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Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Walters, Dawne

  “Yes, I was mad. I was pissed. I was worried to death about you. I didn’t know where you were or what was going on,” Gabe continued, “June was a means to an end. I threw my phone and broke it because Rosa wouldn’t stop calling and texting, and yet, I haven’t once spoken with her since you left. No texting either. I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep. I relived that fucking day over and over in my head while I was awake and again when I was asleep, Amante.” The word slipped from his mouth so easily, because Colette was and always would be his lover.

  “What…you couldn’t talk to Rosa because I wasn’t around?” Colette bit out sarcastically. “Why can’t you just ignore her when I’m around? Instead you don’t talk to her then.Why not talk to her...I don’t get it.”

  She was breathing hard. All she could smell was Gabe. He was so close to touching her from the knees up to her chest. Instead, he was standing just inches away, holding only her hands. All she had to do was lean into him, and for the love of God and all that was holy, that’s all she wanted to do. Just to be held by him again. She wanted it like she wanted her last breath.

  “You cannot imagine what it was like being me.” He paused, looking in her hazel eyes with his dark green ones. “Have you thought about only yourself Colette? I don’t want to talk to her because she came in-between us. I let her come in between us because of Little G. She used him to get to me. Does it make sense now?”

  Colette was shocked. He stopped talking to Rosa because he finally realized just how far she was going to go to come in between them. How was she really supposed to take this? He didn’t fuck June, but he’d gone in that room with her and Brock. Again...what really shocked her was that he’d not spoken with Rosa. Not that Rosa wasn’t trying.

  “You’re right. I can’t imagine what it’s like being you.” She looked into those gorgeous green eyes of his, those eyes that haunted her at night. “I can’t imagine having someone I know follow me like a puppy and let them ruin the relationship I’m in. And then as soon as your girlfriend walks away because of that go into a scene with your roommate and his...slut. Who by the way, gets off sexually, on punishment,” she took a deep breath, “but you are right. I don’t know what it’s like to be in your shoes.”

  “You walked away!” Gabe yelled in her face, trying to get through to her. “What the fuck was I supposed to do other than tell you the truth...that I’d done nothing with Rosa. What more do you want from me Colette?”

  “All I wanted you to do was to tell her to go away!” Colette yelled back. “But you couldn', you couldn’t do that, and that’s how she ended up in your house, naked, rubbing all over you. Then to find out that you’d done more than just one scene with June, holy hell, you’ve been a busy guy while I was away.”

  Gabe closed his eyes breathing just as hard as Colette was. She was all he could think about, and when he’d seen her, remorse had inevitably followed like a nightmare from Friday afternoon. He knew he’d made some less than stellar choices while she’d been away specifically with Brock and June. He never touched June. He didn’t have to. She got off on the pain he’d inflicted, but he had to get through to her in some way. He wanted her back.

  “Tell me what you did to June,” Colette whispered, still looking at him.

  “Colette,” he whispered, eyes still closed, “please.” He shook his head no.

  Then, he opened his eyes. He looked like he was in pain. He sighed and the grip on Colette’s wrists tightened just briefly before he began. “Brock had her on the spanking bench at first. I used a paddle that Brock had his name carved into, and she came...hard. Then...we, we used a riding crop on her, and she came a second time.”

  Gabe let go of one of Colette’s wrists as he pulled her over to sit her on the sofa. When she sat, he kneeled in front of her on the floor. He scrubbed his face with his hands and just looked at her for a long minute, taking her in. He breathed in her perfume that she wore. It was driving him crazy. If she needed this for closure to what’d happened while she was away, he’d give it to her. She wasn’t going to like it, but he’d give it to her. He took in the hazel eyes that looked so hurt. He’d had a hand in that hurt. He took her hands in his and continued.

  “Brock strung her up so that she was on her toes and I flogged her. All...all over her body. Brock had put in a butt plug and then teased her with a vibrator as I continued to flog her. It’s one of their favorite things to do apparently. He’d called her a slut and a whore. She got off on it. She came over and over again. Then, she begged me to fuck her.” Gabe looked at Colette with such sadness in his green eyes.

  Colette’s stomach twisted and turned like she was on a roller coaster. Please don’t let it be true. Please don’t let it be true, she repeated over and over in her head. She couldn’t take it if he did.

  “I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to.” He looked remorseful, like he should have given June what she wanted.

  “What did you do?” It was so soft, if Gabe hadn’t seen her lips move, he wouldn’t have believed that she’d said anything.

  “Brock put a cane in my hand and asked me to punish her. Everything up until that moment was child’s play to her. Caning her? That was true discipline. That’s what she wanted.” He stopped and closed his eyes and rested his head on Colette’s knees.

  “I made her beg me for forgiveness for asking me to fuck her,” his voice came out harshly.

  “Why?” Colette asked just as softly.

  “Because I didn’t want her. I wanted you.” The admission came out easily. “I made her tell me that she was sorry, over and over, until she couldn’t speak. I was mad. I was cruel. I made her suffer.” He swallowed hard. “So Brock safeworded for her.”

  Gabe let Colette’s hands go and wrapped his arms around her lower legs as his head fell against her knees. He was breathing as though he was trying to calm down from running. Colette didn’t know what to do with her hands. So she did what has natural to her. She rubbed his back, long calming strokes up and down his back.

  She knew that a Dom would stop if he saw the submissive in distress. If June truly was what he’d said...a pain slut, it may have been hard to tell. She wasn’t trying to make excuses for him, or maybe she was. If Gabe had been mad, maybe he didn’t know when to stop. He’d always known what had pushed her buttons, but then, he’d never had to punish her, and she really had mixed feelings about that. Wouldn’t he punish her for leaving him?

  “What happened after that?” Colette asked, still curious. There had to be more, right?

  Gabe lifted his head and gave her a pleadinglook, not wanting to continue, not wanting to hurt her. So he swallowed hard and nodded his head.

  “When Brock safe worded, June got mad at him. Her back and legs weren’t bad. I’d seen worse. The idea wasn’t to make her bleed like some females like. I can’t bring myself to make a woman bleed. It’s all a part of release. Whether, through pain or erotic pleasure, I just couldn’t hurt someone. As much as I really wanted to hurt her for mocking me about me not wanting to fuck her while she was strung up there, I didn’t want to give her pleasure either. Her saying that you could never take the pain like she could, that you only liked the idea of BDSM. She went on and on. Taunting me. It’s what she did, saying things to make me doubt you, so that her punishment would continue. And then she begged me to fuck her. And I made her beg me for forgiveness when I said that I couldn’t and wouldn’t fuck her. Ever.

  “After Brock unhooked her from the chains in the ceiling, she begged me to flog her while Brock fucked her. I told him that he’d safe worded for her. I was done, but she asked again. So, I did. I flogged her breasts, her ass, her legs, her arms, everywhere. I knew that she wanted me to flog her pussy. She begged for it. Brock begged me to flog them together as he took her.” He paused now, taking a deep breath and squeezed Colette’s lower legs.

  “I didn’t want to,” Gabe finished. “They get so lost in the sensation of it, they forget who’s there. They usually have a fr
iend of mine and Brock’s come in who is their third. He usually does this for them, and when he’s done flogging them, he either fucks June...or Brock. I wasn’t about to do either of them. So, Brock just asked me to stay. He was using the stimulation of my just watching them to get off, but, I didn’t watch them, I stared out of the window.

  “When it was over, they didn’t even notice that I’d left the room. That’s when I looked at my phone and saw your text. I felt so guilty and dirty for what I’d done after I read your text that I showered for an hour, until my skin was red and raw, and changed. When Brock came to my room later, I didn’t remember that I’d gotten dressed, and then realized that I was lying on my bed. I’d fallen asleep for at least a few hours. He asked me to come to the pub with him and wait for June. Have a beer and relax.

  “When June got out of work that night, Brock asked me to do it all over again. Their third was out of town with his sister. I didn’t give him an answer. So Brock worked her up himself this time. Then asked me to come in only when he needed me to flog the two of them while they...” He left the statement unspoken. “I was still mad at her. She was calling my name from the room. Saying that I was no Dom, that I couldn’t even keep you around. So I went in there and flogged the shit out of her. She never apologized, she didn’t find release that time. I made sure of it.”

  “How many times were you their third?” Colette asked softly, still rubbing his back.

  “Those two times,” he sighed heavily, “and a few other times...before you.”

  Her hands stopped rubbing his back at the same time he looked up in her eyes. Her stomach sank, her hands covered her nose and mouth, but she couldn’t stop staring at him.

  “Brock wanted me to go to the club in Charleston that we used to frequent before we deployed this last time. He was introduced to June there. I didn’t realize it was her at the pub, because he’d had her masked and gagged. He’d been with her and a different third several times before we deployed. I was talking to a few guys that we knew that are civilians and they bought me a drink to welcome me home. So, while Brock was doing his thing with his new submissive, I was talking to friends. When he needed me, he came and got me.”

  Colette’s eyes started to fill with tears. She shook her head slowly in denial that this was really happening.

  Gabe took her hands in his and brought them down to his lips. “I didn’t know you then Colette. I swear.” He was pleading his case. “After I’d met you, he said that I could fuck her. Do whatever I wanted to with her. When I told him that I didn’t want to, he asked me to flog them both while he fucked her. It’s what they wanted. They were still looking for a third, but I wasn’t going to be that guy. Especially not after I’d met you. I couldn’t ever be a guy like that. I’ll only have sex with women. I don’t want a switch, male or female.”

  Colette couldn’t pull away. She just sat there, shock clearly written on her face with Gabe’s admission. He was kissing her hands asking for her to forgive him. Telling her in-between kisses on her hands that he wouldn’t go in the room with Brock and June ever again. He couldn’t. He’d only done it because she wasn’t there and it was no excuse, but he was lost without her. He needed to feel again. He needed to feel like he was in charge or something, but even the room didn’t make him feel. It just pissed him off more. The one woman he wanted...was gone.

  Neither of them heard Caroline come in to get June’s purse and leave. They sat there for several minutes. Silent tears fell down Colette’s face as Gabe kneeled at her feet and kissed his hands. Neither really sure where to pick up from here. It was certain that they couldn’t pick up where they left off. Neither of them expressed that, or the fact that they didn’t want to start all over again. So, the idea was to pick up slowly so that they could both heal their hearts.

  “Time,” Colette whispered, bringing their hands to her lips, “give me time to adjust to being back and getting back into the swing of school again.”

  “I can do that,” Gabe answered, “I can do that.” It’d kill him, but he’d do it.

  “Can I kiss you?” he asked. His hands slid into her hair. “Please, Amante.”

  Her nod was almost imperceptible, but he pulled her down as he lifted up from sitting on his feet and kissed her with such sweetness that Colette started to cry again. Her tears mingled on their lips as they kissed. Gabe slid his tongue in her mouth to taste her, and she met him with her own. That’s when the kiss turned hungry, and he knew he had to stop. But, he couldn’t. So, he kept on when she didn’t stop him either. After a few minutes of this sinfully sweet reunion, he pulled back to just simple kisses on her lips and promises of not wanting to let her go. He pulled back completely, wiping the tears from her eyes, smiling at her.

  “I can still come see you right? Even if it’s to just drop off a cupcake?” he asked smiling.

  Colette just nodded. Not able to say anything just yet.

  “Good,” he kissed her lips again and again, “because there are so many flavors that we haven’t tried yet.”

  Chapter Eight

  The evening went fast for Colette. She got back in the swing of things quickly, and even though June was still in the emergency room getting her nose tended to, Sara and Caroline took care of the Tuesday night dinner rush. Colette stocked the bar and checked her phone from time to time as Gabe texted her. She had a smile on her face for most of the night. Yet, she still thought back to the conversation that she and Gabe had in the break room. He gave her full disclosure, which was what she wanted. She would have walked away from anything less. Yet, even knowing that June got off on the pain that Gabe had inflicted, Colette felt unsettled.

  She almost, almost thought that maybe it would have been better if Gabe had sex with June. He’d told her that he and Brock used to engage in threesomes all the time. Then that little green monster came up and sat on Colette’s shoulder, and she thought it was much better that Gabe hadn’t had sex with June. Ugh. Such high school diatribe, she thought as she wiped down the bar for the last time that night and pulled the till for Hamish to count.

  “HA HA!” Caroline squealed with joy as she stood looking at her cell phone in the middle of the dining room. “Her majesty’s nose...I’m sad to say...” Caroline waived to her throat, “...with much sarcasm, is broken!” She raised a fist in the air and laughed.

  “Oh my God Letty!” Sara exclaimed, laughing as well, “Bumps girl.” She walked to the bar and extended her fist for Colette to bump against hers.

  “Boom!” Colette said as she bumped Sara’s fist. Then, she faked shock. “You don’t think she’ll sue me do you? Or have me arrested on assault charges?”

  “Nah,” Caroline said, texting her phone. “My best friend Theresa works at the ER. She recognized June when she came in. She explained that she wasn’t paying attention and a customer that was coming out of the restrooms when she was coming out of the break room and...BAM! Smacked her in the nose.”

  “Um, yeah...our bathroom doors don’t open out for that reason,” Sara laughed. “What do you suppose she’s afraid of?”

  “No idea.” Colette said, sliding her phone in her pocket and walking to the end of the bar.

  “Gabe probably,” Caroline said. She looked up at Colette. “He is Brock’s roommate.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “Fuck her,” Colette said and shrugged.

  “Ew. No thanks.” Both Sara and Caroline exclaimed at the same time.

  The three girls giggled as they walked back to the break room. Colette stopped to drop off the till to Hamish in their office off the kitchen. She walked back into the break room and Sara and Caroline turned to face her. They knew that she and Gabe had talked. They wanted to make sure that she was okay.

  “He’s going to give me time.” She pulled her purse and keys from her locker. “He didn’t do anything with her but punish her. He told me everything.” She looked down at her feet. “I...I’m good, just gonna take some time and see what happens.”

  Both girls cam
e up and hugged her goodnight. They all yelled goodnight to Hamish and Meavy, turned the lights off in the back room and locked the door, closing it. Sara and Caroline made their way down the alley to their cars as Colette got to her blue beetle. There was a box that was balanced on her windshield with a note on it. She smiled as she saw her name in Gabe’s handwriting.

  She opened the sealed box and looked at a key lime cupcake mix, light green cupcake papers, little green sprinkles and a plastic tub of cream cheese frosting and another note in a blue envelope. She pulled the box close to her and got in her car. Setting the box on the passenger’s seat with her purse, she opened the card. It was shaped like a cupcake.


  We are working early mornings so I couldn’t get you a real cupcake and share it together tonight. But, you can make these and they will last until the weekend. I can’t wait to see you again. Wait for Me. Yours,


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