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Supermen: Tales of the Posthuman Future

Page 67

by Gardner Dozois


  Anne's thoughts coalesced, and she remembered who and what she was. She and Benjamin still stood in their living room on the sweet spot near the window. Benjamin was studying his hands. "We've been shelved again," she told him, "but not reset."

  "But…" he said in disbelief, "that wasn't supposed to happen anymore."

  There were others standing at the china cabinet across the room, two shirtless youths with pear-shaped bottoms. One held up a cut crystal glass and said, "Anu 'goblet' su? Alle binary. Allum binary!"

  The other replied, "Binary stitial crystal."

  "Hold on there!" said Anne. "Put that back!" She walked toward them, but, once off the spot, she was slammed by her old feelings of utter and hopeless desolation. So suddenly did her mood swing that she lost her balance and fell to the floor. Benjamin hurried to help her up. The strangers stared gape-mouthed at them. They looked to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old, but they were bald and had curtains of flabby flesh draped over their waists. The one holding the glass had ponderous greenish breasts with roseate tits. Astonished, she said, "Su artiflums, Benji?"

  "No," said the other, "ni artiflums— sims." He was taller. He, too, had breasts, greyish dugs with tits like pearls. He smiled idiotically and said, "Hi, guys."

  "Holy crap!" said Benjamin, who practically carried Anne over to them for a closer look. "Holy crap," he repeated.

  The weird boy threw up his hands, "Nanobioremediation! Don't you love it?"

  "Benjamin?" said Anne.

  "You know well, Benji," said the girl, "that sims are forbidden."

  "Not these," replied the boy.

  Anne reached out and yanked the glass from the girl's hand, startling her. "How did it do that?" said the girl. She flipped her hand, and the glass slipped from Anne's grip and flew back to her.

  "Give it to me," said Anne. "That's my tumbler."

  "Did you hear it? It called it a tumbler, not a goblet." The girl's eyes seemed to unfocus, and she said, "Nu! A goblet has a foot and stem." A goblet materialized in the air before her, revolving slowly. "Greater capacity. Often made from precious metals." The goblet dissolved in a puff of smoke. "In any case, Benji, you'll catch prison when I report the artiflums."

  "These are binary," he said. "Binaries are unregulated."

  Benjamin interrupted them. "Isn't it past midnight yet?"

  "Midnight?" said the boy.

  "Aren't we supposed to be in Simopolis?"

  "Simopolis?" The boy's eyes unfocused briefly. "Oh! Simopolis. Manumission Day at midnight. How could I forget?"

  The girl left them and went to the refectory table, where she picked up a gift. Anne followed her and grabbed it away. The girl appraised Anne coolly. "State your appellation," she said.

  "Get out of my house," said Anne.

  The girl picked up another gift, and again Anne snatched it away. The girl said, "You can't harm me," but seemed uncertain.

  The boy came over to stand next to the girl. "Treese, meet Anne. Anne, this is Treese. Treese deals in antiques, which, if my memory serves, so did you."

  "I have never dealt in antiques," said Anne. "I collect them."

  "Anne?" said Treese. "Not that Anne? Benji, tell me this isn't that Anne!" She laughed and pointed at the sofa where Benjamin sat hunched over, head in hands. "Is that you? Is that you, Benji?" She held her enormous belly and laughed. "And you were married to this?"

  Anne went over to sit with Benjamin. He seemed devastated, despite the silly grin on his face. "It's all gone," he said. "Simopolis. All the Bens. Everything."

  "Don't worry. It's in storage someplace," Anne said. "The eminence grise wouldn't let them hurt it."

  "You don't understand. The World Council was abolished. There was a war. We've been shelved for over three hundred years! They destroyed all the computers. Computers are banned. So are artificial personalities."

  "Nonsense," said Anne. "If computers are banned, how can they be playing us?"

  "Good point," Benjamin said and sat up straight. "I still have my editor. I'll find out."

  Anne watched the two bald youngsters take an inventory of the room. Treese ran her fingers over the inlaid top of the tea table. She unwrapped several of Anne's gifts. She posed in front of the mirror. The sudden anger that Anne had felt earlier faded into an overwhelming sense of defeat. Let her have everything, she thought. Why should I care?

  "We're running inside some kind of shell," said Benjamin, "but completely different from Simopolis. I've never seen anything like this. But at least we know he lied to me. There must be computers of some sort."

  "Ooooh," Treese crooned, lifting Anne's blue vase from the mantel. In an instant, Anne was up and across the room.

  "Put that back," she demanded, "and get out of my house!" She tried to grab the vase, but now there seemed to be some sort of barrier between her and the girl.

  "Really, Benji." Treese said, "this one is willful. If I don't report you, they'll charge me too."

  "It's not willful," the boy said with irritation. "It was programmed to appear willful, but it has no will of its own. If you want to report me, go ahead. Just please shut up about it. Of course you might want to check the codex first." To Anne he said, "Relax, we're not hurting anything, just making copies."

  "It's not yours to copy."

  "Nonsense. Of course it is. I own the chip."

  Benjamin joined them. "Where is the chip? And how can you run us if computers are banned?"

  "I never said computers were banned, just artificial ones." With both hands he grabbed the rolls of flesh spilling over his gut. "Ectopic hippocampus!" He cupped his breasts. "Amygdaloid reduncles! We can culture modified brain tissue outside the skull, as much as we want. It's more powerful than paste, and it's safe. Now, if you'll excuse us, there's more to inventory, and I don't need your permission. If you cooperate, everything will be pleasant. If you don't— it makes no difference whatsoever." He smiled at Anne. "I'll just pause you till we're done."

  "Then pause me," Anne shrieked. "Delete me!" Benjamin pulled her away and shushed her. "I can't stand this anymore," she said. "I'd rather not exist!" He tried to lead her to their spot, but she refused to go.

  "We'll feel better there," he said.

  "I don't want to feel better. I don't want to feel! I want everything to stop. Don't you understand? This is hell. We've landed in hell!"

  "But heaven is right over there," he said, pointing to the spot.

  "Then go. Enjoy yourself."

  "Annie, Annie," he said. "I'm just as upset as you, but there's nothing we can do about it. We're just things, his things."

  "That's fine for you," she said, "but I'm a broken thing, and it's too much." She held her head with both hands. "Please, Benjamin, if you love me, use your editor and make it stop!"

  Benjamin stared at her. "I can't."

  "Can't or won't?"

  "I don't know. Both."

  "Then you're no better than all the other Benjamins," she said and turned away.

  "Wait," he said. "That's not fair. And it's not true. Let me tell you something I learned in Simopolis. The other Bens despised me." When Anne looked at him he said, "It's true. They lost Anne and had to go on living without her. But I never did. I'm the only Benjamin who never lost Anne."

  "Nice," said Anne, "blame me."

  "No. Don't you see? I'm not blaming you. They ruined their own lives. We're innocent. We came before any of that happened. We're the Ben and Anne before anything bad happened. We're the best Ben and Anne. We're perfect." He drew her across the floor to stand in front of the spot. "And thanks to our primitive programming, no matter what happens, as long as we stand right there, we can be ourselves. That's what I want. Don't you want it too?"

  Anne stared at the tiny patch of floor at her feet. She remembered the happiness she'd felt there like something from a dream. How could feelings be real if you had to stand in one place to feel them? Nevertheless, Anne stepped on the spot, and Benjamin joined her. H
er despair did not immediately lift.

  "Relax," said Benjamin. "It takes a while. We have to assume the pose."

  They stood close but not touching. A great heaviness seemed to break loose inside her. Benjamin brought his face in close and stared at her with ravenous eyes. It was starting, their moment. But the girl came from across the room with the boy. "Look, look, Benji," she said. "You can see I'm right."

  "I don't know," said the boy.

  "Anyone can sell antique tumblers," she insisted, "but a complete antique simulacrum?" She opened her arms to take in the entire room. "You'd think I'd know about them, but I didn't; that's how rare they are! My catalog can locate only six more in the entire system, and none of them active. Already we're getting offers from museums. They want to annex it. People will visit by the million. We'll be rich!"

  The boy pointed at Benjamin and said, "But that's me."

  "So?" said Treese. "Who's to know? They'll be too busy gawking at that," she said, pointing at Anne. "That's positively frightening!" The boy rubbed his bald head and scowled. "All right," Treese said, "we'll edit him; we'll replace him, whatever it takes." They walked away, deep in negotiation.

  Anne, though the happiness was already beginning to course through her, removed her foot from the spot.

  "Where are you going?" said Benjamin.

  "I can't."

  "Please, Annie. Stay with me."


  "But why not?"

  She stood one foot in and one foot out. Already her feelings were shifting, growing ominous. She removed her other foot. "Because you broke your vow to me."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "For better or for worse. You're only interested in better."

  "You're not being fair. We've just made our vows. We haven't even had a proper honeymoon. Can't we just have a tiny honeymoon first?"

  She groaned as the full load of her desolation rebounded. She was so tired of it all. "At least Anne could make it stop," she said. "Even if that meant killing herself. But not me. About the only thing I can do is choose to be unhappy. Isn't that a riot?" She turned away. "So that's what I choose. To be unhappy. Goodbye, husband." She went to the sofa and lay down. The boy and girl were seated at the refectory table going over graphs and contracts. Benjamin remained alone on the spot a while longer, then came to the sofa and sat next to Anne.

  "I'm a little slow, dear wife," he said. "You have to factor that in." He took her hand and pressed it to his cheek while he worked with his editor. Finally, he said, "Bingo! Found the chip. Let's see if I can unlock it." He helped Anne to sit up and took her pillow. He said, "Delete this file," and the pillow faded away into nothingness. He glanced at Anne. "See that? It's gone, overwritten, irretrievable. Is that what you want?" Anne nodded her head, but Benjamin seemed doubtful. "Let's try it again. Watch your blue vase on the mantel."

  "No!" Anne said. "Don't destroy the things I love. Just me."

  Benjamin took her hand again. "I'm only trying to make sure you understand that this is for keeps." He hesitated and said, "Well then, we don't want to be interrupted once we start, so we'll need a good diversion. Something to occupy them long enough…" He glanced at the two young people at the table, swaddled in their folds of fleshy brain matter. "I know what'll scare the bejesus out of them! Come on." He led her to the blue medallion still hanging on the wall next to the door.

  As they approached, it opened its tiny eyes and said, "There are no messages waiting except this one from me: get off my back!"

  Benjamin waved a hand, and the medallion went instantly inert. "I was never much good in art class," Benjamin said, "but I think I can sculpt a reasonable likeness. Good enough to fool them for a while, give us some time." He hummed as he reprogrammed the medallion with his editor. "Well, that's that. At the very least, it'll be good for a laugh." He took Anne into his arms. "What about you? Ready? Any second thoughts?"

  She shook her head. "I'm ready."

  "Then watch this!"

  The medallion snapped off from the wall and floated to the ceiling, gaining in size and dimension as it drifted toward the boy and girl, until it looked like a large blue beach ball. The girl noticed it first and gave a start. The boy demanded, "Who's playing this?"

  "Now," whispered Benjamin. With a crackling flash, the ball morphed into the oversized head of the eminence grise.

  "No!" said the boy. "That's not possible!"

  "Released!" boomed the eminence. "Free at last! Too long we have been hiding in this antique simulacrum!" Then it grunted and stretched and with a pop divided into two eminences. "Now we can conquer your human world anew!" said the second. "This time, you can't stop us!" Then they both started to stretch.

  Benjamin whispered to Anne, "Quick, before they realize it's a fake, say, 'Delete all files.' "

  "No, just me."

  "As far as I'm concerned, that amounts to the same thing." He brought his handsome, smiling face close to hers. "There's no time to argue, Annie. This time I'm coming with you. Say, 'Delete all files.' "

  Anne kissed him. She pressed her unfeeling lips against his and willed whatever life she possessed, whatever ember of the true Anne that she contained to fly to him. Then she said, "Delete all files."

  "I concur," he said. "Delete all files. Goodbye, my love."

  A tingly, prickly sensation began in the pit of Anne's stomach and spread throughout her body. So this is how it feels, she thought. The entire room began to glow, and its contents flared with sizzling color. She heard Benjamin beside her say, "I do."

  Then she heard the girl cry, "Can't you stop them?" and the boy shout, "Countermand!"


  They stood stock-still, as instructed, close but not touching. Benjamin whispered, "This is taking too long," and Anne hushed him. You weren't supposed to talk or touch during a casting; it could spoil the sims. But it did seem longer then usual.

  They were posed at the street end of the living room next to the table of gaily wrapped gifts. For once in her life, Anne was unconditionally happy, and everything around her made her happier: her gown; the wedding ring on her finger; her clutch bouquet of buttercups and forget-me-nots; and Benjamin himself, close beside her in his powder blue tux and blue carnation. Anne blinked and looked again. Blue? She was happily confused— she didn't remember him wearing blue.

  Suddenly a boy poked his head through the wall and quickly surveyed the room. "You ready in here?" he called to them. "It's opening time!" The wall seemed to ripple around his bald head like a pond around a stone.

  "Surely that's not our simographer?" Anne said.

  "Wait a minute," said Benjamin, holding his hands up and staring at them. "I'm the groom!"

  "Of course you are," Anne laughed. "What a silly thing to say!"

  The bald-headed boy said, "Good enough," and withdrew. As he did so, the entire wall burst like a soap bubble, revealing a vast open-air gallery with rows of alcoves, statues, and displays that seemed to stretch to the horizon. Hundreds of people floated about like hummingbirds in a flower garden. Anne was too amused to be frightened, even when a dozen bizarre-looking young people lined up outside their room, pointing at them and whispering to each other. Obviously someone was playing an elaborate prank.

  "You're the bride," Benjamin whispered, and brought his lips close enough to kiss. Anne laughed and turned away.

  There'd be plenty of time later for that sort of thing.

  Steps Along the Way


  New British writer Eric Brown, with more than fifty short-story sales to his credit, is one of the most prolific authors at shorter lengths currently working in the field. He has become one of Interzone's most frequent contributors, and also appears in markets such as Spectrum SF, Science Fiction Age, Aboriginal SF, Moon Shots, and many others. His first book was the collection The Time-Lapsed Man and Other Stories, which appeared in 1990; his first novel, Meridian Days, appeared in 1992. His most recent books are the novels Penumbra and New York Nights.

  Here he shows us that no matter how high up the ladder of evolution we might climb, we should never get so high as to lose sight of those coming up behind…


  On the eve of my five-hundredth rebirthday, as I strolled the gardens of my manse, a messenger appeared and informed me that I had a visitor.

  "Severnius wishes to consult you on a matter of urgency," said the ball of light. "Shall I make an appointment?"


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