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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 32

by Bella Juarez

  “What about your dad? Why didn’t he come?” Isabel asked.

  “Because he’s an ass and I don’t care if I ever see him again,” Alex said, stiffening slightly.

  “You shouldn’t say stuff like that,” Izzy warned. “Why don’t you ever want to see him again?”

  Leila started crying and Alex swung his long legs over the edge of the bed. He walked to the bassinet and picked up his daughter. He sat down and positioned himself against the headboard in a semireclining position and placed Leila in the center of his broad chest. Isabel watched her snuggle and relax at the close contact she and her daddy shared. Leila looked so tiny against Alex and he held her ever so gently. It was the most precious thing she’d ever seen and it happened every day.

  “You’re spoiling her.”

  “I don’t care,” Alex said, kissing his daughter.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Izzy, trust me, you’re better off not meeting him. He’s mean and if he says something stupid to you, I might hurt him,” Alex said.

  “Alex, maybe you should give him a chance, just one, for Leila’s sake. If he messes it up, it’s on him,” Isabel said.

  “It’s a mistake, angel,” Alex said.

  “Just give him the chance, Alex. I would give my mom the chance, if she were still alive,” Isabel said.

  Isabel saw the brief look of pleasant surprise that crossed Alex’s features. She’d come a long way with her therapy and in one particularly brutal session, she finally managed to forgive her mother for what she’d done. Over the course of the days that followed, Isabel had exhaled and let go of the hatred she held for her mother. Life had taken on a whole new meaning. Leila hadn’t been due for a few more months, but for the first time she’d known she could be a mother and give herself without hesitation. She’d started to look forward to Leila coming into her life. Alex smiled slightly.

  “All right, angel. If you want to go out there, we’ll go. When Leila’s a little bigger, we’ll make the trip and you can see for yourself,” Alex said.

  Chapter 25

  National Security Agency Laboratory Facilities

  Brooks City-Base

  San Antonio, Texas

  May 6, 2010/1915 Zulu

  Alex sat back and relaxed. After almost three years of chasing this pathogen, they had finally been able to connect the dots and discover what made it tick. Working with Sergei Vaslliev, the two small secret teams found how to neutralize it in case of widespread outbreak. They’d be using a bone marrow delivery system that was in every medical emergency kit in the military but rarely used. They also discovered a much more effective antibiotic that was more reliable than the nanobots.

  Sergei had clued them in on the limitations of the medication they had previously been using and how he’d found a way around the medication while he was still in Russia, so they worked with the drug manufacturer to come up with an alternative solution. Alex had just received word the testing on the new medication had proven successful. He was ready to celebrate quietly because this little success meant so much. He could push through finishing his residency and fellowship, and he could focus on training the bio-strike team more aggressively. Alex started to gather his things. He wanted to leave early today and celebrate with his two favorite people.

  “Dr. Richards, are you going somewhere?” Lt. Commander Babette asked.

  Alex looked up at the doorway to his office. “I’m going home for the day. I’ve gone as far as I can go with my work.”

  “Did you accomplish something?” she asked with interest.

  “I won’t know for a couple of days,” Alex said as he stuffed his papers inside his briefcase. He started to power down his laptop and noticed Lt. Commander Babette was lingering. “Is there something you need from me, Doctor?”

  Alex noticed the subtle way her eyes glazed over. He knew she was attracted to him. If he’d been single, he might have taken advantage of such easy prey, but he wasn’t and had no desire to even go there with this woman. Izzy, and now his little Leila, had made his life complete.

  “I was just wondering how your research was coming along.”

  “It’s progressing, thank you. I’m sure as soon as we have something for you, Captain O’Malley will let you know,” Alex said, stuffing his laptop into his bag.

  “Maybe we could talk about how to work together over a drink?” Lt. Commander Babette offered.

  Okay, this ends now, honey. Without missing a beat, Alex looked up and smiled wistfully. “I’d love to, but I don’t think my wife would understand and I’ve got to pick up my daughter. I know she wouldn’t understand.”

  “You have kids?” Lt. Commander Babette blurted.

  “Yes, ma’am, I do. Have a good evening, Doctor,” Alex said as he walked out of his office.

  Alex made a hasty exit. He headed to Randolph and found the child care center where Leila stayed while they worked. He could pick his princess out of the crowd because she was by far the most beautiful and happiest baby anywhere. He always smiled when he saw her.

  “Hello, princess,” he cooed as he picked her up from the carrier she was sitting in.

  Leila cooed back and he saw the slight hint of a smile. Alex melted when he looked into her big eyes. She was starting to recognize him and know his voice when he talked to her. He held her close.

  “I swear, Lieutenant, you have to be the most doting daddy we have!” the caregiver said with a smile.

  Damn right, you people better remember that! Instead he smiled and kissed Leila who had found his collar. Apparently the silver bars sewn on had attracted her attention.

  “Thank you, Kesha. I think Dr. Richards is off tomorrow, so Leila won’t be here,” he said.

  “I’ll make a note of it. Between the two of you that child hardly spends any time here!” she said, walking away.

  Alex tucked Leila in her car seat and started for home. He decided, instead, to pop in and see if Rock was available. Taking Leila, he walked into the building. He swung open the door to Rock’s office and met his admin.

  “Good afternoon, Lieutenant. How can I help you?” she asked.

  “Is Rock available?” he asked.

  “Come in, Doc!” Rock called from his office.

  Alex smiled at the woman who now occupied Friday’s desk and walked into the office. Mac and Gamez were sitting inside at the conference table with Rock.

  “You brought my baby girl!” Mac exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

  Rock started laughing at Mac’s reaction and Gamez hastily left the office. Mac relieved Alex of Leila and started cooing and baby talking to her. Soon the office filled with SEALs baby talking to Leila. She had them completely captivated and Alex watched in amazement as these rough guys were brought to their knees by a two-month-old baby girl. His little Leila was indeed a princess except this one held a trident instead of a scepter. The worst by far of them was Shaq. He wouldn’t let anyone else have her after he was allowed to hold her. The office started to clear out. Shaq, Dan, Alex, Rock, and Mac were all sitting around the conference table. Shaq was holding Leila.

  “Let me see her,” Rock commanded much to Alex’s surprise.

  “Why?” Shaq asked suspiciously.

  “Give me the baby!” Rock demanded.

  “Will you give her back to me?” Shaq asked.

  “Shaq, so help me, I’ll send your ass to Antarctica on a remote if you don’t give me that kid!” Rock growled.

  “That’s pretty damn remote and cold, Shaq!” Dan quipped.

  Alex and Mac were dying with laughter at the exchange.

  “Okay, but can I have her back?” Shaq said, handing Leila gently over to Rock.

  Alex watched a very hard and controlled SEAL melt when Leila cooed at him. He never imagined seeing Rock with a baby and actually liking it.

  “She’s precious, Alex. You’re a very lucky man,” Rock murmured.

  “Okay, my turn,” Shaq said standing.

  “Get out!” Ro
ck said.

  “Captain!” Shaq exclaimed.

  “Then sit down. I’m not ready to let go,” Rock snapped. “I heard from the NSA today. Good job, Doc.”

  “I’m glad it’s almost over,” Alex said.

  “I’m glad we finally got a handle on this thing. Because we’ve just had two more heads grow,” Mac said, sitting back.

  * * * *

  Ivanov stared at the message he’d just received from his operatives in the United States. This biological warfare project had turned into a nightmare. Making matters worse, Iran had recalled Azad several months ago, the one man who knew most about the research that was being conducted. It would set them back years. Russian scientists had been working on recreating Sergei and Azad’s work, with no luck.

  The news contained in the message was bad news. Whatever strides Sergei and Azad had made were now rendered useless because the Americans had picked apart the pathogen and eliminated any possible use of it later. They had also started establishing teams that could preempt any kind of biological attack. Much like their Special Forces prevented and interfered with terrorists and other foreign enemies by eliminating the threat before it could become a danger. This new Naval antibiological unit would be a problem.

  Bakri had been moving between Iran and Pakistan and went everywhere with an Iranian escort. No one could get close. Ivanov knew Bakri was spending his efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction with a Russian black-market weapons supplier. The arms dealer was also Alexia’s estranged brother. The man was dangerous because he didn’t sell just any type of weapons. Demetri Pugachev sold dangerous top-secret weapons that someone within the government was directing him to.

  Alexia, I cannot prove it, but I know it’s you.

  Bakri was the one that soured Ivanov the most. Eventually he would send Alexia to kill him. If anyone could slip in and out undetected it was Lexi. He glanced down at the communique on his desk and sighed heavily. It was time to abandon this project and tie up all the loose ends because there were more important things to work on.

  Ivanov picked up the second communique on his desk and read it. Here was his next headache. Top-secret weapons were now missing. They could prove just as damaging to Russia as they could to her enemies. Three cases of undetectable EMP weapons had been missing from a weapons storage facility in Ust-Ilimsk for some time. His mission, recover them and eliminate the people responsible for stealing them. He had a good idea where he would start.

  * * * *

  Alex smiled when he heard Izzy walk through the door at almost six o’clock. He had dinner cooking and was in the living room lying on the floor with Leila on a blanket, playing. Leila was batting at some toys he had laid out for her. He would cheer every time she swatted at something.

  “How long have you two been home?” Izzy asked as she sat down on the couch.

  “We got home early,” Alex said, rising to kiss her. “How was your day, angel?”

  “Busy! But good, all my patients lived today,” Izzy joked.

  Alex chuckled and picked up Leila. “Say hi to mama.”

  Izzy took Leila and kissed her. “Que esta pasando, mamacita!”

  Izzy nursed Leila while Alex finished up dinner. They all sat down at the table. Alex set Leila up in her bouncy seat while he and Izzy ate dinner. They talked about their day as much as they could and watched Leila wave her arms and react to their voices. Izzy mentioned noticing the baby was starting to smile every now and then. Alex cleaned up the kitchen while Izzy bathed Leila. Afterward they took turns working out while the other played with or watched the baby.

  Alex was finishing up his shower when he heard Leila crying off in the distance. They’d moved Leila to her room and were trying to get her adjusted to sleeping in her bed. She would stop for a moment and then start again. Where the hell is Izzy? He hurriedly dried himself and ran out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Izzy stopped him at the bedroom door.

  “No, she’s falling asleep. She needs to learn how to do it alone. You and I both know that,” Izzy said as she placed her hands on his chest.

  Alex listened in agony at Leila’s choked little cries. “Angel, it tears me up to hear that.”

  “I know. It hurts me, too. But she’ll be a monster if we don’t do this now. We’ll give her a few minutes,” Izzy said, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Maybe I can keep you occupied another way.”

  Alex’s cock stiffened at the offer. He chuckled seductively. “All right, angel. Do your best to keep me busy.”

  Leila let out a cry and Alex looked up instinctively with concern. Izzy took hold of the towel wrapped around his waist and jerked it away. She looked at him and smiled.

  “No, it hasn’t been a few minutes yet,” Izzy said as she pushed him backward into the bedroom.

  The back of Alex’s knees hit the bed and Izzy gave him a slight shove. He fell backward and she descended on him quickly. She shoved his legs open and knelt down, lightly running her fingers over his inner thighs. Alex squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as Leila let out a whimper he would’ve heard in a dead sleep. The baby monitor made it sound more pathetic. He started to move. Izzy ran her finger up and down his hard dick.

  “Na-uh. Don’t move,” she warned.

  Alex shivered at the sensation of her touch as he slipped out of reality when Izzy ran her mouth over his inner thighs. His cock twitched when she gave him a little bite.

  “Fuck, angel! You’re making me crazy!” Alex cried out.

  Leila let out another whimper and Alex moved without thinking. Isabel took the head of his cock in her mouth. She fucked him with her mouth slow and deep, just the way he liked it. Leila could’ve screamed and he wouldn’t have heard it now. He reached down and fisted her hair, hissing in pleasure.

  “That’s it, baby, get my cock nice and wet,” Alex commanded.

  Izzy moaned and the vibration ignited his sensitive nerve endings. He fought to keep from coming as he pulled her off his cock and sat up. He stopped himself from ripping her clothes off and undressed her quickly, throwing clothes one way as she threw what she was taking off the other direction.

  Alex pulled Isabel onto the bed with him. As she adjusted herself, he reached into the nightstand and grabbed a condom. He ripped the package open and suited up in record time. He slowly ran his hands over Izzy’s legs and felt his way to her pussy, brushing her clit lightly and watching her reaction. She closed her eyes and shoved her hips forward.

  “Wait for it. I’m about to make you scream, angel.”

  Izzy moaned in her sexy, needy way and Alex became a little less aggressive now that he was back in control. He moved forward, nipping her mocha skin, and was rewarded with her sensual cry. He remembered the teasing she’d just put him through and smiled as he licked her nipples. He rocked his hips forward and buried his cock deep in her pussy without warning. He stifled her cries by covering her mouth with his.

  Alex held still with his cock stuffed in Isabel’s cunt and shivered at the feel of her pussy clenching him. Izzy was so close. He raised himself up slightly and placed his hands under her knees, pushing her legs over his shoulder so he could push his dick deeper. He closed his eyes and slowly pulled back and pushed forward just as slow. Isabel started clawing at him, demanding of him to take her swiftly. He wasn’t about to give in to her demand. He moved slowly, fucking her at a pace that would bring them both to a cosmic climax.

  “Faster,” Isabel moaned.

  “Wait for it,” Alex commanded.

  Isabel grabbed Alex’s ass and dug her nails into the muscular flesh. She opened her eyes and they locked stares.

  “Faster!” she demanded.

  “Wait for it!” He growled back.

  Alex had to battle himself from giving into her demand. Unconsciously his paced quickened slightly at the delicious pain she was inflicting on him with her nails. Alex watched Izzy’s breathing become jagged and he smiled because he’d won the battle of wills they were engaged in. She cried out and g
ripped him firmly, forcing him to be still as her pussy clamped down on his cock.

  Alex naturally acquiesced to her unspoken need. He went still for a moment, relishing the feel of Isabel’s throbbing pussy milking his cock. He silently cursed the condom he was wearing because he knew how much better she was without it. The invitation to join her in ecstasy was too much. He pulled back and started fucking her harder and faster as he reached his own climax. The contact of her clenching cunt was overwhelming his senses as his muscles tensed when he joined her.

  Alex relaxed, releasing Isabel and lowering himself down to the bed. Now he needed the comfort of her sweet embrace. She was waiting, lifting her arms to him, and he snuggled against her and inhaled her scent. He remembered his baby girl and listened intently. He didn’t hear a sound. Alex kissed his wife and sighed contentedly.

  “I love you, baby,” Isabel whispered as she laid a gentle kiss right below his ear.

  “I love you, too, angel.”

  Alex shifted slightly, kissing Isabel as he moved. As much as he loved snuggling with her afterward, there were a couple of things he needed to attend to. They both got up and went to the bathroom. Isabel stepped into the shower and Alex took care of himself. He quietly snuck into Leila’s room while Isabel was busy and watched his baby sleep. He marveled at how perfect and tiny she was. Isabel had given him a gift that could never be equaled.

  Alex heard Isabel’s soft footsteps and smiled slightly. She was trying to sneak up on him. He shifted, letting her know he knew she was there. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She laid her head against his back. Alex touched her hand and looked back down at Leila. An emotional lump raised in his throat as he realized he’d never been so in love in all of his life.

  A distant voice came to the surface of his consciousness. Your destiny is linked by two women. You must possess both to tame your restlessness and find true happiness. Alex softly chuckled at the memory. Maybe she knew exactly what she was saying, who knew?


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