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Loving the Texas Lawman

Page 14

by Sands, Charlene

  Jack parked the car in front of the school. Beau was adept at getting himself out of his car seat and together, with Jack’s hand on the boy’s shoulder, they walked to his classroom.

  Before sending him inside, he bent down to face Beau on his level. “I’ve got something for you,” he said. “It’s something special my daddy gave me, and I want you to have it.”

  “What is it?” The boy’s eyes peeled wide open and for the first time today, he seemed genuinely excited.

  Jack opened his palm and the silver-plated deputy badge shimmered in the sunlight. It was a star-shaped replica of the real deal. “My daddy gave this to me when I was your age. Now, I want you to have it. It’ll keep you safe and protected and if you’re feeling a bit uncertain about things, just remember the badge is a symbol of courage. Would you like to keep it in your pocket while you’re in school, Beau?”

  The boy nodded, never taking his eyes off the badge. “Yeah.”

  Jack dropped the badge into Beau’s hand. He lifted it up and studied it with boy-like wonder that Jack recognized from his early days with the badge. Finally, a sweet and happy smile lit Beau’s face. The kid deserved to be happy every single day of his life. “Take good care of it for me.”

  “I will.” Beau’s eyes shimmered with grateful tears. “Thank you.”

  “Welcome.” Jack kissed Beau’s forehead, his heart squeezing tight. “Now, go on and have a good day. Mrs. Kelly is a fine teacher. I’ll see you later, Beau.”

  Jack waved to Claire and she came to the door to introduce herself to Beau. Jack left then, knowing that the boy was in good hands.


  Four Corner Park was exactly that, a park centered in the heart of Hope Wells, its corners touching the four main streets in town. Located just a few miles from the sheriff’s office and Beau’s school, the park was refuge to kids seeking a fun time. A baseball diamond took up one corner, while the jungle gym equipment and swings took up the other. In between were walkways, a little pond where ducks landed and took off regularly and enough green grass for soccer or football or kite flying.

  Jack sat beside Beau on a park bench made of wood and wrought iron, each sipping from a bottle of cool water. He’d managed to pull off a game of catch without Beau seeing him wince every now and again.

  Today at the office, he filed a report about the thugs who’d cornered him. The more he thought about it, the more he believed it wasn’t the rodeo jocks that’d sucker-punched him and dragged him behind the building to finish him off in total darkness. Those guys wouldn’t have been precise, stealth-like, and undeterred. The rodeo dudes were a rowdy sort and got ornery only after consuming too much alcohol. Jack started an investigation to look into would-be disgruntled felons he’d once put away. After more than ten years on the job, he might’ve made more enemies than he’d like to think.

  “So you liked your teacher?” he asked Beau.

  “Yeah, she’s pretty nice,” Beau said.

  “Did you make friends in class?”

  Beau lifted a shoulder. “I dunno. I guess.”

  “It’ll get easier. You’ll make lots of friends in time.”

  Beau nodded, but he was focused on something else. Jack followed the path of his gaze until he found Jillian, her hand at her brow, searching for them. Beau jumped from his seat and began waving. Jack stood too and Jillian waved back when she spotted them and headed their way.

  “Looks like Jillian made it after all.” He shouldn’t be so dang pleased about it. But he was smiling on the inside and happy she took time from her day to visit with Beau.

  “Hi, you two,” Jillian said, a sweetly soft glow on her cheeks as she stopped in front of them. She gave Jack a cursory glance before shifting her attention to the boy. “Beau, are you having a fun day?”

  He nodded. “It was my first day of kindergarten.”

  “And how did you like it?” She was bending, her hands on her knees, making eye contact with him.

  “I liked it. But I like coming to the park better.”

  “Yeah, parks are fun. What have you been doing?”

  “Playing catch,” he said.

  “Now, that does sound like fun.” Jillian picked up a kid-sized blue Dallas Cowboys football from the basket of balls Jack brought from home. “Can I play?” Jillian asked.

  Beau smiled wide. “Sure. It’s okay, isn’t it, Jack?” The boy looked up at him for approval and Jack longed for the day when Beau would call him Dad.

  “Of course. Jillian can play.”

  “Why don’t you sit this one out, Jack,” Jillian said, eyeing his chest.

  She must’ve seen the fatigue on his face, something the boy wouldn’t notice. And she wasn’t wrong. Nothing had been broken last night, but his ribs were bruised. Running around, bending, and tossing the ball to Beau had reminded him of that. “Sounds like a fine idea. I’ll add commentary.”

  “What’s that?” Beau asked, his face contorting.

  “It means, he’ll cheer us on and then take all three of us out for blueberry smoothies afterward.” Jillian’s face beamed as she ran backward and then tossed Beau the ball.

  Jack laughed. Okay, fair deal.

  He’d forgotten how athletic Jillian had been when they were younger. Now, as she wore tight denim jeans, sneakers, and a pink t-shirt that sported the BT logo, he got a glimpse of the woman in action. It seemed her tomboyish ways hadn’t changed. She was as feminine as woman could ever be, but she could also tangle with the boys.

  She was chuckling and smiling at Beau, commending him when he made a good catch. Beau had joy in his eyes and his sprints to catch the ball were all intended to impress Jillian.

  The taste and feel of Jillian stilled hummed through Jack’s body. As he studied her having fun playing with Beau, something else hurt in his chest, a different kind of sucker punch, stronger, more potent than the punches landed on him last night and one that he couldn’t defend against.

  He put his head down, running a hand through his hair, and when he looked up, Beau was facing him, tuckered out, his cheeks pink, his breaths labored. Jillian came to stand beside him.

  “Smoothies for everyone,” Jack announced. “You’ve had a big day today, Beau.”

  Beau smiled, beads of sweat running down his face. “I liked today.”

  Jillian pulled a tissue from her pocket and gently wiped the boy’s face.

  As they walked away, Beau took Jack’s hand and reached for Jillian’s too. Sandwiched in between them, the boy nearly pranced as they headed out of the park. Jack looked over at Jillian, meeting her eyes. “I liked today too.”

  “Yeah,” she said softly, “it doesn’t get much better than this.”


  Jillian stood by the stove stirring marinara sauce with a big wooden spoon. The tomatoes did a gurgling dance in the pot as steam rose up flavoring the air with garlic and basil and olive oil. Those yummy scents filled the kitchen as she sang a country tune along with the radio. Contentment filled her up inside. These past few days had been wonderful and not even Tessa’s phone call from earlier in the day had rattled her too much. There’d been a fire at her corporate office in Los Angeles. Luckily, the night security guard making his rounds had shown up half an hour earlier than usual and spotted the blaze before it had gotten out of hand.

  Initially, Jillian had been very concerned, but Tessa assured her, it was a minor incident, no one was hurt and actually not a paper in the office had been ruffled. The fire was put out before it really took hold. No one was sure how it got started, but hot weather and drought conditions being what they were meant more fires and problems for the firefighters. A careless flip of a match or cigarette could do great damage.

  She’d felt guilty not being there to oversee the damage herself, but Tessa had a lock on the situation and wouldn’t hear of Jillian leaving Hope Wells right before her wedding. In just two more days Jillian would be Jack’s legal wife.

  The sound of the back door opening made her breathless. The ji
ngle of keys, scrape of boots across the floor and the door closing again meant Jack was home. As usual, he wasted no time seeking her out.

  “Smells damn good in here.” The deep timbre of his voice called to her, made her giddy, made her want. And before she knew it, he was behind her, pulling her close, nuzzling her neck, kissing her throat. “Evenin’, babe.”

  “Hi.” A throaty reply was all she could muster. Just like every other night when he’d first arrived home, it had always taken a few thoughtful moments for her to rein in her emotions.

  And she’d been like this ever since that night Jack had been injured. They’d fallen into a routine of having dinner and making love. Every night. Sometimes, the lovemaking came before and after dinner. And it was always spectacular. Neither one of them had much willpower. They pretty much tore each other’s clothes off. She smiled at the memories.

  “What?” he asked, pulling her away from the stove and looping his arms around her waist.


  He eyed her, his gaze dark and intense, as if willing her to offer the information, but then let the subject drop. Good thing. She didn’t want to divulge how she secretly couldn’t wait for him to come home, for him to make love to her.

  “How was your day?” she asked.

  “Pretty damn good,” he said, something shining extra bright in his eyes tonight. And that smile of his. It was killer. It couldn’t be he was happy to come home to her, could it? Or was it more than that? “How was yours?”

  “Pretty good. Except for the fire.”

  “There was a fire?”

  “Yeah, in my corporate offices in Los Angeles. But it’s under control. There’s no real damage from what Tessa tells me.” She gave him the full length version and then added, “Oh, and the good news is the Hope Wells version of Barely There is almost ready to open. I figure by the end of next week, we’ll be ready to go.”

  “That is good news. You’ve worked hard, Jillian. You deserve all the success you’re gonna have in this town.”

  “Thanks, but not if the Barker cousins and others like them have anything to say about it.”

  She hadn’t told Jack, but a few other women had commented about the shop. They hadn’t been as ardent as the Barker cousins, but they’d gotten their point across.

  Bless your heart, but I don’t see a market in this town for your store.

  God love ya, I hope you’re not too disappointed with your sales.

  Comments like those had Jillian second-guessing herself but she’d summoned her confidence and tried to think positively. For every one of those naysayers, hopefully there would be ten consumers chomping at the bit to browse and buy.

  “No one’s gonna pay much attention to them,” Jack said. His mouth was moving but his eyes were sharp and focused and fully intent on her. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he said and then reached around to turn the knob off on the stove. The flame died down and soon the sauce would stop bubbling.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he said, his words a mere whisper over her mouth.

  And then he kissed her, long and slow and deep. She forgot about the meal and everything else except the way his mouth felt on hers, the way his body molded to hers, the way he took control and made her mind-numbingly crazy.

  His erection pushed the barriers of his uniform pants. It was shocking to her how he could get there so quickly and then as if he’d heard her thoughts, he murmured. “I can’t even think about you at work or this happens.”

  A chuckle escaped, a bright sound in the quiet room. Thank goodness, women didn’t have that problem when it came to lusty thoughts about men, because Jillian would be doomed with all the daydreams she’d had about Jack.

  “Oh, you think it’s funny?” he asked, biting at her lower lip. “You might just have to pay for that.”

  “You’re all talk, lawman.”

  He dipped his tongue into her mouth proving he was much more than talk. Immediately heat swelled and pooled at the apex of her thighs and she made a kittenish sound.

  “That’s it,” he said, as he swooped her up, placing his arms under her knees. “Where?”

  They’d made love everywhere in the house, except one. Jillian grinned. “I think I need a bath.”

  Jack’s brows rose and he kissed her again taking long strides to the master bathroom.

  “I want bubbles,” she said, as she slid out of his arms, her feet planting on the tiled bathroom floor.

  The look he gave her said no way. She was sure he’d never taken a bubble bath in his life, not even as a kid but, to his credit, he ran the bath water, tossed in some of Jillian’s luxurious bubble bath, then turned to her, his eyes blazing hot. “Get naked.”

  A tremor raced up and down her body, curling her toes and she quickly lost her smile when Jack began unfastening his belt, tossing off his shirt and stripping down to bare skin. God, he was a gorgeous hunk of a man. She got naked very fast, and soon they were standing in front of each other in their birthday suits. Jack reached around to cup her ass, both hands on her cheeks and, before she knew what was happening, he lifted her onto the cool marble counter. “I can’t wait for those damn bubbles,” he said, taking a nipple into her mouth and making her whimper.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and, with his hands still under her bottom, he brought her closer and claimed her mouth in a fiery kiss. The next thing she knew, Jack was deep inside her, penetrating her walls, lusciously invading her most sensitive skin. Arms about his neck now, she moved and he moved, both thrusting, both seeking the ultimate climax. Jillian braced her hands on the marble, lifting herself higher and Jack pulsed tighter, harder and within seconds both were crying out, both were releasing a powerful, amazing orgasm.

  They stayed in each other’s arms, panting, waiting for their heartbeats to settle down and moments later Jack whispered into her ear, “I’m ready for that bath now.”

  She laughed. Jack always amused her. “You first.”

  “Are you daring me?”

  “Of course, big man. Get into the bubbles.”

  Almost jubilant, he let go of her and climbed in. What was with him? Usually, he’d give her a harder time about something like this.

  He looked ridiculous standing in the bubbles, but she wasn’t going to say that, not when he was doing this for her. He offered his hand and she took it and stepped into the tub. They sank down together into the warm silky bubbles and discovered how crowded it was. “I’ve got an idea,” Jack said.

  She thought his bright idea was to get out and let her go it alone. But he surprised her by spreading his legs wide and making room for her between his thighs. He held her around the waist, his hands dangling dangerously below her navel with the beginnings of his new arousal to her back.

  “This could get interesting,” he said, an evil hitch in his voice. “Lean back against me and enjoy, sweetheart.”

  The plump bubbles hid their bodies from view and steamy water soothed and caressed their skin. Jack began to massage her belly, hips and thighs and her eyes closed easily as she absorbed the sensual rubdown.

  “Mmm,” she murmured.

  “Like that?” he asked softly, his breath fanning her cheek.

  “So very much.” It was as calming as it was naughty and Jillian reveled in it.

  The possessive slide of Jack’s hands under the bubbles, the teasing temptation telling her more was to come. She thought she was fully sated, but Jack’s expert caresses told her something different.

  He was as turned on as she was. His rapidly rising breaths, the emergence of another pulsing erection, and his fingers angling lower and lower still, until finally he parted her inner folds.

  She gasped. The touch was mild, in comparison to the last time, but the impact was greater. She dropped her head back against his shoulder completely at his mercy.

  He began stroking, stoking the fires deep within her belly. One hand moved up to cup her breast, and tease the aching nipple, while the other conti
nued to drive her totally, beautifully insane. Her climax came hard, Jack holding her tight against him, not allowing her to wiggle free. God, she’d been so wrong. They hadn’t done everything imaginable yet, and Jack was more than willing to tutor her with his expertise.

  After a moment’s rest, she turned around in the tub and simply said, “Your turn.”

  Jack’s pupils darkened again and he gave her the biggest smile.

  She would have to make this last. Tomorrow Tessa would arrive and the two of them were staying at 2 Hope Ranch until the wedding.

  Chapter Ten

  Tessa was a genius when it came to hair and makeup. Not even Texas humidity would disturb the uplift atop Jillian’s head or the tresses raining down in barrel curls all along her hairline.

  Looking at herself in the mirror at Trey and Maddie’s place, Jillian was stunned. “Wow. I didn’t know my hair could do this.”

  “Tessa is definitely gifted,” Maddie said, coming to stand next to her. They gazed at each other through the mirror’s reflection in the privacy of Maddie and Trey’s master bedroom. “You look beyond pretty. You’re gonna be a special bride.”

  Tessa set the brush down, unplugged the curling iron, and slapped her makeup case closed. “Maddie’s right. You look amazing, even if I say so myself.”

  “Thank you,” Jillian said. The splash of color Tessa applied on her eyelids deepened the hue of her blue eyes making them really pop. “You’re both so sweet to do this for me.”

  “Why wouldn’t we? Jack doesn’t know how lucky he is getting you,” Tessa said.

  “And you’re family now, Jillian,” Maddie said. “I’m excited to be a part of this wedding and have a partner in crime. I’m outnumbered by Walker men around here. You’re evening up the odds.”


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