The American Soldier Collection 17: Love a Woman Right (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 17: Love a Woman Right (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “A while ago when you were helping his mom make jelly and I missed you and got scared that you weren’t home yet. He told me where you were, what you were doing, and that I was to keep the house safe and watch over you.”

  “Well, you did a great job. You’re a good boy and Mommy loves you so much. So, how about we go help Aunt Val with dinner?” He nodded and pulled her from the room and they joined the others in the kitchen.

  Sparrow caught her eye and gave her a smile. “Feeling better?” he asked her. She smiled.

  “I feel just fine. Thank you.” She looked at Val, who gave her a wink. Lois smiled and then went over to help with dinner. That heavy, uncertain feeling wasn’t so strong right now. She knew she needed time to process her conversation with Kenny, to give a relationship time to develop with the men and always put her son first no matter what. She had to admit, though, that the men had already been a positive influence on Kenny, and the thought of them being role models added to the positives of a relationship with them. There was so much to work on, though, and she needed to take her time and really be sure she was ready for this. That thought brought back the bad memories and her feelings of inadequacy and negativity. She didn’t want to get hurt.

  How would the others react to her past and what she went through? She firmed her lips and tried to focus not on the negative, but on all the possibilities of what could happen. She didn’t think she needed a man in her life or the feel of strong arms embracing her, but she had liked it today with Ghost—maybe a little too much for someone who needed to take things slowly.

  * * * *

  Ghost finished taking a shower and then joined his brothers downstairs in the kitchen. Ford passed him a beer.

  He took it and downed half of it as their eyes remained glued to him. They knew he had been with Lois and that something went down. He’d told them they all needed to talk.

  “She’s going to need us all to take our time and to be patient,” he said to them. He thought about what she’d revealed and it angered him but also made him feel so compelled to protect her and keep her close. He wanted to see her right now and knew he couldn’t. His brothers were going to react the same way.

  “What did she tell you, Ghost? What the hell went down?” Ford asked.

  He explained about seeing her by the tree crying and they were immediately concerned, their commanding, intense expressions apparent as they watched and listened.

  “We shared something deep in that moment. It was incredible how intense the attraction, the desire was between the two of us. It was pouring and the thunder and lightning got worse and we ran to my truck and then I think we were both trying to process what happened.”

  He explained that he’d shared what he was going through with her.

  “Seriously? You felt like you could trust her and not frighten her more? That was your fear with getting involved with her?” Evan said to him.

  “I know, but what I went through, what I deal with at night with the nightmares, the fear and out-of-control feelings, she understands and she can relate to it.”

  “How is that? She was assaulted in her apartment and her sister had to stop Lois’s ex from hurting her and Kenny, right?” Ford asked.

  Ghost took a deep breath and explained as Lois had. As he told them about what her ex had done, how Kenny had seen his mom get struck and her clothes ripped and then listen to her cries of pain as Lois’s ex raped her, his brothers were in shock.

  Ford slammed his hands down on the island and hung his head.

  “I knew there was more to her story. That she was abused, but that? To know her son was there and could hear her cries. Fuck,” Ford stated.

  Laverty ran his hand along his jaw, his expression tense and filled with anger. Evan placed his hands on his hips and exhaled.

  “My God, what they went through. That poor little boy had to hear that and see…Jesus,” Evan stated and then shook his head.

  “No wonder he looks at us with fear and keeps his mom close. He’s afraid we would do the same thing to her. To hurt her, to—”

  “I know, Laverty, it’s a lot to digest. I thought of all the things you are right now and I feel compelled to protect her and keep her and Kenny right by our sides, where we can show them love and keep them safe. Me of all people who have closed off my heart and don’t want a damn thing but to be free of the nightmares I have. None of that matters. None of it but being with Lois and caring for her and caring for Kenny,” Ghost told them.

  “I feel the same way. I want that, too. Did she say she wants us, Ghost?” Evan asked.

  “She said she needs slow. That she is attracted to all of us, but her greatest fear is the intimacy and letting down her guard. She wants to put Kenny first and make sure that he’s okay with this, and not scared of us.”

  “Then we need to ensure they get to know us and we spend some alone time with them together and separately,” Ford said.

  “That’s going to be hard to do when the feelings, the desires we have, are so damn strong,” Laverty added and they all mumbled in agreement.

  “How is she now? Did you call over there?” Evan asked.

  “No. I wanted to talk to you guys and explain what went down and how we have to be sure about this. I won’t allow her to get hurt again,” Ghost stated.

  Evan chuckled. “This, coming from the guy who didn’t want to show any interest in Lois or admit to feeling attracted to her? I think you were a little late to get on board with the rest of us when we knew from the start that we wanted her. Hell, I told Ford we would be her guardians,” Evan said and they chuckled.

  “She confided in me because of the connection we share and because of her attraction to all of us. She needs slow, and it’s going to be hard, especially once you start kissing her and feeling that sexy little body pressed up against yours,” Ghost said to them.

  “She’s so petite, too, and shy about her body,” Laverty added.

  “Makes you want to protect her always and just hold her constantly,” Evan added.

  “We need to make a plan of action. We need to spend time with her and Kenny,” Ford suggested.

  “I think we should see if they want to go sit by the fire, go to the farm one day, maybe the swimming hole this weekend?” Laverty stated.

  “Sounds like a plan. Just remember, the first time you see her, try not to think about what she went through and make her feel bad. She feels broken, damaged from it and like she isn’t whole or good enough,” Ford said.

  “That’s crazy. She was a victim and she’s a survivor. She shouldn’t feel at fault,” Evan said to him.

  “I, for one, am glad Valentina killed the fucker, or I’d hunt him down myself,” Ford said. They mumbled in agreement.

  “We need to watch how forceful we are, especially around Kenny. He already watches us like hawks,” Laverty said.

  “We’ll take care of them and show them they can trust us and that we’ll never hurt them. Lois is going to be our woman. Agreed?” Evan asked.

  “Agreed,” they all said and Ghost finished off his beer and walked over toward the garbage. He looked out the window and to the little cottage a short distance from their home. He wished he could see Lois right now and hold her again. There was nothing more healing and powerful than the feel of that woman in his arms. Nothing.

  Chapter 6

  “I think we need to track down Valentina Willow and her sister. Maybe Lois Willow knows more about these drugs and money the chatter is all about,” Detective Danny Stacklin said as he looked over the papers. He was sitting in the main investigation room with the walls covered with leads that led to various criminals. This case he and the team had been working on for the better part of a year was coming together nicely. There were still some loose ends before they could start making the arrests and setting up raids.

  “It’s a long shot, Danny. Lois Willow, her kid, and the sister were victims in that case. They could have died if it weren’t for Valentina’s police experience,” Detecti
ve Corbotta stated. The others began to add their comments, too.

  “She was separated from him for more than a year and then he shows up and attacks her like that. It doesn’t make sense,” Investigator Yorkin added.

  “We still have those photos of a woman going into the club Cornero owns that same night. It could have been her,” the Investigator added.

  “You think what our snitches say is true and that Cornero and her hooked up? Then that would explain why Caden went to see her and attacked her. He was jealous and pissed off,” Detective Stacklin stated.

  “Could be, or she was caught up in the middle of this shit and we’re back to square one and the idea that Caden and Don never got to deliver the guns and drugs and they’re still hidden somewhere only they know,” Detective Corbotta said.

  “We have a good list of suspects and a lot of evidence piling up. If we can get these drugs and money, then it adds to the list of crimes against Cornero. He’s a main operator and the government wants these soldiers locked up for their crimes. They’re using their military abilities to do this shit. They have other retired and active soldiers bringing in guns, ammo, and drugs from out of the country. They’re dealing on our streets and it’s uncovering operations across the United States.

  We’re putting the pressure on Cornero. Let’s see what happens. If need be we have people who know some individuals in that town Lois and her sister reside in. We could always contact them and have them bring her in for questioning. We’ve got bigger fish to catch. Those drugs and guns are minimal right now,” the federal agent said to them.

  Danny nodded his head in agreement for them to move on to more information they had discovered more recently, including identifying Ganor and Spitz, who somehow had a connection to Cornero and to Caden and Don. The thought was that they were working for Cornero, too, and were heavy operators. They weren’t captured in part of the small raid the feds just did a week ago. They were laying low and Danny wondered why. He also had this feeling in his gut that those missing drugs and guns still had a connection to their operation. The serial numbers on them would confirm they came from the military bases and that Cornero’s operation was bigger than they suspected. If their inside snitches were right, Ganor, Spitz, and Cornero were trying to find that stash for a reason.

  “Danny, we just got a call. A homicide at a warehouse by the docks. Two of the dead are wearing dog tags,” Investigator Yorkin told him.

  “Let’s move,” Danny said.

  * * * *

  Evan knocked on the back door of Lois’s cottage. After seeing the kids leave for school and Valentina head over to the farm with Grace, he knew that Lois was alone. He and his brothers thought it was a good idea to see her one at a time so she could handle the initial reaction of them knowing what she’d gone through in New York. He felt anxious to see her and hold her.

  She came to the door and she didn’t seem surprised as she wiped her hands on a dish towel.

  “Morning, Evan,” she said and unlocked the screen door and let him in. He looked her over. She looked pretty, as usual, and today she wore a pair of shorts and a T-shirt along with that light sweater she was always holding tightly to her body. His gut clenched thinking she was scared to show her body, even, because she felt ashamed about what happened.

  “Morning, Lois. You look pretty today. What are you up to?” he asked her.

  “Just cleaning up the dishes from breakfast. Want a cup of coffee or some water?” she asked him as he followed her inside.

  She stopped by the counter and put the dish towel down and then stood there looking nervous. He couldn’t hold back or try this small talk that he’d promised he would try. He stepped closer, reached up, cupped her cheek, and then placed his other hand on her waist. She was barefoot and looked so feminine and small. He held her gaze and she looked up at him with glossy eyes.

  “I missed you.”

  “You did?” she whispered, voice cracking.

  “Ghost told us about the time you spent together. He told us everything, baby.”

  She went to lower her eyes and her head, but he reached up and cupped her face between his hands, making her look at him. She covered his wrists with her hands and her lips parted.

  “I’m so sorry that you and Kenny went through that. I want you to know that I care about you, both of you, so much and that I’m here for you, and willing to take my time, so we can be together one day soon.” She just stared at him.

  “You’re so special to us. Do you know that? Do you know how much you’ve helped Ghost?” he asked her and she shook her head.

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly. When he felt her hands loosen up on his wrists, he lowered his hands and pulled her into his embrace and hugged her tightly. Their lips parted and she wrapped her dainty arms around his midsection and his heart soared with desire and love for her. It was instant, and he knew life was never going to be the same, that he’d found the woman of his dreams and he would do anything for her.

  As they pulled back, he gave her a smile.

  “Want to sit and talk?” he asked her and she nodded her head. He took her hand and led her to the living room, where they sat side by side on the couch.

  “So, do you have any plans for today?”

  “I’m just going to ride my bike up to the farm and see if I got any more orders for cookies or if the jelly ones sold.”

  “Oh, they sold out real fast. I think my mom was going to call you to see about you making more,” he said and smiled.

  “Sold out? Really?” she asked, looking so happy. He reached over and caressed her jaw. Their gazes locked and he drew her in for another kiss. He just couldn’t resist. When she ran her hand along his chest and turned on the couch so she could kiss him back, he felt relieved.

  That kiss grew deeper and soon he was lying over her on the couch and staring down into her eyes.

  “You okay? Not too much too fast?” She nodded her head and then cupped his cheek and traced his jaw with her finger. He was careful not to place too much weight on her as he held her gaze and let her touch him. Her gentle fingers singed his skin and made his cock harden and his heart race. He stroked his thumb under her shirt against her skin and she gasped but held his gaze and didn’t look away.

  “You feel good in my arms, Lois, and underneath me like this. I can protect you and keep you safe. You know that, don’t you?” he asked her.

  “Yes. I feel that you can.”

  “This doesn’t scare you, for me to be over you like this and touching you?”

  “No, Evan. It feels good, and it feels right.”

  He smiled softly. “Good,” he whispered and then leaned down to kiss her again. This time, she ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer.

  She moaned into his mouth and he stroked under her shirt higher and higher, testing the waters to see how far she would let him go. He wanted her to feel safe and secure, but when he cupped her breast she pulled from his mouth. “Evan.”

  He held her gaze.

  “Don’t be scared of me touching you. I won’t hurt you. My brothers and I want to make you our woman, Lois. Do you realize what that means?”

  “You’ll want to make love to me. Together?” Her voice cracked and he gave her a smile.

  “We’ll want to be able to touch you, to kiss you, and hold you whenever we want to. We want you to touch us, hug us, explore us whenever you feel the need to and to not be scared. We’ll take our time and I promise it will be amazing.”

  He stroked his thumb over her nipple above the material of her bra. She was well-endowed and he would love to explore her breasts with his mouth and bring her pleasure, but he knew she needed slow. Her lips parted and she held his gaze as she tightened up.

  “Tell me about you and your brothers. About how you grew up and what made you want to be soldiers,” she asked him.

  He eased her to the back of the couch and slid next to her so they were facing each other and he could still touch her and ke
ep her close.

  He ran his hand along her bare thighs to her hip and then back under her shirt, caressing her skin back and forth gently, helping her get used to his touch.

  “Well, we grew up on the farm along with our cousins and other family. The Brazos family has lived in Salvation since its existence. We grew up learning about living off the land, about hunting, fishing, and going hiking.”

  “Hiking? Really?”

  “Yes, there are lots of trails around here and on the edge of town.”

  “That sounds like fun. Valentina mentioned a place that Jace told her about where he used to go to camp out and get away from everything. She said there were a swimming hole and some natural creeks.”

  “Oh, yeah, it’s a good ten-mile hike from here. Really robust in greenery and a good place to just get lost in nature and breathe. Ghost has gone there a lot in the past, too. I guess it helps him to deal with his worries.”

  He stroked his thumb over her breast and nipple again and this time she didn’t tighten up as much or pull back. Instead, he felt her hand caress along his waist and then against the gap in his shirt. He was the one to tighten up this time.

  “What made you all become soldiers?” she asked him and he licked his lower lip and then moved closer to her.

  “It’s a family tradition. Our fathers and our uncles were all Green Berets. There was never any other option or desire to be anything but a Beret,” he told her and eased his hand along her waist and then behind her to her lower back. He inched his mouth closer to hers and kissed her gingerly.

  He couldn’t resist exploring her curves and as he deepened the kiss he grabbed a handful of her ass and pulled her against him. She kissed him deeper and battled for control of the kiss as he continued to explore her slowly. When he eased a long finger between the crack of her ass and her pussy, she shot up and gripped his shoulders after pulling from his mouth.

  “Easy, baby. Easy.”


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