Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 35

by Bella Juarez

  They entered the hangar and unloaded all the equipment and medication that Sergei had brought from Houston. BAMC had been notified to stand by for a possible infectious disease patient who could be contagious. Alex took a couple of his medics aside and they came up with a plan on treating and transporting Isabel as soon as they were able to lay their hands on her.

  “Badass, did you get FBI to fall in line?” Jack asked as he walked into the small command and control center that had been set up.

  Senior Chief Walsh said, “All set, Rock. I just got notified we’ve got the search warrants issued. The FBI SWAT team is ready to go in with you.”

  Alex was thankful they had so many good team members and it was a good thing that Special Warfare Group had a reserve component with several FBI, DEA, and ATF agents as reservists. Senior Chief Gavin Walsh was with the FBI and the very reason they had that reserve component. It helped when they had to fight foreign enemies on US soil. Alex’s phone rang as they were walking back to the command suite.

  “I suggest you follow the directions that will be texted to you. I’ve just been informed that your slut is on the verge of septic shock,” Alexia said.

  The line went dead and Alex looked up at Dan. Sergei was staring at the screen that Dan had set up monitoring Isabel’s progress. He looked up at Alex, expressionless. Alex didn’t dare look at that screen now because he would see the damage soon enough, first hand.

  “I will go with Alex to assist. I need a weapon,” Sergei ordered as he turned away from the screen.

  “No. We have this under control, Sergei. You’re going back to Houston,” Rock said.

  “Get him a weapon, Rock,” a voice said from the doorway.

  Alex turned around and looked in the direction of the voice and looked back at Sergei, who smiled slightly.

  “JJ—” Rock started.

  “We need to talk to Rock, alone,” JJ said.

  There were only two people in the entire Navy that could talk to Captain O’Malley like he was still in BUD/s. The admiral and Master Chief James “JJ” Jones, and they were also the only two people he trusted blindly. Alex watched as Rock left the office with JJ. Alex’s phone chimed with the text. He took a deep breath and picked up his bag.

  “Alex, as soon as you administer the drug, immediately follow it with a dose of corticosteroids. It is in the kit I’ve prepared. It has the red tip. Tell them you are pushing the medication through with saline,” Sergei instructed.


  “Sergei, come with me,” JJ called from the door.

  “She’ll be fine. Trust in your training,” Sergei reassured as he clasped Alex’s shoulder.

  Alex nodded. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst. He would be alone once he was with Isabel. He got into his vehicle and drove to the place as instructed and it was the Cypress Towers. They were also inside the lab. Alex had been instructed to drive inside the staff parking area. As far as he knew, Shaq and the others were still inside the building. He would be allowed into the private tenant parking that was under the building and would be escorted to Isabel. He got to the building and everything seemed to be going as planned until he was met by three men. As they started to search his bag he snapped.

  “Fucking get this show on the road! I’m a doctor and I’m delivering this shit like they asked.”

  “We know who you are and I don’t trust you, motherfucker,” the man said as he emptied the bag, tossing the equipment around.

  “That’s medical equipment, fucktard. Use some caution,” Alex snapped.

  “You know something, I get the distinct feeling he’s hiding something in here. Now we have to open all this shit and spread it out,” the man said with an evil grin.

  “Stop screwing around!” a voice commanded from the shadows.

  Alex froze in disbelief at the voice he heard. He turned slightly and watched as Commander Elena Babette stepped out of the shadows.

  “There’s nothing there that shouldn’t be, boys. He’s here to save his wife, so believe me he’s not screwing this up. Right, Lieutenant?” she asked with a sweet smile. Alex said nothing. He turned around and started putting his kit back together. “All right let’s get this show on the road, Lieutenant.”

  They walked to the elevators and went to the floor where the lab practice was located. Alex could smell fresh paint. He saw the abandoned buckets and tarps at the end of the hallway. To anyone else, it looked like the crew was out on break. Alex knew what was going on so he didn’t let his eyes linger at the sight. He followed Elena into the office and mentally braced himself for the sight of Isabel at death’s door. He walked inside the room and was suddenly very confused. Isabel was in a gurney, restrained, but she didn’t look like she was sick, just asleep. He looked at Elena.

  “I took a gamble. I didn’t think you would watch that screen. What I administered to your wife was a sedative, plain and simple.” Elena turned to the second gurney in the room. “This is who you need to save, if you’re so inclined. Either way I’m taking the kit and the medication after you give me a demonstration, of course.”

  No matter what else Alex was, he was a doctor and the call to save a life was ingrained. He went immediately to work on Dr. Lewis who was clearly nearing septic shock. Alex wasn’t sure if he could save him, even with the sudden infusion of medication to his system because he looked past the point of no return. This man was very close to death.

  “The question is do you want to save him? He was the reason you needed that flash drive with your work. He was planning on stealing it. We decided to use him as a guinea pig because he’d served his purpose. Throwing up every roadblock we could find while you worked with him. I suppose you’re wondering about me? I’m just in this for the money,” Elena said.

  “I don’t give a fuck about you or your excuses,” Alex said as he turned back to Lewis.

  Alex opened his kit and immediately went to work, disregarding everything else around him, knowing he had a limited amount of time. His patient was dying and a SWAT team backup by the SEALs was about to turn this place upside down. He prepared everything as Elena watched. He cut open the man’s trouser leg in order to get to the proximal tibia.

  Alex quickly cleaned the area, found his mark, and drilled into the bone right below his knee, setting the needle and appliance in place. There was no time to administer the pain killer so he started the IV and within a few minutes he was pushing the medication. He took out the corticosteroids and started to push it through as well.

  “What is that?” Elena asked.

  “It’s a solution to push the medication through quicker. It’s just saline. It’s a technique we’ve developed,” Alex said as he administered the medication.

  “Elena, have you seen what you need to see?” Alexia called from the door.

  “I believe so. I would like to know if he lives.”

  Alex zipped up the kit and picked it up.

  “Now get the fuck out of my life,” he said as he shoved it into her hands.

  “Come on, Elena, we’ll play later,” Alexia commanded.

  The women and three guards left him alone with Izzy and Dr. Lewis. He turned to Izzy and started assessing her condition. She seemed as if she was okay, just passed out cold. He was relieved that her pupils dilated when stimulated. Her blood pressure and heart rate were a little low but that was to be expected because she’d been sedated. He started to unfasten the restraints when something struck him as odd. He wasn’t sure what it was but something was wrong again, he looked around.

  “Don’t—” Alex heard a raspy voice whisper, and he turned around. Lewis had his eyes open and was looking at him.

  “What is it?” Alex asked.

  “It’s rigged. If you undo those restraints you’ll kill us all,” Lewis managed in a raspy voice.

  “Fuck me fucking sideways!” Alex swore.

  Alex went to the front and turned on all the lights. It was his signal to the teams to not come in shooting. He sear
ched around the entryway for trip wires and other little surprises around the doors, thankfully he found nothing. The door however had been locked. He was in time to see the teams come rushing into the hall. They paused at the well-lit office and Alex signaled to Shaq that the doors were locked and he didn’t have the key. The FBI had a master key and made short work of the glass door. Shaq, Walsh, Friday and a few others stepped inside.

  “I need EOD in here. Izzy’s been wired,” Alex said.

  “Shit!” Shaq said.

  “Get the bomb squad up here,” Walsh commanded his FBI team.

  * * * *

  “Hey turn that up,” someone called to the bartender.

  “Tonight breaking news on KSAT Twelve, Chopper-Twelve is flying over a four car pile-up on interstate thirty-five south, near Military Drive. Both north- and south-bound lanes have been shut down due to a massive fire involving one of the vehicles. The accident also involves a semi. We understand there are fatalities…”

  The patrons of the pub lost interest once the news turned to a rundown of the daily report. A patron looked up and smiled at a sight that looked as if it were out of a painting.

  “Who are those two old geezers over there?” A guy asked the bartender as he wiped down the area.

  The bartender shrugged. “Don’t know. They come in at least once a month and sit there, playing chess for hours. They drink like damn fish. I stock a special scotch and vodka for them.”

  Two men sitting at their usual monthly table disregarded the rest of the news. The waitress brought another round and they turned their attention back to their drinks and chess game. One of the men sat back and stared at the chessboard. The other raised his glass.

  “To the success of our mission,” Sergei said in Russian.

  “To our friendship,” JJ returned in Russian as they toasted.

  “You know something? The free world ought to be really scared right now,” Rock said as he sat down.

  The older men laughed. JJ called the waitress and ordered Rock a drink from his special bottle of Glenfiddich 21.

  “Did Alex get home?” Sergei asked.

  “Alex and Isabel are fine. Isabel is at the hospital for observation. Anna volunteered us to watch Leila overnight,” Rock said.

  “The others?” Sergei asked.

  “He didn’t make it. He lost the fight on the way to the hospital. It looks like he went a little faster than he should’ve. He did tell Alex where the samples of the new pathogen were. We’ve already picked them up, so looks like you’ve got some more work, Doctor. I see your little surprise inside the kit was effective. Were the rest of them inside the vehicle?” Rock asked as he took a long drink.

  “Yes, they were. It’s too bad there’s such a mess out on I-35. I guess I’ll have to stay here tonight,” JJ said.

  Rock looked down at the board and moved a black piece and a white piece.

  “You two are at a stalemate. Gotta go. I’ve got a date with a princess,” he said as he stood and left.

  Sergei and JJ looked at each other in surprise. JJ looked back down at the board and Sergei shook his head.

  “Holy crap on a cracker! Have you seen that before?” JJ asked in amazement.

  “I can honestly say I have not,” Sergei said.

  Chapter 29

  Majles-e Khebregan-e Rahbari (Council of Experts)

  Office of the Supreme Leader

  Tehran, Iran

  May 26, 2010/0855 Zulu

  The president stepped before the supreme ayatollah. He hated giving the supreme leader bad news but always tried to have something to balance the good with the bad. It was a political trick he used every time he was required to deliver ill tidings. He needed to convince the supreme leader this new way was the path to take. He took a deep breath and the man looked up from his reading.

  “We have failed?” the ayatollah asked, looking back at his reading.

  “Not necessarily,” the president answered.

  “What news?”

  “We will let the testing in biological research rest for now. We have a new project that requires serious study.”

  “What is that?”

  “A new way to bring many of our enemies to their knees.” The ayatollah sat back and gave the president his full attention. “Our friend in Pakistan has found a new, much more effective weapon. I think it deserves serious consideration. It will be much easier to transport and deploy. Working with the Pakistanis rather than the Russians for this endeavor would be in our best interest. I hope you agree that the Pakistanis are more like minded and have the same objective as we do,” the president said.

  “We are all interested in the same thing. America must be brought to heel. What weapon is that? You assured me the last one would be effective and quick. Now we are faced with failure, so what new trick do you possess?” the ayatollah asked.

  “One that could bring everyone to their knees. This is not just a military option. It would affect their entire society. We will have them in chaos and darkness. In essence this will bring them to their knees in very short order,” the president said with a smile.

  “I am listening,” the supreme leader said, folding his hands.

  Chapter 30

  Near Bisbee, Arizona

  Six Miles from the US/Mexican Border

  June 17, 2010/0816 Zulu

  Dan took another spectacular shot of the setting sun sinking behind a canyon near his hometown of Bisbee, Arizona. He switched angles and lined up his shot again. It was good to finally get some well-deserved leave time. He hadn’t been able to come home for two years. He thought about how big his nieces and nephews had grown since he’d last been home.

  “Excuse me? Are we ready yet?” Friday called out.

  “You didn’t have to come,” Dan said, taking another picture.

  “You said you would introduce me to some of the hottest women around. I’m still waiting,” Friday said, bored as he surfed his phone. “Fuck! I lost the fucking signal again. Why did you have to bring me to bum-fuck-Egypt for my leave again?”

  “You didn’t have to come. You asked, remember?” Dan said, looking down and adjusting some settings.

  Dan focused the camera lens again as he went for another shot. He liked taking pictures the old-fashioned way, focusing and getting the right effect manually. Dan started to shoot when he saw something flicker in the corner of his view. He thought maybe he would catch a shot of some wildlife. He refocused.

  “What the hell?” he said out loud.

  “What?” Friday asked.

  Dan turned his camera in the direction of the movement he’d caught earlier. He zoomed in and watched.

  “Friday, get over here. Take a look at this,” Dan said.

  Steve hopped off the tailgate of the truck and bent down to take a look at the sight.

  “Are those illegals? What the hell are they doing? Are they kneeling?” Friday asked.

  Dan went to the truck and dug out his binoculars. He honed in on the area where he’d first caught a glimpse of the activity.

  “They’re illegal all right, but they’re not from Mexico. They’re praying,” Dan said.

  “Holy shit, Batman!” Steve exclaimed at the revelation.

  These men out in the middle of nowhere, less than twenty-five miles from the Mexican border, were facing east and praying. Friday and Dan took a hard look at each other. The same question was on both their minds. Should they observe and determine intent or should they get the hell out of there? Friday looked up from the camera.

  “You got a gun?” he asked.

  “Yeah, a little twenty-two rifle for snakes,” Dan said.

  “We need bigger guns. Those motherfuckers have AKs with them,” Friday said grimly.

  Dan glued the binoculars back to his eyes and increased the magnification. Fuck! Friday was right.

  “We can take them, but we’d have to wait until dark,” Friday said.

  “I’ve got a better idea,” Dan said, breaking down his gear. “L
et’s go get some backup and some guns.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Friday said.

  They made it back to the town of Bisbee and Dan sought out the local Border Patrol agents he knew. They drove up to a small house at the edge of town. It was close to his sister’s house where he’d been staying. Dan rang the doorbell and waited. He’d dropped Steve off at his house to get the weapons in order, before making the trip here. The door swung open and Dan stared into a really irritated set of big brown eyes.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “Rio, I need your help,” Dan said.

  “What’s up, Danny?” she asked with a sigh.

  “There are some illegals not too far from here. They’re not Mexicans,” Dan said.

  Rio Jenson, a chief at the local Naco Border Patrol station in, had her hands full. They were about to overflow with this revelation. Rio let out a tired, frustrated breath and it was apparent he’d interrupted something because she looked like she’d just taken a shower. Dan did a double take, her long dark hair was wet and loose. Dan couldn’t recall ever seeing her with her hair down. Even when they were in high school together, she always wore it up or in a ponytail. Rio had grown into a very attractive woman.

  “Give me a few minutes,” Rio said as she opened the door for him to come inside.

  Dan stepped inside the small house and looked around as he waited. He suddenly thought he was back in Officer Candidate School. The house was pristine, and he knew if he ran a white-gloved finger over the furniture, it would be clean. Nothing was out of place and there was no clutter. Everything was straight or neatly stacked. It seemed as if he would wrinkle the leather couch or chair if he sat down. Rio Jenson was a neat freak. He recalled briefly that she’d served some time in the military as well. He remembered her brother, Davy, telling him that she’d been in Iraq for eighteen months. He couldn’t recall exactly which of the branches she’d served in.


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