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Luna Tick: A Sunshine Novel

Page 4

by Merriam, Angie

  "Look, officer, I'm a junkie not a whore. I've never screwed for my drugs. I pay cold hard cash for them and yes, my boyfriend is nothing to write home about. He stinks, and he's as dumb as a bag of rocks, but he's good to me, so no. Just take me home please." She leaned back in her seat and turned her attention to the passing streets.

  "What's your name?" I asked, completely stunned and turned on by her refusal. This was going to be more fun than I'd hoped. She's not going to be an easy kill after all.

  "Heather," she responded absentmindedly. "I live up on Sixth Street, top of the hill, house on the right."

  "Oh, I'm not taking you home, doll," I chuckled, my game beginning.

  "What? Why? You can't take me to jail for refusing sex with you. I've done nothing wrong." She's sassy and thinks she's tough. She's not. The only thing she's doing is turning me on more. Dumb slut.

  "Oh, you're not going to jail either. You see I wasn't giving you a choice to fuck me. I mean I was, but I was trying to be nice about it. You never really had a chance to say no, love." I chuckled quietly at the look of horror on her face.

  "What the fuck? Fuck if I can't say no, you creep. Take me fucking home, now!" she said, trying to sound firm, as if she were scolding me. Her determination was humorous. The fact that she thought she could tell ME what to do made me laugh even harder. I didn’t engage her with another answer. I just drove and laughed.

  "What the fuck is wrong with you? Take me home, asshole!" She demanded again, this time slamming her hand against the glass. I slowed my laughing enough to speak. "You're not going home, Heather. Ever. You should have followed your gut, little girl. You should have never agreed to take a ride with me."

  I could see the reality dawn on her face when she realized who I was. She sunk back against the seat, as if she was trying to create space from me. That garnered a small chuckle from me before she said the words, "Oh, my God, you're him!" Her voice was shaky, full of unbelievable fear.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! Can we get this girl a prize? Wait! What? A ride on my dick is the prize? Well, isn't she a lucky girl." Any trace of sanity I was trying to convey was gone. What was the point in pretending? I was the fucking Luna Tick. It was time to let my darkness out to play.

  "Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone. I swear. Just let me go," she began to cry, which further enticed me. My only problem was the moon. It wasn’t full that night. I usually only killed on nights that there was a full moon. The theories and myths about the moon's powers are true. The energy Earth draws from a full moon is electric. It's powerful. I glanced out my window to see only a sliver of the moon showing. Oh well, I had to kill. No time to waste.

  "Don't worry, love, this will be fast. You see tonight was a night of firsts for me. I've never killed on duty, and I've never killed without a full moon. What does this mean for you, you ask? Well, it's going to be faster than the others and not quite as theatrical. And sadly, I won't have time to singe your skin just right so I’ll just have to set you on fire." I finished to the sounds of her screams and pleas in the backseat. The screams were better than any radio station I could play. I listened and absorbed her energy as I drove far enough from town that her screams wouldn’t be heard, but not so far that I’d be missed.

  By the time we reached our destination her screams had quieted to subtle sobs. "We're here, darling. Let's make this quick." Stepping out of my cruiser, I removed my clothes until I was in nothing but my underwear, couldn’t risk getting my uniform dirty. I knocked on the back passenger window to get her attention. She turned away from me. Stubborn bitch. Even then she was playing hard to get.

  No more time for games. I opened the door and swiftly grabbed her ankle, pulled her, kicking and screaming, out of the car. "Keep fighting, love, it makes my dick stiff." I got her out, on her feet and in a position against my body that didn’t allow her to move anything more than her legs which she used to try to kick me. She missed. Her arms were pinned behind her with one of my arms while my other hand was snaked up her back to her neck. Guiding my hand to the front I took hold and squeezed, pulling her head back to mine, allowed me to whisper in her ear. "Keep fighting me, slut. It turns me on. I like a good challenge," I said before slowly running my tongue along the lines of her ear.

  "Fuck you!" she said, her voice weak.

  "Thank you for the offer, love, I think I shall fuck you!" Before she realized it, I moved her to the trunk of the cruiser and pushed her upper body face down much like I would during an arrest. I kicked her legs apart and pushed her skirt up past her ass, thankful she wasn’t wearing panties. Maintaining pressure on her back, holding her arms in place, I nudged the tip of my cock at her opening. She didn’t resist, or move. I pushed myself all of the way inside of her. The whimper that she released made my dick twitch. I thrusted in and out of her a few times expecting her body to react to mine. To beg me for more like all the other whores did. She didn’t. She just laid there, limp, lifeless.

  "Come on, whore, fuck my cock! Make my dick come and this will be over much faster for you." I rammed hard into her again, making her cry out. I couldn’t tell if it was in pain or pleasure, but I didn’t care. I continued to ram into her with slow but sharp thrusts, making her scream every time. She relented and began to grind her pussy around my cock, finally taking the pleasure I knew she wanted. "That's it, baby, fuck me!" I urged and released her arms so I could hold her ass. I laid some hard slaps on her sensitive skin before digging my fingers into the flesh of her ass. The harder I dug my fingers the more erratically she moved and the more she screamed.

  I was so close to coming. The end for her was near. I flipped her over so her back was on the trunk, her pussy spread open at just the right level. Her eyes were closed but even in the minimal moonlight I could see her face was tear stained. "Look at me when I fuck you, bitch!" I demanded, skidding my hand across her cheek, and she did as ordered. Just as I entered her completely her foot came up to my chest delivering a hard kick. Enough to make me stumble back. Enough to give her time to get up and run. Fuck!

  She ran towards the woods. I ran after her, my dick throbbing for release. "Come on, Heather, now I feel like I have to punish you, and I don't have time to do it properly. Stop being a cunt and finish your job." I stopped running and listened for her footsteps. The woods were dark. The likelihood of her running in a circle was high. I had killed here before so I knew the area. There was nowhere for her to go. I listened carefully, holding perfectly still. She was close. She was running right towards me. I stood still and waited for her. The moment she was close I reached out and caught her by her hair, throwing her down on the ground. She tried to scurry away, but I was on top of her and inside of her before she could escape. I placed my hand on her windpipe and applied pressure. The fear in her eyes was a wonderful thing. I fucked her hard until I came, and she was dead. I left her lifeless body long enough to grab a lighter. I didn’t have the kerosene I needed but there was enough dry leaves to set the whole damn forest on fire. I lit a piece of paper and once it was burning really well I drop it between her legs, allowing the leaves to catch fire before I left her there. It's not my usual way. I usually only burn enough to erase DNA, this girl will be fried beyond recognition.

  I quickly put my uniform back on, wiped the trunk clean, and pulled away just as the area around her went up in flames. The smell of burning flesh gave me pleasure. I was almost sad I had to leave so soon. I'd love to watch her body burn. However, I feel sated and calm again. My brain isn't wound up, and my heart was controlled. Just as I hit the pavement Lonnie came over my radio.

  "Nate, you there?" His voice was frantic.

  "Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"

  "Dude, been trying to reach you. Where the fuck are you?"

  "Saw something suspicious, following up."


  "It's nothing, stupid kids."

  "Well, get back here. Matt Everly is here with another officer named Dade. They want to meet you."

  FUCK! There went my good mood.

  Chapter Four


  After a few days of packing and planning and making sure the kids were okay we were in Klamath Falls. The change of scenery from Lincoln was noticeable. The dense green trees were gone, replaced with a desert like landscape. Don't get me wrong, there are trees, but they're scarce compared to home. There’s an enormous and beautiful lake that softens the shades of brown covering the bare mountains that hug the other side of the town.

  Lincoln is a small town, but it's a bustling small town. People are always moving, walking, shopping, talking, something. When we pulled into Klamath Falls, it was nearly desolate. "Where are all the people?" Trish questioned from the backseat.

  "This is just the outskirts of town, babe, there's more people when we actually get into the town," Ronin informed all of us. I felt out of sorts. I'd only ever left Lincoln for short city trips–one trip to Vegas for my honeymoon and one trip to Disneyland with the kids. I was naïve to think all of Oregon looked like the Pac NW. It doesn't.

  "You been here before, bro?" I asked Ronin. He and Trish were married about six years ago and he blended well into our small circle. None of us thought Trish would ever settle down, but she did and Dade and I were both glad to call Ronin our brother.

  "Yeah, I flipped a house here years ago. Spent about a month in town. It's not a busy town like what we have up north. It's quiet, for the most part." The big Irishman was handy with tools but also knew how to handle a gun, which gave me some comfort knowing I'd be leaving my wife with him while Dade and I did police work.

  "It's all brown. Where's all the green?" Trish asked, and I could hear the disgust in her voice. One thing about Trish is she likes color. Ronin, Dade, and I spent an entire weekend painting her little cottage a very feminine buttery yellow, as Trish called it. The place was the epitome of a chick's house, but that was Trish, a little high maintenance and over the top girly and Ronin loved her for it. We gave Ronin shit for living there on a daily basis. The dude would have lived in a pink house if that's what she wanted, I respected him for that.

  "It's high desert, babe. No, it's not the lush greens but the shades of brown are beautiful in their own right. I'll show you girls some things while Matt and Dade put the squeeze on Nick." The car goes silent for a minute before erupting into laughter. I looked back at Ronin who seemed confused.

  "Did you just say 'put the squeeze on'," Sunshine asked him between giggles.

  "Yeah, is that the wrong thing to say?" He sounded genuinely confused, his Irish accent thick.

  "Babe, you gotta stop watching cop shows," Trish teased, while patting his thigh. Ronin is a contractor. He flips houses for a living and does most of the construction himself. He's an Irish handyman who sometimes says shit that catches us off guard–like that moment.

  "It's okay, bro, Matt and I are a little like those dudes on Bad Boys, only Matt's white. But we're badass like that." I reached back to fist bump Dade. "Hell yes, brotha," I replied, hoping we looked as badass as we thought we were.

  "Try Miami Vice, Dade. More like Sonny and Rico," Trish put in, causing Dade and me to look at each other with confusion.

  "You don't know Miami Vice?" Ronin questions. "Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas Philip?" Still nothing from either of us.

  "Don't mind them, babe. They're not very worldly," Trish teased. The irony of that statement was none of us were very worldly with the exception of Ronin, who'd done a lot of traveling. He may not have been up on modern pop culture, but he was well traveled.

  "Hey, I'm worldly," Dade replied in mock offense.

  "Yeah? How?" She questioned, a typical brother and sister show down.

  "I like tacos," he said confidently as though he'd just shown us all. Silence fell on us all before we all busted out into fits of laughter. Trish looked at her brother, disappointment mixed with pure wonder. Their relationship was unlike most brother and sister relationships. They, for the most part, have always gotten along. Dade always looked out for Trish, but also made sure she knew how to look out for herself, and she did. They rarely fought but when they did the fights were explosive and usually ended in Sunshine and me playing referee, even back in high school.

  "What? They're not American right? That's worldly and while we're at it, I love spaghetti too and that's Italian so don't tell me I'm not worldly, sis." He sat back, chuckling with the rest of us but feeling sure he'd won the debate.

  "Sunny, can you look up the directions to the hotel?" I asked when the laughter died down. She did and within ten minutes, we were there and checking in.

  "Meet you at the car in thirty minutes?" I asked Dade before breaking off to go to our own room.

  "Takes you thirty minutes to freshen up, bro?" Dade teased.

  "Oh no, that only takes five minutes. It's the servicing of my woman that takes the other twenty-five," I bragged and Sunshine's hand connected with my gut causing me to double over in pain and laughter.

  "Ouch, baby, why'd you do that?"

  "Service your woman? Did you forget your woman is standing right here? You can talk manly like that at the station but not with me." She could pretend to be pissed and modest all she wanted. She'd get over it when we got to the room.

  "Burn, bro. So does that mean five minutes?" Dade teased, laughing as he walked away.

  "Fuck off, Dade. Go handle your business, I'll handle Matt," she hollered back at Dade.

  "You tell him, Sunny. See ya in a little bit," Trish said as she and Ronin went to their own room.

  "Come on, Casanova." Grabbing my hand, she pulled me behind her into our room. As soon as the door closed I pulled her into me, covering her mouth with mine. She tried to push away, playing slightly hard to get. I like it when she acts like she's not interested.

  "Uh uh, you're not servicing this." She grabbed her bag and started unpacking, leaving me standing there with a stunned look on my face. My hand came up to cover my heart as if she'd just mortally wounded me. I feigned injury as I fell onto the bed.

  "You kill me," I said dramatically, calling her out on her bullshit and playing her own game against her. She couldn’t resist me when I was being all charming and shit.

  "You're still breathing." She turned away, putting her clothes in the drawer knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist me much longer. She should have never told me how sexy it was when I was playful with her. She should have known I'd put it in my arsenal of weaponry against her.

  "I'm about to take my last breath. Better come breathe some life into me." I suck in a huge gulp of air and held my breath. She turned and shot daggers at me, to which I responded by closing my eyes. It doesn't take long before I felt her body covering mine, straddling my torso. Her breasts pushed down on my chest and her mouth covered mine. I could taste the peppermint of her gum mixed with the fruitiness of her lip gloss. The taste was intoxicating. I moaned into her kiss, reaching my hands up around her waist.

  "You've been resurrected," she whispered between kisses.

  "Thanks for bringing me back to life, baby. Only you have the power to do that." I wound my hand through her hair, pulling her face back down to mine, needing to taste more of her. She ground her hips into my groin causing an uncomfortable strain against my jeans. "This shirt is in my way," I declared, hastily pulling it over her head. "And these jeans. Fuck, babe, they make your ass look delicious, but they're in my way." My mouth turned up, flashing her that sexy smile that melted her heart and her panties. Her words. My fingers worked quickly, undoing the button then the zipper. As soon as the zipper was down, I helped her wiggle out of them, discarding the fabric that posed as a barrier between my skin and hers. Her panties and bra were discarded next before I clumsily got undressed. The second our bodies were skin to skin I flipped her over, taking control.

  My hands grabbed her arms, holding them above her head while my mouth dipped down, nibbling her neck then her breasts. "Mmm," she moaned. Her hips thrust up towards me, begging me to give her what sh
e wanted. The position I held her in left her helpless. With her arms pinned up and her legs spread apart by my own, she was solely at my mercy, only able to beg for what she craved. Me.

  "Not very patient are you?" I teased.

  "Not when I'm waiting to feel your cock inside of me. Fuck me, Matt. Don't make love, fuck me hard and fast," she begged. I continued to suck the tender skin of her neck, biting gently, teasing her still before I slowly pushed inside of her eager pussy.

  "Oh fuck," I exclaimed as the walls of her pussy squeezed tightly around my cock.

  "Fuck me, baby. Service me like you said you would," she taunted, digging her nails into the flesh of my ass cheeks.

  "Hang on, this ride's about to get crazy." I winked slyly at her just before I pulled out then slammed back into her, skimming her g-spot, then stilling.

  "Again," she begged. I spread her legs further, pushing them up towards her head, lifting her ass off the bed then slammed into her again. The position allowed me deeper entry. "Ahhhh," she cried out. She gripped my arms tightly as I repeated the movement over and over again. Each thrust taking us further from the real world and into one of pure ecstasy. With every pound, her body responded, bringing me closer to the edge of oblivion. A place I visited frequently when I made love to my wife.

  "I'm so close, baby. Don't stop." She urged, her breathing erratic.


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