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The Misadventures of Ka-Ron the Knight

Page 10

by Donald Allen Kirch

A lone figure stood at the passage door of the Raxzeil. Dressed in fancy silks and brightly colored leathers, he appeared more Circus Barker than sailor. He was absently carving away at a piece of wood, paying no particular attention to his surroundings. He was an old man who had not allowed age to take away his youth. So, it could be said that he appeared to be younger than his age should have allowed. He seemed to be a stranger to a razor, and had a sufficient amount of stubble growing upon his chin. No one would have ever guessed that he was a captain.

  "Captain Hathaway?" Jatel inquired.

  Captain Hathaway glanced upward, allowing his knife to stop midpoint. He smiled, showing his guest that dental hygiene was the least of his worries. Brown rotted teeth greeted both Ka-Ron and Jatel.

  "Would I have the pleasure of meeting Jatel of Illium?" Hathaway asked, offering his hand.

  Jatel paused, briefly, noticing tar smeared upon the captain's hand. Suppressing his personal disgust, he shook hands with the sailor.

  "Ahh!" Hathaway laughed. "Good! You pass the test."

  "Test?" Jatel asked, confused. "What test?"

  "It is the custom of this ship and this crew not to take aboard those who know not the pleasures of a hard life. You saw the tar. And you were not afraid. I respect that. You know what it is like to go a night without sup. Welcome ye aboard my fine ship, sir."

  The captain paused, gazing upon Ka-Ron for the first time.

  Hathaway dropped his knife.

  "Upon my soul, sir!" the captain expressed, absently wiping at his clothes and hair. "What is this glorious vision I see before me?"

  Jatel's cheeks blushed a little with pride, and he started to stand taller. "This, captain, is my wife&Ka-Ron."

  "Ka-Ron? Is that not a man's name?"

  "Her father had a sense of humor."


  Ka-Ron stepped forward, offering Hathaway her hand.

  Hathaway responded in kind. However, being a seaman of old, romantic, with just a flair for the dramatic, the man got to one knee before he kissed her upon the hand. His eyes never left those of the knight.

  "Tis a pleasure to know you, dear lady."

  "I'm sure," was all Ka-Ron could bring herself to say. Deeply moved by Hathaway's honest enchantment for her, the knight had a problem clearing her throat. An incredible warmth traveled through her entire body.

  "Captain, have we a cabin?"

  "Have you a cabin, sir?" Hathaway laughed. His jovial tone was a contagious one, causing both Ka-Ron and Jatel to join him. "Nothing but the finest for my passengers. I offer you the use of my First Officer's."

  "Oh, no!" Ka-Ron protested. "We do not mean to intrude, captain."

  "There is no need to worry so," Hathaway explained. "He has no need of it. You see, he is dead."

  "Sea duty?" Jatel inquired.

  "No. Knife fight." Hathaway shook his head with regret. "Good officer, that one."

  Both Ka-Ron and Jatel remained silent. What could they say?

  "The Raxziel welcomes you on board."

  Captain Hathaway gestured towards the ship's entrance with a flourish of a camel trader.

  "This is going to be a long trip, Jatel." Ka-Ron whispered.

  From the upper railings of the vessel, Jatel could see several men glancing down upon Ka-Ron and her appearance. These were honorable sailors, who had dedicated their lives to the art and science of exploration. However, a man is still only a man. Like all creatures, he had needs and wants. With such a lovely woman as Ka-Ron in their ranks, could they avoid temptation?

  "I believe you are right, sire," the squire agreed.

  The interior of the Raxziel was luxurious. Teak furnishings and ivory panels greeted the two passengers, as Captain Hathaway showed them to their quarters. Plush red carpeting accented marble floors. Brass railings were secured to the sides of each hall and passage. Oil paintings hung on each wall, invading the senses and helping the mind to forget.

  Ka-Ron could see by the look on the Captain's face that he was enjoying the amazement projecting from herself and her squire.

  If one were never to set foot off the Raxziel, one would not miss the outside world. She was indeed an island to herself.

  Three decks and half the distance of the ship, Hathaway opened Ka-Ron's cabin door.

  "My Lady, a word." Hathaway took off his hat. He was nervous and uneasy. "This here is a well-ordered ship. My crew's the best I have been able to obtain over the seasons, but&"

  "Captain, what are you trying to say?"

  Hathaway turned to Jatel, his eyes stern.

  "Sir, I suggest you keep your woman in her cabin."

  Ka-Ron's face flushed with a crimson wave of anger.

  "May I inquire why?"

  "My Lady, you are a&well&a woman."

  "Could you not tell by the tits?!" Ka-Ron's hands rested upon her waist. "May I ask, Captain, am I not a guest on this ship?"

  "Yes," Hathaway's manner was sincere. "However, you are also the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And, my lady, I have seen plenty."

  Ka-Ron's features began to soften.

  "I am only looking out for your well being, miss." the Captain paused. "My men are men of the sea. They haven't known the company of females for quite some time. You would be like a steak to a starving man, to them. I wish you no harm while under my protection. So, miss, please, heed my warnings."

  Ka-Ron smiled, and this time took Hathaway's hand. His face flashed surprise when she kissed it and offered him comfort.

  "Captain, I thank you for your concern. However, should the encounter arrive, I am well-trained, and can look after myself."

  Hathaway shook his head with understanding, placing his hat back upon his head. The long orange and purple feather hanging from it bobbled up and down as he went back up the hall.

  "Then I shall trouble you two no more," he said, waving a friendly gloved hand behind him. "Safe journey! Safe journey! Dinner's at eight bells."

  Ka-Ron caught herself in a giggle.

  "What an unusual man." Jatel said, silently offering the cabin to his master.

  The quarters did give the impression of having been lived in by a man. Socks were littered all over the floor. Papers that should have been signed and filed away were scattered all over a huge marble writing desk. And, to help give the room a little character, the bed was left disheveled and dirty.

  The only light coming into the room was by its huge crystal windows. The marble writing desk was above the main flooring, separated by a wooden loft, which had tiny steps leading up to it. The bed was a huge feather-filled bag of some sort, which happened to take up about half the room. Bookcases and odd chairs seem to take up the rest of the living space. A fountain worked in the corner, filling the room with the pleasant fragrance of flowers.

  All in all, a good room.

  Ka-Ron giggled once more.

  This time, Jatel had noticed uneasiness upon his master's face.

  "You keep doing that." he said, closing the cabin door.

  "And, for the life of me, Jatel, I know not why."

  Before the squire could react, she giggled again.

  Ka-Ron turned, facing her squire. She was rubbing herself, and she was doing it quite suggestively!

  "Ahhhh," Jatel had started to say. "Should I leave?"

  "Jatel." Ka-Ron's voice was filled with fear. "I cannot control myself."

  The squire could only watch at what his master was doing. He cursed Kai and hoped to one day ram a sword through the Wicca bitch's heart.

  "OH, Jatel&" Ka-Ron moaned.

  "Ka-Ron, please, take heed with regard to what the Captain had to say."

  The knight shook her head, slowly taking off her dress top. Her undergarments and corset were the only items holding in her nakedness. Her eyes projected a seductive innocence that would have driven any man to ecstasy.

  "Jatel, I want you." Ka-Ron moaned, jumping into the middle of the feather bed.

  The squire could feel himself becoming quite excited. Lik
e Ka-Ron, he started giggling. There was a sudden flash of heat, and, before he knew it, his clothes hit the deck and he was diving onto the feather bed as well.

  "Ka-Ron, it's the curse again."

  "You keep saying that!" Ka-Ron huffed. She started kissing Jatel's neck, wrapping her legs around his lower back. "Are you going to love me or not?"

  What could Jatel do? His flesh and Ka-Ron's merged into one.

  Ka-Ron's eyes closed, as she felt the wonderful waves of sensation hitting her. Moaning and accepting everything Jatel had to offer, she cried out as she relaxed even more, spreading her legs farther apart. There was so much more to making love when one was a woman. So much more pleasure. To the Gods! Ka-Ron was starting to hope that the ship they were on was a slow one.

  "More!" she whispered. "More!"

  Jatel was lost in the loveliness of the moment.

  Neither seemed to realize, or care, that the ship was starting to move.


  Jatel's eyes popped open with a start.

  "Wha?" was all he could bring himself to say.

  The ship was well out at sea, and the room was pitching and rolling to the pulse of the ocean. The crystal windows were bringing out all the beauty of the morning suns, and the rich woods and furnishing invaded the senses. But that was not important to the squire at the moment.

  At the moment, Ka-Ron was sucking on his sex.

  "Mmmmmm," the knight was mumbling. Her deep blue eyes gazed up at Jatel, making him feel like a god. He stroked her long black hair, and caught just the slightest smile rising out of the corner of her mouth.

  His senses were magnified tenfold by the pleasure his master was putting him through. He could feel the delicate stroke of Ka-Ron's mouth as it explored every inch of his manhood. His skin was electrified by the gentle embrace of the suns' life-giving rays. His inner thighs rejoiced as they felt the ample properties of the knight's wholesome breasts as they bobbled back and forth as she sucked up and down. Her mouth was indeed a wonder.

  "Ka-Ron," Jatel whispered, checking the cabin door to see if it had been properly locked. It was. "You must stop what you are doing."

  Ka-Rom gave her squire a devilish smile, clamping down harder, and sucking even more. Her passion could not be controlled, and she was sure the squire would approve.

  "Ahhhh!" Jatel moaned in delight. His hands grabbed and clenched the silken sheets atop the featherbed.

  Ka-Ron's only other response was allowing Jatel to slip out of her mouth, just long enough for her to take in a breath of fresh air. Then, after catching her much needed oxygen, the knight kissed the crown of his member, slowly allowing the organ to sink, once more, into the warm and wet recesses of her personal enjoyments.


  The squire's body started to tighten, his jaw clenched, and before he knew it, he ejaculated into Ka-Ron's mouth. In his rapture, he barely noticed his master swallowing what he had to offer, and sighing with great delight.

  Ka-Ron shifted her body to lay squarely on top of his.

  She gently kissed him on the cheek.

  "Good morning." Ka-Ron whispered.

  Jatel could not respond. His body was still coming down from the emotional high. His brain was still aflame with the passions Ka-Ron had created inside of his soul.

  In short, the squire was alone in a fog of emotional hell.

  "Ka-Ron," Jatel whispered.

  "Ah, he speaks," the knight joked, kissing the squire on his breast. "I just love the feel of your chest hairs upon my lips," she said, giggling.

  Jatel had wanted to speak, but on hearing his master giggle and shift her hips playfully upon his midsection while moving up and down upon his body, he became like any man in the same situation - his lust seemed to govern the moment.

  She was indeed a beauty. Ka-Ron had been turned into everything and all Jatel had ever wanted from a woman. She was brave, loyal, beautiful, and greatly desirable. If a man turned her down for any reason, it was because that man no longer had a pulse. The electric touch of her skin next to his was a magnetic storm of both pleasure and contradictions. Her hair danced in the air, and touched his face with the softness and delight of fairy dust upon the souls of the lost&a heavenly mist which caressed far better than any comfort offered in an inviting glass of ale.

  In time, Ka-Ron finally looked upon her squire with the eyes of reason.

  She became puzzled.

  "Jatel, what bothers you?" Her tone was careworn.

  "Ka-Ron, this has been both a dream and a nightmare for me."

  "Jatel, I love you." the knight softly huffed. Her smile showed her sincerity.

  "You are my master!" the squire yelled.

  This last caused Ka-Ron to jump up from her relaxed condition. Her expressions were those of a lost child.

  "I do not understand&" Ka-Ron's voice lowered to a whisper.

  Jatel rose from their bed, trying his best to control his anger. He saw the hurt in Ka-Ron's eyes and the thought of it seemed to kill just a little bit of his own soul, but, this had to be said. A family oath to the honor of another house demanded it.

  Ka-Ron did her best to hide the pain.

  "Speak," she ordered.

  "We cannot continue this way," Jatel pleaded, almost to the point of tears.

  "But&I love you."

  "No," Jatel stated, humbly putting his hands together in prayer. "You do not. It is this damn curse&this spell. That is what you love. That is what I love. It must be stopped."

  "But&I&" Ka-Ron lowered her face, looking squarely into her lap. The brave knight, known the world over for both her bravery and courage, began openly to cry.

  "There is an order to things, Ka-Ron." Jatel tried to say. His voice was growing horse, battling his own pain.


  How long the squire had just stood there, looking down upon the tear-streaked eyes of his master, he could not say.

  "This is not right, Ka-Ron."

  Jatel found himself collapsing upon the featherbed. His eyes, like those of his master, betrayed the seriousness of the moment. He was also crying, realizing that no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop loving this fantastic and beautiful woman.

  "We are in this till the end, my dear squire." Ka-Ron stated.

  Jatel raised his hands in a helpless gesture.

  "Powerless&" he whispered. "Powerless."

  They soon embraced.


  Ka-Ron knew that her squire was correct about their current predicament. It was wrong of her to keep sleeping with an individual, who in normal circumstances she would have nothing to do with. She knew he was right in the belief that his honor was being compromised. But, as the suns gleamed down upon his soft features, showing his troubled brow, kind disposition, and loving manners, all she could think about was the pleasure of coupling once more.

  "Jatel," Ka-Ron playfully whispered, "I cannot help myself."

  Jatel glanced up at Ka-Ron, noticing the familiar smile, playfully projecting itself upon him once more. He shook his head, trying his best to wipe away his personal misery.

  Absently, Ka-Ron started to take off her corset, revealing her breasts once more for the squire to enjoy. His hands attached to them as if propelled by an invisible magnet.

  "Curse me, Ka-Ron, for I am as you are. I love you, as well."

  "Dear squire," Ka-Ron playfully suggested, pointing down towards her womanhood. "Could you&please?"

  While Ka-Ron positioned herself to lie comfortably on her back, Jatel ventured down towards her hips. His hands expertly explored her treasures. He was shaking his head, and slightly laughing. Ka-Ron surmised that his ironic laughter was his final surrender to their shared situation.

  "All will be well once we find Kai," the knight promised.

  Warm sensation attacked Ka-Ron as she started pulling on her own hair. Her lower back began to arch, and the woman found herself moaning uncontrollably.

  "Oh, baby!" she blurted out, rolling her eyes.
  Jatel performed his task expertly, allowing his tongue to explore regions of her body she didn't know she possessed. Ka-Ron was confused, at one point, as Jatel was enjoying himself. She started closing her legs upon his head, pushing him further into her mysteries. Instinct seem to take over, making sure that the squire was closing the performance with a standing ovation. At one point, Ka-Ron jumped up, thinking that she had urinated all over her lover's face. She had not. She was just experiencing a rather intense orgasm.

  "We can only be what the fates allow," Jatel whispered, raising his eyes to those of his master.

  Ka-Ron shook her head in agreement, smiling down at the man between her legs. "Yes, now, continue with your task, young man."

  Jatel obeyed.

  Ka-Ron closed her eyes, lost in love.

  Outside, the crew of the Raxziel did their best to remain discrete.


  The Raxziel wasn't too far outside the protection of the harbor before Captain Hathaway realized that they were being followed. He ordered the apexes of the sails opened for full windstream. He ordered extra oars to be lowered into use by those below decks. And, he ordered gunmen to take their posts on the ship's masts. All the precautions a man of his experience could provide.

  All he could do now was to wait.

  "You think them pirates, captain?" the helmsman inquired.

  Squinting, Hathaway looked at the tiny black ship on the horizon.

  "Pray they are pirates, son." Hathaway's voice turned hard.

  "What else could they be in these waters, sir?"

  The captain remained silent.

  "No," the helmsman stated, to himself more than to anyone else. "They be not&slavers."

  Hathaway ordered the seaman to silence his thoughts. "I have heard rumor of their return to these waters."

  "They have not sailed in these waters since my father's father's time."

  "I fear that they have returned."

  As the men of the ship performed their duties, far below deck they could hear Ka-Ron crying out in pleasure. Her angelic voice echoed with the delight she and Jatel were experiencing. Some, more lonely than curious, momentarily paused, listening with a deep jealousy.

  This last did not fail to catch Hathaway's attention.


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