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Passion & Lies

Page 8

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Cruz giggled. “Mom.”

  Sarah kept moving her lips in anticipation of being fed. Miles just hoped that she held out long enough for Eden to finish in the shower.

  “Miles, that was the best shower ever.”

  “Sarah is ready to eat.”

  “She shouldn’t be for another thirty minutes.”

  “Well these lips here mean business.” Miles handed Sarah to Eden.

  “They do look like they’re gearing up to eat.”


  Miles looked at Cruz. “Cookies sound yummy about now. Let’s get my man a cookie.”

  “Not too many cookies or you’ll spoil your dinner.”

  “Ok, Mom. Come on, Cruz, let’s go eat cookies in the other room where Mommy can’t count how many we eat.” Miles grabbed the bag of cookies, the gallon of milk, two mugs and headed out of the room with Cruz.

  Eden looked down at Sarah. “Men!”

  Miguel sat quietly in the chair waiting for Dane to say something…anything. Finally, Dane spoke. “Go home.”

  Miguel knew Dane was upset but he couldn’t get past how he treated Lacey. “First you throw Lacey out and now me?”

  “Didn’t throw her…out.”

  “No, then it must have been your charm that sent her running through the hallway crying.”

  Dane felt bad that Lacey was so upset but he knew it was for the best if she left. “She’s better off.”

  “Dane, you’re such a jackass. Don’t you know how much she loves you?”

  “She told me.”

  “And instead of you telling her how you feel you acted like an uncaring jerk.”

  “She deserves better.”

  “Better than what? She loves you and I know damn well that you love her.”

  “I’m afraid. I don’t know…”

  “Did you ever think that if you explained how you felt that Lacey would understand?”

  “Is she still here?”

  “No. Her plane took off an hour ago.”


  “We’re in France.”


  “Lacey left Molly with Alex, jumped on a plane with me and we’ve taken turns sleeping in that chair by your bedside for the last five days.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I didn’t tell you all of that so that you’d be sorry. I told you because you need to realize how much people care about you.”

  “I care too.”

  “You need to tell Lacey that.”

  “I will.”

  “You can’t call her now so why don’t you get some rest. Beck is on his way with Prescott. We’re going to have to find a way to deal with Smitts.”

  Dane nodded and then closed his eyes.

  “BECK, IT’S BEEN DAYS and we aren’t any closer to finding Smitts. Where the hell is he?”

  “My men are on it.”

  “Simmons was vague when I asked. I don’t know if it’s because he is usually vague or if it was intentional.”

  “Up until now Simmons has always been straight as an arrow. He has a spotless record and his reputation is stellar. I don’t think he knows what Smitts is capable of.”

  “I agree. I don’t think he had anything to do with trying to take out Jakey or Dane.”

  “Jakey said the only thing he remembered that was off to him was one of the men talking on the phone and he said ‘su padre’ twice. That points to Smitts being the one he was talking to on the phone.”

  “There’s something that we’re missing here.” Miguel slammed his hands down onto the table.

  “I agree. Maybe now that Dane is more coherent he will remember more.”

  Miguel picked up his coffee cup. “Let’s head up and talk to him again.”

  “I need to give Max a call first and see if Milo was able to hack into any of your agency’s servers.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you up there.”

  Dane looked down at his phone almost as if he was willing it to ring or to have a text come through from Lacey but so far nothing.

  “Hey, you look better today.”

  “I feel half human. They took out all those tubes and cut down my pain medications.”

  Miguel noticed the phone in Dane’s hand. “Still waiting for Lacey to respond to your text?”

  “I think I really pushed her too far this time.”

  “If there’s one thing I learned from Alex it’s that you don’t just stop loving someone because they hurt you. Love is love and once it settles into your heart…well you’re screwed. Give her some time to come around.”

  “What if she doesn’t or what if she does and I can’t give her what she needs? Maybe I’m not in love with her? Hell, I’ve never loved anyone before. This could just be caring or…”

  “You’re in love with her, trust me.”

  “If love is supposed to be such a great thing then why do I feel confused and stressed out?”

  “You won’t once Lacey accepts your apology.”

  “I didn’t apologize exactly.”

  “What exactly did you text her?”

  “That I shouldn’t have said what I did and for her to text me.”

  “Dane, she probably thinks that you’re afraid she’ll tell everyone that, as you so harshly put it, kill people.”

  “Maybe I should just call her?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll wait out in the hallway for Beck.” Miguel walked out.

  Dane took a deep breath and started dialing the phone.

  Lacey was going through some files on her desk when her phone rang. She reached for her phone but when she saw that it was Dane calling she put the phone down onto her desk and just stared at it. She promised herself that she’d move on from Dane. However, seeing his name on her phone made her miss him something awful. It also gave her a hope she shouldn’t have that maybe he realized that he loved her. She muttered aloud. “Keep dreaming, Lacey.”

  A minute passed and the office phone rang. Lacey didn’t look at the caller ID before picking it up.

  “Cruz Contracting, Lacey speaking.”


  Lacey pulled the phone from her ear and her first instinct was to hang up but she didn’t…she couldn’t…she wanted to hear his sexy voice. Dammit her heart was overriding her mind and it was winning.


  “I figured that you declined my call.”

  “I did.”

  “Lacey, I shouldn’t have…”

  “I got your text. Don’t worry I’m not telling anyone.”

  “I didn’t think that you would.”

  “Now that you know for sure, I’m hanging up.”

  “Lacey, wait.”

  “Goodbye, Dane.”

  Lacey hung up the phone.

  Dane threw his phone across the room. He blew it and now he’d lost her for good.

  Alex could see by the look on Lacey’s face that she was near tears. “Lacey, what’s wrong?”

  “Dane just called me and I hung up on him.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sweetie.”

  “It wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t fallen so hard for him.”

  “I understand how you feel.”

  “As much as I tried not to…”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants, there’s no two ways about it, Lacey.”

  “My heart clearly has no idea what’s right for me. I fall in love with a man who doesn’t love me and even if he did there’s no way he’ll ever admit to it or commit. He’d rather go off and kill people for money. That’s something I have a hard time accepting too. How can I love a killer?”

  “I asked myself the same question about Miguel. Lacey, they don’t kill innocent people. They kill people who do. They’re the ones that get called in when everyone else fails. They find and rescue our military and government officials. It’s all about bringing them home to their families. Yes, they do kill people in the process but Miguel and Dane are the good guys taking out the bad ones.”

cey wiped tears from her eyes. “I just wish that I didn’t love him so much.”

  Alex hugged Lacey. “I wish I could ease your pain.”

  “Me too.” Lacey pulled away. “We’ll be ok. Right now Molly is my motivation. She’s been such a trooper through all of this.”

  “She is quite a young lady. We had such a wonderful time together while you were in France.”

  “That’s all she ever talks about is having a little sister like Emmie.”

  “Emmie adores her. In fact, I was going to see if Molly would like to come for a sleepover some time?”

  “She’d be thrilled.”

  “Talk it over with her and let me know what night is good.”

  “Thank you, Alex.”

  “Lacey, Miguel and I think of you as family. We’re always here if you need us.”

  “Thank you, that means so much to me.” Lacey hugged Alex.

  Miguel poked his head inside Dane’s room. “Is it safe to come in?”


  Miguel picked up Dane’s phone from the floor and placed it down onto the bedside table. “So I’m guessing your conversation with Lacey didn’t go so well?”

  “Let’s see…she ignored my first call and then admitted to it when I asked her. After that she said goodbye and then hung up on me.”

  “Ok, so she needs more time.”


  “Women are confusing as hell but the one thing I know is that they do come around with time.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not a patient man.”

  “You don’t say.”

  Dane tried to move his fingers and he saw stars. “AHHHH!” He gritted his teeth and exhaled.

  “Buddy, you ok?”

  “I can’t move my fingers.”

  “Dane, the doctor told you that it’s too soon. Your fingers are full of pins and screws. They had to put a metal plate in your hand. Things like that don’t just work overnight.”

  “What if I can’t shoot?”

  “What if you can’t?”

  “I’ve been a sniper for most of my life. That’s the one thing that I’m good at. They call me when nobody else can get the job done.”

  “Maybe it’s time to retire.”

  “And do what? I can’t sit at a desk.”

  “Don’t, find a job that you think will keep you entertained but maybe one that would allow for a family.” Miguel smiled.

  “Family? I don’t think so. I’m not parental material.”

  “What do you mean parental material, Molly loves you.”

  “She’s not family and even if she was she isn’t related by blood. My parents were horrible people and because of them I never want to have children of my own.”

  “But Dane, you turned out ok.”

  “Did I? I’m a fucked up man who kills people.”

  “You’re also the same man who has saved numerous lives and has attempted to give up his own on many occasions to save someone else. You saved Alex’s life and Jakey’s. Hell Dane, you’ve saved us all at least once without even giving it a second thought. That’s a good man, not a fucked up one, if you ask me.”

  “Thanks, Migs.”

  Faith pulled over and called Alex.


  “Alex, I have pain and I think my water just broke.”

  “How far apart are the pains?”

  “Five minutes maybe.”

  “Where are you?”

  “By Dunkin Donuts. I was going to get a decaf latte.”

  “Ok, where’s Ryan?”

  “I don’t know. I called you.”

  “I will call you an ambulance and then I will call Ryan and we’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  “Can you call me back and talk to me until the ambulance comes? I’m frightened, Alex.”

  “Hang on. I will pick back up in a minute.”

  Alex placed Faith on hold.

  “911, what’s your emergency?”

  “My friend is in labor with twins. She’s at 1180 West Road in a black Porsche SUV.”

  “I will send someone right out there. How far apart are her contractions?”

  “Five minutes and her water just broke. She’s about eight months along.”

  “Ok, they’re on their way.”

  “Thank you.”

  Alex picked Faith’s call back up.

  “Ok, the ambulance is on its way. I’m going to call Ryan now. Hold on.”

  Alex dialed Ryan.

  “Hey, Sis!”

  “Ryan, Faith is in labor…”


  “Ryan, calm down. She’s fine. An ambulance is picking her up. You need to get to the hospital, ok?”


  “I’ll meet you there.”


  “Ryan, are you sure you’re alright?”

  “Yup. I’m on my way.” Ryan hung up.

  Alex picked back up Faith’s call.

  “Ok, Ryan is on his way.”

  “Alex, it hurts.”

  “Focus on those little babies.”

  “I am but it hurts and what if it’s too soon and their lungs aren’t ready?”

  “Faith, they’ll be fine. Doctors deliver twins every day.”

  “I hear the ambulance, they’re here.”

  “Ok, do you want to hang up now?”


  “I love you, Faith!”

  “Love you too, Alex.”

  Alex grabbed her keys and headed to the hospital.

  “So Milo was able to hack into one of the servers. It seems that Smitts has been in contact with someone named Valdene. Ring any bells?”

  Miguel thought for a minute. “No.”

  “I vaguely remember someone Smitts talked to on the phone a few times that he referred to as Val.”

  “Could be the same guy.”

  “Guy? No it seemed like it was a woman he was talking to.”

  “A woman. Ok, so you think maybe a woman from another agency?”

  Beck ran his hands through his hair. “Simmons wife, what’s her name?”

  Miguel answered immediately. “Anna.”

  “Dane, you said he was talking to a woman. Are you certain? What made you think that?”

  “He said dear a few times. What guy calls a guy dear?”

  “Dane’s right.”

  “Migs, Dane, how well do you two know Anna?”

  “Not too well. I only met her once.”

  “Yeah, Dane and I don’t get to see much family except for when we do a drop off to the hospital it seems.”

  “Ok, let me get out of here and hook up with Milo. I’ll get back to you.”

  “Thanks, Beck.”

  “Migs, this whole thing is crazy. I don’t think Simmons is capable of anything shady.”

  “I agree.”

  “Smitts however…”

  “Yeah, he’s definitely dirty.”

  “What’s Miles’ take on all of this?”

  “Same as ours. Jakey agrees too.”

  “How do we deal with this?”

  “You got me, Dane.”

  Faith arrived at the hospital and Ryan was already there waiting for her. “Love!”

  “Ryan, our babies are coming.”

  The doctor rushed over. “Everything is going to be alright, Faith. Let’s get her straight up to labor and delivery.”



  “They’re taking her up to delivering labor.”

  Alex giggled and grabbed Ryan’s hand. “Ry, calm down. You stay with Faith and I will be anxiously awaiting my niece and nephew’s arrival.”

  “Where will you be?”

  “In the waiting room on the maternity floor.”

  “Ok, Sis.” Ryan kissed Alex. “I can’t believe this is it.”

  “Go! Faith needs you.”

  Ryan ran off to be with Faith.


  Eden, Miles and Lacey came rushing in. “Any news?” />
  “Not yet. I told my brother I’d wait upstairs in maternity.”

  Miles pushed the button for the elevator. “Let’s go, Ladies.”

  They all stepped in and headed upstairs.

  “Doctor, how long before I can head home?”

  “Let’s get these stitches and staples out first. Then I’ll order some tests and get back to you on that.”

  “Is it normal that I still have no feeling in my thumb and index finger?”

  “You still have a tremendous amount of swelling which can cause numbness.”

  “But it could be permanent?”

  “I’ve learned through the years that nothing is ever permanent except for death.”

  “If I can’t use my hand again, I might as well be dead.”

  The doctor looked at Dane and shook his head. “Son, I’ve seen many men who’ve been where you are right now. Some recovered and some didn’t. A negative attitude is an acceptance of defeat. Don’t give in, don’t give up and if the worst should come…don’t let it define you.”

  Dane thought for a moment. “Thank you, Doctor. I needed to hear that.”

  “Whelp, that does it for the stitches. A few more staples and then I will have one of the nurses come in and wash up your hand and bandage it back up.”

  “It looks more like a catcher’s mitt than a hand.” Dane let out a laugh.

  “This staple may hurt a bit. Try to exhale.”

  Dane exhaled and the doctor pulled the staple out. “I didn’t feel it.”

  “How about this one?”


  The doctor continued to pull out the staples hoping that Dane would feel something but he didn’t. “I’m going to order an MRI before they bandage you back up. I want to make sure that there isn’t a pin or screw pressing on a nerve.”

  “And if there’s not?”

  “Then the numbness could be due to swelling. If it is then we’ll remove the hardware that is causing the problem.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hang in there, Mr. Carlton.”

  “Ok, one more push and we will have baby number one.”

  “Ryan, we didn’t decide on the names. We changed them so many times.”

  “Push, Faith. We can name them later.”


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