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Love's Dangerous Territory

Page 21

by Love's Dangerous Territory [Whispers] (mobi)

  The two powerful men punched viciously at one another. Christy saw it was the blond friend of Luke's and an equally powerful man, whom she had never seen before. The two men crashed into furniture, shattering wood. A massive fish tank ruptured on impact as a large back crashed into it, spilling the contents onto the ground. Exotic fish flipped about haphazardly on the sodden carpet floor amidst the glass and tiny, colored rocks.

  The large blond man crushed a glass deep sea diver under his large, booted foot while throwing himself at the dark-haired man. Pictures dropped from walls, smashing to the floor as they each took a turn throwing the other against them. The dark-haired man grabbed a poker from the fireplace and swinging it soundly, connecting viciously with the blond man's jaw. The man slumped forward, raising his hands in a pitiful attempt to shield himself.

  “Uncle David!” Mark cried out to the man.

  The huge, dark-haired man pummeled the blond man into oblivion. With one last punch to his temple, Christy knew instinctively the blond man would never move again. He lay, eyes open, in a sea of his own blood. The dark-haired man rose slowly and commanded Mark to him. Eagerly, the boy scooted out from under the table, leaving Christy to huddle alone. Mark launched himself into powerful arms.

  Christy cowered fearfully when the man commanded she was to emerge. She curled into a tight ball, refusing the command. She whimpered softly.

  “It's okay, Uncle David won't hurt you like Luke did,” Mark said reassuringly. He crouched down and pulled gently on one of the arms she had wrapped around herself in a protective gesture.

  Sobbing in fear, Christy cried out pitifully as the man, David, gripped her forearm firmly and yanked her out from under the table. He grasped her tightly to his hard chest, almost lifting her off her feet.

  “Be careful, Uncle David, a man hurt her when she was trying to take care of me,” Mark scolded.

  The large man regarded Christy critically. “Who do you belong to?” he demanded roughly. His large hand tangled into Christy's shirt front. She pushed at him frantically, trying to dislodge him, but it was useless. He held her easily to himself.

  “I'm Lando's. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill my baby,” Christy begged into his cold, hard eyes.

  Mark was clutching at Christy's hand, trying to console her as she had consoled him. He cautioned his uncle to be careful of her, pulling sternly and almost angrily at his powerful arms, telling him to loosen his grip, demanding he be more cautious, as she was frightened enough.

  “You will do as I say,” David said viciously into Christy's tear-streaked face. His large, firm hand gripped her chin tightly, forcing her to look at him and obey.

  Christy's eyes overflowed as she whimpered up at him, terrified.

  “She doesn't even do what I say,” a hard voice bellowed loudly. “What the hell makes you think you're so special?”

  David and Christy were sent flying as Wolf tackled the man holding her. Once again fists were thrown as Mark and Christy huddled together tightly. Wolf's fists were relentless. He smashed into the man's face repeatedly, enraged, until Christy looked away as the man became an unrecognizable mass of pulp. She shielded Mark's face into her breasts as he sobbed pitifully for his uncle. When satisfied, Wolf rose and grabbed Christy to himself.

  “Are you injured?” Wolf asked with concern. He began running his hands over her in a familiar gesture, searching for new hurts.

  Christy screamed as a shot was fired, sending Wolf spinning into a wall away from her. He clutched at his arm and sank slowly to the ground, leaving a small trail of blood behind him.

  “Lando!” Christy screamed in absolute terror.

  Tony stood holding the weapon, glaring at her. “It's time we left.” He grabbed Christy up off the floor and sent Mark spinning with a backhand when he attempted to once more save his friend.

  Christy cried out as Tony easily pulled her to him, intending to take her away. He wrapped a firm arm about her waist, lifting her up off her feet while she struggled wildly.

  “Leave her alone!” Mark screamed, his little face seething furiously. He rose from the floor, ready to throw himself bravely at Tony. Tony raised his gun to shoot the boy but Christy kicked viciously at his wrist, sending his weapon flying. A shot fired and Christy fell to the ground, screaming in terror. Tony's heavy body pinned her to the floor.

  “I have you, sweetheart, I have you,” Lando soothed. He pulled Tony's lifeless form off her.

  Lando clutched her tightly to his chest, holding her sobbing body. Christy saw Mark clutch tentatively at Lando's arm, also seeking reassurance, as he tried to push himself closer to her. Looking into the child's small, bruising, frightened face, Lando pulled him against them. Christy clasped both man and boy firmly.

  “Lando, I'm afraid,” Christy cried. “I think I'm carrying your baby. I want this baby. I want this baby more than anything in my life. It is part of you. I love you,” Christy pleaded desperately.

  “It's all right, sweetheart, no one will harm you or the baby, I swear,” Lando promised. His hand cupped her cheek tenderly. “Our baby, my baby, too. I'm going to be a dad,” he said in wonder.

  “Daddy!” Mark suddenly screamed. Mark raced from Christy to fling himself into his father's waiting arms. The man cuddled the boy firmly to his chest while running a gentle hand over his tousled head.

  Christy turned in Lando's embrace. It became apparent who had proved victorious in the mob battle for dominance. They were helpless. Wolf slumped incapacitated against the wall, and Lando was out of bullets.

  A dozen men surrounded them, guns drawn, advancing. Christy shook violently while hiding her head against Lando's chest. He wrapped his arms about her more protectively, trying to shield her from the inevitable.

  “Daddy, come meet my new friend. She helped me. She even pissed off a bad man when he was being mean to me,” Mark declared proudly, clutching his father's arm and pulling him closer to Christy's huddled form.

  Terrified, Christy looked up imploringly into the large man's deadly gaze. She wanted to live. She wanted this baby. She wanted a new life. The man glared down upon her shaking form.

  “Please,” Christy begged up at him, sensing his intent. She knew they were about to die. “Please no, please don't.”

  “Mark, go get something to drink with Dan,” his father advised quietly. He motioned a man forward. His look was cold, his gun still drawn. Christy cried pitifully, pressing herself next to Lando. He kissed her forehead softly.

  “It's all right, sweetheart; we will be together forever this way,” Lando soothed.

  “Please don't kill us, please. Mark, please help us,” Christy implored the young boy, reaching for him.

  Confused, Mark looked at Christy as she shook. “It's okay, my daddy won't hurt you. You saved me. I promised he would save us and he did,” Mark said proudly. He left the secure embrace of his father and went to hold Christy.

  “Daddy, she is my friend. I promised her you would save us. She's going to have a baby. But she helped me. She got thrown against a wall for me. She even punched and beat up six whole men for me. Wolf saved us both, Daddy. Please, Daddy, make her stop being so scared. I don't like it when she cries, it makes me sad. Luke was mean to her when she stuck up for me. He hurt her and made her cry. She saved me like my mommy would have,” Mark said with meaning. He reached a small hand to swipe at a tear that trailed down Christy's pale cheek.

  Mark's father looked at Christy thoughtfully. She hoped he was aware that Lando had been ordered to kill this brutal man's family, but refused. As she saw his gaze turn to Wolf, she prayed silently that he remembered Wolf worked on occasion for any side, displaying no loyalty unless under contract. Might he think Wolf would prove a valuable asset once he recovered?

  Mark stood close to Christy, refusing to budge from her side. The brutal man stood. Christy pulled in a deep, hopeful breath. Was he wavering? She watched as he glared at Lando. Lando returned the look evenly.

  “Get her away from her
e and away from this, quickly. Don't look back, or it won't be she who dies a painful, slow, agonizing, never-ending death; it will be you who ends up suffering,” the man said with meaning.

  Lando nodded. Surprisingly, he was sparing their lives.

  “Thank you, kitten, for helping me,” Mark said earnestly.

  “Thank you, Mark, for helping me,” Christy sobbed as she clutched the boy tightly to herself.

  The other men moved away quickly, having accomplished their deed. Mark was picked up by his father and they strode from the room. Christy went to Wolf and checked his bloody arm. The bullet had appeared to have gone through his flesh.

  “You will be all right, Wolf. You will be fine,” Christy sobbed brokenly. She clasped him to her, grateful he would heal. He was her friend. He had saved her numerous times.

  Wolf clutched her to himself as well and she knew the feelings were reciprocated.

  “We need to get the hell out of here,” Lando declared.

  “You think?” Wolf replied sarcastically. Lando sent him a narrowed look.

  Bodies were strewn haphazardly everywhere. Christy looked and was gratefully happy to see Tony was one of them.

  “Lando?” Christy questioned at his deep look of intense resolve. She had never seen such a strong sense of conviction on his face, and she could have sworn he was shaking, his emotions so intense.

  “It's going to be fine, sweetheart. I promise you I am finished with this type of life. Holding you, positive we were about to die, I wondered for the first time in my life if I had ever taken a man from his family. I couldn't help but realize perhaps the men who had begged my mercy to live had not been cowards. Perhaps their real terror had been in not wanting to be separated from their loved ones. I swear that won't happen to us. I'm going to take you and disappear. I'm going to take you and my child—our child—and we will vanish. Never again will I allow my true family to be at the mercy of another. Come on, sweetheart, we are leaving,” Lando said and disengaged her arms from around Wolf.

  “Lando, he's hurt, we can't just leave him here, he took care of me,” Christy cried out fretfully.

  “It's all right, sweetheart, I'll come back for him once you're safely in the car,” Lando promised. He picked her up and held her closely to his chest, his head bowed into her hair.

  Once Christy was settled, Lando kissed her softly. She returned his kiss with passion. “I wished for you, Lando. Thank you for coming for me.”

  “I heard you cry out for me, sweetheart. I heard your voice call out for me. I knew I had to return to find you. Leaving you was a mistake, but I won't ever make such a mistake again.”

  Christy wondered at his words. Wolf had made her cry out his own name when she had been frightened. She had only been allowed to call for Lando in her mind and heart. How could Lando have heard her? Was it like the time with the Kodiak? How could he have heard her call to him in his mind?

  Suddenly Christy didn't care how he had heard. Lando was here; somehow he had found out she needed him desperately and he had come just in time to save her again. They had been reunited once more. She loved him more than anything. She knew he loved her.

  It was meant to be, a voice sounded in her head.

  Christy concurred. After all they had been through, this was definitely a love like no other. There could never be another love like theirs. Christy was certain.

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  Christy was unaware that Lando watched from the bedroom doorway as she adjusted the mobile over the crib. She was humming softly to herself. She moved slowly to straighten one of a mountain of stuffed animals that sat bathed in light from a large window shining into the powder blue room. Sunlight danced warmly over the thick, light grey rug, lighting even the farthest corners pleasantly. Christy smiled serenely, admiring her handiwork, and was pleasantly surprised when Lando's powerful arms wrapped suddenly around her bulging middle.

  “You're home,” Christy said, happily turning in his arms to embrace him gratefully.

  Lando chuckled softly, holding her close. “I told you I wouldn't be away long.”

  “Even an hour is too long without you. Where did you go?” Christy asked curiously. Very rarely did Lando leave her unattended.

  “I needed to pick up a baby gift and I'll bet you never can guess who it's from.” Secretively, Lando took Christy by the hand and led her to the large kitchen.

  Christy squealed delightedly when she saw a fat grey puppy waddling about the floor. Lando scooped the pup up and grandly handed it to her. Christy ran her cheek over his soft, fuzzy fur while it eagerly licked her face.

  “Oh, she's so cute,” Christy exclaimed. “What's her name?”

  “He doesn't have a name yet,” Lando replied. The puppy gave a huge yawn and settled into Christy's arms contentedly while she scratched behind his ears.

  “What kind of dog is he? He looks like a wolf,” Christy said, studying the puppy closely.

  “That's because he is a wolf,” Lando said, eyeing her anxiously. Christy took a deep breath. She continued to rub gently at the at the pup's soft fur.

  “I suppose Wolf wouldn't like it much if we named it after him,” Christy mused. She immediately knew where the pup had come from. That Wolf had been able to find them was a bit unnerving, yet she did not fear him. She had helped Lando take care of Wolf for an entire month while nursing him back to health.

  Amusingly, Christy noted Lando had become quite adept at saving lives. He had even expressed compassion and sympathy for Wolf's helpless state. Wolf refused adamantly to see a doctor, realizing lines were still being drawn in his world of controlling dynasties, and he preferred to stay in hiding with them. Wolf had said he could be added protection for Christy while Lando went out to tie up loose ends and plan.

  Christy had felt it was herself and Lando who had been protecting Wolf in his weakened state. She knew their secret was safe with him. She had felt a great sadness when they had all finally separated. Christy had felt as though a member of her family were leaving. Wolf had kissed her forehead tenderly and joked softly with her that he was proud her culinary skills had improved.

  Embarrassed, Christy remembered both men gave her instructions in the kitchen. In her defense, she had argued that she had never been taught to cook; they had hired help.

  Christy had been confused, though, when Lando had tried to pay Wolf. Wolf had looked at Lando with deep meaning. Then just as quickly he once again wore the impassive expression that so unnerved Christy. Wolf then informed Lando he wanted the debt returned if he ever needed it. Blood for blood. Lando had simply nodded in understanding. If Wolf needed a loved one protected, Lando would protect them as if that person belonged to himself. The two men had clasped arms in a powerful grip.

  “I've never owned a pet before,” Lando said, gently taking the pup into his large hands. “Then again, I've never had a wife before, nor had a baby on the way.”

  Christy knew there were a great many things she gave to him. He had started out saving her life, yet she had in fact saved his. Lando had told her he never realized how desperately lonely he had been until she had come along. She gave him purpose.

  “What about Bullet?” Lando asked. He rubbed softly on the pup's fluffy head.

  “What about Sam?” Christy asked quietly.

  Thoughtfully, Lando looked at Christy. “Sam is a perfect name,” he said gently.

  Christy smiled slowly. She reached out to caress one of Lando's arms. Their new life had been easy to become accustomed to. Neither was leaving anyone of importance behind. All of their loose ends had been tied. Christy loved their chalet out in the middle of nowhere. She did not miss the companionship of others as yet. Right now all she wanted was Lando. Christy knew when the baby came, their lives would change again. Perhaps by the time the baby was school age she would have healed enough to want to be around other people again, though she would always be wary.

/>   The hardest part for Christy had been giving up photography. She still loved to take pictures, but in her rounded state she found it hard to crouch and duck for the best shots. She had been so grateful when Lando had produced a camera for her. He had left bags of apples near the porch to entice moose, deer, and other wildlife. Christy had snapped shots happily, developing them in the darkroom Lando had made, until she realized no one but she and Lando would ever look upon them. Her photography career was finished. She had thought of another idea, and wondered how receptive Lando would be.

  “Lando?” Christy said tentatively. Lando put the wolf pup on one end of the large, over-stuffed couch amidst a large quilt, and, gathering Christy to him, he settled her on his lap at the other end.

  “What is it, kitten?” Lando asked. Christy breathed out audibly, somewhat annoyed. Wolf had used the name so often in front of Lando, he had decided he liked the nickname and used it himself frequently. Christy rolled her eyes at him in irritation while he chuckled softly. She once more centered on an important thought.

  “I was wondering how you would feel if I were to write a book,” Christy said somewhat hesitantly.

  “About what?” Lando asked curiously.

  “About what happened to us,” Christy replied, again hesitantly.

  “Christy...” Lando began, but she interrupted him.

  “Oh, please, I would change all the names. I can be very vague about the area we crashed in. I could right under a pseudonym. If they even wanted to see the story we could get a post office box, no one would ever know we even existed or were real,” Christy begged.

  “You've been thinking about this for awhile, haven't you?” Lando asked thoughtfully.

  “I think people need to understand they shouldn't be afraid to love under any circumstance, whether or not they are scared. When they want to give up, they just need to hang on a little longer. They need to hold onto something or maybe even someone. You taught me that. Thank you for teaching me to love again,” Christy said softly with meaning.


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