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The Aftermath Trilogy (Book 3): The Aftermath [Ground Zero]

Page 40

by Daniel Smith

  Dan continued to move forward until the point of the blade contacted her throat while still smiling. Dan looked at her avoiding the sheer bra.

  “Safety is an illusion win lose or draw with what's going on. Either way you play it. I will make sure you are the first to die,” Dan said coldly.

  He risked a look upward at the black clad woman and was sure he saw a smile crossed her face for a split second. He heard Katrina approach him to one side, slapping the iron bar she used as a weapon loudly against the palm of her free hand as the sound of the truck approaching grew louder.

  The flatbed truck with metal slats sides race down Main Street as Dan and Katrina did their best to hold on. Watching over the prisoners huddled in the truck bed. Dan looked out at the street what looked eerily empty before made him more uneasy now as he saw armed town folk now moving around in groups. Dan tightened his grip as the truck swerved into the medium-size parking lot just past the sign proclaiming City Hall. to race for the pathway that led to the front entrance of the modern two-story office building. The dark tinted glass looking ominous now. The truck skidded to a stop just in front of a golf cart parked in a parking space reserved for the mayor. As a swarm of police officers and black clad figures ran up to the truck and started pulling the side rails off. Dan watched with amusement as the guards started pulling prisoners unceremoniously from the truck before marching the underwear-clad people up the pathway leading to the three-tiered fountain with well-tended flowerbeds. He followed them as they ushered past the commotion of people moving about the makeshift wood barricades. The word police painted on them in white letters to make them kneel in front of City Hall.

  Dan and Katrina watched, as black clad uniformed people were moving quickly with five stretchers carried between them heading for the truck with Doctor McGee and Margaret moving about them. Dan tried to get Doctor McGee's attention only to have her shake her head at him sadly. As they rushed past Margaret did not even have time to look at him before they reach the truck. Sliding the stretchers in Doctor McGee and Margaret climbing into the back with them. The truck hurried speeding off towards what he could only assume was her medical office, which also served as the local hospital. Dan could feel anger building in him now as he moved forward headed for the command table they had been at earlier with Commander Hudson and had almost reached it.

  When Sara appeared almost out of nowhere Dan looked at her. She looked tired and if possible had more blood on her clothing then before but her black hair was still flowing about her shoulders. She moved to them, giving Dan a hug then moving on to a startled Katrina while stating.

  “I'm glad you two are okay.”

  Dan looked at her and made a motion with his hands as he asked.

  “What’s going on what's happened.”

  Before Sara could answer a calm, quiet voice spoke from behind them.

  “Much the same as when you left,” Dan turned to see the small man with of Commander Hudson walking up behind him.

  “The people that took City Hall have people outside the city. There's fighting at the main bridge for control of it at last report we were winning but we have taken a few casualties and several wounded,” Commander Hudson said. Strolling stopping at the table looking down at some papers. He did not turn to look at Dan when he spoke again.

  “Now thanks to your help. The endgame begins. The question is how it ends,” Commander Hudson said motioning to a figure standing off to one side.

  Dan watched as five men with rifles walked up and stop lining up behind the prisoners Commander Hudson picked up the bullhorn from the table and walked up to stand next to them. Waiting a moment, he took the bullhorn placing it to his mouth.

  “You in City Hall listen up the family members you thought you had safely secured are my prisoners now. You have ten minutes to surrender releasing all your hostages unharmed or I will have one of them shot at random and will continue to do so every ten minutes. Until you give up or they are all dead if you harm or kill any of your hostages. None of you or your family members will survive,” the metallic amplified voice boomed out over the bullhorn. Dan felt himself mentally react to what Commander Hudson said.

  “That’s harsh, practical but harsh,” he thought as he looked around the milling crowd outside the police station.

  It quieted down the guards watching over the prisoners harden at the statement standing ready.

  “Your time starts now,” the amplified voice rang out. Commander Hudson turned and walked towards the guards. “Mike in exactly ten minutes. Pick one of them and shoot them. If they do not comply with our instructions Sam ten minutes after him shoot another one,” Commander Hudson said moving away from the figures.

  “You can't do that would be murder,” the woman who had spoken to Dan earlier said hysterically. Commander Hudson slowly turned to her fixing her with his cold gray eyes.

  “Unfortunately for you, Mrs. Jarvis, your husband’s actions put me in charge. Also if the city Council does not survive. I will stay in charge,” he said calmly as he turned and walked away.

  Several prisoners broke down crying at this proclamation and started pleading for mercy. Dan looked at Katrina, who had a slightly worried look on her face as Commander Hudson came back up to the table.

  “Commander Hudson isn't that going to far,” Sara asked concerned heard in her voice. Commander Hudson turned to her and a faint smile broke through on his lips.

  “Sara you’re a good woman. Your mother raised you well to have pity and compassion for them even after what they've done and what they're doing,” Commander Hudson told her the smile slowly fading from his lips.

  “Unfortunately, the people were dealing with have no pity, have no compassion and have no mercy in them. They understand one thing and one thing only. And I'm reasoning with them in the only way I think they'll respond favorably,” he finished calmly before looking at his watch and turning to look back at City Hall.

  Dan felt bad for Sara the feelings of losing his own mother rolled up in him. He did not wish those on her. Dan thoughts broken as a murmur ran through the group as someone pointed to a figure that was moving in the lobby of City Hall. Dan watched as a man wearing dark slacks and a clean white shirt appeared in the doorway. Dan did not recognize him and did not recall ever seeing him. The man cracked the door open slightly and called out.

  “There's no need for dramatics. We know you are not going to do that. Now you will listen to our terms,” a smooth voice called out. Commander Hudson picked up the bullhorn.

  “You have five minutes left before the first prisoner dies. If you don't think I will do it or bluffing,” he started walking forward pulling the black Beretta 92 pistol from his hip holster. Walking behind Mrs. Jarvis pointing the pistol at her head.

  “I will shoot this one personally and I suggest you go ask the person who hired you. If you think I won't,” the amplified voice rang out as Commander Hudson thumbed back the hammer of the pistol.

  Dan watched as Mrs. Jarvis broke into tears and started screaming at the glass front door.

  “For God sake Henry you know this madman will do it,” she cried out several times.

  Dan watched as the figure slipped back into the building. Dan looked at his stainless steel wristwatch it saw they had less than a minute to go. He was morbidly curious to see if Commander Hudson was bluffing and would not shoot the prisoner but he thought he knew better. He knew how that was going to end. Dan looking from the watch as several muffled shots rang out to look at City Hall as another one came from inside the building.

  The area breaking into chaos some of the prisoners fell to the ground crying at hearing the shots. Police officers and black clad figures took cover with Commander Hudson calmly walking away from the prisoners to stand back behind the command table.

  “I need to know what's going on inside,” he said to no one and everyone in general.

  Just then, two figures started to exit from the glass door of City Hall. Supporting each other one holding his
abdomen as they staggered out of the building. One making it a few feet before falling to the concrete under the column archway to lie still. The other staggering a few feet falling then looking up starting to crawl while crying out for help. Dan watched as two figures in riot gear with their long semi-circular plastic shields held in front of them ran forward to grab the man by his outstretched arms. Pulling the man over to safety Dan walked over with Commander Hudson to see the man as Sara ran to start checking his injuries. Commander Hudson stopped in front of him.

  “What is going on inside the building,” he asked in a low cold tone.

  The man looked up at him ignoring him as he looked at Sara.

  “I'm hurt I need help,” he pleaded. Sara started to bend to check his wound as Commander Hudson's arm shot out, stopping her.

  “He doesn't receive help until he tells me what I want to know and searched for any weapons,” Commander Hudson said coldly as Sara started to protest. The man pleaded for a moment overcome wracked by a convulsion of pain turning to look defeated at Commander Hudson.

  “Some of us wanted to give up but Jarvis and the guy he hired refused he said you wouldn't kill the hostages. We tried to leave and give up to save our families when the shooting started. There's at least three dead inside,” the man said, stopping to wince in pain as Commander Hudson nodded at that.

  “ How many total inside when this started,” he asked.

  “Twenty-five,” the man said grimacing.

  Commander Hudson made a motion to one of the guards quickly searching the injured man. The guard removed a knife and a pistol in a holster at his ankle from the man before, motioning for Sara to treat him. Commander Hudson walking away thinking.

  “That leaves at least twenty left inside. That's a large building for room to room fighting,” he said more to himself than the group. A police officer came running up to stop in front of Commander Hudson.

  “The fighting at the Main Bridge is intensifying. Also the guards at the gate at the center of town have reported coming under sniper fire,” a female police officer said hurriedly. The usually impassive face of Commander Hudson frowned for a moment.

  “There splitting our forces. I think they will try to break out as soon as they exhaust our forces. However, we have no choice. If we lose the bridge or gate at the center of town. I don't know how many of them are outside waiting to break in causing more problems,” he took a moment to think and said. “Here’s what we are going to do. Take twenty people and go reinforce the center gate. Send another twenty to the main bridge with the fighting send ten more to the bridge over the Mississippi,” the commanding tone coming back into his voice.

  The police officer looked at him for a moment, she hesitated before asking.

  “Sir, that will leave us dangerously understaffed here to handle the people inside,” she said. Commander Hudson nodded at him.

  “Yes and no. The main self-defense forces will become drained but we are going to recruit some others to help us,” Commander Hudson said looking squarely at Dan. He did not even hesitate.

  ‘What do you need from us,” he said looking at Katrina. A ghost of a smile played across Commander Hudson lips.

  “Behind City Hall near the wind turbine there's a maintenance tunnel with an access door. I have four guards stationed at it right now. I will radio them that you are coming. I need you to relieve them to free them up to help up here, “he said.

  Dan nodded his head agreeing. He just turned to start to leave when he stopped and looked back.

  “Should we take a radio,” he asked. Commander Hudson looked up from what he was doing.

  “I don't have any more but rest assured, if we hear gunfire will come running,” he said in that low tone of his.

  Dan nodded as he and Katrina jogged off towards one side of the building. A small grove of thick trees stood there as Dan saw an unsteady figure rise unsteadily inside the lobby of City Hall moving as if drunk. As they moved into a thick, moving down the gentle slope of the hill towards the wind turbine that sat behind City Hall Dan and Katrina stopped, and waited. They did not wait long as two camouflage covered figures emerged from the shrub and trees, followed by two more. They nodded silently to Dan as they took off at a jog back up the hill. Towards the command center as Dan and Katrina made themselves comfortable watching a small door set into a low hill.

  Dan removed the recurve bow and notched an arrow into it, holding it casually in one hand as they waited. After ten minutes or so Katrina turned to look at him.

  “I could work my way to the other side of the door and wait in the bushes, “she said with her slow southern drawl. Dan locked his blue eyes onto her green and slowly let out of breath.

  “Helpful but also dangerous. You do not have to,” he said slowly. Katrina looked at him and for the first time that day. He saw light in her downcast eyes.

  “I know that but this is my home now and those people reminded me of bad memories and have made me angry,” she said defiantly.

  Dan nodded his head at that and said nothing. He motioned with his hand for her to go. She moved off into the brush making her way over to the other side of the door the growing knot of tension in his stomach tightened, reminding him that it was there. A short time later, when the first gunshots rang out coming from up the small hill were City Hall sat from different locations from the front and side of the building. Dan tensed he wanted to run up there and get involved knowing he had to stay here guarding the door. He almost missed the door creaking open slightly not more than a crack. Seeing this he pushed himself slightly back into the bushes raising the bow getting ready to fire. He watched and waited as the door open slowly as the head of the man he had seen earlier at the front of City Hall poke out from it quickly before going back in.

  “So that's his game,” Dan thought. “Send his people out the front while he sneaks out the back.”

  Dan watched as the man came out the door a couple of feet looking around testing to see if anyone challenged him. Dan waited pulling the tension back slowly on the bowstring taking aim. Holding his fire when he saw the next figure coming out it was hard to miss her light brown skin and long black hair with strands of gray showing in it. Seeing Sandra his knuckles white holding the bow pulling back on the bowstring. Seeing the disheveled look of her clothing with blood drops on it dried blood showing from a split lip and she was sporting a black eye. Her hands tied behind her back. The weasel faced Council member Jarvis came next roughly pushing her. Dan sited in on him hesitating a headshot was not a choice with Sandra in front of him and the bulkiness of his jacket. Pointing out he was wearing some body armor underneath it as he pushed her out. He watched as he pushed her out in front of him slowly turning slightly. An evil smile crossed Dan's face as he shifted the aim of the arrow and let it fly with a twang. Rewarded with a great yell of pain as the arrow flew true. Impacted punching through the inside his right gluteus maximums muscle to come out at an angle on the other side tacking him to the metal door frame. At his yell of pain Sandra took off running. The leader raised his pistol aiming at her. Katrina popped up from the brush and let fly with a vicious two-handed swing of the iron bar straight to the man's head and neck. Dan winced as he heard the thump of the impact from where he was.

  “Sandra over here,” Dan called out. Pulling another arrow from his quiver and let it fly into the open doorway it was a blind shot but rewarded with the yelp of pain.

  Katrina pulled back into the bushes to start moving up the hill slightly coming over to his side. Dan could see Council member Jarvis struggling crying out in pain as he tried to free his impaled ass from the door. Sandra ran into the bushes.

  “Over here Sandra,” Dan called to her again. His anger grew at seeing the black eye and split lip on her face as she came up to him pulling a knife he cut the plastic zip tie binding her hands together. She immediately brought them in front of her and started rubbing the circulation back into them.

  “Thank you so much,” she said, moving into to hug
him, but Dan looked away pulling another arrow from his quiver. To aim at the open door Sandra saw this and immediately ducked down behind him as she watched what was happening.

  Dan waited and watched for several minutes. The only sounds heard was the screams of Council member Jarvis and his unsuccessful attempts to remove himself from the doorframe. Dan heard a new commotion behind them and was about to bring the bow over when Katrina's slow southern drawl reached his ears.

  “It's only me.” Dan looked back to see Katrina come up next to Sandra to embrace her in a hug which Sandra returned.

  Dan focused his attention back on the door releasing the tension on the bowstring. Dan transfer the bow to one hand and pulled the black autoloader with the free handout from a shoulder holster, handing it to Sandra.

  “Cover me,” Dan said, as he started moving forward at an angle to the doorway not even bothering to see if Sandra was covering him. Dan moved closer to the door bow and arrow ready as he saw a look of pain and worried crossing Council member Jarvis's face.

  “Look, I can explain,” he said painfully but stopped at the look. Dan gave him.

  Dan risked a look into the open doorway down the service tunnel. Seeing only the body of a woman with an arrow sticking out of her neck lying in a pool of congealing red blood. Starting to take on a yellowish tint around the wound. Dan turned to look at his handiwork. The arrow had entered almost at the exact center of Councilman Jarvis pants. Moving at a right angle through the main mass of the muscle or fat coming out the other side to penetrate the light sheet metal of the door. Dan said nothing as he thought.


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