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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

Page 11

by T. C. Clark

  She’d spent her life in service to her powers so when she’d started to get fatigued she’d put it down to exhaustion and had started to lighten her workload. But five months ago when she’d passed out after a routine healing session she’d taken herself to her human doctor.

  When the results came back and it was confirmed she had cancer she’d been speechless…shocked. There were certain diseases even she could not control once they had advanced and she was stage four.

  She’d spent the last month training the witches around her with a drive and a ruthlessness that had earned her a reputation as a machine. She’d also started searching for a successor.

  Dace would never understand and would only be hurt worse if she allowed him even a moment in her life… so she’d asked Sara to keep him away.

  Sara was the only one who knew the truth about her health. She knew she could trust her with the secret…they’d always been close and she had healed a lot of Sara’s mental injuries from the use of her powers. She was the one person she could trust to keep quiet.

  Her eyes watered as another howl of agony ripped through the night. She looked back at the phone and searched her brain. The time she had left would not be spent wallowing in pity and sadness especially not when her sister needed her.

  She’d saved thousands of supernaturals in her life and had a book full of names that owed her favor and it was time to start collecting. There was one person who would be able to help Anise without being tracked, could she call him after what she’d done? Hell, yes if it meant helping her sister she would ask for help from the one person in her life that she had betrayed.

  * * *

  Anise sat up quickly automatically chanting a spell of protection around her. Thanks to her training…she’d gotten really good at that. She heard a curse from the right side of the bed and warily turned her eyes in that direction.

  She gasped as her eyes took in one of the sexiest men she’d ever seen. He was tall with sleek muscles that covered his lean body. He had a dark-colored goatee that only emphasized the hard lines on his face.

  His dark brown eyes were narrowed and she had the feeling she was receiving the same thorough examination. She felt a frisson of alarm at how attracted she was to him…when she’d last seen him he’d been gaunt and injured.

  He smiled a slow smile that was filled with wicked promise. He took a step forward and stopped when he realized she had a small force field that surrounded her body. Her magic was extremely powerful and that explained why he’d healed so quickly after he’d tasted her blood.

  “Okay, well you look fine so I’m going to go,” she said her voice husky. She stood slowly adjusting her jacket she frowned as she realized her phone was missing.

  “Where is my phone?” she said her eyes narrowing on his face.

  “I destroyed it.” He answered simply.

  “I don’t know what you think is happening but I’m leaving this room.” She said as she read the lust in his eyes.

  “I wouldn’t do that the witch that you’re trying to protect has turned you into a traitor,” he said pointing in the direction of the side table. She picked up the message box and opened it. Message boxes were created as news reports for supernaturals…once they’d been viewed they disappeared leaving no electronic trail.

  “I’ve already seen one…I picked a new box specifically for you,” he said softly his eyes focused on her. She opened the box slowly and a virtual style image appeared in front of her. It was a picture of the both of them from when they were last seen at the prison.

  A voice filtered through designed to only play to the ears of the person viewing it:

  The two suspects were last seen fleeing the prison. If you have any information about Anise Amant and Nate Rodriguez please contact Alison McCleery of the keeper’s coven. The reward for apprehending the two suspects is $250,000. The parameters for this award are as follows: Anise Amant must be brought in unharmed and Nate Rodriguez will be accepted either dead or alive. Anyone caught aiding these criminals will be brought to justice by the keeper’s coven.

  He watched her expression change and she released her initial protection spell allowing him to move freely in the room. He forced his body to stay still…she was his mate, but witches didn’t believe in that sort of relationship. He didn’t kid himself she was strong if she chose to run from him it would be difficult. He needed to ease into this his instinct told him she was a flight risk.

  She couldn’t believe Taren would spin the story like this…A message like that would bring out the best bounty hunters. Most supernatural covens sought to feather their nests by accepting missions from other covens. The keeper’s coven was world renowned for paying on time and enforcing their rules. This report would ensure that they would not be getting help from most other sects.

  “Okay, so tell me how you came to be in Mina’s possession and exactly what happened between you and Taren?” She said her eyes serious. They needed to get a handle on the situation and being honest was the only way to do so.

  “Her name is Taren?” He asked surprised she willingly gave up the name.

  “I just realized we don’t have time for games…with that report circulating it’s only a matter of time before they find us…we can’t waste any of it.”

  “She’s working with Mina from what I saw the mad four are developing some sort of drug for supernaturals it’s already started spreading in the surface world. It starts off getting them high and then it eventually takes over their mind it alters their free will and once that happens they own them. I was investigating the drug dealers in the area.”

  “You mean taking out,” she corrected recalling his memories from earlier.

  “Potato…putatoe witch,” he said winking at her, “either way, whatever happens to them can’t be reversed I saw your girl Taren in the middle of it with Mina.”

  Nate watched Anise think and steadied himself. Everything inside him screamed at him to claim her for his own, to ensure his claim on her was met. He’d seen her strength and if he’d learned anything from his old man it was that a strong woman was the best woman for a Rodriguez.

  Nate stepped closer to her, taking care to move slowly. He could still taste her blood. The only blood in the world made specifically for him. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply enjoying the simple pleasure in doing so. He had to find a way to get her out of this craziness.

  He would never allow risk to come to her. He sensed her will and knew commanding her wouldn’t work and he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to trick her.

  When he got close enough his instincts took over and he grabbed her so quickly that she didn’t have time to react. He fit his mouth perfectly to hers. He kissed her with all of the pent-up emotion beating inside of the chest. His need for her was intoxicating. It was more potent than any aphrodisiac could be. When she finally gathered her wits she used her power to push him back to the other side of the room.

  She felt her body reacting to him in a way that it never had before with anyone else. She wasn’t a fool, she knew whatever this was wouldn’t be easily dismissed but she could only deal with one thing at a time.

  “Don’t do that again,” she said still breathing heavily uncomfortable with the growing wetness between her thighs.

  “That is unavoidable, you are my right,” he said rubbing the back of his head smiling ruefully at her.

  “Then I will fight you every time.”

  “And you will be worth that fight.”

  She looked at him and blushed when she caught sight of his growing erection. He laughed when her eyes quickly moved away.

  “That is my permanent state when I’m with you, so you might as well get used to it,” he said feeling zero embarrassment. She was his and he would not hide his need from her, hell he couldn’t if he tried. He could feel her brain working; he knew she was trying to create a plan that would get them out of this mess.

  “Whatever you’re thinking we can’t do it…if it involves one of yo
ur coven’s sisters,” he said.

  “I’m not stupid I know I can’t turn to one of them right now even if they wanted to help me they could be charged for doing so. I know a former Atlantis fairy he lives in the surface realm not far from us he’ll know what to do.”

  “What do you think he can do now that our names are out? We need to hide until we come up with a solid plan. What she’s done so far shows how desperate she is. Even if we prove she set us up she won’t stop, not if Mina has her claws in her,” he replied.

  “No, we need the reason for why she’s doing this…this isn’t her. You have to come with me because if she kills you there is no going back.”

  “Thanks for the concern,” Nate said sarcastically.

  “It’s not like that; wouldn’t you do anything you could to protect someone you love?” She said quietly refusing to apologize.

  Nate looked at Anise’s set face and decided to do it her way for now as long as they were together he could protect her. He still wasn’t at full strength yet. He needed to feed again but the thought of taking another person’s blood turned his stomach.

  “You want me to stay with you,” he asked forming his own plan.

  “Yes for your own protection.”

  “Okay, then we are going to do things my way let me check in with an old friend who used to work with Mina and see if he has any information on how your girl is involved.”

  “You have a friend that used to work with Mina?” She asked skeptically.

  “Maybe friend was too strong of a word…but he can be trusted he worked for the mad four against his will and his hatred for them will ensure he can be trusted and as my life is the one on the line it’s going to be my call.” He turned to gather their stuff as if the conversation was over.

  Anise could feel his implacable will, he didn’t trust her yet…smart man. She didn’t want anything to happen to him but she needed to figure out what was going on before the coven did she wouldn’t turn her back on Taren.

  Her eyes followed his muscular back. Her lip curled as she felt a flare of interest shake her. She definitely didn’t have time for that she closed her eyes and chanted a spell that would ensure that Dom still got her message.

  She didn’t know why Taren and Dom had not worked out but she needed all the help she could get and Dom had loved Taren at one point. She would let Nate take the lead, for now, it was better than sitting here like a pair of fat ducks waiting for the hunters to show up.

  * * *

  Somewhere in a small house in New Orleans….

  Nadia climbed in through the window and crept carefully into the room. She needed to understand Taren’s connection to the girl before she could go any further. She ran her fingers lightly over each item using a spell, mapping the girl’s emotions as she went.

  Something was amiss here she thought as she opened the small wooden crate under the bed. There was something in the girl’s emotions that had changed.

  “There’s nothing in there I already checked,” Ida whispered directly in Nadia’s ear.

  Always the professional, Nadia didn’t jump…just turned her head slightly executing a spell that would have sent Ida flying if Balloch hadn’t been right behind her. His massive arms wrapped around her small body as she pushed back by the spell.

  The large blonde vampire held her close to him. His gray eyes narrowed on Nadia, fierce, and focused. She felt a shiver touch her spine everyone in the coven had a soft spot for Balloch because of his obvious love for Ida but she’d never gotten over the fact that he was a bloodsucker.

  She’d killed many a vampire and found that particular species revolting she had a feeling her face was showing her thoughts because he shook his head and sighed loudly.

  “If that is how you say hello no wonder you don’t have many friends,” Ida said standing slowly dusting herself off absently patting Balloch.

  She was glad Nadia pulled back at the last minute she forgot how strong she was she needed to be careful now. She ran her hand lightly over her slightly curved belly.

  She could feel the tension in Balloch. She knew that Nadia had a distinct dislike for vampires. She needed them to get along right now because something was up with her powers.

  She’d noticed the changes slowly her dream visions were becoming less and less clear. Also, mapping rooms were becoming more difficult which meant she was vulnerable and lord help her if Balloch found out.

  After meditating for nearly two hours she finally had a clear vision and it had told her everything she needed to know about Taren and her dreadful past. It hadn’t taken long for her to track the little girl or to figure out how Mina had controlled her.

  “I’m sure you know why I’m here?” Nadia asked her turning to look over the room again pointedly ignoring the massive lurking vampire.

  “Yes mam, you found a connection between Taren and Mina the psycho. I’m surprised that it took you so long to get here we’ve been here for like two weeks,” Ida lied reaching out a hand for Balloch.

  She felt him pause for just a moment before taking it and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide the issues with her powers for much longer. She felt the strength in his hold and sighed, oh but she loved this man. Without hesitation, he pulled her close to his body. She was lucky she could still use some of her magic even though her power was growing more erratic with each day.

  “So you know why I have to bring the girl in nothing will happen to her, but we need to know the truth,” Nadia said ignoring the embracing couple. As much as she didn’t understand Ida’s attraction to the leech, she didn’t doubt their love.

  “I know and she is ready to go, seems as if she figured out Mina’s deal with Taren some years ago and had been trying to figure out a way to stop her.”

  “But she’s weak,” Nadia responded distracted by the small frilly notebooks scattered across the room. She flipped through one of them and was surprised to find hand-written notes about supernaturals with detailed information on their weaknesses.

  “Not anymore she went through a lot of trouble to get stronger…she’s different now.”

  “Why did you interfere then if she was willing to help why did you need to be here?”

  “I’m here to ease the way you see she’s not human at all anymore and what she’s become is something you really truly detest.”

  Nadia’s eyes narrowed as the pressure shifted in the room and Ashley stepped out from behind the magical barrier Ida had created around her.

  The teenage girl looked directly at her with a blank stare filled with promise and violence her thoughts centered on finding her sister she’d waited a long time for this day. Her small fangs were barely noticeable but definitely there.

  “Vampire,” Nadia hissed taking a step back.

  She merely smiled and leaned forward and whispered, “Damn straight,” right back.

  * * *

  Smack dab in the middle of the Hunter’s Den club in the catacombs of New Orleans….

  Nate walked quietly with a subdued Anise by his side. He knew she was using a lot of magic to disguise them both once they’d entered the underground tunnels located just beneath New Orleans they had immediately realized it was going to be difficult.

  Everywhere they looked their faces were plastered on the walls. She was working overtime to erase their scent and change their faces.

  Every step they took deeper into the catacombs her power grew. She could feel the life of the planet flowing all around her, enveloping her. She watched Nate nervously; he was sweating…a lot. She remembered his aversion to enclosed spaces. He must really believe this guy could help them if he was willing to go this far.

  When they accidentally bumped into a werewolf who had clearly seen better days she did her best to erase them from his memories, when she touched his mind she found nothing but scattered memories and basic instincts.

  She had a feeling that he was on that new supernatural drug, venom. The werewolf had clearly consumed too much, she could sense his
wolf fighting to keep them alive. She reached out to touch him and was pulled back tightly against Nate. Her eyes shot to his serious face.

  “We can’t help him,” he said pushing the mad wolf up against the wall. He didn’t know exactly how the drug worked or how it was used but he would keep it far away from his mate.

  “We could try…my sister figured out how to reverse some of the effects,” she whispered as they came across a hall filled with mad supernaturals clearly on the drug as well. One witch danced naked in a corner her body sending off small electric shots as she twirled. Sadness filled her as she took in crazed supernaturals all around them.

  Two vampires writhed on the floor she couldn’t tell if they were making love or fighting and still Nate moved forward with his hand wrapped tightly around hers. He kept his eyes forward purposely ignoring the crowd.

  When they found the entrance to Hunter’s Den, he let out a deep breath. She could feel the tension in him as they walked closer to the door. His energy changed slightly becoming more charged and his muscles grew bigger.

  His fangs grew longer sharper, just past his bottom lip. She’d seen vampires transition into their fighting form before but never this close. Even Balloch who was always ready for battle had never transitioned right in front of her.

  His energy continued shifting as well until it was menacing and threatening. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end. She tried to pull her hand away to distance herself from him…but he wouldn’t release her.

  His eyes centered on her neck

  “Run from me, Anise…I can’t…I can barely control myself right now.”

  “Let me go,” she whispered caught by the intensity of his eyes. They contained pure need, a lust so strong that it captivated her. Her heart sped up as she recognized his ability to threaten her in a very different way.


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