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Passion & Lies

Page 11

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Dane looked down at his hand. “Death is the lengths, I’d say.” Dane stood up. He walked over and grabbed a bottle of Jameson from the bar and poured himself a drink.

  Simmons looked over at Dane and Miguel quietly mumbled. “Give him a minute.”

  “Milo is calling in with some information on Smitts.” Beck hit the speaker button and Milo and Max appeared on the screen. “Speak, we are all listening.”

  “Max tracked Smitts to Mexico but his phone and a receipt show him as being in Ecuador.”

  “So where the hell is he?” Miguel asked.

  “My gut says that he’s right here under our noses.”

  “You think that my…that Smitts is still here?”

  “Yeah, I do. He isn’t going anywhere until he completes his mission. Which, as far as we can tell, is to take you, Jakey and Dane out and then take charge of the Agency.”

  “That makes no sense. What would taking charge of the agency do for him?”

  “It would open the door to many high ranking government officials and their secrets.”

  Miguel stood up. “It would also enable him to find every safe house and weapon bunker we have.”

  Dane slammed his glass against the bar. “Ok, so how do we find him and take him down?”

  Beck turned toward Dane. “Whoa, Boy, you had better calm yourself down.”

  “You may have saved my ass but this is my team and he tried to kill me. I am not calming down until I get the fucking bastard.”

  Miles stood up and walked over to Dane. “I know that you’re upset but Dane, you’re not in any physical condition to go chasing anyone down.”

  Dane pushed Miles out of the way and then opened the door and stormed out.

  Miguel sat down after he sealed the door again. “Ok, let’s devise a game plan to end this before Dane gets himself killed.”


  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It isn’t as if I didn’t know that someone was here. I saw Miles’ car and a few others in the driveway. You just caught me off guard.”

  “I’ll let you get back to whatever I interrupted.” Dane walked toward the door.

  Alex could see how upset he was. “Dane.”

  Dane stopped and turned around. “I’m fine.”

  Alex smiled. “Don’t you lie to me.”

  “I’m a fucking mess, Alex. There now you have the truth.”

  Alex pulled Dane into her arms and hugged him. “You know that it will all work out.”

  Dane closed his eyes and ran his hand down Alex’s back. “I took advantage of Lacey last night. I can’t give her what she needs, what she deserves. I’m a fucking loser, Alex.”

  Alex pulled away and held onto Dane’s good hand. “Let’s go sit down and talk.

  Simmons stood up. “I want to sincerely apologize for everything that Smitts has done and I want to promise you that if it’s the last thing that I do, I will make sure that Smitts and Val are stopped and dealt with.”

  Beck shook his hand. “We got your back.”

  Miguel patted Simmons on the back. “Nobody holds you responsible.”

  Simmons nodded. “I hold myself responsible.”

  Jakey stepped in front of Simmons. “Sir, you once told me that when there was a wrong to right it. Let’s move on.”

  “I agree with Jakey, playing the blame game won’t get us anywhere.”

  “Thank you all.”

  Miguel opened the door. “I will bring Dane up to speed. Let’s all keep in touch and watch our backs.”

  “Dane, why are you always so hard on yourself?”

  “I was a careless asshole and I got a woman pregnant. Lacey, deserves someone who can give her what she needs…”

  “What she needs is YOU!”

  “No. I can’t be who she wants me to be.”

  “Dane, you’re scared. I understand that but I know that you’ve faced worse fears than Lacey.” Alex gave Dane a half smile.

  “Lacey deserves someone who is stable, that can love her and take care of her girls.”

  “It won’t bother you to see your daughter being raised by another man?”

  “I only want what’s best for them.”

  “Dane, you’re what’s best. You love them.”

  “I don’t know, Alex.”

  “When you thought that you were going to die was Lacey the last thing that you thought about?”

  “Yeah but…”

  “Then when you didn’t die was she the first thing that crossed your mind?”

  Dane nodded.

  “YOU LOVE HER! Man up and go tell her.”

  “But what if…”

  “Dane, no excuses. Life is full of what if’s. Go, go and tell her that you want to take care of her and the girls.”

  “Alex, you really think I can do this?”

  “No, I know you can.” Alex kissed Dane on the cheek.

  “Thank you for believing in me.”

  “I’ll tell you a secret.”

  “A secret?”

  “I may be in love with Miguel but part of me will always love you, Dane.”

  “Part of me will always care about you too.” Dane stood up and then he leaned down and kissed Alex on the top of her head. “I’ll let myself out.”

  Lacey finally sat down, put up her feet and the doorbell rang. “I’m coming.” She pulled the door open and was shocked to see Dane standing there…with flowers. “Uh!”

  Dane looked at Lacey. He tried to read the expression on her face but nope…he couldn’t. “I was going to give you these but I’m afraid that you may hit me with them.”

  “I’m sorry. You were the last person I expected to see at my door and with flowers to boot.”

  “They’re a peace offering.”

  Lacey took the flowers and smiled. “Ahh, so you come in peace?”

  “Actually, I came hoping to make peace with you.”

  Lacey had never seen Dane look so serious. “Do you want to come in?”

  Dane nodded. “Is Molly here?”

  “No, she’s at a sleepover.”

  “Lacey, I need to say this before I…before I can’t.”

  Lacey put down the flowers and turned to look at Dane. “Ok.”

  “I don’t feel obligated…ugh, I’m fucking this up.”

  Lacey took Dane’s hand. “It’s ok. Just say what you need to say.”

  “I want you and I want to be there for the girls if you’ll help me try.”

  Lacey stood there with tears rolling down her cheeks. “I want that too. I love you, Dane.”

  Dane hugged Lacey. He opened his mouth to tell her that he loved her but he couldn’t just yet…maybe one day.

  Three weeks later…

  DANE STOOD LOOKING OUT the window watching Molly play on the swings with her friends. “She looks so happy.”

  “That would be your fault.”

  Dane turned around. “Mine?”

  “You know how much she loves you and she knows that you are the one responsible for giving her a sister.” Lacey smiled.

  Dane placed his left hand and then slowly opened his right hand and placed it onto Lacey’s belly. “I’m happy too.”

  “That makes it unanimous. We’re one happy house full of happiness.”

  “Lacey, I was thinking…the baby is coming soon and she doesn’t have a room.”

  “I was going to keep her crib in my room until she’s old enough to room with Molly.”

  “Oh, ok.”


  Dane shook his head. “Just wondering.”

  “Dane, talk to me.”

  “Well, it’s just that I have a really big empty house and…”

  Lacey smiled. “You’re asking us to move in with you?”

  Dane nodded. He looked like a shy little boy at times. Lacey started to cry. Dane stepped back. “YOU DON’T HAVE TO!”

  Lacey grabbed Dane and hugged him. “I love you. Yes, of course we want to.”

/>   Dane rolled his eyes. “I thought you were…well…Lacey, why are you crying?”

  “Because you love us.”

  “And that makes you cry?”

  “Happy tears, Dane.”

  Dane felt the baby kick and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Someone else must be happy too.”

  “Six more weeks until we get to see her little face.”

  Panic ran through Dane. Six weeks and he’d be responsible for a child. “Would it be alright if I ran out for a bit?”

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I want to go talk to Miguel about something.”

  “Ok.” Lacey knew that Dane was struggling with this new lifestyle. Every time she thought she could relax a bit, thinking that he wasn’t going to bolt, something like this happened and once again she was on pins and needles.

  Miguel, Miles, Jakey and Beck were in Miguel’s office talking about their next move.

  Dane knocked. “Migs, you in there?”

  Miguel opened the door. “Come in.”

  Dane looked around. “What’s this? You’re having a party and I didn’t get an invite?”

  Beck looked up. “We’re just going over some intel I got on Smitts’ location.”

  Jakey pushed out a chair. “Have a seat.”

  “No thanks, I wasn’t invited.” Dane turned and walked out the door.

  “Give me a minute.” Miguel followed Dane out. “Dane, hold up.”

  Dane turned around. “I get it; you have Beck now.”

  “No, that’s not it. It came about last minute. I swear, I was going to fill you in.”

  “Call me later.”

  “Dane, what’s really going on here?”

  “I’m freaking out, Migs. Every time Lacey mentions the baby coming I panic.”

  Miguel smiled. “I did too, Buddy. But let me tell you, once you see that little person staring up at you…ahh, there’s no feeling like it.”

  “What if I fuck up. Maybe I can’t do this?”

  “You can. If I can, you can.”

  “You’re a different person than I am.”

  “Dane, I used to hire women to have sex with me because I didn’t want to get close to anyone. Don’t tell me I’m different. Me, you, Miles, we all had commitment issues but once we fell in love things changed for all of us.”

  “But you got married and I can’t even tell Lacey that I…”

  “Dane, you still haven’t told Lacey that you love her?”

  “I’ve tried. I just don’t know how.”

  “What about; Lacey, I love you.”

  “Call me later.”

  “Will do.”

  “Lacey!” Dane stopped talking when he saw two people he’d only seen in pictures sitting in Lacey’s living room. He waved and gave them a quick smile. “Hi, I’m Dane.”

  Lacey’s mother smiled at Dane. “Well, Dear, you did good.” Her mother winked at her.

  Lacey blushed. “Mother.”

  “Dane, this is my mother and father.”

  “I’d shake your hand, Sir, but I can’t right now due to an injury.”

  “So you’re the man who got my daughter pregnant.”


  “With all due respect, Sir, I don’t find it necessary to defend myself or discuss my sex life with you.”

  “Dane, Dear, can I have a minute with you in the kitchen?”

  “Don’t bother, Lacey, your mother and I are leaving.”


  “I will not be spoken to like that.”

  “Dad, please, Molly will be upset if you’re not here when she comes back.”

  Dane looked at Lacey. He may not have been polite but her father was wrong in Dane’s opinion. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll leave.”

  “Dane, don’t go.”

  Dane picked up his keys. “Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Davies.”

  Lacey grabbed Dane’s arm. “Stay.”

  “You made your choice.” Dane pulled the door open and walked out.

  Lacey ran across the porch. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You didn’t defend me to your father.”

  “My intention was to calm my father down so that we could all talk and he could get to know you.”

  “He doesn’t want to know me. Your father hates me.”

  “Dane, don’t you think that maybe you’re overreacting a bit?”

  “No, I don’t. If you love someone you defend them just like I defended, you to your father.”

  Lacey stood there staring at Dane with her mouth hanging open. “You love me?”

  Dane shook his head. “I don’t know anymore.” Dane turned and walked away.

  Lacey stood there watching as he drove off.


  “It’s Jakey, can you talk?”

  “What’s up?

  “Smitts was spotted…”


  “Less than thirty minutes ago.”


  “Right here in town.”


  “I’m going to call Miles.”

  “I’ll call Dane.”

  “Migs, I’m going after this fucker.”

  “Watch your back.”

  “Beck’s got me covered.”

  Miguel hung up and dialed Dane. “Really, voicemail!” Miguel called a few times but each time he got voicemail. He shoved his phone in his pocket and headed home to make sure that Alex and Emmie were safe.

  Dane looked down at his phone when it rang but he wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. He thought that he loved Lacey and then she chose her father over him. How could he have been so wrong?

  “Day drinking?” Dane looked up and his therapist, Jenna, was standing there. “Rough day?”

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Why don’t I buy you a drink and we can talk about it?”

  “Not in the mood to talk.”

  “Ok, then we’ll just drink.”

  “What’s your poison?”

  “I’ll have a Cosmo.”

  “Lane, the lady will have a Cosmo and I’ll have another double.”

  “So how’s the hand feeling?”

  “It moves with a lot less pain after a dozen shots of Jameson.”

  Jenna took Dane’s hand and started moving his fingers. “You’re right, they move much easier now.”

  Dane moved his middle finger and it fell between Jenna’s making it look like they were holding hands.

  Lacey came into the bar just in time to see Dane holding Jenna’s hand. She couldn’t believe she practically threw her parents out so that she could chase after Dane, only to find him with someone else.

  Lacey stood there frozen. She couldn’t decide if she should go and confront him or just leave. She took a step back and bumped into the person behind her. “Oh, excuse me.”

  “My fault, I was standing much too close.”

  “Excuse me, I have to go.” Lacey tried to walk around the man but he blocked the exit.

  “Do what I say and maybe you’ll get to see that baby of yours.”

  Lacey stepped back from the man. “DANE, HELP ME!”

  Dane jumped up and started running toward Lacey. His heart was in his throat as panic spiraled through him. “SMITTS, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!”

  Smitts grabbed Lacey in a headlock and started pulling her toward the door. “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  “Leave her out of this.”

  “Nah, I’d much rather watch you beg for her life.”

  “Dane.” Lacey started crying.

  “Lacey, look at me, Baby.”

  Lacey tried to look up but Smitts started to drag her out of the bar.

  Dane tried to charge Smitts but he pulled Lacey in front of him like a human shield. “Say goodbye.”

  “I love you, Lacey.”

  Dane loved her. She wasn’t letting this man take her away from Dane. Lacey made a fist and slammed Smitts between
his legs. Smitts shoved Lacey into the wall which then knocked her to the floor and down the few steps that were there.


  Dane looked down at Lacey who was lying there unconscious with a puddle forming around her. “Oh my God. Call 911.”

  Jenna came running over. “Her water broke.”

  “What? No, it’s too soon.”

  Jenna grabbed Dane. “Ready or not this baby is coming.”

  Dane crawled onto the floor and pulled Lacey into his arms. “Lacey, you need to wake up. Our baby needs you.”

  “Dane, I could really use some help here.”

  Dane took off his jacket and balled it up and placed it under Lacey’s head. He knelt down where Jenna was and he could see the baby’s head. “My God!”

  “That’s your baby.”

  “But how, Lacey’s…”

  “The human body is amazing.”


  Dane looked up and Jakey was standing there. “Smitts did this.”

  “He was here?”

  “He tried to take Lacey. She hit him and he pushed her down.”

  “I’m going to look for him.”

  Dane was numb. He could hear the sirens getting closer. “Is she going to make it?”

  Jenna grabbed Dane’s hand. “Focus on your baby.”

  Dane looked down and the baby’s head popped out. Jenna started to pull out the baby and then she placed her onto a clean tablecloth that Lane had given her and bundled her up. “Here you go, Daddy.”

  Dane reached for the baby. He looked down and in that moment his life changed. His daughter looked into his eyes and his life had meaning. Dane could feel the tears roll down his cheeks. “Wait until your mommy sees you. You’re perfect just like her.”

  The EMT’s came rushing in and started treating Lacey. “Is she going to be ok?”

  “How long has she been unconscious?”

  “Ten minutes, maybe.”

  “Did she pass out or did she fall and hit her head?”

  “She was pushed and hit her head against the wall before she fell to the floor. I guess her water broke when she fell. The baby wasn’t due for six more weeks.”


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