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The American Soldier Collection 17: Love a Woman Right (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Evan felt his blood boiling and his heart aching. He couldn’t stand the constant fear Lois seemed to have. He knew she’d gone through something traumatic back in New York and that it had to do with Kenny’s father, and the fact Valentina had to shoot and kill him and his partner. He’d tried asking Sparrow and his brothers for more information, but they told Evan and his brothers that it wasn’t their right to tell them what happened to Lois. They did ask them to really be sure that they wanted to be her guardians and told them that it may never come to being more than just her friends. He and his brothers had talked about it. The more time they spent around her, the more they wanted to know about Lois.

  Perhaps Ghost and Laverty were right, and maybe Lois had been abused by her boyfriend. He was a soldier—they knew that much—and he was a criminal, as well. He placed the tray down on the table and Valentina poured the glasses, but Lois remained by the side of the porch watching the kids as they went back to playing. Valentina gave Evan a sympathetic expression. He glanced at Ford, who had his eyes glued to Lois. He knew his brother was feeling exactly how he was. They were interested in Lois, compelled to help her and be close to her. There was just something about Lois Willow, and Kenny, too, that pulled at their hearts. They kept to themselves for the most part. They barely dated, especially with Ghost and Laverty being the least social of men.

  Evan watched Lois, too, as she held that light sweater against her body. It was pretty damn warm out for a sweater, but the woman always wore one. Did she have scars or something? The thought made him feel upset. He just couldn’t stand not knowing why she was so sad and frightened. Something had to give. He wasn’t giving up. There was just something about Lois that called to him.

  Chapter 1

  Lois was shaking as Valentina hugged her tight. “We got through it. They’re going to be just fine,” Valentina whispered to her. Lois hugged her as the tears fell.

  “I can’t stop shaking.”

  “Me either. God, I didn’t think I would feel like this. So worried about them, about not being right there in case they need me,” Valentina said as she pulled back. They both wiped their eyes and Jace placed his hands on Valentina’s shoulders. She reached back, smiled, and covered his hands as Beck, Ridge, and Sparrow stood around them. Even Evan, Ford, and Laverty were there with their mom, Dora, who held baby Grace as John, one of her husbands, smiled widely.

  Lois had been shocked that Evan Ford and Laverty were there, too.

  “Okay, no more tears. This is a good day. The kids are safe, and we’ll do drive-bys all day to ensure that they’re okay?” Beck teased her and Lois.

  Valentina gave his arm a smack.

  “Nice. Thanks a lot.” Valentina walked over to Grace, and Dora handed the baby over to her. Grace reached out and grabbed on to Valentina and hugged her tight.

  “Oh, boy, did I need that, Grace,” she said and closed her eyes, rocking the baby. Lois smiled and pulled her sweater closed. When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she tensed up and looked at Evan.

  “Kenny will be fine. You’ll see.”

  She shifted, making his hand move.

  “I know,” she said as he moved his hand and placed it into his pocket. He looked around them and she felt like she’d embarrassed him for touching her. She didn’t want to be touched. It put her on edge.

  “Thank you for coming by and seeing the kids off,” she said to him and then glanced at Ford and Laverty. Evan’s eyes widened slightly and then he smiled.

  “Of course we came. We’re here for you and Kenny. Always, doll,” Evan said and she pulled her lips tight and turned around.

  “Ugh,” baby Grace said and reached for Lois.

  They all chuckled as Lois opened her arms to Grace, taking her from Valentina and hugging her close. Grace squeezed tight and Lois felt the love and the power the baby’s hug brought to her. As she twirled her around and stopped, she opened her eyes and found Evan, Ford, and Laverty watching her. She was smiling but then instantly turned away.

  * * * *

  Valentina and Lois were sitting in the little café in town having lunch after their trip to the salon for manicures and pedicures. Lois was looking out the window and sipping an iced tea. Her sister looked beautiful with her new hairstyle. The golden locks fell past her shoulders and she seemed calmer.

  “I think we should do this more often. Just the two of us enjoying a few hours of peace and quiet like adults,” Valentina said and chuckled.

  “Yeah, you know we’re both missing the kids and you’ve checked your cell phone several times to make sure that Dora hasn’t texted,” Lois teased.

  Valentina stuck her tongue out at Lois and they chuckled.

  “Listen, I’m new at this parent thing. You’ve had six years of being a mom. I’d say we’re both doing fairly well this first day of school.”

  Lois looked around them. “I think it’s a common thing for a bunch of moms to get together to meet for lunch on the first day of school. Look at all the women in here,” Lois said.

  “It seems that way. Maybe this will be our first tradition as moms, except baby Grace will come to lunch, too,” Valentina said and Lois chuckled.

  “Then you’ll ask the guys to come along and that defeats the purpose,” Lois teased.

  “Well, we could do that, and then Evan, Ford, and Laverty could come along and maybe we’ll get to know Ghost better. He’s hardly ever around.”

  Valentina saw her sister’s expression change. She had a feeling that Lois was attracted to the Brazos brothers, but she was still scared. Every time Evan stepped close or touched her, she pulled away. She wanted her sister to feel loved and protected. But even she was worried if Jace’s cousins were right for Lois. They were very determined, serious men. She couldn’t quite get a good read on them. Maybe she should ask her men more questions about their cousins.

  “I don’t think so. I can watch Grace while you and the guys spend time together.”

  “You don’t like their cousins?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it was really nice of Evan, Laverty, and Ford to come see Kenny and the kids off to school. Kenny really likes Evan and Laverty.”

  “It was nice of them but not necessary,” Lois said and then licked her lips before she looked out the window. Valentina’s heart ached for her sister and the fears she had. She reached over and touched her hand. Lois stirred a moment and her eyes landed on Valentina.

  “They’re good men. Don’t you like them at all?”

  Valentina saw the tears fill Lois’s eyes.

  “What are you asking me?”

  “The truth. You can tell me. I think you like them. That you’re attracted to them, but it scares you. There’s nothing wrong with being scared.”

  She shook her head.

  “I don’t want to talk about this. There’s no reason to, Valentina. I have to do what’s right for Kenny, and for me. I won’t expose him to violence ever again. I won’t let anyone hurt him in any way.”

  “What are you talking about? They would never hurt Kenny, or you.”

  “You don’t know that. Just because they’re related to your men doesn’t make them the same.”

  “I’ve seen them in action. I’ve watched them and have always been a good judge of character. They’re good men, just a little untrusting from serving in the military and being Green Berets.”

  Lois took a sip from her glass and then looked away from Valentina. “Caden was in the military. He was a good guy at first. Then one day, it all just changed.” Her sister looked so damn scared that it pissed Valentina off.

  “Maybe you could be friends with them first. Learn more about them.”

  She shook her head and leaned closer to Valentina so no one could possibly hear her.

  “I can’t do that, Val. It scares me way too much,” she said, her voice cracking. Valentina wanted to cry. She wished there was a way to make her sister forget and to try and let her guard down just a lit
tle. The waitress came over and asked if they needed anything else.

  “No, thank you, just the check,” Val said and then held her sister’s gaze.

  “I love you. I’m always here for you, and I’m not pushing you on this. I just want you to feel safe and happy, and to know what true love really is.”

  “I love you, too, but I’m not ready to let a man—any man, never mind four—get that close to me. I can’t. I’m just not capable of that.”

  * * * *

  When they arrived at Dora’s house on the farm Lois was surprised to see her working in the kitchen and making homemade strawberry preserves. Val went over to Grace and sat down next to her as she ate a strawberry.

  “Was she good?” Val asked Dora.

  “Of course she was. We’re having a great time. Aren’t we, baby Grace?” she asked and smiled. Grace made a giggling noise and then continued to eat the strawberry.

  Lois took in the sight of all the full jars and the large pots on the stove.

  “What is all this?” she asked, finding it interesting.

  “I’m making the strawberry preserves, jams, and jellies for the store. Then I’ll head to Ella’s. She’s jarring pickles today.”

  “That is awesome. Is it hard to do?” Lois asked.

  “Not really, but tiresome, I guess. I make about five hundred jars of each kind. There’s blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, peach, and blackberry.”

  “No wonder it smells incredible in here,” Valentina said and smiled.

  “People buy a lot of them?” Lois asked.

  “They sure do. We sell out in a couple of weeks, tops. If I had more time, I would make more, but then there’s the store to run and manage. I’ll be working on this all week.”

  “Do you need help?” Lois asked and Dora stopped what she was doing.

  “You’re interested in learning?”

  Lois looked at Val and Val gave her a nod of encouragement.

  “I would like to learn. I was working in a bakery in the city for a while. I love making pies and cookies. If you need help, it would give me something to do and to keep my mind off missing Kenny while he’s in school.”

  Dora smiled.

  “Okay. You come by tomorrow after he gets on the bus. Be ready to work. It’s hell on the back,” she said and Lois smiled.

  “Well, we should get going. We were planning on walking with Grace in the stroller to the school to get the kids,” Val said to her.

  “That will be great. I bet the kids will be excited to tell you about their first day in school.”

  “We got the chocolate chip cookies all ready to go. Lois and I made them last night,” Val said, lifting Grace up into her arms after she wiped the berry juice from her face and hands.

  “Oh, are they a recipe of yours, Val?” she asked.

  “Not mine. I took it from Lois. She’s a master at making cookies.”

  “Interesting. Well, we’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  “Thank you for watching Grace for me,” Val said to her.

  “Any time. She’s a pleasure. See you tomorrow.”

  As they headed out of the house and over to Val’s car, Lois opened the back door to help place Grace into the car seat.

  “So you really want to learn how to make jellies and jams and stuff?” she asked.

  “It looked like fun. It smelled so good in there. I bet it could be fun.”

  “I think so, too. Plus, maybe it will free up some of Dora’s time so she doesn’t look so exhausted.”

  “She did look tired. I hope she’ll be okay.” They buckled Grace in and then headed into the car and back to the cottage.

  “I can’t wait to see the kids. I missed them.”

  “I did, too. I’m really starting to like it here so much. I wish we’d found this place sooner,” Val said.

  “I wish for a lot of things, Val, but mostly that we’re safe and happy here in Salvation. I just want to give Kenny the best chance at a good life. No more fears or pain, just love and happiness like he deserves.”

  * * * *

  “You’re going to do this or I’m going to take my fucking kid and put a bullet in your cop sister’s head. You got me, Lois? I’m not fucking around. Cornero wants you delivering the money.”

  Lois was shaking so intensely. She felt like vomiting. Caden stared down at her. He towered over her by a foot and then some. When he stared down into her eyes and looked her body over, she felt disgusting, used, like she had no control or rights. Caden took them all away from her. He made her feel like she was a possession, an item to be used when he needed. Meanwhile, he hadn’t even come around to see Kenny.

  He grabbed her face and she gasped.

  “Don’t fuck this up.” He licked his lips and then pressed closer and kissed her. She pushed at his hands and his body, but he was relentless. He instantly held her hands behind her back and squeezed.

  “Caden, please,” she cried out, the tears rolling down her cheeks. She saw his tattoos, felt his powerful muscles and the solidity of his body. He was a soldier, a lethal weapon gone bad.

  “Don’t let that slimy fuck touch you, either. I know he wants to fuck you. He wants what’s mine still.” She shook her head and he gave her a shake.

  “You’ll always be mine. Don’t fucking forget that.”

  She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. He was a manipulative bastard, a batterer, a womanizer, and a pig. How dare he say she belonged to him still? After more than a year’s time of never showing up. Was this what her future would entail? Her life owned and controlled by this man?

  He shoved her back and she nearly fell.

  “Fix yourself up, and remember what I fucking said.”

  Her back hit the wall and he stomped toward her. She instinctively covered her face and head with her hands, waiting for the strike to come like always. Instead, his hand landed on her hips and then his mouth was against her neck.

  He whispered to her as he used his hands to explore her body and press between her legs.

  “I own you. Every part of you, always. You’ll never get away from me. You’ll never be able to keep my son from me, or to stop me from having you when I want you. You’ll do this job, and if you fuck it up, you’ll wish you were dead.”

  She shook with fear, her heart hammered inside of her chest, and her eyes remained closed.

  “Touch me, Lois,” he ordered, and when she didn’t comply he shoved his forearm against her throat, locking her against the wall so she couldn’t move.

  He clenched his teeth and held her gaze as spittle hit her lips while he spoke to her.

  “Touch me right now.”

  Lois awoke in a cold sweat, panting for air. She looked frantically around the room and sighed as she remembered where she was and that Caden was no longer a threat. He was dead. Then she thought about that night and about Cornero.

  Things were different. Cornero said things to her, hinted about wanting to help her take care of Kenny. Oh, God, what Valentina would do if she ever found out about the drugs and money.

  Lois had made that decision to steal it and hide it without really thinking things through. She had figured Cornero would assume that Caden and Don ripped him off and took the drugs to sell themselves. That maybe he would have them killed or roughed up so good they would be scared. She’d never expected Caden to come to the apartment that night in a fit of jealous rage. What had Cornero told him?

  She closed her eyes as the flashbacks began to start. This was her nightly routine. One thought after the next, her guilty conscience blaming everything on her. Would she ever feel safe?

  “You’re mine, not his. I know he wants you. I know he probably said he would take care of my son. My son!” Caden yelled at her as he struck her across the mouth. She could hear Kenny crying and she didn’t know what to do. Valentina was banging on the door from the bathroom, trying to get out. Lois rocked back and forth on the bed and hugged herself tightly. She felt each strike from Caden and then him ripping her blouse and
tearing off her skirt.

  “No, Caden, please. No!” she exclaimed, but he didn’t care.

  “You’re mine. Mine and no one else’s.”

  Lois jumped up and paced the room. She felt like a caged animal and she couldn’t stop the memories of his vicious attack. She was sobbing and she looked at the bedside table, seeing it was almost time to get the kids up for school and to head to Dora’s. She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie she wore. She was always cold. Always needing to cover herself up and hide.

  When will the pain stop? When will I stop being so afraid? Why can’t I have a normal life? Please. Oh God, please.

  Chapter 2

  Ghost Brazos sat in the cab of the truck and watched the people walking by. The dark, tinted windows deprived them of seeing him watch them and knowing he was there. He didn’t like to socialize, and hated even coming here to pick up his brother Laverty, but Laverty’s truck was acting up and needed some work done to the engine. That’s what Ghost had been working on earlier in the day.

  He rubbed his eyes. He was tired and hadn’t gotten much sleep, as usual. His mind lingered on his nightmares and the feeling of always being on alert and on guard. Even now, as he watched the strangers visiting the family farm, he looked at them with suspicion, like they had bad intentions. He saw the bad in people first, more often than not. It was his mind’s way of being alert and ready. It bothered him to feel this way and to always be on the defensive.

  His eyes scanned the few stragglers at the farm when he caught sight of his mom Dora coming out of the small grocery shop. He almost looked away when one of his dads, John, appeared and held open the door for someone. The long blonde hair, the thin figure. Surprisingly, she wasn’t wearing a sweater held tightly, which would have instantly given her identity away. It was Lois Willow, their neighbor.

  Immediately, his body reacted to seeing her. His belly clenched, his heart began to hammer inside of his chest, and he got that uneasy feeling he had since meeting her months ago. Lois had become the topic of conversation in their house for months. His brothers had all met her, and she reacted to all of them the same way. Like they had some sort of disease. Ford complained about her lack of response to any verbal conversation with him and how she looked so scared all the time. She was engaging in conversation with his parents right now. He wondered what her deal was.


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