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The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight

Page 5

by Donald Allen Kirch

  "Kai," Ka-Ron pleaded. "End this. To the gods, woman, I loved your daughter."

  Rational thought seemed to escape the knight's head. She raised her skirt and spread her legs, allowing intimate invasion. She cried out in rapture, experiencing the waves of warmth mixed with an almost poetic pain. Ka-Ron was a woman now, but she was also a virgin. Of course she was! She had never known a man.

  The pleasure was almost maddening! One finger, then two. She spread her legs out more, causing the skirt of her dress to rise. Her legs were free, and her womanhood was visible to any that happened to walk into the barn.

  "Stop! Stop! St&" Ka-Ron's words sank to the boundaries of her bunk. She paid attention to the subtle up-and-down motioning of her hand, not realizing that the other was pleasuring her by stimulating her breasts. "Faster!" she found herself whispering. "Faster!"

  Echoheart, speechless for the only time in his life, stood gawking at the strange woman in his master's bed. If the King himself had handed the horse an apple, he would have been too dumbfounded to take it.

  The barn filled with the sounds of a woman's love-screams.


  When Jatel woke, he was pleased to find a new sword and a basket of rare fruits and oils waiting for him in his room. These last were compliments from the King! The ruler of Idoshia had just wanted to make sure that the squire of his bravest knight had not felt left out of yesterday's celebrations. A proxy of the King had been sent to present his best wishes to Jatel, thanking him for both his services and his sacrifices. The King was indeed a noble leader, to have taken the time to recognize such a humble subject of his kingdom. Jatel wasn't even Idoshian! To help add to the occasion, the innkeeper was so moved by Jatel's honor that he added to it, by providing the squire with five bottles of his most-prized wines! Jatel's vision was blurry, at best, due to his celebrating. Honor was rare in a world judged solely by the moment.

  The suns attacked the squire with the force of a Xow invasion. Jatel covered his bloodshot eyes, battling the hangover as he ventured towards the barn. It was to be an ordinary day. A day of rest.

  Or, so the squire had thought.

  In truth, after this day, his life would change forever.

  His ears picked up the sounds of a woman screaming. The sounds were coming from the barn.

  Upon entering the stable, the squire's attention was drawn to his master's bunk. It was from the bunk that he discovered the origin of the woman's screams.

  The woman was the most beautiful thing Jatel had ever laid his eyes upon. His hearts skipped a beat as he admired the woman's charms, for lack of better words. For it would be hard for any normal man not to admire a female, who, upon first glance, was spread-eagled on their master's bunk, half-naked, pleasuring herself. The woman, too involved in her rapture, was also playing with her breasts, and was paying Jatel no mind.

  "Someone, please&" the woman begged, closing her eyes as if she were in prayer.

  As the woman opened her eyes, they, in their desperation, made contact with Jatel's.

  Then, it happened!

  Jatel could not begin to understand the feelings that welled up in him, but they were good feelings - that he knew. The woman's eyes were complex, deep, and a lovely blue. She was Idoshian, of that, he was quite sure. The woman's attention was concentrated on him. Her glance was both pleading and kind.

  Her hands left both breasts and intimate explorations, to exhibit surprise and cover-up. She bolted out of the bunk with such a start that her breasts both wobbled and heaved from side to side. From the Gods! She was a vision to ignite even a dead man's lust!

  "Jatel, thanks be that you are here!" the strange woman said.

  The young man was taken aback, and became quite concerned at the fact that the woman knew him by name. Now, Jatel had become quite lively with celebration the night before, but never in his days had he ever been cursed enough - or, lucky enough - to forget an encounter with such an enchantress.

  The woman moved closer.

  Jatel's nostrils filled with the woman's scent. She was heaven on two feet. Sweet flowers of the most fair sort invaded his senses. Perspiration started to form on the palms of his hands as he tried his best to avoid eye contact. Instead, his line of sight fell upon the woman's huge chest - breasts barely able to keep their ample real estate within the confines of her simple dress. With one swift inhalation, she would burst forth, becoming a welcome sight to any hungry babe or lonely male.

  "My lady," the squire said, bowing. "If we have met, please, forgive my sudden ignorance, but I&"

  "My lady?" the woman huffed, containing what sounded like an ironic giggle. "Is that how you address your master?"

  "Huh?" Jatel said, controlling himself as quickly as he had said the word.

  "Jatel, it is I&Ka-Ron."


  "I have been placed under a witch's spell." Ka-Ron softly grabbed her breasts, squeezing and then lifting each one separately. She let out a controlled sigh of delight. "A spell of the worse order."

  "What manner of madness is this that I am hearing?" Jatel demanded. He looked around the barn, noticing that his master's body armor was scattered all over the ground. "Why would any witch want to do such a thing to Ka-Ron, my master and commander?"

  "Because of Kym." Ka-Ron softly said. Her face lowered so that her chin rested on her bosom. Jatel thought he saw the beginning of tears coming from the woman's eyes. "Kym, my young love, is dead."


  "She took her own life, because I was not brave enough to take her love."

  "Ka-Ron?" Jatel glared at the female in front of him.

  "Jatel, I&"

  Ka-Ron stopped. She froze for several seconds, doing nothing more than stare at her squire.

  "I find this all too amazing and unusual to believe, young lady." Jatel stated. He ventured deeper into the barn, and picked up Ka-Ron's body armor. After placing all in a concentrated pile at the foot of Ka-Ron's bunk, he turned his attentions towards his master's sword.

  Ka-Ron, standing, noticed her clothing for the first time, in great detail. She was wearing a common woven dress - Kym's favorite. It was a gray weave, with bright blue borders at the bosom and a white apron tied at the waist, accenting the front of her skirt. And, the dress was tight. Too tight.

  "If you are my master, why would you leave your sword out in the open? Out where the elements could attack it?" Carefully, Jatel placed the blade back into its sheath. The squire placed the sword next to Ka-Ron's body armor.

  "I have been somewhat&occupied, Jatel," Ka-Ron barked, looking down at her armor sadly. "Besides, I am currently too small to wear any of this, and I am quite sure that I would not have the strength - being that I am now a woman."

  Ka-Ron noticed that her breasts were pushing hard against the buttons of her dress, and could, at any moment, pop the front open. Her legs were too long for the skirt she was wearing, and would become beacons for any man that would happen to glance her way. Upon walking, she noticed that the center of her gravity had changed, and that she wobbled every now and then, being not quite comfortable with the manner in which her hips seemed to wiggle. This bothered her very much, considering that she soon discovered that she had a rather round and gifted ass!

  "I find myself in an awkward position of requiring your services, during this little mishap of mine, Jatel," Ka-Ron said, placing her hands on her ass and rubbing it. A flush made her cheeks turn crimson. "It is amazing how sensitive a woman's body is."

  Jatel soon noticed that the woman claiming to be his master had moved dangerously close to him. The squire also noticed that she was breathing heavily, and that her nipples were poking out visibly. She had glanced down at his manhood, and had noticed that her closeness soon caused him to become greatly excited. And, he was!

  "Jatel, I am not in control of myself."


  Ka-Ron nodded her head. Her long bangs fell down, covering up one of her eyes. Her full lips were soon wet, being licked several
times by the woman's welcoming tongue. A sweet odor came from her mouth, making Jatel's mind go dangerously blank. All he could hear was the sound of his hearts beating in his head.

  Ka-Ron moved in closer. Both she and the squire paused, as their lips made contact. Instinctively, Jatel's hands wrapped around Ka-Ron's waist.

  "I remember!" Jatel blurted out.

  Ka-Ron's lips opened upon Jatel's. Her eyes seemed to be focused on only one thing. "Remember&what?"

  "There was a woman here in the stables last night, after your games. She cut off some of my hair, disappearing after your arrival."

  "Your hair?" Ka-Ron whispered. Her hands started to rub Jatel's back, pulling him closer. Logic tried to turn its wheels in her mind, adding up all the details, but honestly, all that she could think of was how wonderful Jatel's body felt against hers. Her breasts smashed up against his chest. To the Gods! She was so wet.

  Jatel was not alien to strange feelings himself. Since he had first looked at the woman claiming to be Ka-Ron, he could not seem to make eye contact with her. Try as he might, his fears made him avert contact. As she seemed to move closer towards him, a hunger built inside. He was trying his best to keep from gaining an erection, but to no avail. Ka-Ron had become a pure vision of feminine and erotic excitement. No man would have been able to resist her charms.

  "Master, I&" Jatel had started to say.

  Ka-Ron's response towards Jatel's fear was surprising to her. Normally, she would laugh at his clumsy ways when around a female, but she was now the female. She could feel his sex throbbing through his pants, and wanted nothing more than to continue pressing against him. Still, another part of her mind was repulsed towards these feelings, and wanted to push him away and beat the bastard to death.

  "Jatel," Ka-Ron whispered. Her face was an inch away from the squire's. She licked her lips. Her gaze never seemed to leave those of Jatel's blue eyes. She felt funny. She was short of breath. Her face started to feel warm. She was extremely nervous. Her breasts began to swell, slightly. She started to feel a wet trickle drip between her legs. She bit her bottom lip and found herself letting out a sorrowful moan.

  Jatel seemed to sense a war raging in the eyes of his master. Ka-Ron seemed to be fighting the strange female urges growing inside of her, but, unlike his experience of most wars, Ka-Ron was losing this one. Her enemy was more powerful and indeed more ingenious. Her breathing became more excited, and the squire's hunger to "know" her grew as well.

  Little did the squire know that he was as much a victim as Ka-Ron.

  "Take me," Ka-Ron whispered, kissing Jatel.

  "Wha&" The squire's comment was cut off abruptly by Ka-Ron's attack. Her full lips locked onto his, and as soon as he felt the full warmth of her invasion, his lips parted, his mouth opened, Ka-Ron's tongue entered, and both his and his master's embrace became as one. Quite comically, Jatel waved his hands into the air, not really knowing what he could do and could not do. After all, the man was kissing the most beautiful woman he had ever known - and one that used to be a man!

  Ka-Ron's mind was a whirlpool of heat and frantic emotion. A certain hunger grew inside of her, as both she and Jatel exchanged tasty fluids, sweet and mysterious. Her body quivered as the squire's hands left their clumsy flight, landing squarely onto her ass. As if an invisible button had been pushed, she arched her lower back, allowing Jatel's hands to do their work. Several times, she had to pull away from her kiss in order to catch her breath. Another thing Ka-Ron soon discovered about being a woman - orgasms were plenty! Sex was not needed for a woman fully to enjoy her doings. The brave knight, fully clothed, knew that she would soon have to obtain new, clean, undergarments as soon as possible.

  From the corner of their shared vision, both Ka-Ron and Jatel headed toward the bunk.

  "Master, I&" Jatel tried to say. He clearly seemed moved and embarrassed by what he was doing. He seemed to be under control by forces alien to him.

  "Just shut up, for now," Ka-Ron ordered. Her hands, trembling with excitement, reached down toward the squire's rope belt, which held his pants up. With a flick of a wrist - and expertly attacking fingers - the belt was aborted, and the pants became a victim of gravity.

  With a giggle, the knight fell onto her bunk, dragging Jatel down with her.

  "Oh, I want you," Ka-Ron stated as she wrapped her long legs around Jatel's waist and lower back. With her thighs, she tightened her grip around the man, pulling him intimately closer. The knight screamed in delight as her body reacted to the slight touch of Jatel's manhood against her wet and inviting sex.

  Both gazed into the other's eyes, pausing, for only an instant.

  Jatel's hands, without waiting for permission, grabbed at Ka-Ron's dress, ripping the already fatigued weaving apart, baring two wobbling breasts and causing the knight to gasp in rapturous surprise. Ample, pink, and velveteen to the touch, the man moaned with ecstasy as he began to devour one of his master's aureoles, sucking hard on the woman's nipple. With his other free hand, he grabbed hard at the woman's lower back, playing aggressively at Ka-Ron's ass.

  Too involved with what they were doing, and enjoying themselves to great extremes, neither was aware of the fact that someone was watching.

  That "someone" was laughing.


  "Is this not the sweetest coupling I have ever seen?"

  Ka-Ron's mind was filled with fog. She was breathing heavily, and was only interested in what Jatel was starting to insert between her legs. The knight had begun to smile, brightly, as she gave in, spreading her legs further apart. There was a happy hunger inside of her that seemed to consume her entire world.

  Then, she heard a familiar voice.

  Kai's voice!

  "Ka-Ron the knight, conquered by her squire." Kai's voice dripped with irony. "How the mighty have fallen."

  Ka-Ron's eyes blinked hard. Her will was once more her own.

  "Jatel?" Ka-Ron said, noticing that her legs were apart and pointing into the air. A sudden chill came over her, as she noticed her breasts, free from their dressings, wobbling for her squire to enjoy. "Get the hell off of me, boy!"

  Jatel, as if breaking free from a spell himself, soon realized how close he had become to being Ka-Ron's first lover. He sprang himself off the bunk and thrust his manhood back into his pants, which seemed quite tight at the moment.

  "Master, I&" Jatel's eyes stared down at the ground.

  Ka-Ron, buttoning up what was left of her dress, glared hard at her squire. She was both enraged and confused. Enraged that her squire would so thoroughly take advantage of her, and, confused at the fact that she wanted him inside her with the greatest of passion. So, in her defense, she slapped the living hell out of him.

  "Damn you, Jatel!" Ka-Ron said, crying. "How could you do this to me? How?"

  "Master, the feelings and invitations were mutual, I assure you."

  Ka-Ron glared hard at the squire. She grew excited by the fact that her nipples were still sensitive as she cupped her hands over her left breast. Jatel had ripped her dress beyond repair. She turned her head away from the squire, embarrassed by her sudden smile in his direction. Her newfound emotions told her that soon they both would pick up where they had just left off.

  "Do not judge your squire harshly, Ka-Ron," Kai stated, walking to the center of the room. The Wicca Master stood only five sticks away from the confused knight. "He is also a victim of this spell."

  "My lady?" Jatel huffed, looking at Kai and feeling confused.

  "Oh, please, forgive me, young squire. But, what better love for our mighty Ka-Ron, than a man who is afraid of women?"

  "I am not afraid!" Jatel rebuked and insulted.

  "What have you done to us?" Ka-Ron asked, silently motioning Jatel to retreat.

  Kai paused, admiring her work.

  "To the gods, Ka-Ron," the Wicca Master stated. "You are indeed a beautiful woman. Quite attractive and&lustful."

  Ka-Ron glanced down at her body. "How long am I to stay this way,

  "Oh, forever." Kai laughed. "Can you think of a better way for you to suffer? To know what it means to be an object of desire people take for granted?"

  "This is hell to me, Kai," Ka-Ron pleaded.

  "I know." The witch's face turned solemn.

  "And what of Jatel?"

  "He will love you until you die." Kai explained. "With each passing second, your love for each other will become so strong that neither would be sane without the other. He will hunt you down until he makes you his own."

  "You are mad," Jatel whispered, pulling up his clothing. "Why would you do such a thing?"

  "For my daughter."

  "Madam, I loved your daughter."

  Ka-Ron forgot herself, and dropped her hand away from her bare breast. The thing bounced and wobbled as she approached the witch, trying her best to state her case. All Kai could do as she watched Ka-Ron's naked body perform for her, was laugh.

  "What must I do?" Ka-Ron asked, pleading. She once more covered herself.

  "Your lack of concern for my daughter's welfare was the reason I have changed you, Ka-Ron. You have to prove your worth to me."

  Rage started to build in Ka-Ron's eyes. She spotted her sword out of the corner of her eye, and bolted into action.

  Not knowing what his master had intended, Jatel was knocked to the ground as Ka-Ron's body became a flash of action, passing him and reaching for her sword.

  "Damn you, woman!" the knight yelled. As she placed the sword in her hands, she tried her best to perform the simplest of maneuvers, but soon discovered that the size of her beautiful breasts soon got in the way. Ka-Ron was not familiar to moving around in a woman's body, and had not yet adjusted to the ways of female combat. If the scene had not been so painful to watch, Kai would have laughed.

  Ka-Ron stopped, realizing that she had cut herself on her right shin. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she dropped her sword, discovering that it was useless to her in her present state. She grabbed her breasts, screaming in fury at her helplessness.


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