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Lies, Mistrust and Fairy Dust

Page 17

by Xavier Neal

  “Aw, poor suit and tie can't handle the pressures?” Peter's mocking tone is followed by the sound of him crunching into an apple.

  Belle slides down beside me next to the love of her life. Pulling out a bottle of nail polish from her jean shorts pocket, she unscrews the lid and slowly begins painting a fresh coat of sparkly pink polish on her thumb. “Alright Ryan, what are you whining about?”

  With a puzzled look I snap, “Did you really just call him Ryan?”

  He lifts his fedora and runs his fingers over his hair. “She does that when I get frustrated.”

  “Whiny,” Belle and Peter correct him in unison making me chuckle.

  Justin rolls his eyes and huffs, “Shut up.”

  Bravely I ask, “What's the problem?”

  “Problem?” He bites in an arrogant tone. “A problem I can handle. Two is fine, but the amount we're facing right now, is beyond uncomfortable.”

  Peter grunts, “You can't do it?”

  He points a finger at him. “I didn't say that.”

  “That's what it sounded like to me,” Peter continues mocking him.

  “It's going to be easy.”

  I wave my hand around to grab his attention. “Care to elaborate?”

  “The coin we need is in the possession of some guy-”

  “Landon David,” Aiden chimes in, fingers still moving across the tablet.

  “Landon David. Currently, he has this priceless possession in a lock box, in a very sophisticated bank after there was an attempt to steal it a few years ago,” Justin explains.

  Instinctively we all turn our attention to Peter.

  He snaps between bites, “It wasn't me. I swear.”

  “Anyway, this precious item, after years of being denied to the public is suspiciously being displayed at the Hilary Susan Benefit, put on by Cecilia Williams, member of the Precious Society, at the Chiland Museum. Odd that this classic piece that was buried to the lime light is being brought out of retirement by the same group of people that are trying very hard to catch us for turning one of their members.”

  “You turned one of their members.” Peter points after taking another bite of the apple. “You.”

  Another growl escapes Justin before he continues, “It's clearly a set up. Between the heat of the Precious Society, the extra security at this sort of function, and the Dark Watchers on our ass, this is a little more than hard. Hell, it's a little bit more than uncomfortable. It's...down right suicide.”

  Peter chuckles to himself taking another bite of the apple. “Quitter talk.”

  I lift a finger. “I think I have an idea.”

  Peter laughs harshly. Innocently, I give Belle a pleading look. She nods, touches her finger to her wings, then her tongue, before leaning over to give Peter an intense kiss with enough tongue to flush my face. Wow. That's...that's something.

  Proudly, Belle pulls away and waves her freshly painted nail hand around. “Continue.”

  “What about-”

  “He won't interrupt.” She beams proudly at him. “He can't.”

  “He can't?”

  Excited Justin slides a hand in his pocket. “Did you tongue lock him?”

  “I did,” she hums proudly starting to paint the other hand.

  Peter opens his mouth realizing what she just did. Frustrated he tries to exclaim his unhappiness, though all we hear is silence. For the first time since we've met I feel safe to share my own opinion.

  “Perfect.” I turn towards Justin and Aiden. “Just stay with me until the end please. So the Dark Watchers don't know what it is we're after, right? Alex implied there was a traitor among us in an attempt to get me to talk, but I didn't because let's face it, there's not a traitor among us.” I glance around watching everyone's reaction. The only one slightly different than before is Peter's and that's because he's running out of the apple. “Let's send the Dark Watcher's after the coin at the showing. Let's make it look like that's what we're after, make the Precious Society think the same thing, essentially they'll be after each other unknowingly thinking they're after us. While they're anticipating us stealing it then, we steal it before. The day they go to transfer it, we swap it out, and make away with it before it ever gets there.”

  Justin looks impressed. “They're basically left chasing shadows...”


  “Not bad.” Justin nods slowly. “Actually not bad at all. Brilliant.”

  Aiden questions, “But how do we get the Dark Watchers to think we're going to steal the coin from the museum without letting them on to our plan?”

  “We make a decoy plan. Starting with planting a clue with the Dark Watchers—”

  The twins croak together, “You want us to what?”

  I see Peter's hands flail from beside me and Belle hits one. “Put them down.”

  “We find out where they're staying and plant a clipping of the benefit where Alex can find it. That way when he does and asks where the information came from being the glory hog she is, Lola will take credit for it. Bam! They know when and what we're going to hit. Meanwhile we anonymously drop clues about the Dark Watchers needed to be watched like they're in associations with us.”

  “And they begin chasing each other and we can focus on the real target.” Justin strolls over to me, a smile bright as day on his face. “You know you're even sexier when you're scheming.”

  I smile as groans echo around the ship. Justin lowers to a crouch position and leans forward planting a soft kiss on my lips for the entire ship to see. Groans continue, quickly proceeded by little stomps, from what I assume is Peter. It doesn't matter how much they fuss and whine about us being together. Frankly, as long as we are, I don't care how the rest of the world feels about it.

  Chapter 8

  I stare at the small dagger being offered to me. “Really?”


  Taking it, I sigh, “Come on, Justin.”

  He smirks, sliding his own dagger inside his gray jacket. I hate when he gets that smug look on his face. It means he knows he's right and that I really will be alright. Ugh. But still.

  Finally pleased with the way he looks, he strokes his chin in the dresser mirror of the bedroom we're in. “You're plan. You're in.”

  “Wasn't coming up with it enough!” I squeak following him out of our room to the living space where Aiden didn’t waste any time settling himself behind two lap tops instead of just one.

  I jokingly ask, “Why are your computers breeding?”

  Aiden looks up briefly with an unamused expression. He returns his fingers rapidly running across the keys. “These computers are set up to easily be hacked and monitored. Think generic home computer.” After finishing up typing something else he slides another laptop from underneath the coffee table. “This is my girl.”

  Justin settles himself into a chair, leans back, adjusts his tie, and pulls me into his lap. “Three distinctly designated laptops. One for the Dark Watchers to chase. One for the Precious Society. Then of course one of his own for actual work.”

  Aiden smiles leaning back proudly, his hands folded behind his head. “Precisely.”

  I ask, “Couldn't you have used the same computer for the tricks and just filtered who saw what?”

  “You know Justin and Eiden spend like zillions of dollars on daggers, bows, guns, crossbows, and anything else that makes the enemy go boom, yet no one says a word to them,” Aiden begins his rant moving his fingers back to the keyboards, eyebrows lowering to a glare, annoyance radiating off his body like smoke signals. “Nooo. Of course not. No one ever says that dagger can do the same thing as all the other daggers!” I curl my body into Justin's. “No one ever says―”

  “We get it. You wanna feel special,” his brother chimes in, coming from the bedroom across from ours.

  This apartment where we’ve set up shop, is located a block away from the bank we're targeting. While the area isn't spacious like we've been experiencing, it's a perfect location to keep a heavy eye on ou
r target. Inside the three bedroom apartment is a small room for Aiden and Eiden to share with a pair of bunk beds, another bedroom for Justin and I, and the Master bedroom for the King of Jerk Land to share with Belle. Thankfully it's on the opposite side of the apartment.

  “Is it so wrong to wanna feel special?

  “Let it go bro,” Eiden insists.

  Aiden waves off his brother and hands Justin an envelope. “Inside is a copy of the press release for the benefit at the Chiland Museum. Try to leave it somewhere not too obvious.”

  Justin lifts his eyebrows. “Advice on how to do my job? Really?”

  “But Peyton can give me advice on computers?” his snap at me feels unwarranted.

  “Wow,” I whisper out, my feelings hurt more than I'm letting on. I wasn't trying to upset him earlier, I thought it would be helpful. I would never do anything to purposely upset anyone other than Peter. I rather enjoy him upset. It makes me happy.

  “Sorry,” Aiden quickly apologizes.

  “Peter's in a mood,” Eiden defends his brother’s disposition.

  “I am not,” Peter joins us, a plastic cup already in his hands. Is he ever sober? If he were, would he be a nicer person? Would he actually be someone worth being around? What made him start drinking anyway? “I just don't see why I should have to do work because you don't feel like doing a little more surveillance.”

  Justin waves his hand around. “Listening.”

  “Dr. Google over there doesn't feel like researching more on our beloved Landon Davis―”

  “David,” I correct him.

  Peter lowers his eyebrows. “Thank you.” After a low grumble of something hateful I assume, he says, “He hasn't done-”

  “I've done plenty!” Aiden stands up for himself. “He now requires physical observation and thinks I'll have no problem looking inconspicuous lugging three computers around!”

  “Have you seen you?” Peter floats himself into the air. Once he's there, he folds his legs. “Who would blink twice?”

  “You mean like you in a bar,” I take Aiden's side despite the fact he snapped at me only a few seconds ago.

  “Or you with a sketchbook?”

  I do my best to hide the sting.

  “Did you miss your nap today?” Justin's comment causes the rest of us to snicker.

  “Shouldn't you be off somewhere being shot at?” Peter's indication causes me to tense. “You know, putting your life in danger. Something productive.”

  Casually Justin looks at the diamond watch on his wrist un-phased. “Soon.” Peter glares and Justin smirks widely before turning to Aiden. “Peyton and I will take point on surveillance after our little espionage mission.”

  “Really?” Aiden looks so hopeful that my heart drops. I see now that he wasn't unhappy with me, but was taking out his Peter frustration in my direction.

  “Sure,” I pretend to be enthusiastic, though I'm not sure if anyone is buying it.

  Justin adds, “Trailing a millionaire sounds fun.”

  Peter winks. “Right up your alley, huh?”

  In response, Justin rolls his eyes, but holds me tighter.

  “He's going to be having a brief, late, business lunch at the little bar across the street from the bank. High class joint.” Aiden tilts his head the direction of my outfit.

  Looking down at my jeans and loose sweater I turn around to pout at Justin. “So now not only do I have to stroll right into the demons nest with you, I have to do it in heels and a short skirt?”

  His hand softly trails up my leg. “Not too short.”

  Disgusted I pop up and stomp back to our room. I change into a gray fitted business dress Belle added to my wardrobe somewhere along the way and struggle to pin up my own hair before calling her for help. Belle quickly comes to my aid, fixes it, cleverly disguising the dagger as one of the chopsticks in my bun. I slip into a pair of heels she sprinkles with Fairy Dust. Her explanation that it will make my feet hurt less helps wash away my weariness about wearing them. Afterward, Justin and I make our way through the sky to the Dark Watcher's hide out, which Aiden had no trouble discovering. While we are dead center of the city, they're positioned on the outskirts close to a lake.

  The trip is quick and easy. Thankfully Justin slips in and out within a matter of minutes, leaving me to keep watch from the outside of the cabin. I would say leaving me to keep watch would be the worst choice he could've made in this situation, but the truth is, it was probably the smartest. He's the one with master lock picking skills and ninja moves. If I would've been the one inside, it probably would've been obvious there was an intruder. I might've knocked over a lamp or spilled a glass of water that was left out. On our way to the stake out part of our afternoon, Justin reassures me that I'll learn all the ways eventually. That liking conning, lock picking, and sword fighting will become second nature. I hope he's right. I also hope flying gets easier because I still struggle with that.

  When we arrive at the swanky restaurant, Justin convinces the host that we need a seat close to the window, which is extremely close to our mark, Landon. He gives her some sappy story that makes her fall all over herself and she happily sits us in the space, as well as gives him his first drink on the house. He's way too good with stories that make people cave into him. It's one of the things that makes me have a sliver of doubt that he uses them on me.

  The conversation at Landon's table seems to be all about what he does for a living and none of it relevant to what we need him for. Justin planted a bug at the table leaving us to listen on our headsets that look like Bluetooths.

  Landon is about the same height as Justin, but built like a brick wall. In a way it feels like his head is too small for his body or his muscles are too big for his head. Either way his size is intimidating. His dark brown hair which has a dapper cut, adds an interesting flare to him much like his slightly crooked nose. Unlike me and Nick, he's not still in his teens. He made it past and kept going. He's filthy rich at twenty one.

  I lean back in the plush chair fighting the boredom from our research project's mundane voice doing it's best to put me to sleep. Folding my hands in my lap I ask, “Why can't I be the boss? Don't you think the whole sexy secretary thing is a little played out?”

  Justin's eyes scan over my body before he grins. “Nothing about you is a little played out.”

  The moment I heard Landon grumbling about something with too many letters tied to numbers, I return to trying to pass the time. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why do the Dark Watchers poof into that dark smoke? I mean we get stabbed or poked or cut and we live, but they...they die, every time. Why?”

  “They're not exactly human,” his answer is followed by him thanking the waitress for our beverages. He ordered a martini because apparently he's seen one too many James Bond movies while I ordered an ice water. After the two drinks I had in Neverland, I'm not sure I'll be drinking alcohol again any time soon. “See, we're all humans, pierced with fairy dust. They aren't actually human. They never were. They're just dark spirits conjured up to look human.”

  “How does that work?”

  “It's a combination of dark magic and fairy dust.”

  “That would mean Alex has his own fairy on his side.”

  “Yeah.” Justin nods slowly, his eyes falling into mine. “That's exactly what it means.”

  “But how?” I croak out. “Belle said there weren't many pure fairies left.”

  “There aren't.”

  “So where's Alex's fairy? I've never seen a fairy with him. The only girl I've seen around him is Lola.” Disgusted I grunt, “It's not her, is it?”

  He stifles a chuckle. “Don't you think you would have noticed a set of red wings on her?”

  “Just because you would have observed her backside doesn't mean I would've.” The jealousy in my voice irks me. I hate coming across this way, but there's something about her, that just eats at me.

  “Jealousy injures us with the
dagger of self-doubt.” I drag my eyes that had drifted out the window back to him. “Terry Guillemets.” After another pause he leans back in his own chair. “Have confidence in yourself, Peyton. Lola's my fan. You're my star. She's a princess. You're a queen. She's the suit and tie. You're the fedora. You're the best part of everything.”

  There's a small tug at my heart that forces my lips to curve upward. He has to hold the world record for sweetest things said in a life time.


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