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Broken Vows Mystery 04-To Love and to Perish

Page 9

by Lisa Bork


  “Why not?” Cory’s anger showed in his tone of voice.

  Wayne hesitated ever so slightly before answering. “Brennan and I had an argument the night of the reunion. We said a lot of things we could never take back. We weren’t ever going to be friends again, but I would have come forward if he got charged.”

  “Brennan says he doesn’t remember what happened that night.”

  “That’s what I read in the papers at the time.”

  “Did you believe it?”


  “He doesn’t remember anything about that night, so he wouldn’t recall your argument either.”

  “Probably not.”

  I didn’t know what to say next. What could have happened between them to ruin their friendship, especially after losing Monica and almost Elizabeth, too?

  “You, Brennan, Monica, and Elizabeth were quite close, weren’t you?”

  A hint of a smile touched his lips. “We were the four Musketeers in high school.”

  “What about afterward?”

  “We got together on school breaks. Over time, we didn’t see each other as much. It happens naturally.” He looked between us as though waiting for us to agree.

  My closest friend in high school was Ray. No comparison. “Did you all ride to the reunion together?”

  “No, we wanted to, but I had to work. I met them there a little late.” A flicker of something like regret or guilt crossed his face.

  “Was Elizabeth ever able to provide any insights into what caused the crash?”

  “Not really. The police thought she might have been asleep in the back seat.”

  “Are you still close to Elizabeth?”

  Something else flickered across Wayne’s face. This time I thought it was anger. “No.”

  Wayne’s response matched the information Ray had gathered from the detective. I felt as though we were at a dead end. Still, Wayne’s attitude toward Brennan made me uncomfortable—and curious. What had they argued about?

  I decided to go for broke and ask.

  “Wayne, if you don’t mind my asking, what did you and Brennan argue about that cost your friendship?”

  Wayne stood up. “I’m sorry. I have another appointment. If the police need a statement now that Brennan was not drunk the night of the accident, I’ll give them one.”

  I didn’t know if that would be helpful at all. The police had long ago ruled out alcohol as a cause of the accident.

  Cory and I rose. As we walked to the door, I glanced at the pictures on Wayne’s credenza again. “Handsome boy. Your son?”

  “Godson. He’s a great kid.” Wayne opened his office door. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.”

  I doubted he was sorry at all. “Just one more question, Wayne.”

  “Yes, Jolene?”

  He said “Jolene” like Ray did when he was mad at me. Annoyed, I managed to smile in an effort to keep things friendly. “Do you think Brennan would push James Gleason in front of a car?”

  Wayne’s response was immediate. “No. Brennan wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone.”

  He emphasized the word “intentionally,” leaving unspoken thoughts hanging in the air.

  Brennan had hurt people, Wayne included. And apparently they hadn’t forgiven him.


  THROUGHOUT THE DAY, TEMPERATURES had risen. When we opened the doors to the BMW in the insurance office’s parking lot, clouds of hot air billowed out. I took off my suit jacket, laid it across the back seat of the car, and rolled down my window before climbing in to singe my butt on the hot leather. Cory already had the engine running and the air conditioning turned up full blast.

  I twisted in my seat to face him. “What did you make of all that?”

  Cory grabbed the yearbook and flipped through the pages. “I’m relieved and overjoyed to hear he didn’t think Brennan was guilty of drunk driving or pushing Gleason into the street, but he didn’t seem to like Brennan much. I didn’t feel like he was all that forthcoming with information, either. I’m not even sure he was telling the truth. He definitely wasn’t looking you in the eye.

  “I want to see … I knew it.” He turned the book around to show it to me. “Wayne was in drama club. Look, there he is playing a villain.”

  The black outfit was a dead giveaway, as was the dark, vacant look in Wayne’s eyes. A giveaway in more ways than one.

  “Oh my god, it’s him.” I pointed at Wayne’s picture. “That’s the guy.”

  “Of course it’s him, Jo. His name is right under the photo.”

  “No, no, no. Wayne’s the man I saw at the vintage festival. He stepped right in front of me, coming out of the beer tent. He wouldn’t get out of my way. I had to go around him, but not before I got a good look at him. It was him. Wayne. He even had on a Binghamton sweatshirt.”

  “What’s the sweatshirt got to do with anything?”

  “He had a diploma on his office wall from the university. He’s an alumnus. I know I saw him at the festival, Cory. I know it was him.”

  Cory snapped the yearbook shut. “Should we go back in and ask him about it?”

  “No.” I didn’t see where that would help us. Wayne had closed the door on us, both literally and figuratively when he escorted us out of his office. “It’s strange he didn’t know anything about Gleason’s death or Brennan’s arrest.”

  “Yeah, well, the guy has acting experience, and he’s a salesman.”

  “Oh, yeah, we all know what a bunch of slippery liars salespeople are.”

  “Especially those car salespeople.” Cory grinned and, for a moment, I caught a glimpse of the guy I’d worked with for fourteen years. Then the shadow returned to his eyes. “I’d really like to ask Brennan if he saw him there, not that I think he would tell me.”

  “Cory, did Brennan ever talk to you about high school or his friends or anything that might provide any insight into what’s going on here?”

  He shook his head. “I knew he didn’t speak to his father. I knew his mom left him the money he used to start his company. Otherwise, we pretty much talked about the here and now—and sometimes about our future, you know, together.”

  I wanted to hear more about their future together, but not right now. Something was bothering me. Brennan, Wayne, Elizabeth, and Monica had kept in touch enough to attend the reunion together, and only after that did their relationships end. “Wayne said the four of them were inseparable in high school. They even went to the reunion together. I don’t understand what could have happened to erase their friendship in one night.”

  “You don’t? I do.”


  “Brennan must have told them he was gay. How would you like to be the high school girlfriend of a gay guy? Or his best friend, who never knew and shared a locker room with him? Even if your friends accept you, you’re not the person they thought you were. Everything changes.”

  I considered Cory’s statement. “So you think, during the reunion, Brennan told them he was gay, causing Wayne to say unkind things to him and ruin their friendship?”

  “It’s possible.”

  “And maybe Brennan was so upset that his driving was effected on the way home?”

  Cory frowned. “Maybe, but in that case, the accident would still be his fault.”

  “It would be an accident, not illegally driving under the influence.”


  “The girls couldn’t have been too upset with Brennan about everything because they got in the car with him.”

  “Right.” Cory’s expression turned sheepish. “I have to say when I told my high school girlfriend that I was gay, she said, ‘Well that explains everything.’ Brennan’s girlfriend must have suspected.”

  “So Monica might not be angry. She’d be relieved to know why he wasn’t all over her.”


  I leaned back against the headrest. “This is all great conjecture, but even if we’d guessed correctl
y, it doesn’t help Brennan’s current situation, other than to lift the stigma of the drunken driving rumor. In fact, it leaves us with no motive for Elizabeth to blackmail Brennan.”

  “Unless she planned to lie and say Brennan was drinking.”

  “Wayne would have denied it.”

  “That’s what he said today, but he never came forward back then. They could have been in on it together.” Cory tapped the yearbook’s cover. “You saw Wayne at the festival, which means two people Brennan angered were at the festival. When and where did you see Wayne?”

  “I saw him right when we arrived, a little after five o’clock, over an hour before the accident. He stepped out of the beer tent, which was a hundred yards or so down Franklin Street from where the car struck and killed Gleason a little over an hour later. I didn’t see Wayne in the crowd at the time of the crash, but he could have been there. I thought he was drunk earlier when he walked right in front of me and didn’t even notice. He could have just been preoccupied.”

  “He could have pushed Gleason into the road.”

  I laughed. “Anyone could have pushed him, Cory. Anyone could have pushed Brennan or me or anyone else standing there on the edge of the curb into the road, too. Wayne could as easily have been half a mile down the road or inside a bar and missed the whole thing.”

  “But not anyone could have been right at the same spot on the road. The only people who could be pushed at that spot on the curb were Brennan and Gleason. They had to be next to each other, right?”

  “I assume so.”

  “Everyone said the crowd surged a second before Gleason fell into the road.”


  Cory’s knee bobbed up and down, a sure sign of his excitement. “Do you think there’s a chance Wayne pushed Gleason into the road?”

  “Why would he want to do that?”

  “Maybe Gleason’s been harassing him about the reunion and drinking and letting his sister get in the car with Brennan. Or maybe he was aiming for Brennan, but he hit Gleason instead?”

  “Wow, Cory, that’s a huge leap.”

  “But it’s possible.”

  I tried to get Cory to regain his perspective. “We don’t even know if Wayne was close enough to do that. We’d never be able to prove it either way, not without photos of the crowd.”

  “Does the sheriff’s office have any photos of the crowd?”

  I thought about it. “I know the photographer, Howard Pint, had to give them his memory card, but he didn’t have any crowd pictures, except for the shot of Brennan’s arm. I don’t know if the sheriff’s deputies took other people’s memory cards, too. They could have. Ray’s friend Ken would know.”

  “Okay, so call Ray.” Cory pointed to my purse.

  “Right now?”

  Cory waved his hand as if to say, why not? I pulled my cell phone out and hit the speed dial button.

  Ray answered before I heard a ring. “You’re psychic.”


  “I was just picking up the phone to call you. Brennan got his bail money together, and he wanted Cory to pick him up from the jail.”

  “Why didn’t he call Cory directly?”

  “He did.”

  “His phone hasn’t rung.” I raised my eyebrows at Cory.

  He pulled his cell phone from his pocket, snapped it open, pushed a few buttons, and frowned. He showed me the dark screen.

  “I take that back. Cory’s cell phone needs charging. Where’s Brennan now?”

  “When he couldn’t reach Cory at your shop or on his cell phone, he called here and asked where you two were.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him you were on a scouting expedition for the day.”

  “Did he buy that?”

  “Hard to say.”

  “Can we pick him up now?”

  “His construction foreman is on his way down to pick him up.”

  “Well, we’re in Binghamton. We won’t be home for another couple hours or so.” I wanted to stop by Elizabeth Potter’s home and ask her a few questions before we headed back to Wachobe.

  “Did you learn anything new?”

  “Yes.” I proceeded to fill Ray in on our meeting with Wayne Engle and the fact that I saw him at the Watkins Glen festival. “Can you call your friend Ken and ask him if he has any pictures of the crowd so we can try to spot Wayne?”

  “I can call him. He’s not going to appreciate your interference in his investigation. And he’ll want to know everything you’ve learned. Are you prepared to tell him?”

  Yikes! “Never mind. Maybe we can get pictures from another source.”

  I hung up with Ray and looked at Cory. “Brennan got his bail money together. His foreman’s on his way to pick him up.”


  I looked at the yearbook still clutched in Cory’s hand and thought about the check registers he’d spread on my desk yesterday. “Not good.”


  “Cory, if you think the check registers and this yearbook are evidence that needs to be hidden from the sheriff’s department, don’t you think Brennan will be thinking the same thing, too?”

  The puzzled expression on Cory’s face quickly changed to horrified.

  “When he finds them missing, what’s he going to think?”

  Cory’s eyes closed. “Oh my god, I’m dead.”


  CORY WANTED TO RACE home and replace the items he’d taken from Brennan’s. I knew we wouldn’t make it in time without risking a serious accident. Instead, I convinced Cory to plug Elizabeth Potter’s home address into his GPS and follow the directions over there, hoping we’d learn something of use.

  But minutes later when he pulled out in front of an oncoming car that swerved to narrowly miss us, I realized just how dangerous it was to ride with an agitated driver. “Cory!”

  He pulled over to the side of the road. “You drive. I can’t concentrate.”

  We hopped out and ran around the car. I slid in and adjusted the driver’s seat position. Cory put the passenger seat all the way back so he was almost lying flat. I pulled out and continued to follow the instructions from the GPS.

  “What am I going to tell Brennan when he realizes that I took his stuff?”

  “The truth.”

  “What if he never speaks to me again?”

  Any answer I thought of would be nothing more than empty reassurances. I opted for silence. When we arrived at Elizabeth’s townhouse fifteen minutes later, Cory asked to remain in the car, claiming he felt sick.

  I walked up the sparkling white gravel sidewalk to the front stoop, taking in the old-fashioned orange brick townhouse and cracked cement porch, trying to guess her rent. I estimated it at the lower end of the scale.

  No one answered when I rang the front bell. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Elizabeth, no doubt, had a day job.

  Across the street, a row of mailboxes sat, numbered to correspond to the townhouses. I considered leaving her a note. As I hesitated, the neighbor’s door opened and an elderly woman in a light blue housedress poked her head out.

  “Are you looking for her?” She jerked her finger at Elizabeth’s door.

  “I am. Is she at work?”

  The woman nodded.

  “Do you know where she works? I could call her there.” I smiled, hoping to convey I was worthy of this woman’s trust.

  Her blue-veined hand on the door knob trembled as she thought. I wondered if she had Parkinson’s or the like. “In an office downtown. She used to come home every night around five thirty, but now she’s got a young man. She might not come home at all. Would you like me to give her a message?”

  “No, thank you. I’ll call her instead.”

  “Suit yourself.” She closed her door.

  Another dead end. Frustrated, I couldn’t resist kicking some of that sparkling white gravel all over the lawn on my way back to the car.


  Cory remained silent for mos
t of our ride back to Wachobe. We stopped in Watkins Glen to get gasoline, drinks, and a few snacks. I purchased the area newspaper, curious to see what, if anything, it had reported lately about Gleason’s death. Although Cory offered to drive when we got back in the car, I refused. He didn’t seem any less agitated than he had earlier. In fact, his knee bounced up and down the whole ride home.

  As soon as we reached my house, I relinquished the wheel to Cory, who pulled away from the curb with a screech of his wheels, hell bent on seeing Brennan as soon as possible. I could only hope their reunion would be a happy one.

  Danny and his friends were in the middle of a heated pickup game of football two houses down from ours. He called “hello” and waved to me.

  I stopped to watch a few plays. Danny’s passing arm was true. All his practice with Ray had paid off. Danny’s football team had their first game this Sunday. He couldn’t wait. Ray couldn’t wait either. Ray never got to play football in high school. His fireman father had died a hero on the job, and Ray had assumed responsibility for the care of his little brother after school while his mother worked, just as I took care of Erica for my dad. It was one of the life experiences that brought the two of us closer. But now Ray could have his football vicariously again through Danny, who had the makings of a star athlete, as had Ray’s younger brother. Pride and happiness flowed through me. I headed into the house.

  The aroma of beef stew greeted me at the front door. I kicked off my pumps and carried them across the living room and into the kitchen, where Ray stood at the counter making a salad.

  I rose up on my toes to kiss him. He barely gave me a peck, clearly preoccupied. I dropped my heels to the floor with a thud. “What’s wrong?”

  “We had two phone calls. The first was Danny’s father.”

  Danny’s father called once a week and the two of them talked for five minutes or so each time. If Ray was home when he called, Ray always found something to do outside. I suspected he felt conflicted over law enforcement’s failure to put Danny’s father in jail for car theft, especially since he’d made off with the Ferrari from my showroom right under Ray’s nose. I knew allowing Mr. Phillips to contact Danny without any effort to discern his location and arrest him violated Ray’s code, although he never said a word, perhaps not wanting to risk losing Danny. It was in the back of both our minds that Mr. Phillips could pick Danny up from school or off the street at any time and disappear with him, but we counted on Mr. Phillips’ continued desire for us to provide stability for Danny. After all, he stole my Ferrari in order to get money for Danny’s college fund.


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