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The One That Matters

Page 26

by Elle Linder

  Marie woke for the second time to the gentle brushing of her hair. Parker smiled down at her when she opened her eyes. He looked refreshed and a hundred times better than last night.

  “Morning, handsome.” She smiled.

  “Morning, but it’s almost noon,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  “Ha-ha, you must be feeling better teasing me like that.”

  “I’m not teasing. It is almost noon.” She twisted to see the clock, which read 11:35 am.

  “What?! I don’t believe it. I woke earlier and heard you in the shower. I just meant to rest my eyes while I waited for you. I must’ve fallen back to sleep. And we have guests. I’m sorry.”

  “Relax baby, It’s okay. I checked on Jackson and the others, and everyone is good,” he assured her. “I had Vicky fix up a tray of food and a carafe of coffee. We can take our time going downstairs.”

  She grimaced at him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said with a smile.

  “Okay, do you want to sit on the loveseat? Or I can bring the tray to you.”

  “Um, let me go to the bathroom first and then we can sit.”


  In the bathroom, Marie pulled out the pregnancy test and peed on the stick. There was no better time than the present. While she waited for the test results, she brushed her teeth and fluffed her hair. The temptation to peek was stronger than her will to wait the three minutes. A quick glance would be okay, she reasoned, and it was just enough to see the double lines—she was pregnant. The test was only a formality. In her heart, she knew she was carrying Parker’s baby and it thrilled her to the core. Leaving the test on the counter, she strolled out of the bathroom. Parker was seated on the loveseat waiting for her, and the tray of bacon and waffles was on the table. A small vase of roses completed the presentation. She smiled at him.

  “You always take care of all the details, don’t you?” She sat on his lap and kissed him passionately, and then she surveyed his injuries. His cuts and bruises were minor on his face, but his arms were pretty roughed up. She frowned, touching the small cuts on his face, then lightly kissed them. There was nothing but love as she gazed deeply into his.

  He took a deep breath, staring back at her. “I want it all with you and I never want to be apart from you again.”

  His hand moved over her hips and up to her breast. He gently ran his finger over her nipple through her silk nightgown and she flinched, startling him. Before he could say anything, Marie kissed him to divert his attention and it worked. When their kiss momentarily ended, she pulled back and sat beside him. “You know, I’m not really hungry or anything. I’ll go shower so we can go downstairs.” She went to stand and he took her hand, pulling her back down.

  “Wait. I want to talk to you.”


  “I love you so much, Marie. What happened in Budapest scared the shit out of me. When I woke with all the emergency personnel around me, and in the thick of an accident scene, all I could think of was you. That was too close of a call, baby.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “Then when I couldn’t call you, with no way to tell you I was okay, and knowing you had no idea what happened to me, it twisted me up inside.”

  “Me too. You didn’t text me like you said you would and I couldn’t get in touch with you. I didn’t know what was happening for over twelve hours.” She shook her head.

  “Right, and I never want either of us to go through that again. So, now’s the time.” He got down on one knee and she held her breath. He pulled a ring box out of his pocket, then took the tips of her fingers in his hand.

  “Oh wow.” She sucked in a deep breath.

  “You are the most caring and loving woman I have ever known. The way you love me so completely with every fiber of your being, it blows my mind. Baby, you’re everything to me. I’ve never wanted so desperately to ask this question before…until you.” His eyes shone from the wetness in them and he swallowed. “Life is too short to not be with the woman I love. I need you like I need air. I want to grow old with you and love each other until our dying breath.”

  Marie wiped away a tear rolling down her cheek as Parker opened the ring box. Inside was the most exquisite four carat, emerald cut diamond ring. She gasped and covered her mouth.

  “Marie, will you marry me and do me the greatest honor of becoming my wife?”

  She leaned toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Marie’s mind raced at the same time every emotion she ever dreamed of feeling swept through her as she kissed, her love. The last several days swirled around in her head—the fear of losing him…the fear of having his baby without him… the fear of never feeling his lips or hands on her again...and him never making love to her again.

  Suddenly, every fear she had been holding captive drifted away while her mouth moved over his. Her tears were of love and adoration. Parker was her everything. She pulled back, beaming. “Yes, I will marry you. There is nothing in this world I want more than to be your wife.”

  “Marie, you’ve made me the happiest man alive.” He smiled, removing the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. The undeniable statement it represented overwhelmed her. She was going to be Parker Nichols’ wife. He joined her on the loveseat and kissed her again, his unquenchable desires mirrored hers. Unfortunately, they had a house full of people and couldn’t spend the entire day hidden away from the world. “Before we go downstairs, when do you want to make this official? You name the day and we’ll make it happen.”

  “Well, how soon do you want to get married?” she asked him.

  “Honestly? Tomorrow!” A grin stretched across his handsome face, and it touched her heart.

  “How does December 23rd sound?”

  “Next December?” he asked with a touch of disappointment. Butterflies woke from their slumber in her stomach—her moment had arrived.

  “No, I want to get married before the baby is born.” She gazed at him with a small curve to her mouth.

  He nodded as if he understood, then he suddenly stopped.

  “I meant this December, like in five weeks if you think we can pull it off. It would just be convenient since my parents will be out for Christmas.” She smiled at Parker. Was he in shock? “I don’t want anything big—just us, the kids, our closest friends and family…and our baby growing inside me, of course.” She watched him process. His silence was a first. She couldn’t help but softly giggle at her dashing, and usually eloquent Parker Nichols. “Are you going to say anything?”

  His head fell forward, and when it popped up. The emotion on his face made her gasp. He took Marie in his arms and kissed her so passionately that it took her breath away.

  “This is turning out to be the best day ever. December 23rd it is and anything you want, it’s yours.”

  “I just want you.”

  “How far along are you? Did you see a doctor yet? Do you want a boy or girl?” Suddenly he was very talkative. And all she could do was giggle while he rambled on. “Baby, I am so happy! I want you and Jackson to move in right away.”

  “Slow down handsome. We have a lot to talk about, but we also have a house full of people. I should get ready.”

  “Nuh-uh, I don’t want to let go of…the two of you.” He kissed her temple.

  “I love you so much,” Marie said. By the way, I suspect I’m six weeks along…remember our shower? I guess one time was all it took.” She smiled sheepishly. “That would make my due date in July. Are you okay with all this?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m more than okay. I want a baby with you.” He held her tightly to his chest. “You know, we need to go to Idaho so we can make the announcements in person for my parents.” She looked up at him. The excitement in his eyes was adorable, and she couldn’t deny him.

  “Okay, you win. We’ll still go but in a couple of days. I want you well rested before you travel again.”

  “Anything you say, beautiful.”

sp; Before they went downstairs, Parker had the idea to wait until everyone was in Idaho to announce the baby. He only wanted to indulge in the wedding excitement for now. The baby was its own exciting news. Marie agreed. She loved how he always made every moment and event special.

  They walked downstairs hand and hand. Everyone was outside on the patio while Héctor grilled. The goofy smiles on their faces made everyone pause and stare at them.

  “Afternoon all,” Parker greeted the group. “Vicky, please join us outside for a moment,” he hollered inside the house.

  “Is this about not going to Idaho?” Jackson frowned.

  “Shhh.” Marie pressed her finger to her lips.

  Vicky walked out and Héctor joined the crowd. Again, everyone turned their eyes to Parker and Marie.

  “First, I want to tell you that we’re so happy to have all of you here,” Parker said. He couldn’t help the grin on his face. “With Thanksgiving approaching, there is so much to be thankful for. We would like to meet you all in Idaho on Wednesday for a long relaxing weekend. My lovely Marie has ordered me to take a couple of days to recover before we head up north. She always knows what I need.” He kissed the side of her head as she eyed Jackson wildly punch the air, mouthing ‘yes-yes-yes.’

  “There’s more,” Marie said to Jackson, waving her hand for him to settle down. He grimaced and nodded rapidly.

  “Yes, I do have an announcement.”

  A trio of gasps filled the patio from Ann, Brooke, and Tessa’s direction, their eyes were wide with anticipation.

  “Wow ladies, you look excited,” he teased.

  Marie giggled, shaking her head.

  “Well, maybe instinctively you already know what I’m about to say.” Now the women were on the edge of their seats. “Instead of fumbling my words because I am so freakin’ happy, I’m just going to cut to the chase. No sense in delaying or dragging it out, or putting off such fantastic news until dinner, which I did consider …”

  “Parker! Stop screwing with us and spit it out for Christ-sake!” Ann demanded.

  “Okay… okay.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Earlier today I asked the beautiful Marie to marry me and she said, yes!”

  “What?! For real?!” Jackson jumped off his seat. He ran over to Marie and hugged her and Parker at the same time. “I’m so happy! This is awesome! Woohoo!!”

  “Let us see it…now,” Ann said with her hands on her hips.

  “See what?” Jackson asked.

  “The ring.” Tessa nudged him.

  “I don’t get it. What ring?” Jackson scratched his head.

  Marie blushed as she presented her hand, with the giant diamond taking center stage.

  “Holy shit, that is the biggest fucking rock I’ve ever seen.” Ann let out a whoop and grabbed Marie’s hand.

  “It’s real, isn’t it?” Tessa teased. Marie rolled her eyes and leaned into Parker.

  “Oh, it’s real all right and insured.” Parker laughed.

  “When did you have time to shop for this?” Brooke asked.

  “I didn’t shop for it. It’s custom made. I placed the ordered three days before my parents’ visit.”

  Marie’s mouth fell open. “What? Last month?”

  “Yes, I’ve been in love with you since August, but it was in October that I knew you loved me too. So, I ordered the ring and picked it up the week before I left for Budapest. I’ve had it waiting in our room for the perfect moment, which happened to be today.”

  “Unbelievable. You’re amazing.” Marie cupped his cheeks and planted a big kiss on him. Laughter ensued.

  The excitement in the mansion wiped away the last few days of fear and stress that plagued Marie and Parker. After a celebratory dinner with wedding plans in the works, Ann, Brooke, and Tessa went home. Everybody would reconvene in Idaho in a few days for the long weekend.

  Wednesday morning Jackson bounced off the walls, anxious to ride on a private jet. Marie, on the other hand, woke exhausted, her new normal. The pregnancy hormones came at her full force after she peed on the stick and told Parker. The announcement couldn’t come soon enough. She would not be able to hide it for much longer.

  “Mom, when are we going?” Jackson asked while he chewed on a bagel.

  “Jackson, I’ve told you three times already. We’re leaving at ten. Now please don’t ask me again.”

  His eyes widened at her stern tone.

  Parker winked at him. “Can I get you anything baby?” Parker asked Marie.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Thanks.” She walked out of the kitchen and Jackson looked concerned.

  “What’s wrong with Mom?” Jackson whispered. “She sure is cranky.”

  “She’s just tired, but she’s okay. Let’s try to help her as best we can,” he whispered back.

  Jackson nodded and finished off his bagel. “Okay, but it’s better if we stay out of her way,” he said matter-of-factly. Parker grinned. He was probably right.

  The car service arrived at ten and all the luggage was loaded into the back of the SUV. They were soon off to the airport. Jackson sat in the third row with Lexi and Isaac and talked the entire time. Marie tried to hide her irritability, but her cranky vibe hung in the air. When they picked Tessa up, Marie wasn’t her playful self.

  “What’s wrong with you, hon? You love Thanksgiving, so why the grumpy attitude?” Tessa asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe it’s just the letdown after everything that happened. And I’m just tired.” Marie shrugged.

  “Well, okay. It’s reminiscent of when you were pregnant with Jackson,” Tessa said.

  Parker turned back to look at Marie whose mouth gaped open.

  “Boy, you were a pill when you were pregnant,” Tessa continued.

  Parker winked at Marie.

  “Tessa, that’s not a nice thing to say.” Marie frowned.

  “Geez, it’s not like you’re pregnant, so don’t act offended. You know how you were. That first trimester was a bitch for all of us.” Tessa snorted and nudged Marie.

  “Okay, enough! Let’s just enjoy the car ride.” Heads turned, they exchanged shocked expressions and not another word was spoken.

  By the time everyone had arrived and boarded the plane, Marie was over it all. The animated chatter from everyone, was like nails on a chalkboard for her sensitive nerves. Troy, Ann and Tessa gushed over the luxury jet, while Jackson annoyed Lexi and Isaac non-stop. Parker did his best to settle the troops into their seats. Marie appreciated his take-charge nature. It wasn’t ten minutes into the flight before she had nodded off on his shoulder. Ann and Tessa looked at Parker perplexed and suspicious.

  “Is she okay?” Ann whispered.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. It’s been a rough few days and it’s taken a toll on her,” Parker whispered back.

  “It’s probably the weight of that hunk of glass on her finger that’s exhausting her,” Ann teased.

  “Now careful babe, I might think you’re envious and there is no way in hell I can afford a rock like that,” Troy said.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t need mansions and jewels. I only need you.” She blew him a kiss.

  “Yeah, but a diamond like that would be nice.” Tessa bobbed her eyebrows.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t complain if he gave me four carats to exhaust me like Marie,” Ann agreed. “I’m just saying I don’t need one.”

  Everyone quieted down for the next hour and Parker was glad. He hoped the short nap would be enough to help Marie make it through the rest of the day without biting off anyone’s head. Jackson and Tessa had already gotten a tongue lashing. He smiled then. Marie could yell, cry, and complain as the mood struck her. She had his baby inside her. There was nothing she could do that would bother him.

  “Parker, will there be snow in the mountains?” Lexi asked, interrupting his thoughts. “Isaac and I would like to play around in it, maybe ski or something.”

  “There won’t be much at my house, but up in the mountains there should be a
fair amount for everything you want to do. It’ll be great.”

  “Cool,” Isaac said. “This plane is awesome. Do you always fly this way?”

  “Depends. When I go abroad I go commercial. But here in the States I like to charter a jet.”

  Marie started to stir. They would be landing in Coeur D’Alene in less than an hour. She snuggled closer into Parker and he kissed the top of her head. “Do you need anything, baby?”

  “No.” She kissed his cheek. “But I’m feeling queasy,” she whispered.

  Parker’s lake house looked modest and ordinary from the front, compared to his Malibu mansion. Little did anyone suspect upon entering the house it would rival the estate with its warm, rustic charm. The breathtaking views of the lake and mountains were the very reason Parker purchased the property.

  Peter and Nancy had arrived several days earlier and greeted everyone with open arms as they entered. Nancy noticed Marie’s engagement ring right away, as if a little bird had chirped in her ear. The bags weren’t even put away before the squeals ignited.

  “This is wonderful. The ring is gorgeous!” Nancy complimented. “I’m so happy for both of you. So, have you set a date?”

  “Yes, December 23rd, next month,” Parker answered.

  Nancy’s eyes widened.

  “We don’t want to wait.” He winked.

  “No, that’s good. We’re free. We’ll be there for sure.” She hugged him.

  “It’s going to be a small gathering on the estate,” Marie added. “I love the ocean view. Although, this view is equally beautiful.” She looked out the large floor-to-ceiling windows, taking it all in.

  “Let’s get everyone settled into their rooms before dinner,” Parker suggested.

  “Yes, I’ll get the kids squared away,” Nancy offered.

  “Thanks, Mom.” Parker carried their luggage to the luxurious master bedroom. The room seduced Marie with its dark woods and wall of windows. She loved their bedroom in Malibu, but this bedroom rivaled it with its rustic elegance and a million-dollar view.

  “You own this place too?”


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