about to pull it from his holster. Only to stop at seeing a young woman about his age with long brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Wearing a pale green long-sleeved dress that covered her from neck to ankles looking terrified. They stood face-to-face for several tense moments Dan still had not pulled his hand from the autoloader or it from his holster. When he did his best to sound calm and forced a smile to his face.

  “I mean you no harm. I was just hungry. So I was trading you some medicine for food,” Dan said, motioning to the large bottle on the table.

  The young woman regained her composure for now before she spoke, and even though her voice had a slight tremble to it. She almost looked relieved.

  “You are alive.” Dan looked at her stunned.

  “Of course I am,” Dan started when the young woman cut him off in an enthusiastic rush.

  “I am Leanne and if you are hungry. We have food you must come in and meet my father,” she gushed.

  “Another time I'm in a hurry,” Dan started saying cut off by the sight of an older woman coming out of the back door.

  “Leanne, where have you gone,” but stopped short at seeing him.

  She looked like an older version of Leanne wearing a dark black dress in a similar style as her daughter. Leanne turned to look at her mother.

  “He was hungry and looking for food,” she started.

  The older woman looked at Dan for several seconds without saying anything, he was just about to turn to run for the wall when she responded.

  “You must come in and meet my husband it is been a longtime since we've had visitors,” she told him. Thinking this was a bad idea he was about to go when Leanne took him by the arm, pulling him towards the door. Dan inwardly grumbled.

  “Foolish mistake,” he thought as he followed both women inside the church.

  Passing through a small room holding various benches with books on them before entering a larger room. With pews set in front of an alter lit dimly by candles scattered throughout the room. He could see a person moving towards the front. Thinking the man had come down from the platform, he realized while dressed alike he was younger then the man.

  “Son,” he thought.

  “Ezekiel we have a visitor,” the older woman stated. Ezekiel turned suddenly and Dan could see that he was only a boy a few years older than him. He stared studying him taking in everything about him saying nothing. Dan was starting to get uncomfortable deciding it was time to turn and run when he heard a voice from one side speak out.

  “And who might you be,” the man in black said causing Dan to turn.

  He had come down from the platform entering the building

  “Father this is Dan,” Leanne started but the older man raised his hand stopping her from speaking.

  “Does he not have a voice of his own,” the man stated.

  “That was rude,” he thought keeping that thought silent. “As she said my name is Dan, I saw the fruit trees in your backyard and being hungry, I thought I would trade you some medicine for some fruit.”

  The man in black looked at him sternly for a moment before reaching into his coat pocket and extracting the medicine bottle He had left on the table in silence. He took a second to look at it before speaking.

  “And what do you think we need with penicillin,” he stated coldly. Dan for his part shrug slightly aware of the weight of the bow on his shoulder.

  “I don't that is all I have to trade I do not steal,” he said rather defiantly.

  This caused a smile on the man in black face but only in name, it held no warmth or friendliness. The man tossed the medicine bottle to him, who caught it easily.

  “We do not need the medicine and you do not have to steal food. If you were hungry we will feed you,” he said turning to look at his wife.

  “Will food be ready soon we have a hungry guest.”

  “Yes, husband it is ready now. If you wish,” she said motioning for them to a door off to one side.

  Dan watched as Leanne, Ezekiel, the man and the woman headed towards it before he followed. Dan felt strange since the man in black had shown up the two women had gone silent; the boy said nothing just followed his father. Something strange was going on here making him nervous. Dan entered a small white room, which held a wood table with thirteen chairs. He watched as the older woman, the mother of Leanne placed plates and silverware at the table for 13 people. Dan felt he should ask her name but the tension in the room between them and the man in black made him uneasy.

  Dan watched as the man sat down then his son Ezekiel as Leanne and her mother placed a glass with water in front of them. She placed a bowl holding a stew in front of them. Leanne making a motion for him to sit to the right of Ezekiel as her mother sat a bowl with food down there and a glass of water. As her and her mother moved to sit to the left of them at a small table.

  Dan sat cautiously watching them. He was unsure what exactly was going on and this made him nervous. He watched the man in black sat and clasped his hands together saying.

  “Let us pray.”

  Dan found this funny his parents had never seemed religious and he never prayed at meals, although he knew several people that did he always felt strange when they did this. He listened as the man recited the prayer watching the faces of the others at the table with rapt attention. The man looked up from his prayer to look at him.

  “Let us eat,” he said, picking up this spoon dipping it into the watery stew that sat in front of him.

  Dan watched as the others followed suit before taking a sip of his own. It tasted good but he stopped suddenly when he came across a piece of meat. He chewed it experimentally in his mouth trying to identify it.

  “Something not to your liking,” the man in black said rather ominously Dan swallowed before he spoke.

  “The meat tastes familiar but I cannot place it,” Dan said slowly wondering if he should go for the autoloader. The man looked at him thoughtfully.

  “Woman what is the meat in the stew,” he said coldly.

  Dan kept his anger in checked at this as the woman looked up with a scared look.

  “It is spam,” she said quietly, looking down at her own food. Dan intervened before the man could say anything.

  “I thought so, but I've never had it prepared so well,” he said, taking another piece into his mouth, chewing. Dan noticed the woman looked relieved and the man in black said nothing as he continued to eat. The meal nearly finished as the man looked up from his food.

  “So, the good Lord has seen fit to bring us another of the chosen,” he said with a wave of his hand as an opener. Dan looked at him, puzzled. He had no idea what he meant.

��What do you mean chosen,” he said carefully.

  He did not like the look the man in black gave him and felt a cold chill climb up his spine.

  “The Lord has decided the day of revelation has come. The gates of hell have opened allowing the dead to spew forth. When the chosen have gathered here we will rise to heaven,” the man said feverishly. The man's tone set him on edge.

  “And how many is that,” Dan said, looking at the man as he set the spoon down with his right hand, leaving his arm on the table close to the grip of his autoloader.

  “Me as the Lord's representative and twelfth others,” the man said in that same odd tone. Dan looked at the large table its meaning becoming suddenly relevant.

  “Okay so you think seven more people are going to show up here,” Dan started but stopped at the looked the man gave him.

  “We will only need ten more,” he said coldly.

  This puzzled Dan for a moment until he realized he was only counting the men in the group. He did not add the women into his math. He felt all the eyes on him at the table. He looked at the man spared having to say anything as he continued.

  “There's only the dead left in the world and the chosen,” he said as Dan looked at him puzzled.

  “So what about the safe areas the government set up,” Dan started.

  “They are a lie. They do not exist,” the man stated angrily.

  “Well I hate to give you bad news but there is one in Dallas and Baton Rouge with life the same before the plague. I know the people running around this town are not friendly with people, the safe areas are.”

  Dan cut off as the man in black pushed his chair backwards violently standing.

  “You lie.”

  Dan’s hand closed on the grip of the autoloader pulling it halfway from his holster as his own chair flew backwards as he stood causing the man to stop what he was about to say. The others at the table sat frozen looking downright scared.

  “I thank you for dinner, but I have to be going. A person who risked everything to help me now needs my help. I will be damn if I will fail him,” Dan stated smoothly pulling the autoloader from his holster as he made his way for the door.


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