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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 18

by Bella Juarez

  “Technically, yes, but they’ll probably repeal that pretty quick here. I hope they do. It’s a stupid law.”

  “You think so? I thought you were pretty conservative.”

  “I guess if you look at my politics. It doesn’t mean I agree with everything. I still think for myself, Isabel. I think anyone should be able to serve their country. The only time I have a problem with it is when people are being harassed or it’s in your face. Men or women. Gay or straight,” Alex said.

  “You didn’t have a problem with it when you first found out?”

  “No. Shaq has always been the best at what he does. That’s why he’s here. Rock wouldn’t have picked him if he weren’t. Shaq does his job, he’s good to the people he commands, and he’s probably got the biggest heart of anyone you’ll ever meet. Why would I have a problem with who he decides to sleep with? It’s none of my business. How did you find out?”

  “We were talking today. He told me.”

  “How did you feel about that?”

  “I was surprised, really shocked. Of all the men here, he was the last one I would’ve guessed was gay. I’m fine with it, just surprised,” Isabel said.

  Alex guessed the conversation went way beyond Shaq’s preferences. Shaq was a sneaky bastard and could get under your skin before you knew what he was doing. He was as good as Alex at dragging stuff out of a person. They reached the hospital and Alex walked Izzy to her quarters.

  “Good night, angel,” Alex said.

  Izzy hugged herself and smiled. “I love it when you call me that.”

  Alex laughed. “I can remember a time when you told me I’m not your damn angel!” he said, mimicking her.

  Izzy laughed. “Good night, baby. Thanks for dinner,” she said, reaching out and rubbing Alex’s arm.

  Alex stuck his hands inside his pockets. He wanted so badly to touch her and kiss her. He reminded himself she was happy because he was respecting her boundaries. He looked down the passageway.

  “I’ll be gone for a couple of days, Izzy. Stay close to the hospital until I get back. I worry about you, angel,” Alex said, looking back at her.

  “I’ll be careful, Alex. You be careful, too. I’m sure whatever it is, it’s dangerous. I worry about you, too.”

  “I’ll see you just as soon as I get back, angel. You’ll be the first one I come looking for.”

  Chapter 14

  Abandoned Soviet Base

  Near Kush, Afghanistan

  80 km from the Pakistani Border

  May 30, 2009/0619 Zulu

  Lieutenant Dan Gamez, Chief Petty Officer Isaac Davis, and Alex were sweeping one of the last and most hazardous areas of the secret lab. It was the level where all of the dangerous pathogens were stored. They had to be especially careful because the Iranians had planted tripwires and explosives throughout the buildings. So far, they had been able to find them as they ran across them. Because of the criticality of the area, they had to put on their HazMat suits. The only way they could communicate was through the internal comm link that was imbedded in their helmets.

  “Dan, look over in the southeast corner. Do those crates look like they belong here?” Alex asked.

  “I saw that when we came in. You and Isaac start looking through that storage area. I’ll check out the crates,” Lieutenant Gamez replied.

  Dan Gamez carefully proceeded to the shipping crates in the room. They were long and narrow. He checked around the area to make sure there were no other surprises waiting for him. One of them was open and he painstakingly lifted the lid, checking for tripwires or anything else that literally could blow up in his face. He removed the lid and moved aside the packing that kept the contents in place. He frowned. The objects inside were the size and shape of a beer can. The top had a little switch almost like a light switch one would find on the wall.

  “Oh shit!” Dan cursed as he realized what he’d discovered.

  “What? Do we need to get out of here?” Alex demanded.

  “No, but we’ve got a bigger problem than that pathogen,” Dan said.

  Dan replaced the lid on the box and called for another team to come and help him. When the team arrived he gave specific instructions on how to handle the boxes. As the crates were being removed from the area, Alex and Isaac joined in him in the outer room.

  “Did you get all that shit out of the storage area?” Dan asked.

  “It’s all packed. We just need to get it loaded. What did you find in here?” Alex asked, pointing to the empty space.

  “I’m not positive, but if it’s what I think it is, we’ve got a shitload of trouble. Let’s get back to the base. I’m dying in this suit,” Dan said.

  The confiscated crates and biohazard storage containers were taken carefully out of the area and loaded onto helicopters that would meet the team back at Camp Echo. When the area was clear, the three men started out of the building. They were a little nervous as they cautiously proceeded out of the area because the place was falling apart. The damage stemmed from all the explosives they’d used in the raid on the compound to capture it. Finally, Dan saw the open doorway that led outside. He was relieved but worried about what he’d found in those boxes. He was hoping he was wrong and maybe it was some kind of delivery mechanism for the pathogen.

  Dan suddenly found himself facedown on the ground next to Isaac. He’d been thrust violently forward from behind. When he blinked and looked around, he saw that the ceiling had given way and Alex had pushed him forward out of falling debris. Because of the damn suit and his limited hearing, he hadn’t heard the subtle sound of the concrete ceiling giving way. He looked behind him.

  “What the hell happened?” Dan asked, looking at Isaac.

  “I don’t know, Dan. I think Alex pushed us out of the way,” Isaac said, shaking his head.

  “Where’s Doc?” Dan asked Isaac.

  Isaac shook his head again and looked behind. There was no sign of Alex. Fear and panic tingled down Dan’s spine as he whipped off the biological gear in a fraction of a second. Both men scrambled to their feet and started pulling the jagged concrete chunks out of the way.

  “Doc! Alex!” Dan called. There was no response. He turned to Isaac, who had removed his helmet and mask. “Go get some fucking help!” he commanded.

  “Alex! Fucking answer me, you son of a bitch!” Dan yelled.

  * * * *

  “Motherfucker!” Alex roared when something breached the left side of his body. He’d been knocked on his ass and was in the dark.

  Don’t move, and assess. Alex took off his head gear and stayed still as felt around his left side in the dark. He needed to find out just how badly he’d been injured. A piece of steel had solidly embedded itself in his body. He moved his hand around his left side and was relieved that the bar hadn’t gone all the way through. Fuck! Every time he moved pain shot through him. Breathe. He was bleeding, but as long as he didn’t take it out he’d be okay until he got back to the base.

  Alex determined he could get up and walk if he had to. Just about then, he saw light start to peek through the debris that had fallen in front of him. He dug out his flashlight and looked around him. It was the first time he saw the angry rebar that had skewered him. Shit! It was rusty and nasty and there was no telling what was on the outer layer of his biological protective gear. He could feel the weight of some of the concrete on his legs. He moved them slightly and was relieved because it didn’t feel like anything was broken. He could hear Dan calling his name.

  “I’m here, Dan,” Alex called back.

  More light started to filter through. The concrete in front of him was starting to shift his way.

  “Dan! Stop!” Alex yelled out.

  “What! What happened?” Dan yelled through a small opening.

  “Be careful, I’m injured and you’ll make it worse if that shit falls on me,” Alex called.

  “Okay. Can you move back?” Dan called.

  “If I could fucking move, I would be digging myself out!” Alex

  “Okay, okay! We’re coming. Hang on,” Dan said.

  It took longer than Alex was comfortable with. He was starting to get cold and light-headed even in the heavy biological gear he was wearing. He managed to strip off his pack and started packing his wound as best he could. They finally reached him and pulled him out of the debris. He was relieved when he got into the light of day outside the building and to a chopper waiting to take him away. His promise to Izzy flashed into his head. This is not the way I want greet her.

  * * * *

  Isabel had just finished visiting a few of the local women who had come to the camp to get some medical attention. She was doing some charting when Kashi and Shaq appeared at her door. She smiled and looked up at them. Neither man returned her smile. Instead they glanced at each other. Instantly she knew something had happened to Alex. It never crossed her mind that he wouldn’t come back. He said he would come back. And Alex always did what he promised. Isabel couldn’t breathe because it was as if some invisible vise was squeezing her chest.

  “What happened?” Izzy asked, standing.

  “Baby girl, we’re keeping you company for a couple of hours,” Shaq said, coming to stand beside her.

  “Why?” Isabel demanded. In the background she could hear a helicopter coming in for a landing. It was an awful sound because it meant someone had been critically wounded. “What happened!” she demanded loudly.

  “Isabel, love, Alex got hurt. He’s alive, but it sounds pretty bad,” Kashi said.

  Isabel pushed past both men and rushed out of the room. She ran to the emergency section of the hospital in time to see a team burst through the door with a gurney. She didn’t see Alex immediately, but she did see the nasty piece of rebar sticking up at a dangerous angle. Two big, powerful arms swung her around and started to move her out of the area.

  “Let me go!” she demanded, jerking herself free.

  “Isabel, he’ll be all right, baby girl—” Shaq started to say.

  “Damn right he will be! I can help him! Now get the hell out of my way,” Isabel demanded loudly.

  Isabel reached into the box that hung on the wall and pulled out a pair of gloves. She slipped them on as she threw open the curtain and shoved the doctor that was starting to assess Alex out of the way.

  “Move out of the way!” she ordered as she started evaluating the situation.

  Alex was pale and looked like he might have lost quite a bit of blood. Thank God no one had attempted to remove the steel that was imbedded in his body. His eyes fluttered open.

  “Angel…” he whispered, grabbing her wrist. “Let someone else do this,” he said hoarsely.

  “Shut up!” Isabel snapped as she pulled her wrist back and turned to the table behind her.

  The room seemed to go quiet and still after her statement.

  “Izzy—” Alex started.

  “Get twenty units of Kadian ready,” Izzy said, looking at one of the medics who was staring at her with his mouth open. “If he tries to tell me what to do again, sedate him.” The staff continued staring. “Move, people!” she shouted.

  Everyone started moving again at the command.

  “Isabel, please, angel, I—” Alex started once more.

  “Double that damn dose and shoot his ass right now!” Isabel said, cutting Alex off again.

  “No!” Alex shouted weakly as the medic started to administer the medication.

  “Then shut the hell up and let me do my job!” Isabel snapped as she turned around and started shouting orders for radiology and surgery.

  From the partitioned opening Isabel could hear a loud belly laugh. Shaq was doubled over. Several of the medics and staff assisting her were having a hard time keeping a straight face.

  “Shut the fuck up, Shaq!” Alex cried out weakly.

  “Don’t mess with this sister. She’ll fuck you up! Can’t tell this one what to do, can you, Doc?” Shaq taunted.

  Alex grunted and groaned as he tried not to laugh with Shaq. By now the rest of the staff was chuckling or outright laughing. Isabel couldn’t help but smile a little. She looked down and thought how this wound needed some serious attention.

  “Shaq, unless you’re a medic or a doctor, get the hell out of my ER. I don’t need you loitering around here,” Isabel snapped at him as she went back to work.

  “A sister and a Cuban! Damn, Doc! I think you have a death wish!” Shaq said.

  Shaq’s laughter followed him all the way down the hallway. She and the staff assisting her went back to giving their full attention to Alex. Isabel looked up into his sapphire eyes. He was scared. She took off her gloves and cupped his face.

  “I’ll see you in the OR. You’ll be fine,” Isabel said softly.

  “I know, angel. I’m in good hands,” Alex said, closing his eyes.

  * * * *

  Alex awoke to a soft touch moving over his arm. He opened his eyes as best he could and tried to focus. He could make out a shadow and was fighting the effect the anesthesia was having on his mind and body. He needed to focus and tried to move.

  “Stay still, baby. You’re all right, you’re in recovery. You’ve been here for about forty-five minutes,” a soothing voice said.

  Alex turned in the direction of the voice. There was a soft touch again. This time it took his hand. He inhaled and took in subtle sweet scent.

  “Izzy? Angel?” he slurred.

  “I’m here, baby. Rest now. I’m not leaving you,” Isabel said reassuringly.

  Alex relaxed and let warm sleep settle over him.

  * * * *

  Isabel watched Alex relax and slip back into sleep and exhaled. It seemed as if it had been the first breath she’d released in almost four hours. She decided she needed a drink and slowly pushed open the door as she walked down the short hallway to her quarters. When she turned the corner, she saw Shaq standing against the wall. He looked up when he heard her footsteps and Isabel couldn’t contain the tears that started stinging her eyes. The lump in her throat that threatened to choke her. Before she realized it, Shaq had wrapped his massive arms around her. She started sobbing and shaking uncontrollably.

  “I’ve got you, baby girl,” Shaq’s deep voice rumbled.

  “Shaq! He could’ve died!” Isabel sobbed.

  “He didn’t,” Shaq reassured her.

  Isabel cried to the point of hyperventilation. She hadn’t realized, up until now, how frightened she truly was. When she realized Alex could have died, all of the times she was difficult with him suddenly came into sharp focus. He was so patient and so loving with her and she’d been demanding, confrontational, and even cold. She recalled all the instances she’d pushed him away when he tried to touch her. She’d been guarding her heart. For what? She should’ve been savoring ever single sweet second of him. The idea that she may never feel Alex’s warmth and his possessive embraces again sent a new wave of tears over her.

  Isabel cried until there were no tears left. She decided that if Alex still wanted a life with her, she wanted to make every effort to make him happy. Shaq walked her to the break area and sat down with her, trying to calm her. Isabel was grateful it was empty. He set a bottle of water in front of her and pulled up a chair to sit right beside her.

  “It could’ve been so much worse. He was lucky,” Isabel said, wiping away her tears and composing herself.

  “He is very lucky. He had you here to get him through,” Shaq said.

  “Shaq, that thing could’ve gone through his intestines or a kidney,” Isabel said.

  “It didn’t, Isabel,” Shaq said. Isabel closed her eyes and sighed. “Baby girl, you know this isn’t stopping him.”

  Isabel looked at Shaq as if seeing him for the first time because she never even considered the possibility that Alex would put himself in harm’s way again. She also knew Shaq was right.

  “How will you handle that?” Shaq asked.

  “I can’t think about that right now,” Isabel said, taking a drink of water.

/>   * * * *

  Alex opened his eyes. The room was dim, but he could at least focus and see. He moved his head slightly and heard someone shift in the seat next to him. Someone slipped their hand into his. He closed his eyes and smiled. Izzy.

  “Hey, big man,” Izzy whispered as she kissed his hand.

  “Angel, what time is it?” he asked.

  “It’s almost three,” she said.

  “Have I been asleep for almost twenty-four hours?”

  “No, it’s three in the morning. You’ve been out of recovery for almost six hours.”

  “You need to get some rest, angel,” Alex said, opening his eyes and looking at her for the first time.

  “Quit telling me what to do. I’ll sedate you again,” Isabel said, squeezing his hand lightly.

  Alex chuckled at the threat and then sucked in a breath because it hurt to laugh.

  “What happened in surgery?” Alex asked.

  “It wasn’t bad. It didn’t go as deep as it looked. I took it out, cleaned out the wound, and packed it. No real damage other than some torn muscles. Your vitals have been stable and you’ve been resting quietly,” Isabel said.

  “That’s good. I should be out of here in a few days, then?”

  “I started you on antibiotics. They told me you might have been exposed to some bad stuff and the wound was really dirty. I’m not taking any chances, baby. And you’ll be released when I say so,” Isabel said.

  “Yes, Doctor,” Alex said, squeezing her hand.

  “Alex?” Isabel asked, laying her head on top of his hand.

  “Yes, angel?”

  “I’m sorry if I’ve ever been mean to you. Will you forgive me?”

  Alex blinked. A little emotional lump rose in his throat. He moved his hand and lifted her chin so he could look at Isabel. What the hell happened? He studied her a moment. She was scared. That’s why she took over his care in such an aggressive way. That’s why she was sitting here with him now.

  “You’ve been through an awful lot today, haven’t you?” Alex asked. Isabel nodded. “Angel, I want to tell you something I hope doesn’t scare you.” He paused before continuing, searching her face for a sign he should change direction or continue. He decided to carry on. “I love you, Izzy. You never need to ask for my forgiveness because no matter how angry or upset I get, I’ll always forgive you.”


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