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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 39

by Bella Juarez

  “Get dressed, angel. We have another errand to run,” he said as he started to walk out the door. Before he was out he turned slightly. “Don’t touch yourself. I’ll know and I’ll punish you.”

  Alex had been shopping while Izzy was inside the dressing room composing herself and dressing. When she got to the counter, there was a huge bag waiting. She set the dress on the counter and he made their purchases. They walked a few steps and stopped to have lunch at a small restaurant that was a couple of buildings down from the dress shop.

  Alex directed her to a booth and took a seat next to her. He put his arm around her and kissed her affectionately as a young waiter came and asked for their drink order. Izzy was starting to get a little angry about what he’d done to her in the dressing room because he’d frustrated her and she needed the release. The young man returned and was setting their drinks on the table when Alex decided to get frisky. She was wearing shorts and he started slowly tracing a pattern on her upper thigh near the hem. The young man serving them forgot himself as he witnessed the subtle, very sexual, display. He remembered the menus under his arm, set them down, and walked away without another word.

  “Must you do this in public?” Izzy snapped.

  “I’ll bend you over this table and fuck you if the mood strikes me, in public,” Alex said.

  “Alex, you’re going too far,” Izzy said, placing her hand on top of his.

  Alex leaned in close and played with her earlobe. He lightly ran his tongue and lips over her neck. Isabel felt humming in her pussy again and sucked in a breath.

  “You’re mine. Everything about you belongs to me to use as I see fit. Even your orgasms are mine to give and take whenever I want,” Alex’s sensual voice whispered. His voice vibrated through her and combined with the vibration in her overly sensitive pussy. He increased the speed. “Do you want to come, angel?”

  Izzy squeezed her eyes shut and bit down on her lower lip. She wanted to come so bad she was close to begging and doing whatever he wanted her to. Her hips were rocking to the ever-increasing speed of the vibrations inside her. She buried her head into his neck to stifle a moan.

  “Do you want me to stop? You don’t want to do this in public, do you?” Alex taunted. Izzy couldn’t answer. She just whimpered in response. “Ask me to make your pussy come while we’re sitting inside this restaurant with these people, angel.”

  “Please—” she groaned lowly.

  “That’s not asking, angel. That’s begging.”

  Izzy was slipping into shameless wantonness. All she could focus on was how the vibration in her cunt was shaking her whole body and setting it on fire. Her clit ached in need of release and her nipples beaded to a hard point. She didn’t care where she was now. She needed to be set free from the sensual torture she was enduring. She lost the battle with her pride.

  “Please can I come?” she whispered unevenly.

  Alex increased the speed ever so slightly. Her body responded like dynamite to a lit match. Izzy’s body instantly combusted into a delicious climax. She shook and fought not to reach down and rub her clit, giving it the relief it was screaming for. Her hips jerked without her even knowing she was moving. Alex pulled her close and she moaned softly into his chest. She clutched his arm and squeezed. He shut off the little device and held her as he whispered tender words. She was catching her breath when she heard Alex say, “We’ll both have the turkey sandwich with chips.”

  * * * *

  Alex sat across the dinner table from his wife. It was an elegant restaurant and he was glad it had been recommended to them by the jeweler in Divine. Clay Cook was an outstanding craftsman and seemed to understand so much without having to be told. Clay had even gift wrapped Izzy’s present by the time they arrived at his shop. She was wearing the dress he bought her earlier that afternoon.

  “So why did we have to drive all the way back to Divine for that box?” Izzy asked with a smiled.

  Alex took a drink of his wine and slid the box toward her. “Happy anniversary, angel.”

  Alex watched as Izzy tried to contain her excitement about what was inside. He was taking a huge risk because he’d just dropped a lot of money on two more custom sets from Cook’s shop. Izzy opened the box and gasped in delight.

  “Alex, it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “It was made just for you, angel,” Alex said, leaning over and taking her hand.

  Last night as he held Izzy and all the way back and forth from Divine, Alex had been thinking about how he wanted to handle this new facet of their marriage. Izzy wouldn’t be able to handle being dominated twenty-four-seven and Alex didn’t want to. He needed her to be independent and spunky. A solution struck him when he was dressing for tonight.

  “Izzy, that box you just opened is a collar. I want you to give it to me when you feel you need me to take over and tell me when to take it off. This way I’m sure it’s what you really want, angel.”

  Izzy frowned slightly as she looked down at the elegantly crafted byzantine chained collar. The delicate links were intertwined together and cut in such a way that it glittered when it hit the light. The clasp was a stylish padlock toggle. To anyone who didn’t specifically know its meaning, it looked like a stylish chocker. Alex was getting a little uneasy about her silence. She looked up at him and shook her head with a smile.

  “Alex, what makes you think you aren’t already in charge of everything we do?” Izzy asked.

  “I’m not, angel.”

  “Can you please tell me how you’ve come to that conclusion?”


  “Baby, you handle all the money in our house, you pay all the bills, you take care of the groceries and cooking, and you make almost all of our major decisions. I’m fine with it because I trust you and I know you’ll listen if I’m not. Alex, can’t you see we’re already living this way?” Izzy said.

  “Iz, I don’t completely dominate you. I don’t make all the decisions and we talk whenever we make a decision.”

  “The only thing missing was the way we played. We were just missing the toys.” Izzy squeezed his hand. “All I wanted to do was let you know it was okay if you wanted to do things like that. I want you to be yourself and be happy.”

  Alex sat back in his chair and considered Izzy’s statement. He traced the timeline of their relationship and its development over in his memory. He remembered the comfort he’d given her when Juan had died and she’d been so devastated, how he’d managed to work her through it. He thought about the way he went after people who tried to hurt her. It still made him shiver in fear when he recalled that night in the clinic when those men held her hostage. There was no question he would lay down his life to keep her safe. The routine he established in Stockholm and when he moved her to San Antonio was an effort to give her the consistency she needed to be secure and to thrive.

  Izzy was right. He’d been her Dom since their first encounter when he picked her up and carried her back to the field hospital at Camp Echo. Izzy, and now Leila, brought out a more loving and gentle Dom in him. Izzy and Leila needed him to be a mature Dom who understood the need and importance of serving more than being selfishly served. They needed the strict and consistent stability he could provide.

  “I tell you what, when I ask you to put this on me, it’s my signal for our play date and for you to open our toy box. How’s that?” Izzy asked.

  “What if I’m in the mood and you haven’t asked me?”

  “Then bring it to me, baby. It’ll be our secret code.”

  “You still have things to learn, angel,” Alex said, leaning over and kissing her.

  “Bring it, baby.”

  * * * *

  “Look! There’s Momma and Pappa!” Diego said, handing Leila to Alex.

  Leila squealed in delight and smiled when Alex took her. He pulled his daughter close and exhaled at her touch. He’d missed her so much while they were gone. Neither he nor Izzy could stand being g
one from Leila any longer so they had decided to come home Sunday afternoon and take Monday off to get organized from their weekend away. Izzy was behind him talking to Leila, who was cooing happily.

  “Was she good?” Alex asked.

  “She was very good. You can tell she’s a happy baby,” Suzana said, beaming at the sight of the little family.

  Izzy’s dad and his wife stayed until Wednesday and flew on to California to visit Suzana’s family. Izzy, Alex, and Leila got back to work and into their routine as much as work and the little princess would let them. Early one evening, Izzy could hear Alex reading to Leila. She smiled when she heard Leila’s babbling and Alex answering as if they were carrying on a conversation. He was scheduled to be doing his residency requirements for the next two weeks at BAMC.

  Izzy’s eye caught something in the corner of their bedroom. It was a box that had been delivered by UPS today and it was sitting in a chair. They still had a rocking chair in their bedroom they used when Leila was being fussy. Alex had received the box from the jeweler in Divine that they had visited a month ago. Her birthday was in a few days and she was excited because she knew Alex had good taste and always found the right gift. She shivered slightly with delight when she thought about her collar. They had used their signal method with regular consistency since their anniversary.

  Alex was finishing up the story of Cinderella and explaining to Leila that her Prince Charming had better be prepared to pass any test her daddy gave him. Or else. Leila was clearly arguing the point. Izzy giggled at the bantering between him and their daughter. She tucked herself into bed and started catching up on some of her professional reading. A little while later, Alex walked into the bedroom and joined her. He crawled onto the bed and laid his head on her lap. Izzy ran her fingers through his spiky blond hair.

  “Angel,” he whispered.

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “My princess is perfect.”

  Izzy giggled. “Uh-huh, I’m reminding you of that when she’s thirteen and cops an attitude with you.”

  Alex chuckled and sat up. “I’m getting your collar, angel. I’m in the mood to play for a little while.”

  “Speaking of that, what did you get from Divine today?” Izzy asked, shutting off her iPad.

  Alex was searching through her jewelry chest. “Your birthday present.”

  “I knew it!” Izzy exclaimed.

  Alex turned with her collar in his hand. “Come here, angel.”

  Izzy’s pussy gushed at the change in his tone and the sight of her collar in his hand. She hoped he was in the mood to flog her tonight. It had become her favorite playtime activity. The orgasms she experienced and the endorphins that were released afterward seemed to relax her for days. Izzy walked to her husband, turned around, and pulled her hair up.

  “That’s my good girl. You’re learning so fast, angel,” Alex said as he fastened the clasp of her collar. “Get naked and into position three, angel. I need to get some things from the toy box,” he said as he walked to chest at the foot of their bed.

  Izzy quickly took everything but her collar off and got onto her knees. She spread her knees and grabbed her ankles as she waited for Alex to return. She was fully exposed to him. He’d given her six submissive positions to remember, and when it was time, he would say the number and she would quickly assume the position. Number five was the one she most wanted him to call because it meant he would be flogging her.

  After their anniversary weekend, Alex asked her to guide him to the store where she’d bought the kit. He informed her it was a good beginning but incomplete. After putting Leila to bed one night, she showed him the website and he did some shopping. Some of the things he purchased alarmed her but she always squelched her fear because she knew he always made it pleasurable in the end.

  Alex knelt down next to her and kissed her. Izzy tried to see what he’d selected from the toy box and what was on tap for tonight’s session, but his planned devices were directly behind her, making a peek impossible in the position she was in. Izzy closed her eyes at the sensation of soft leather encircling her wrist and ankles when he fastened the cuffs to her. Alex came around front and ran his fingers over her ribs. She started to squirm.

  “Don’t move, angel.”

  Izzy threw back her head when Alex leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth. She moaned as he started to lick and suck it and then gave it his signature bite. She gasped when something attached to the nipple he was just licking. He studied her as he adjusted the tension of the clamp. Izzy started to protest.

  “Question? Angel?” he asked.

  “No, sir.”

  “Good.” Alex focused on adjusting the tension a little more. It wasn’t tight but when her nipples beaded she knew it was there. Izzy moaned. “I know I’m not hurting you, angel.”

  Izzy panted as he leaned forward again and started lapping and teasing the unrestrained nipple. When it was stimulated to the point he was satisfied with, he attached the other clamp and adjusted it to a satisfactory tension. Izzy felt pleasure and slight pain mingle once again. She watched as he attached a chain to both clamps.

  “All right angel, position two,” Alex said.

  Isabel moved her hands and felt the new sensation as the clamp and chain tugged at her nipples. With every move she made she was aware of the clamps tugging when the chains moved. She swallowed hard because position two was lying on the bed, facedown with her knees tucked under and her ass in the air. They hadn’t used this position yet. Izzy assumed the position and waited.

  Isabel sensed the bed sink with Alex’s weight and shivered as his hands ran over her back, making her quiver. He pulled her hands gently down to her ankles and locked the clasps of the wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs. Izzy was immobile, vulnerable, and completely aroused. Her pussy gushed again as the cream slid through her folds. Her nipples stiffened as a twinge ran through her. Pain. Pleasure. It was a call she needed to make. One thing was for sure, she was sexually charged and he hadn’t even begun. Alex lightly ran his hands over her ass as he kneaded the cheeks in a deep massage.

  “Angel, you’re so sexy and you have the finest ass I’ve ever seen,” Alex said as he squeezed.

  Izzy moaned as he shifted to get behind her. Alex spread her thighs apart and Izzy’s pussy and puckered opening tingled in awareness. The light air from the ceiling fan was like a wispy touch that seemed to heighten her arousal. If he left her there much longer just the air blowing over her would make her come.

  Alex lightly touched her pussy and worked his finger inside. He rubbed the spot inside her that made her jolt and scream. His slight touch shocked her and gave her the sensation of just being touched with a live wire. Her pussy clamped down on his finger and milked it, giving him a hint of what she would do to his cock. She wanted him to shove his cock inside her and fuck her until she forgot who she was.

  “You’re so wet, angel, and the fun hasn’t even started,” Alex teased. “You’re so responsive tonight. You’ve just given me another idea.”

  Alex moved away from her. Her body was crying out to be touched. Her pussy was aching to come. Anything would do at this point.

  “No!” Izzy cried.

  “No? Did I hear you say no?” Alex asked.

  “Fuck me! Please just fuck me,” she cried.

  “Oh, I’m fucking you, angel. Don’t worry,” Alex said.

  It seemed as if an eternity had passed before his weight sank onto the bed again. He got behind her and she twitched as he pressed something against her cunt opening. He pushed gently until the object was seated inside her. The bullet vibrator. Izzy’s pussy walls pulsated and squeezed the object like a beating heart squeezing blood in and out. She wanted to make herself come but the object was too small and wasn’t stimulating her in the right way. She was left even more unsatisfied and frustrated than before.

  Alex ran his fingers over the crack of her ass and got deeper. She relaxed at his gentle massaging. Every now and the
n he would go lower and give her aching clit a little rub. He withdrew his hand and returned with a lubricated finger to her puckered star. Izzy’s eyes flew open and she struggled violently at the implications of his actions. He would fuck her all right, but not where she’d expected.

  “Alex! No! Not there!” she screamed.

  “Hush, angel, or I’ll gag you,” he warned.

  Izzy fought against the restraints, twisting and turning her hands to get free. He pressed something against the opening to her ass and she fought harder. He landed a stinging slap to her butt.

  “Don’t fucking move or I’ll just shove my cock in now!” he snarled.

  “Not there, don’t you dare!” Izzy cried.

  “By the time I’m done with you angel, you’ll be begging me to fuck you there.”

  Izzy’s breathing was jagged and quick. She felt as if she’d just run five miles at full speed. Her mind raced with fear and a twinge of forbidden excitement. When they’d discussed limits she’d left this one out because she never imagined he would want do this to her. Alex pressed the object against her puckered opening again and she clenched, fighting the intrusion. He slapped her ass again.

  “Relax or it will hurt!” he commanded. “You know what to do, angel.”

  Izzy took a deep breath and willed herself to relax. She was helpless to fight him and forced to trust him. Her mind wrapped around the thought that he loved her and would never hurt her. Alex was an experienced Dom and he proved it every single day with the love and care he showed her. Her gift to him was her surrender and blind trust. He switched on the toy inside her to a low speed and played with her pussy as he slowly worked the object into her clenching ass. She went liquid at the steady stimulation her pussy was finally receiving.

  Izzy was so close and let herself drift as she squeezed and released the vibrator inside her needy cunt. As the object moved deeper inside, she couldn’t believe how good it felt to have both her pussy and her ass filled. She rocked back, wanting to feel the whole thing inside her now. Alex stopped and moved back. Her ass was full, her pussy was humming, and she found herself rushing to the brink. Alex switched off the toy inside her and released the clasps holding her in place. She groaned in frustrated denial.


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