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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

Page 37

by Daniel Smith

  “No, she said her name was Margaret,” she stated.

  Following her out Dan looked surprised at that as he continued out of the house to see a waiting truck parked at the curb with a police officer in it. Sandra entered the passenger side as they climbed into the back of the black pickup truck. Holding on tightly as the driver maneuvered it at a high rate of speed. Going through the towns streets startling the guard sitting under a blue canopy next to a large oak tree as they barrel down the small road with off to one side. The wind turbines visible above the tree line to head to the bridge, leading into town. The truck pulling onto the bridge. Dan could see the gray shipping containers used as the guard post on one end their doors sitting open they used as the gate.

  A pickup truck and an old passenger car sat outside the gate with about fifteen or so people. Standing or sitting some holding small cups of steaming liquid a few self-defense force members moving around them talking and checking on some that had bandages.

  While calmness appeared on the bridge a shadow of strained silence prevailed. The driver stopped the truck close to the group nearest the gate. Dan and Manny climbed out the back of the truck, watching his Sandra left the passenger door of the truck with the police officer that had been driving following closely near her. Dan looked around; stopping on the small form of Margaret standing off to one side. Talking to one of the self-defense force member her clothing looked a little bit more worn in her eyes looked tired under close-cropped black hair. He walked over to her Sandra Manny and the police officer following.

  “Good to see you glad you made it down,” Dan said waving a greeting to her. Margaret looked up at him for a moment surprised before, forcing a smile to her face. Looking around for a moment Dan asked.

  “I don't see Samuel,” he asked questioningly. He got his answers by the downward cast of her dark eyes and the look that came over Margaret's face.

  “He didn't make it. Shortly after you left, another gang of people attacked us. They found out we had some medicine. The fighting was terrible. When it was over we were the only ones left,” she said slowly moving a hand motioning to the rest of the people sitting around the truck and cars,” she told him.

  He nodded sadly at this, turning as he heard someone approaching from behind. He saw Sandra, Manny, and the police officer stopping slightly behind him. Dan turned back to Margaret.

  “Margaret, this is Sandra. She is the mayor of the town,” he said, gesturing to Sandra. Adding. “Sandra, this is Margaret she is a paramedic that I met up in Memphis,” Dan said. Moving so the two of them could look at each other a look of surprise crossing over Margaret's face before she put her hand out taking Sandra's offered hand to shake.

  “Good to meet you and welcome to Hope. After you rest if you decide to stay we could always use another paramedic here,” Sandra said after shaking Margaret's hand.

  “Thank you,” Margaret managed to reply. Sandra nodded her head a moment before turning to Dan and Manny.

  “Would you to mine grabbing us a cup of coffee,” Sandra asked looking at Dan and Manny then pointing to one of the shipping containers. Manny smiled saying.

  “Sure, no problem,” as he grabbed Dan by the shoulder and started pushing him towards one of the gray container. Sander watching leave for a moment before turning to look at Margaret.

  “So how do you know Dan,” she asked slowly. Margaret looked at her for a moment before quietly responding.

  “I met him in an intersection in Memphis me and a friend were looking for medicine when an influenza epidemic broke out in our group. For some strange reason he happened to have some medicine we needed he practically gave it to us,” Margaret finished. Sandra looked at her for a moment.

  “Who was Samuel I heard about,” Sandra asked carefully. Margaret looked up at her meeting her gaze.

  “He was a friend that I cared for he save me after I was attacked at the beginning of the plague. Not by the infected by a group of men,” Margaret said slowly, trailing off before Sandra could say anything she continued.

  “He was a good man. He knew that I was angry at everything the world and nothing in particular. He did his best to help me survive. He never stopped amazing me when we had run into Dan in Memphis and I found out he had medicine I was willing to take it at all costs. Samuel and Dan just stood there calmly talking as if nothing was wrong. They were not standing in a dead city with the undead walking around trying to kill us. Or various groups that would kill you sooner than look at you. Just having a pleasant conversation discussing a trade deal then when he offered us the medicine and told us about this place existence and to come down if we had a chance. During the attacked, Samuel told me making sure we got into the cars was to come here. I'm still not sure why we did. We had no idea what we would find we had no idea what we were looking for or what we are going to do,” Margaret finished looking at Sandra.

  Sandra turned to see Manny and Dan starting to exit the container with a steaming cup of coffee.

  “I'm not surprised Samuel sounds like my father and you and Dan have more in common than you might know. You'll find most of us that came here had the same feelings and thoughts, but I hope you will find the same thing we did,” Sandra said thoughtfully for a moment. Margaret looked at her.

  “What did you find,” she asked questioningly. Sandra smiled warmly.

  “We found hope,” she stated proudly.

  Dan and Manny showed up, handing each of them a coffee cup and both women took a sip slowly before Sandra turned to the police officer.

  “Call City Hall and let them know how many people we have coming in to start making the necessary arrangements,” Sandra said.

  “Right away Mayor,” the police officer said moving off towards the shipping container holding the phone. The phone line obvious running along the bridge towards town. Sandra turned back to Margaret.

  “When you get to the reception center let them know what arrangements you need for your families and couples. In addition, I see you have some children with you. The town schoolteacher is a psychiatrist the children can continue their education. If any of them have any special needs or problems he can possibly deal with them for you. Now if you will excuse me, we will talk later. I have to start the arrangements,” Sandra said extending her hand once more to shake with Margaret before walking away.

  The look on Margaret's face was one of amazement as she looked to Dan.

  “You must have serious pull here to get that treatment,” Margaret said. he shook his head negatively.

  “No, we haven't been here that long. They treat everyone that way as long as you are willing to work with them. They're willing to work with you,” Dan said calmly.

  Margaret just nodded her head at this Dan unsure if she agreed or in utter bewilderment before she turned to her small group calling out.

  “Okay everyone, get ready to go they are going to take us to a place to clean up and rest,” she said loudly for the group to hear.

  Dan watched as looks of disbelief, amazement came over the tired faces of the people sitting, and standing around the cars before they slowly started moving to get ready. Margaret was just about to walk off to follow the police officer that had come up to take them where they needed to go. Dan stopped her with a quick question.

  “So what made you decide to come here,” he asked quietly. Margaret paused for a moment in reflection before she looked him in the eyes.

  “You can't live your life in fear forever,” she simply stated before walking off. Dan felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned slightly. He saw Manny standing there behind him watching her go.

  “I think your acquaintance just became a friend,” Manny said calmly with a smile on his face.

  Dan sat in the recliner by the window reading. Shaking his head at reading the story the person should have known it was a trap and he still walked into it. Putting the book down hearing Manny and Sandra talking wondering if this discussion was about their road trip.

  “I know you are
leaving for New Orleans soon. I want you to take this with you. It's an email address that we can stay in touch with,” Sandra said, handing him a piece of paper. Manny looked surprised.

  “Email, the Internet still works,” he said calmly. Sandra smiled as she looked at him.

  “Yes, we managed to get a cell tower working and we can tap into the government network, allowing us limited-access to email and the Internet,” she said rather smugly. Manny drew back looking impressed at this.

  “Well you did get you mothers looks and brains It seems,” he said in the way of an answer.

  Dan thought Sandra took this as the most impressive compliment she ever received in her life. The discussions between Sandra and Manny that they had usual ending with a road trip. He sat surprised when Manny told him they were going to a town meeting tonight.

  “Why,” Dan asked looking up from his book. Manny smiled.

  “Do you some good to see how the government works before we head down to New Orleans,” was his simple answer.

  Dan sat sprawled uncomfortable in the chair almost to the point of falling-out. Looking past the light wood railing at the table with the chairs Sandra sat in the middle with several people off to one side. They kept talking about different subjects. That he found boring as he turned to look at Manny.

  “Why did we come here again,” Dan said as if in pain. Manny turn to look at him.

  “Two reasons One, I thought you should see how civilian government works or for that matter government in general works and two it should be getting interesting soon,” he said rather cryptically.

  Dan groan slightly and for a moment thought he sounded like a zombie. Before he looked back up several people showing up wearing various blue jeans, bib overalls and flannel shirts. Now moving to a small hinged gate to stand at a table in front of the town council. Dan notice Manny had shifted in his seat and started taking more interest. He sat up in his, watched as a small balding man stood up, and turned almost imperiously to look at the rest of the Council. Sandra adopting a slightly flustered look on her face as she said.

  “The council will now here the recommendation from Council member Jarvis,” she said, almost mechanically.

  Dan watched the Council member, as he nodded his head to each of the Council members in acknowledgment. He did not recognize the existence or look at the group of men and women standing at the small table in front of him.

  “I think the time has come for the farming council to come under direct control of the city. I am suggesting that I take over the farming council for the city,” a slightly nasal voice started.

  Dan thought someone flipped a switch on the men and women. He figured they must be the farming council as they erupted into noise. Dan had to admit two hours later, when the meeting finally finished it had been interesting between the shouts of the various farmers. The curses from the various farmers, some of which he had never heard before and the extra security called in to protect Council member Jarvis.

  The meeting ending peaceful surprised him with Council member Jarvis canceling his recommendation to take over the farming council. Dan and Manny walked outside City Hall and stood in front of the three-tiered fountain.

  “I'm going to go visit Commander Hudson if you want to come or if you have other plans,” Manny said, trailing off. Dan looked up slightly puzzled.

  “Well I said I would try to meet with Mary and Sara.” Dan trailed off before adding. “You are spending a lot of time with Commander Hudson lately,” he said quietly. Manny looked hard at Dan for a moment, then smiled. “If you can trust anyone in town besides Sandra it would be Commander Hudson,” Manny said patting him on the shoulder. Before moving off Dan looked at the retreating figure of Manny as he headed towards the identical version of City Hall. To the police station he frowned slightly at the thought Manny appeared walking a little stiffly. He brushed this thought from his head as he moved off himself pass the gurgling fountain and well-tended flowerbeds into the night.

  The distance they had covered surprised Dan in such a short time the independent trucker dropped them off just outside a town called Hammond. It seemed a few of them here and there were still making their living transporting goods and people between the various towns and cities and government safe areas. Manny had struck a deal with the large man with a wild beard right before they left Hope to travel with him. He seemed friendly, enough talkative on the ride down the fifty-one highway. Glad as they got out of the truck that he would no longer have to listen to country music. The man kept playing on the trucks CD player. He dropped them off just where the fifty-one meets highway twelfth. Dan unsure, why the driver traveled the back roads or where he was heading. Figuring it was none of his business as they pulled their bikes off the flatbed trailer.

  He towed behind the massive big rig before watching him pull off down the road. They started riding down the empty highway crossing under the fifty-five Highway interchange as they headed south along Morrison Boulevard passing overgrown grassy fields and clumps of trees to make their way. The road they traveled on split one side moving off to a raised highway over a canal of water. The other side following the canal next to the raised portion of the roadway. Where the raised portion began Dan could make out two portable towers. Set up watching the interchange with a couple of portable office trailers surrounded by sandbag emplacements around them a red and white metal beam going across the roadway. Dan could see several military uniforms moving about, with several other people in dark blue uniforms. He did not recognize as they pull their bikes to a stop to look at this. The people guarding the checkpoint not paying attention to them only noticing that they were there.

  “Stay here. I am going to see what that is all about,” Manny said as he got off his bike and started walking over to the guard gate.

  Dan felt the usual ball of tension starting to form in his stomach as he watched Manny do this waiting to see what was going to happen. Surprised only one guard reacted if you could call it that to Manny's approach greeting him with a hello. Manny stood talking to this man for a few moments before coming back to join him.

  “Well,” Manny started. “The main road into New Orleans is a toll road or one that you need travel paperwork to use.” Dan rolled his eyes at that as Manny smile before continuing. “If we don't want to pay the toll or have the proper paperwork,” Manny said, gesturing with his hand to the road paralleling the water filled canal next to the raised highway. “We are free to travel on that one,” Manny finished as he started to straddle his bike.

  “Figures it would be something like that,” Dan said as he waited for Manny to finish.

  They pedaled off down the road with Dan once turning to see a couple the guards at the gate watching them as they rode down the highway. They rode for a little while before he asked.

  “Are we close to New Orleans with those guards on the highway. Made me wonder,” Dan said as he rode on steadily. Manny turned to glance at him before speaking.

  “No we got a ways to go but as we've seen the raised highway they can control and guard easily. In fact, New Orleans is one of the more prosperous safe areas. The government set up,” Manny continued in a tone that Dan recognized that Manny was lecturing him. “New Orleans has a large seaport. Add in they have canals and flood control system divides the city up into I think five sections and with the rivers and lakes around them. Makes it easy to control in a zombie outbreak. You simply fall back to the canals or flood control walls. Close off that section until you have time to regroup and retake it,” Manny said easily as he rode.

  Dan shrugged it made sense to him then again most of the stuff Manny told him made sense in a way. The service road paralleling the fifty-five freeway was clear as they rode on past a mobile home park on their journey south. Still too early in the day to think about camping for the night they watched the scenery along the road started changing, becoming more tree-lined as they passed over several small creeks. Dan looking surprised at seeing several cars and trucks traveling on th
e fifty-five Highway in large convoys. Some in independent cars.

  “People going to and from New Orleans,” Manny said casually as they rode. “From what I've heard the government safe area there is up and running good,” Manny said with a smile.

  Dan finished glancing around, but did not look at Manny when he asked.

  “What are we doing in New Orleans,” he asked unconcerned as he rode.

  “Have you been there,” Manny asked.

  “No,” Dan said, looking around again.

  “Good you are in for treat. I figured we would show up for Mardi Graw,” Dan turned to see Manny and he was grinning. Dan thought for second before asking.

  “Is that some big party,” Dan saw the smile on Manny's face widen.

  “Yes it's some party.”

  After several days on the road winding through dense woods on the north side of a lake. The terrain mostly flat and swampy. Dan remembered a show on an animal channel about this area. They called it Bayou country. The climbing vines clinging tightly to the trees and branches hanging to the ground in spots. This area remotely traveled before the plague. Now looking downright deserted almost another world. Dan watch with idle curiosity as a small, funny looking animal started walking across the road. He recognized it. The armadillo ignoring they were there. They were getting close to lake Maurepas to the west of them with Lake Pontchartrain to the east of them.

  Still on the side road of the fifty-five highway coming to the edge of the waterway cutting across their path. The raised fifty-five highway sat to one side of them as they looked out in front of them at a small two-lane bridge. Spanning the waterway and to the right of it, a railroad crossing the roads look clear with nothing on it as they stood straddling their bikes. Standing their watching seeing two large big rigs driving south down the fifty-five Highway going at a good rate of speed.

  “I think it should be safe enough to cross we are getting close enough to New Orleans the government would get a little upset. Should someone try to close one of their bridges and charge a toll,” Manny said.


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