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Pick Me (Wait for Me Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Walters, Dawne

  “Do you want me?” she whispered.

  There was a very long pause. Colette sat there in the pew, staring at her mother’s picture, her father standing in the back of the chapel. There was a creak to the door as Theodore opened it and paused again.

  “No,” he answered almost inaudibly.

  At eight years old, Colette felt then, that her father had stabbed her in the heart. He didn’t want her mother back, and he didn’t want her. She tried to reason in her eight year old brain that maybe he didn’t want her because he mother was gone. But, he’d said that he didn’t want her mother back either.

  “She’s pretty,” Clair said, pulling Colette back to the present, “You look just like her.”

  “Thanks,” Colette answered.

  “You ever wonder what she’s doing? Like right now?” Clair asked, with a soft smile on her face.

  Colette opened her mouth to say something…instead, she just looked at Clair like she was a loon. Her brows low in confusion, her mouth open to say something, but nothing came out. She sighed after a moment.

  “Clair…my mother is dead. She isn’t doing anything.” Colette huffed out a breath and set the picture down on the table.

  Clair put her hands up like she under arrest, “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” She put her hands in her lap now, “I’m not trying to be a bitch. But, have you ever wondered if your mom was alive, what she’d be doing right now?”

  “If she was alive…I think she’d have fought harder for me. Maybe she and the Colonel would still even be married,” Colette whispered, “but…in the end, he didn’t want her or me. So, maybe they wouldn’t still be married.”

  Clair shifted further back on the bed, “What do you mean?”

  Colette told Clair what she had just remembered back in that chapel in France while looking at her mother’s picture. To say that Clair was shocked was an understatement. She looked like a cartoon character with her eyes huge and her eyebrows up near her hairline.

  For once in her life, Clair didn’t know what to say. So, she said the only thing that she could think of, “I’m sorry.”

  Colette shrugged.

  “So…” Clair cleared her throat, “I actually came down here to give you something.”

  Colette looked up at her.

  “I’m breaking away from Bunnie’s company and starting my own with Shawn. He passed his realtor’s license, and we’re going into business together.” She paused, “We bought some rental properties throughout the city and came across this gem that looks over River Street. It’s a little less than a thousand square feet. We got to talking to the lady who ended up putting two and two together and said that she’d sell on one condition.”

  Colette looked curious. “Okay.”

  “She said that you were interested and wanted you to be the new renter, that you’d take care of it.” She stood and walked over to stand in front of Colette and extended her hand.

  Colette looked down and saw the key. “How much?”

  “Five hundred. That includes water, sewer and a designated parking spot,” Clair answered, smiling.

  “Consider it rented.” Colette took the key and shook Clair’s hand. “Where do I sign?”

  “I’ll bring the paperwork to the pub tomorrow after I finish some stuff tomorrow night. But it won’t be ready for another month. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds great. Worth the wait too.”

  Colette stood and the two sisters hugged. This was a start. This is what both girls had wanted. Now that they were a unified front against Bunnie, they could be…sisters. As Clair pulled back, she had a genuine smile on her face for Colette and herself.

  “You need some rest before you go to work tomorrow. How does seven sound tomorrow?”

  Colette was smiling brightly too. “Sounds like I need to start packing.”

  “I’ve got some extra boxes if you need some.”

  “That’ll be great. I only need a few. It’s the furniture that I can’t heft.”

  “I’ve got muscles in spades…sister.” Clair smiled like a Cheshire cat now.

  They hugged once again and Clair left. Colette looked down in her hand at the key to the apartment she was looking at renting before she’d left to Maryland. Now, it was a reality. She was excited. She could walk around her own apartment in her underwear if she wanted to. This was the freedom that she was looking for from this house.

  A place of her own.

  The place that she wanted too.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Colette had gotten to the pub early Friday, excited to finally be back to work. There were hugs of elation that she was okay, but warnings not to overdo by everyone. Hamish, throughout the evening, was keeping an eye on her every time he came to the bar to bring clean glasses and take out the trash.

  Before she knew it, Clair was at the bar, standing beside a tall, slender man with dark brown hair, very square jaw and deep tan. He looked very Mediterranean. He was broad shouldered for a slender kinda guy, wearing a forest green dress shirt with the top button opened that showed a little chest hair. And his khakis hugged his hips. Clair looked the professional woman in a navy pencil skirt with a light blue blouse, and matching heels, and a bright smile.

  Colette took the couple in and couldn’t help but have a huge smile of her own.

  “Clair,” Colette said, genuinely, “you look so happy.”

  Clair looked at the man on her left with a big smile, “Letty, this is Shawn, Shawn…this is my half sister, Colette.”

  Shawn stretched out his hand with a warm smile gracing his face. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Colette took his hand, “Likewise.”

  Letting go of Colette’s hand, Shawn pulled Clair closer to his side and kissed the top of her head. Clair blushed and couldn’t stop her smile from widening. Colette truly was happy for her.

  Clair put the folder on top of the bar, “Is now okay?”

  “Oh gosh yeah,” Colette said, looking at the couple at the end of the bar that were just served.

  The three went over the contract. It was open ended so that Colette could stay there for as long as she liked. They only wanted a thirty day notice when she was going to vacate, so that they could advertise the apartment to rent it out. Since Colette already had the key, she was set to take over the apartment and had two weeks to have the electricity switched over into her name after she moved in. It just needed to be painted and cleaned, and the wood floors had been refinished.

  Colette had fallen in love with it, because it overlooked the river and had a tiny little balcony that she could put a chair on and watch the big cargo ships come in to the Savannah Port. Of course, the down side was that she had to deal with the drunks on Friday and Saturday. It was totally worth it. So, she’d signed on the dotted line so to speak and handed the pen back to Clair.

  “Don’t think that this in any way means that I am going to hold this over your head. I’m not like Bunnie,” Clair said.

  “That’s right sweetheart, you aren’t.” Another deep voice to Clair’s right. He was just as tan and broad in shoulders as Shawn was. His jaw a little rounder though, but his eyes were a striking green that reminded Colette of Gabe. He was dressed much more casually than Shawn and Clair, in his blue t-shirt that hugged his body, with his cargo shorts and sneakers. He wrapped his arm around Clair briefly and kissed her lips in a quick ‘hello-how-are-ya’ kind of kiss.

  Colette smiled as she watched Clair blush down to her roots. She watched as the two men clasped hands in a firm handshake that looked rather normal. She wasn’t sure really what she was expecting. A kiss, a hug, an emotional embrace? The three of them looked so very normal. Colette couldn’t wrap her head around them now that she was faced with it. But, she was happy for them, all three of them.

  “You guys want a beer or glass of wine?” Colette asked. “On the house, to celebrate.”

  “I’ll take a Guinness,” Cale said, sitting down on a bar stool. “I thought you two were going to dinner.�

  “We are,” Shawn smiled at Clair. “Ready babe?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “See you at home then, enjoy dinner.” Shawn smiled and shook hands with Cale again as Clair dipped down for another quick kiss.

  Colette watched as her sister left shaking her head. She poured a Guinness for Cale and set it down on a coaster in front of him.

  “Hard to believe huh?” he said, taking a sip of his beer.

  “Not totally, no,” Colette answered. “As long as she’s happy.”

  Shawn looked back in time to see Cale holding the door open for Clair to walk through. He turned around and took Colette in for a minute. “She is. We’re in love. All three of us. Equally.”

  Colette put her hand on the bar and gave Shawn a genuine smile. “And you have it in spades.”

  He took his glass and raised it at Colette, “Indeed I do.”

  They made small talk over two beers until Gabe walked in and sat down.

  “Hey Chief,” Gabe greeted the man, “I see you’ve met Colette.”

  “Indeed I have,” he smiled as he shook Gabe’s hand.

  “Colette was keeping me company. Shawn and Clair went to dinner.”

  “And they just left you?”

  “Nah,” he waved a hand in front of him, “I don’t get into fancy bullshit. They had some real estate thing. I don’t want to get into their business, even if…” He stopped, letting the sentence go.

  “Listen chief,” Gabe started, “I know about you, Captain Sutton and Clair. I’m not going to say anything. It’s not my business to. Quite frankly, I’m really happy for the three of you.”

  Cale looked at Gabe and nodded his head. Colette sat a vodka cran in front of Gabe, and he gave her a quick kiss. The two men talked about all things helicopters and cars to guns and Gabe going to Warrant Officer School. They ate dinner at the bar and laughed and carried on for the better part of five hours when Colette called out last call from the bar.

  Gabe shook hands with Shawn again before he took off, then sat back and watched Colette cash out the last of the customers that had tabs. Hamish came out to get her till and shook Gabe’s hand in greeting and chatted for a few minutes while Colette wiped the counters down and jotted down what she needed to stock the fridge.

  “You coming home with me tonight babe?” he asked Colette as she cleared the bar to get her purse.

  “Actually, I need to be up early.”

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Clair’s moving out.”

  “Whoa. What happened?”

  “Not really sure, but she said that she and Bunnie had it out.” Colette took Gabe’s hand. “I won’t be far behind her though.”

  “You’re moving out too?” The look of happiness on Gabe’s face was priceless.

  Colette pulled the key to her new apartment out of her purse where she’d put it on her key ring last night when Clair gave it to her.

  “Holy shit babe!” Gabe took her in his arms and kissed her hard. “That’s fantastic!”

  Colette was beaming. “I think so too,” she shrugged. “I just want to be there to help Clair with the little things though.”

  “What do Bunnie and the Colonel think of this?”

  “They don’t know she’s moving out. Chloe decided to stay with some friends this weekend. I’m staying there with Lannie. Shawn and Cale are coming over early to help Clair move out. Bunnie and the Colonel are in Jacksonville this weekend.” She shrugged, “So this is the opportune time for Clair to move out.”

  “When are you moving out?”

  “Soon, very soon. In fact, I have boxes to pack soon,” Colette smiled.

  Gabe’s mood changed suddenly. “I don’t want you lifting anything heavy.” He looked down at Colette’s stomach.

  “I’m fine Gabe,” She answered.

  “I’m serious Colette Amilie.”

  “So am I Gabe Moreno.”

  Gabe walked Colette out to her car behind McGruder’s. She started it up and got back out to wrap her arms around Gabe. His arms wrapped around her, one around her waist, his other hand found the nape of her neck and gently pulled her mouth to his for soft kisses. His tongue slid along her lips until she opened for him to slide in and touch hers. He didn’t take control of this kiss. He let go gently, sweetly.

  Pulling away from her mouth, Gabe rested his lips against Colette’s forehead lightly. Her hands were rubbing up and down his back. He pressed his erection against her stomach, just needing the contact.

  “How about I stay at your house tomorrow night,” Colette said softly.

  “I’m rethinking.”

  “I’m fine Gabe, unless you don’t want me anymore.”

  Gabe pulled away just a little bit, “Not want you? What gave you that idea?”

  “Well, you said you were rethinking.”

  “I want you Amante. I want you so bad, but I’m thinking that maybe this is good that you are helping Clair in the morning. Because if I had you in my arms tonight…I might ravish your body…and it needs to rest,” Gabe said, kissing her forehead.

  “I’m done bleeding,” Colette said, “and although I’m scared of having what just happened…having that happen again, I want you.”

  Gabe didn’t say anything, he just pulled back enough to take a quick look at the sincerity in her eyes, and he took her mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. His tongue swirled around hers, his kisses demanding. After a few minutes, he pulled back again, only this time, he looked her in the eyes.

  “We’ll use condoms.”

  Colette sighed heavily. “I think we’ll be okay. But, if you want to until I get to my appointment, that’s fine.”

  “I don’t want to use anything. I love the feel of being inside of you,” Gabe smiled. “You better get going, I swear, I’ll take you up against your car.”

  Colette leaned up on her toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips, took his hands in hers and squeezed before she got in her car.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The following morning, Colette and Clair sat in the kitchen eating bagels, drinking coffee and looking at a few new pictures that Clair had found in Bunnie’s office.

  “Why do you think she kept them?” Colette asked, looking at her younger self and Clair in a picture as they swung upside down on the monkey bars.

  “I have no idea,” Clair answered, “but I’m glad she did.”

  Colette looked at her sister and smiled, “Me too.”

  Clair put a hand out to touch Colette’s arm and looked at her for a moment, “Colette, there are some things that you need to know.”

  “I’m sure,” Colette smiled.

  “You know Bunnie was working with Rosa to break you and Gabe up. Don’t let her do that.”

  “I figured as much,” Colette replied.

  “There’s more, but I’m trying to find out what’s going on,” Clair whispered.

  “It’s bad isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Clair whispered looking down into her coffee cup.

  Colette didn’t know what to say. So, she took a long drink of her coffee, not saying anything. Knowing Bunnie and Rosa, it could be anything, and she wasn’t going to freak herself out over it. Just about the time she was going to ask what it pertained to, Clair’s phone rang and the screen lit up with a picture of her with Shawn and Cale. Colette smiled as Clair answered it.

  “We’ll be right out,” Clair said into the phone as she took Colette’s hand and pulled her down the stairs to the family room that faced the back of the house.

  Not only did Shawn and Cale show up, but so did several other friends of theirs, as well as their pickups. That was when the chaos ensued. From the family room doors up two flights of stairs to Clair’s room and back down. Having only had a master suite full of stuff helped. Everything was moved out within three hours. After the room was empty, the convoy of trucks made their way to Shawn, Cale, and Clair’s new home.

  Colette said she’d stay behind, clean the
kitchen, and vacuum the hall rug and carpet in the family room. She had to go to work anyway. Clair had hugged her, said thank you, and said that she’d be by to vacuum her room and wipe the baseboards down later tonight.

  Thinking she’d beat her to the punch, Colette got the bucket of water out from under the sink and filled it with Pine Sol and water. Grabbing a rag, she walked up stairs and started to wipe down the baseboards when she heard someone swish their hand in the bucket. Lannie. With a smile, the sisters wiped the room clean, then vacuumed, and made everything look like ten people hadn’t just walked up and down the stairs. Talk was of Clair moving out and when Colette would move out, but it wouldn’t be for a month. Clair was going to give her more boxes, and then she’d be ready.


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