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Love Revealed

Page 7

by Sorcha Mowbray

  Undaunted he tried again, his brutish kiss finding its target. He ground her lips into her teeth, cutting the inside of her mouth. Tears of rage and frustration seeped from her eyes once she realized there would be no stopping him. Resignation led to a full mental retreat while his tongue poked against her sealed lips and her back bent nearly in half. This was it. There would be no recovering from this socially and perhaps not mentally. No man would have her after this, not even Heath.

  Then, all of a sudden, he was gone.

  Heath’s fist slammed into the cad pawing his woman. His woman. When he’d caught a glimpse of burgundy satin and realized the bastard had Kat cornered, his heart had nearly split his chest wide open.

  Heath gathered Kat into his arms as his cousin picked up Mr. Richard Kemp, second son of the Baron Latimer, from the ground and proceeded to thrash him soundly. Not wanting her to be further traumatized, Heath eased her up from the ground and cuddled her into his warmth while she collected herself. She seemed distressed and much disoriented by the whole experience, not that he was surprised. Men just didn’t attack women.

  Dorian exchanged a few words with the cad. “Whatever possessed you to attack a lady?” The question was punctuated with a sharp jab to the man’s chin.

  “I figured she was as hungry for sex as I am. Since I’ve been infected with the pox no woman will lie with me. She seemed the answer to my prayers when I overheard some of the old ladies talking about her.” He spit out some blood as he gripped his side and doubled over.

  “Syphilis? Is that what they are saying about her? Because of her dead husband?” Dorian raised his arm to strike another blow.

  “Cry off! I’m sorry I touched her. Please.” Kemp begged then took the opportunity to limp off when Dorian hesitated.

  Heath nodded to let him go and turned back to see that Kat appeared to have gathered her composure, although she was still very pale. “Dorian, please go find our cloaks and send my coach around to the back mews. She shouldn’t have to face those people like this.”

  “Of course. I’ll return in a moment.”

  Dorian was back within a few moments with their cloaks. Heath lifted her into his arms and caught a soft whimper when he squeezed her ribs. She was in pain. He wanted to drag the idiot back and thrash him again.

  “I’m sorry. Here, let me loosen my hold a bit. Hang on around my neck.”

  He strode off the terrace and across the back gardens to find the stables in the rear mews. A few minutes later the coach rumbled up and he deposited Kat inside before climbing in himself. He settled next to her, tucking her against him so he could feel her. Neither spoke as they rolled through the streets of London. When they arrived at her home, he helped her out of the carriage and picked her up.

  With her clutched to him, there was no mistaking the shudder that racked her form. Guilt settled like an albatross around his neck, straining his muscles in an effort to hold his head up with any dignity. She required a hot bath and bed without delay. He could at least see to this since he failed to protect her earlier. Her butler opened the door and stepped aside letting them enter.

  “My Lady!” The horrified man cried out as he took in Kat’s appearance.

  Standing in the foyer Heath glanced around as various servants filtered in to see what the ruckus was about. “Which way to Lady Drummond’s bedroom?” Heath demanded.

  “My Lord, please, we’ll take—” The butler tried to retrieve Kat from his arms.

  “Kat, which way to your room?” The affable Lord Heathington slipped away, replaced by Sir.

  Kat recognized and responded to him as she always did. “Upstairs, third door on the left, Sir.” Exhausted, she rested her head on his shoulder.

  His chest tightened, constricted with worry. What if he hadn’t found her in time or someone else, less sympathetic, had discovered her? The desire to protect, to secure was overriding every other instinct he had.

  Katherine’s savior marched upstairs with an inexplicable energy and located her bedroom. Mrs. Willis, her housekeeper, hovered in the background, confused by his taking charge, and yet, unable to gainsay him.

  He set her on the bed. “Your Lady requires a bath. Please have one readied straightaway. I suggest adding some oils to help her relax, and anything you have to help deter bruising.”

  Mrs. Willis nodded and disappeared.

  Katherine’s voice broke.

  “Thank you, Heath. Thank you so much.”

  “God, Kat, I was almost too late. I damn near left you there thinking it was two lovers in need of privacy. Don’t thank me.”

  Sore and shaken, she looked into his eyes and saw his torment. “No. You are my savior. You swooped in and rescued me.”

  “Lady Drummond’s bath is ready. If you’ll leave us….” Mrs. Willis trailed off.

  “No. I will help her with her bath.” Heath was implacable.

  The housekeeper gasped.

  “Mrs. Willis, Heath will assist me. If you would be so good as to bring up some tea and a snack, I think I could use a bit of something restorative.” Katherine wanted to placate her loyal servant, but settled for keeping her busy.

  “Very well ma’am.” She left, disapproval plain across her face.

  Heath helped her sit up and then played ladies maid and undressed her. Naked, she found herself scooped up and carried to the bathing room next door.

  Once in the soothing warmth of the tub, she took stock. Her arms hurt, her sides hurt, and her mouth hurt. All in all not the best reckoning she could have hoped for.

  “How are you doing?” Concern laced Heath’s voice.

  “I’ll live. A bit sore and shaken up, but no lasting damage I think.” She squeezed his hand.

  He took the rag he had soaped and rubbed her back, then her arms, chest, and legs. His gentle touch was soothing to her sensitive skin. Her psyche had fared much better, bolstered by their weeks of intimacy and conversation.

  “May I stay with you tonight? Hold you while you sleep?” His request came low, in a reverent tone.

  If he stayed the night everyone would know. “I suppose it won’t matter much now. You’re already here in my bath taking care of me. And frankly, I would like nothing more than to sleep in your arms. But what of Christine? Won’t she worry?”

  “She will be fine. I will send a note around letting her know I have been unavoidably detained. The worst that will happen is she will demand once again to know who my woman is.” His smile warmed her heart.

  “And what will you tell her?” Curiosity egged her on.

  “That she is cheeky and inappropriate. Of course she’ll figure it all out eventually.” He lifted her out of the tub and stood her up. With brisk, efficient movements he dried her off and whisked her to the bed. With her deposited between the sheets, he fetched a cup of tea and a small plate of biscuits.

  Then, he proceeded to strip down and join her. The reassuring warmth of his body pressed to hers settled creating a sense of peace and safety.

  A few days later, Heath waited for nightfall before departing for The Market. Tonight he would ask Kat to marry him. Unsure of her answer, even though he knew she cared, his nerves were twisted in knots. In his dressing room, each piece of clothing plopped on the floor as he crossed to the closet. Pausing, he reminded himself to slow down. Calmly sliding a robe over his arms, he lashed it in front and stalked to the door. Two people were moving around in the adjoining room. Pacing away from the door, he took a few deep breaths. The next time he approached and listened, all was quiet. He entered.

  Kat was in the center of the bed, her arms restrained above by leather straps. She wore the outfit he’d provided for their first encounter after signing the contract. Her breasts were exposed, nipples hard with excitement. Her labored breath, drawn in deep gasps, served as a counterpoint to her hips writhing and squirming with need.

  He growled in response to her obvious need and his cock rose to full attention. Shedding the robe as he stalked across the room, he arrived nake
d at her side. He stood over her, absorbing the glorious sight of her overwhelming desire. Despite his plans to be gentle, she was in no condition for it. And now, neither was he.

  “Whatever has brought you to this state?” He stretched out and pinched one nipple causing her to arch up off the bed.

  She remained silent, just scrutinized him with her big brown eyes.

  “Answer me,” he demanded as his inner beast surged to the fore.

  Still she refused.

  “Very well. You do know what this means?” He was angry at her refusal, but excited by the notion of punishing her for her disobedience.

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was husky to his ears, as though she had smoked a box of cigars.

  Without a word, he released her hands and led her to a bench. There he took a seat and laid her across his thighs. With two quick strikes he smacked her once on each cheek.

  “You know you’re to answer me honestly at all times. Do you not?” Two more blows rained down on her pinkening backside.

  “Yes, Sir.” Her breathing had grown ragged.

  He slid two fingers into her wet pussy as he spanked her four more times in an alternating pattern. She moaned low in her throat as he worked his fingers in and out of her slick passage. She was so wet he groaned knowing he would not be able to hold out from driving into her.

  He spanked her more, harder, quicker. She cried out in sheer ecstasy.

  A surge of love for the bold woman in his lap choked the air fighting to reach his lungs. Reining in the flood of emotion, curiosity remained. “Why? Why did you not answer me?” He withdrew his fingers until just the tips rested inside of her warmth.

  “I wanted this.” She glanced back over her shoulder as a tear slipped out of the corner of her eye and down her flushed cheek.

  “Kat, you need only ask. Do you not understand I would do anything for you? For your pleasure.” His voice was hoarse with feeling.

  “Please. More.” She begged and wiggled her backside. Lost to the pleading in her voice, he initiated a steady rhythm of spanking in perfect sync with the slide of his fingers in and out of her body. She moaned louder as the tension built. She was close. He withdrew his fingers and ceased the spanking. Her bottom glowed bright red, and he feared he’d come, prodded by nothing more than looking at her backside and hearing the heavy pant of her desire. Her body grew taut, as though she was working very hard to restrain a protest at his cessation.

  This. This was the punishment and the path to even greater pleasure for them both. By denying his own body’s demands while meeting hers, he could begin to cleanse his guilt, even as their individual quintessence blurred. Each of them a half of the greater whole. One heart. One soul.

  He helped her to stand on legs as weak as a new foal and then rose himself. His cock pointed the way as they shuffled back to the bed. With her settled back in place, he buckled the restraints snug around her wrists and held her in place. Cheeks flushed to match the glow of her bottom, her hair cascaded around her on the sheets. Her beauty robbed him of breath. Heath went to the wine decanter in the corner and poured a glass for them. He returned and offered her the rim, giving her one small drink, and then another. He removed the glass, took his own sip, and set it aside.

  Equilibrium restored and no longer able to resist, he leaned over and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Her silky skin held a faint sweetness that teased his taste buds. The pebbled tip of her breast swelled and teased him, entreating him to roll it around with his tongue, flick it over and over. Then, with a temperate force, he bit down.

  “More please,” she rasped as her upper body arched into him, burrowing her breast further into his greedy mouth. Desire lanced through his groin tightening his balls, but he refused to be weak. She deserved all the pleasure he could give.

  Shifting to the other tip he delivered the same treatment, loving the feel of her nipple on his tongue, the taste of her skin in his mouth. As a groan tore from her, he rose up and glanced around the bed. He took the bolster from the foot and had her lift her bottom so he could tuck it under her. Placing her feet so her ankles rested against the bolster forced her legs to spread wide so he could both admire her pussy and have complete access. Content for the moment to just look, he settled at the end of the bed and sipped the wine.

  He wanted to bury his tongue inside her, then his cock, and then he wanted to fulfill the promise he made her on the first night. He’d prepared her to take him, to let him push past her tight little rosebud. With his goal in sight anticipation threatened his tenuous control. The time had come to show her all the pleasure they could experience together.

  He offered her the glass, but she shook her head no. Rising up, he set it aside again and came back between her legs. Licking her, tasting her was one of his favorite things to do. To do it with her restrained and exposed like this brought to life one of his darker fantasies. It was almost more than he could bear.

  She was amazing, her strength and resilience were inspiring. It awed him that such a woman chose to give up control to him. Trusted him.

  He let his tongue trace a lazy trail up her thigh to her soaked center. There, he used the flat span to lick a wide, wet, and warm trail up her exposed slit. She groaned in pleasure. He repeated the motion a few times and then drove so deep inside her channel he could reach no further. Her body attempted to squeeze him, to try to draw him deeper, but it wasn’t possible. He withdrew and focused on her swollen clit, flicking it with the edge of his tongue as he worked two fingers into her channel again. Her hips started thrusting, trying to meet each sweep and stroke that carried her higher. Heath considered letting her come like this, but he wanted to take her to even greater heights so he held back as her movements grew more frantic.

  “No.” She whimpered. “Please. I need you.”

  Heath’s knees grew weak. Grateful he was not standing; he knelt over her panting as he worked at reining in his emotions. Total focus was requisite to ensure they wrung every granule of pleasure from their loving. A moment later, he collected himself and repositioned, as eager to be inside her as she was to have him there. In a single swift thrust, he was seated balls deep inside her. Her body clutched at him, worked his cock over until he worried he might not last for all he wanted to do. Through sheer force of will, he tamped his surging lust down and pumped into her body driving his cock deep into her warmth.

  “Yes! Yes, Sir!” She cried out in joy as he pistoned in and out of her pussy. Clenching every muscle he had, he withdrew from her body as she neared her release. Her dismay, palpable and fierce, clawed at his restraint.

  “I made you a promise I’ve yet to fulfill. We have worked toward you growing accustomed to the penetration of your backside; tonight I want to take you. Will you deny me?” His voice was gruff, commanding even to his own ears. He was on the razor’s edge of control he had always feared, but somehow with Kat it seemed right. There was no fear in her steady gaze. All he saw was a love and desire that matched his own.

  “I am yours to command.” She confirmed for him.

  He leaned over to the night stand and found a jar of salve to smooth his way in. He tipped her hips up just a fraction more, scooping some of the cream up he rubbed it against her rear entrance. Her cheeks were still red from his spankings as he slid one finger inside. She gasped at the intrusion, ever tight back there. He was going to hurt her, but they would both find pleasure for the pain.

  Shoving aside any doubts, he worked the finger in and out until she relaxed. He added a second finger, spreading them to stretch the ring of muscle. She moaned as he added the third. He was amazed by this woman. She was more than he’d ever expected, more than he could have imagined of Lady Drummond the wallflower. Having discovered the strong, intelligent woman she hid, it was difficult to remember the mousy woman he first knew. Found it impossible not to be drawn to her beauty and unconditional acceptance of his primal essence.

  He supposed she was as ready as she’d ever be, and so slathered the salve on himself
and set it aside. Rising up on to his knees between her legs, he positioned the head of his throbbing cock at her opening and pushed against the tight ring. Her body tensed with a sharp inhale as he penetrated her with the wide head of his sex.

  Bloody hell she’s so tight. His mind reeled with the grip her body had on him. Gritting his teeth against the surge of lust, he edged forward bit by bit, deeper into her bottom. She moaned again as he sank further into her until his thighs were nestled against hers. He could go no further as her body quaked around him. His cock rippled in response, aching to finish.

  He took a long slow breath and looked at Kat. Her eyes fixed on him, wide with awe, and so much more. “Are you all right, Kat?”

  “Yes, Sir. So much better than all right.” Her breathy response made his balls tighten up and his mind scream: more. Carefully he withdrew until just the head was inside her back passage. Then he slid forward again with a guttural groan. Soon he was pumping in and out of her tight hole, the friction of her body clamping down on him had him close to being over the edge faster than he’d have liked. He reached down between her thighs and shoved three of his fingers inside her as he worked his cock in and out. Her body shuddered and she cried out louder than ever before as she burst, her juices flooding his fingers and running down her ass to surround his cock. He yelled out as his balls drew tight and he shot his cum inside of her. Racked by physical and soul deep spasms, he collapsed forward onto her body. His control shattered, he felt like a single exposed nerve. Love for his woman seemed to spill over from his body to hers.

  They laid there panting and replete for quite a while.

  Sated, and more entranced than ever before, Heath wanted to clean up so they could talk.


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