Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 36

by Bella Juarez

  Dan saw a group of pictures on a shelf next to the couch. He walked over and looked at the line of pictures and he found a picture of her in desert BDUs. He looked closer at the rank on her sleeve and saw she’d been an E-5 in the Air Force. He heard a low growl behind him so he turned slowly and came face to face with a huge German shepherd. He didn’t move.

  “Friend,” Rio said to the dog when she reappeared.

  The dog relaxed, walked to Dan, and sniffed him. The animal sat and looked at him expectantly.

  “You can pet her now,” Rio said as she put her holster around her waist.

  Dan knelt down and petted the dog that immediately broke out into a doggy smile and wagged her tail.

  “She’s beautiful, Rio. What’s her name?”

  “Schotzie. Are you ready?” she asked. Dan stood and nodded. “Come on, Schotzie, time to go to work. I’ll follow you,” she said to Dan.

  Dan caught a glance from Rio and feelings he’d had for her long ago stirred. They held each other’s gaze for a moment before Schotzie barked happily. Rio cleared her throat and looked down at Schotzie as she wagged her tail and barked again. He smiled at the scene and wished he had his camera handy. They walked out the front door. He picked up Friday, who was armed to the teeth. They met Rio at the Boarder Patrol station where she picked up her working vehicle and checked in. She followed them out to the spot where they’d been earlier. When they got out of the vehicle, Dan smelled the distinct scent of a wood fire. Rio and Friday and noticed it, too.

  “They sure as hell aren’t trying to hide, are they?” Rio said, checking her weapon.

  “Little girl, those guys have AK-47s. Why don’t you let the big boys handle this?” Friday said.

  “Say what?” Rio snarled.

  Oh shit! Dan closed his eyes and tensed because Rio was little and couldn’t have been any taller than five three. Despite her size, even in school Rio Jenson was a badass. It was no surprise that she went into the military and was now in law enforcement. Dan wouldn’t have been shocked to hear that she had some combat experience under her belt.

  “Friday, stand down, will you? We can’t do anything unless we’re defending ourselves, remember?” Dan said.

  “Bullshit, I’m not standing by and letting these bastards invade my country,” Friday argued.

  “Back off, big boy. This is my job and I can handle it,” Rio snapped.

  “Rio, we’re here if you need help. There are three of them,” Dan said.

  “Keep him in check,” she said, nodding over to Friday.

  Rio went to her SUV and pulled out a very nice-looking Remington 870 shotgun. The damn gun was almost as big as she was. She put on a tactical vest and spoke softly to her dog as Schotzie followed her mistress into the darkness. Friday was shifting nervously beside Dan as they waited.

  “She’ll get killed. If those cocksuckers are carrying around AKs, then they aren’t amateurs,” Friday argued quietly.

  Dan looked at Friday and knew he was right. This was a squad that had been sent in for a reason, so they moved silently as they followed Rio into the darkness. They caught sight of Rio observing the men who were sharing a meal. They caught up to her and she frowned when she saw them. Dan pulled up close and whispered in her ear.

  “We’re just here for backup, trust us,” he said.

  Rio shook her head but didn’t order them back. Schotzie was crouched clearly in an attack position waiting for a signal from Rio. Rio stood and walked toward the camp. Speaking to them in Spanish, she ordered them facedown on the ground. The men reacted by picking up their weapons. Schotzie came out of the dark and attacked one man while Rio wounded the other two. Dan and Friday subdued them and assisted while Rio called for medical support. While they were waiting, Rio started searching the detainees’ belongings.

  “What the hell is this?” she asked out loud when she emptied one of the bags.

  Dan turned around and looked at what she was holding in her hand. His heart skipped a beat because he’d seen the very same object in an abandoned Russian lab while he was in Afghanistan.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered.

  Rio turned around and looked at him questioningly. “What is it?”

  “Friday, get Rock on the line. We’ve got a big problem,” Dan said.

  Chapter 31

  Company Grade Officer Housing

  Randolph Air Force Base, Texas

  June 27, 2010/1249 Zulu

  It was nice to have a Saturday off and at the same time in their house. Alex and Izzy sat on the couch reading with the TV playing in the background. Leila was down for a nap in between them. Their lives had gotten back to normal and uneventful. Alex ran his hand over her outstretched leg and she looked up with a smile. He continued reading as Leila stirred and let out a little squeak.

  “Want to go to the Pearl, angel, and see what’s at the farmers’ market?”

  Izzy looked down at the baby. “I guess we could. Her royal highness has decided to wake up now,” she said, lightly petting Leila’s back.

  “Quit giving my princess a hard time,” Alex said, picking up Leila who smiled and cooed at her daddy.

  Alex rubbed noses with Leila, who reached for him and felt his scruffy face. She protested loudly.

  “Even she thinks you need a shave.” Izzy laughed.

  Alex leaned over and kissed his wife. He promptly rubbed his scratchy face on her tender neck and gave her playful little bite before pulling away. Izzy giggled and Leila was babbling with her parents. They got prepared and took the drive into downtown San Antonio and walked around the historic Pearl Brewery complex on the River Walk. The old bottling company had been revitalized into a chic urban space with restaurants, condos, and on Saturday morning the complex was host to a farmers’ market.

  They did a little shopping and walking. Alex had put an ice chest in the car to store their purchases and keep them fresh. They made their way down to the River Walk and walked until they came to a restaurant where they decided to have an early lunch. While they were waiting, Alex fed Leila with a bottle and Izzy teased him about something he’d said to Leila. A couple passed them that caught Izzy’s attention.

  “Oh my God!” Izzy exclaimed quietly, looking at her husband.

  Alex said nothing and continued looking down at Leila. He really didn’t want to talk about what they had just seen because it would open up a discussion he didn’t want to have. He promised himself that if it ever came up again, he would talk to Izzy about his past and answer whatever questions she asked of him, no matter how difficult. The time had come and Alex was unprepared and unwilling.

  “Did you see that!” Izzy exclaimed to Alex.

  “I saw it, angel,” Alex said, keeping his attention on Leila.

  “Why the hell would anyone do that!” Izzy said, shaking her head.

  “It’s their lifestyle. They probably think we’re weird.” Alex shrugged.

  “You know, you just confuse me so much sometimes,” Izzy said, taking a drink of her lemonade.

  “Why’s that, angel?” Alex asked.

  “Because. You’re so firm and hard on some things and then so I don’t care on other things,” Izzy said.

  “Angel, the only time I’m a class-A bastard is when someone does something that affects me and my family. If they’re living their life quietly and not harassing me for living mine, I don’t care what they do. I accept people for who they are. Why can’t you?” Alex said.

  “What kind of woman would let herself be led around on a leash, like a dog? Seriously? How would you explain that to Leila?” Izzy asked.

  “First of all, I would tell Leila to love and accept people for who they are, unless they hurt her. Then all bets are off. As for that woman, you don’t know the agreement they have in their relationship. Maybe she likes it and that’s none of our business,” Alex said.

  “I would never let you do something like that to me,” Izzy said.

  “I wouldn’t want to, angel,” Alex said.
r />   “Alex, that reminds me, that gypsy was right about a lot of things, wasn’t she?” Izzy started.

  Oh shit, here it comes. Alex cringed. He would just have to wing it and figure out how to skate and tell the truth at the same time. He put Leila in her stroller because their food had arrived.

  “I guess she was, angel,” Alex said.

  “You’re still not ready to talk about it are you?” Isabel said, looking down at her plate.

  “No,” Alex answered honestly.

  “I’ve been reading a book,” Isabel said as she took a bite of her food.

  “Oh? Did you figure out your Kindle?” Alex asked.

  He’d bought her the device while she was recuperating from her ordeal a month ago.

  “I did,” Izzy said and shifted a little bit in her seat. “I think I know what it is.”

  “What’s that, angel?”

  “What you don’t want to tell me. I think you’re afraid of what I’ll say.”

  “What is it you think you know, Izzy?” Alex asked, sitting back.

  Alex watched Isabel shift uncomfortably in her seat. She glanced at him, uncertain and a little apprehensive, so he reined himself in. He knew his body language and tone were shutting her down. He also knew Isabel. She would pursue something if she felt strongly enough. He forced himself to relax because he wanted honesty and openness with her. She’d given him what he wanted and now it was his turn to give back.

  “Talk to me, angel. What book have you been reading?” Alex said a little more softly.

  “Taken in Hand, it’s about submissiveness,” Isabel said, relaxing and digging into her food once more.

  There it was, out in the open and Isabel had figured it out, all on her own. Alex should’ve known better. He knew he couldn’t hide anything from her. Izzy was a very smart and intuitive woman. He was, however, curious how she managed to come to her conclusions.

  “Submissiveness? What do you mean, angel? Surely you don’t consider yourself submissive?

  “Not at work, but at home I’m not so sure. I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to find out. I can tell you the men they describe in that book is you to a tee. I’ve got to finish it and think about what it’s saying,” Isabel said.

  “So how do you think it involves my past?” Alex asked.

  “You’re clearly a dominant and part of the book talks about a BDSM lifestyle. I think you’ve done that before,” Izzy said.

  Alex thought carefully about how to respond. He looked out over the water. Enough with the dancing around already! He decided to talk candidly about this and put it behind them once and for all. This would be the last secret he’d kept and it was time to let it go and move on.

  “I’ve done it before, angel. I walked away from that life when I joined the Navy,” Alex said quietly.

  “It’s your personality. You can’t walk from yourself.”

  “I’ve changed, Izzy.”

  “Maybe you don’t play games any more, Alex, but you can’t change who you are deep down inside,” Izzy said.

  “Does it bother you I’m like that and I’ve done what they describe?” Alex asked.

  “Bother me? I wouldn’t say it bothers me, but it doesn’t surprise me either. I don’t know if I could do some of the stuff they describe, but there are things they talk about that I recognize and that doesn’t bother me,” Izzy said.

  Alex smiled slightly. What Izzy was describing were her imagined limits. If he were as ingrained in the life as he once was, he’d force them, make her get past them. His smile broadened when he realized that Izzy had just laid him open. She had a habit of doing that to him. It was because he was at peace when he was around her and he dropped his guard, letting her into the far corners of his soul.

  “Is there something I should know, angel?” he asked, reaching for her hand.

  “I haven’t finished the book. I don’t know what I’m asking, yet,” Izzy said, accepting his affection.

  “Are you curious about what you’re reading?” Alex asked.

  Izzy hesitated. “Some of it.”

  * * * *

  Izzy shut down her Kindle and looked over at Alex’s back. He was sleeping. It had taken every ounce of courage to talk to him about what she was reading. She’d discovered Alex’s secret once she read the chapter on BDSM. She intuitively knew, by the way he’d acted at the word Master, that was his secret. Damn word makes him twitch every time he hears it. Why would he hide something like that from her?

  Isabel had questions, a million questions. Even though it had been hard to talk with him, she was glad he responded the way he had. He was always so good about listening to her and working her through things. Izzy pulled the covers around her and settled into bed. She stared into the darkness and listened to his light snoring. Their anniversary was coming up and they needed some time alone. Izzy’s mind worked as she thought about the last chapter she’d just read. There were a few things she needed to work her husband through. Mr. Big and Bad had a few issues of his own and he was afraid of something. She needed to get to the bottom of what he was hiding.

  I’ve changed, Izzy.

  What changed, Alex? Izzy snuggled in deeper. Do I want to know anymore? Am I really that curious about this stuff? Something in the words she was reading was reaching her and Alex was the key. He understood this stuff, he knew what she needed but he was hesitant to offer her any more than what they already had. Within a few minutes Izzy had a plan. There would be less than a month to execute it and it would take every second of that month to make this happen.

  Chapter 32

  Company Grade Officer Housing

  Randolph Air Force Base, Texas

  July 29, 2010/2248 Zulu

  Alex got home and immediately sensed something was different. Izzy had asked him to take the entire weekend off. It had been a pain in the ass to take off from the hospital, but they let him. She wanted to go somewhere for their anniversary and he relented because it was their first one. He heard voices in the front room so he walked further into the house and saw Diego and his new wife, Suzana.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Alex asked with a wide smile.

  Diego was holding Leila, who was babbling away, wanting to join the conversation. She was turning into a very precocious child. At the sound of Alex’s voice, Leila looked in his direction and squealed in delight. Alex walked in and greeted his new mother-in-law warmly and turned to Diego.

  “Hello, princess,” Alex said, picking up Leila and kissing her.

  “I’m babysitting and visiting,” Diego said.

  Before Alex could question him any further, Isabel came down the steps. She was up to something. Alex greeted his wife and tensed, knowing she had one of her surprises planned. Why does she do this to me? He decided to get his time in with Leila while he could. He carried her to the kitchen and talked with her while he got himself something to drink. It had been a very busy day and he wasn’t hydrating properly for the Texas heat. Isabel followed him to the kitchen.

  “I’m ready whenever you are. We’re taking my car,” Isabel said.

  “What are we doing, angel?” Alex asked as calmly as he could.

  “Trust me,” she said with a kiss.

  “Isabel, please tell me what we’re doing,” Alex said, getting a grip on his stress level.

  “We’re going away for the night. My dad and stepmom will be staying here. We’re not going far,” Isabel said.

  “I need to change,” Alex said.

  “No, you don’t. I‘ve got everything you need in the car, waiting,” Isabel said.

  Alex took a deep breath. “Can I have a few minutes?”

  “Baby, you won’t die and grandpa hasn’t seen her since May,” Isabel said, kissing him reassuringly.

  If it weren’t for the fact that Alex didn’t absolutely love and adore his wife, he would’ve refused to go without knowing the exact nature of this outing. He wanted details but knew it was useless. Isabel had made plans and a serious
effort to make this trip special.

  “All right, angel,” Alex said, resigning himself to his fate.

  After spending some time with Leila, and catching up with Diego and Suzana, Alex found himself following Izzy’s GPS to their unknown destination. The drive seemed to take forever, but it allowed Izzy and Alex to get caught up on their day as he drove. He was getting a little hungry because he hadn’t had lunch and they were coming up to a town so he thought they could just drive through and pick up something.

  “Angel, I’m starving. Can we stop for something?” Alex asked.

  “Of course, baby. We can call home and find out how my dad and Suzana are making out with Leila,” Izzy said.

  Alex looked at the green sign as they come up to the town. Divine, Texas. More than just a place on the map…They caught a restaurant on the way in. Alex pulled into the parking lot and noticed it was a very nice steak place. He looked at Izzy and sighed.

  “You don’t want steak?” she asked.

  “I would love a good steak. And these little towns have some of the best food around but I can’t go in there in my work uniform,” Alex said.

  Alex was wearing his blue camouflaged uniform. Regulations had rules about where you could be seen in uniform. The uniform he was wearing would be considered too casual to be in a nice steak place. They pulled out of the parking lot and drove a little further and spotted a café. Rudy’s. Pickup trucks and SUVs were parked outside. This was a working man’s dining place. They pulled in, parked, and walked into the diner, taking a seat. Alex noticed that people took more than a passing glance at him and Izzy, probably because they were strangers. He sincerely hoped it wasn’t because Izzy was bi-racial and he was white. A friendly man came to the table.

  “Evening,” he said, placing menus on the table. “What would y’all like to drink?”

  “I’ll have tea,” Izzy said.

  Alex asked for a glass of water. The man disappeared as they looked over the menu. He made his decision and put the menu back on the table as he looked around the restaurant and scanned the people eating and talking. In a corner table he spotted three men and a blonde woman. For some reason his gaze was drawn to linger at the table because something was different about the dynamic he was watching. He watched a little closer as her foot toyed with one of the men under the table while another leaned in to tell her a secret. She giggled and blushed. He glanced back at Isabel who had just set her menu down.


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