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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

Page 15

by T. C. Clark

  Her arms wrapped around him holding him as tightly as her legs and he pulled back looking down at her. She looked beautiful like this under him, with him.

  He licked his fangs savoring the taste of her and he felt his body grow hard again. Her eyes widened as she realized as well a slow wicked smile formed on her mouth and quickly he bent down to kiss it away.

  * * *

  Nate tightened his hold on Anise, it was nearly four o’clock in the morning and she’d just begged for a reprieve. Her body was so tired that she didn’t even move as he pulled her close and adjusted her body to his. He couldn’t get enough of her. Still, rock hard he rubbed his belly surprised by the satisfaction he was feeling. They were still in danger and their relationship was up in the air, at least as far as she was concerned, and yet, he knew that something had changed for them on a fundamental level. He sent out a prayer of thanks to whatever had allowed him to have this woman and he would allow nothing to threaten his future with her.

  “I’m going in first and you guys watch the parameter. Give me thirty minutes and I will hand-deliver Nate to you,” Taren said her eyes focused on the house. She could use her powers to travel through any of the mirrors there,

  “Dillon said for us to go with you,” Will said his eyes closely watching the house. Melvin stood quietly to the side waiting for the okay from Will.

  “Let me try to reason with her if I can get her to come with me willingly it will give both of you a free shot at Nate and trust me I’ve met the man it’s going to take both of you.” She didn’t hesitate, moving in on the house quickly.

  Will watched her go with a smile on his face. This would go easier if she could convince the earth witch to trust them, they’d lost some good men to that coven and this would work better if they could get the drop on her.

  Plus they needed to deal with the vampire first. He had some very specific plans for him. He was surprised that Dillon had sent two of them for this; he’d seen the blood bag back at the compound and knew he wasn’t anything special despite Taren’s description of him.

  They would handle him first and then have a little fun with the ladies before they brought Anise back; tonight was going to be a good night.

  She had to find a way to get Anise out of there and she needed space to work. There was no way she was going to let Anise be taken back to that hell hole.

  * * *

  It was the quiet that woke him. He didn’t recognize the stillness of the surrounding forest. The serenity had been disrupted to an untrained ear everything would appear fine but he knew better.

  Nate sat up carefully shaking Anise awake. She looked so sexy with her hair tousled and his love bite marks all over her neck and her chest.

  She protested sleepily rolling back over and snuggling deeper into the warmth of the pillow. He ran his hand down her spine stopping only to cup a round cheek.

  “I can’t Nate. I’m too sore and I am way too sleepy,” she whispered to him slapping his hand away. Even as she said it she could feel her body growing wet as her mind flooded with images of what they had done last night.

  He chuckled into the darkness and stood quietly to slip on his pants. He handed her his shirt.

  “Something’s wrong outside it could be nothing but I don’t want to risk it I want you awake when I go to check it out.”

  Anise sat quickly she didn’t want to be caught by anyone naked. She put on his shirt and covered her feet with warm slippers. He caught her arm as she stood and pulled her close to him kissing her quickly.

  Tenderness filled his heart as he held his small mate to his body. He hadn’t been the butcher in a long time choosing instead a life of peace. But he would become whatever he needed to be, destroy whoever he needed to destroy in order to protect Anise.

  “Nate, how do you want to do this?” She said huskily ignoring his hands moving so softly over her back. She liked the closeness with him. Tonight she’d felt a connection that she’d never felt before and she didn’t want to examine it too closely.

  He led her to the kitchen his bare feet quiet on the floor. He felt the power flowing through his body, her power.

  “I want to go out and check…listen for me but stay low to the ground just in case,” he said grabbing a knife from the counter.

  If someone had found them they were taking their time attacking. Anise was right behind him her eyes scanning the darkness through the glass windows. The magical-looking forest appeared evil at night.

  “How could they have found us?” She asked watching Nate as he prepared himself for battle his eyes focused on the woods looking for the best way to enter it.

  He didn’t know how they found them so he needed to be careful of how he approached this, he hated leaving Anise in the house alone he knew she could protect herself, but it still worried him.

  “Maybe they got to Dom?” He answered absently.

  “No way Dom wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t betray us,” she said easily following him to the door.

  He paused he didn’t like her having faith in another man. Luckily he kept that to himself. He felt her tension and his body responded in kind his adrenaline spiking. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “I’ll be right back, wait here.”

  He disappeared into the night using his sense of sound to guide him. He knew immediately there were other people there. He turned and held up the number three to Anise.

  When she nodded he disappeared from her sight. She hesitated, wanting to go after him but knowing that with only two of them they needed to work separately.

  He’d held up the number three which meant he thought there were at least three people here. She felt a prickly sensation on the back of her neck and took a deep breath.

  She chanted a spell of protection over him calling to the plants in the forest to guide and protect him and turned to confront her old friend lurking in the mirror.

  “Anise, you have to run,” Taren said. Her face showing inside of the mirror. Her power allowed her the ability to hide inside of them and use them as virtual pathways.

  “I can’t run Taren and I won’t let you take Nate. I don’t know what she has on you but I believe I can help and if for some reason I can’t I will find someone who will.”

  “It’s not that simple Anise. Do you think I’m so weak that I would do all of this because of something she has on me? I have nothing, I am nothing because of her,” she whispered back.

  “Then tell me why?” Anise asked again.

  “She has my sister…she has Ashley?”

  That stopped Anise in her tracks her eyes widened as she took it in. She’d known Taren for over ten years and she knew for certain that she’d told her she had no family.

  “Okay, cut the shit you have exactly five minutes to tell me everything,” she said her stomach-turning. What else had Taren lied about and how come Nate wasn’t back?

  * * *

  Nate quietly followed the warlock circling the house. He knew from his scent he had a decent amount of power he would have to take care of him quickly.

  The man wore black sweats and a black cap. He was so focused on the house that he didn’t her Nate approach him from behind. He didn’t hesitate he could t risk him using his power and exposing his location.

  He snapped his neck like he would snap his fingers; catching his body he carried him to the outcropping of trees. He needed to find the second warlock now.

  He kept moving the benefit of being a vampire at night was that the darkness is where they lived. He knew how to move in it silently and maneuver through it with ease. Warlocks never learned how to fight most of them relying heavily on their magic which was a huge mistake.

  He spotted the second warlock and traced to him quickly this time he used the knife brutally and efficiently he cut the man down. Slamming the knife just far enough into his jugular to ensure that he stayed still. He laughed at the surprise in his eyes, he remembered this warlock…it would be his pleasure to end him.

  “Make a move a
nd I rip this knife from your throat and watch you bleed out, please don’t test me…I’m itching to kill you.”

  The warlock nodded knowing he needed to bide his time.

  “Where is the other one?” Nate asked looking around.

  “We are not here for you I’ve been told to target Taren,” he said blood pooling from his mouth onto the ground. He stiffened as the pain intensified as he spoke.

  “I only need her,” he lied keeping his eyes trained on the vampire.

  “Why?” he asked his eyes focused on the blood pooling at his feet.

  Will grew nervous he knew vampires who became crazed with blood lust at the sight of a lot of blood and the nerves loosened his tongue, “the weak one,” he started and then corrected himself, “the witch’s sister is dead and without her as leverage she is of no use to use. She represents a loose end that we can’t have, get me to her and I’ll take her from this place.”

  “Thanks for the honesty,” he said leaning down and snatching the knife from his neck. It didn’t take long for the life to drain from the warlock’s eyes. He knew the warlocks had underestimated him; they really should have done their research.

  He turned and traced back through the woods and was surprised at what he found.

  His little mate was in a yelling match with the other witch. Both had tears in their eyes. Knowing the other witch was distracted by the argument he didn’t hesitate tracing to her and wrapping his large hand around her neck. He’d seen her in action and knew she spoke her spells much like Anise.

  She was smart standing completely still when she realized where his finger rested it wouldn’t take much to pierce her skin and rip through her main artery.

  She kept her eyes on his and he knew her mind was working on a way to free herself. He should just kill her and be done.

  “Stop, Nate please,” Anise begged, sensing the danger in the room.

  “No, you love her so your reasoning is skewed. But I see her as she is and I won’t let this parasite hurt you anymore.”

  “It wasn’t like that Mina used her sister as a way to control her. I hurt when I think of our friendship being less than I thought it was, but I don’t blame her for it… I would do anything for my sisters and she is my sister, regardless of how she feels.”

  “She was going to kill you.”

  “No, she wanted to kill you. She was trying to make me leave you behind. You said that I am everything to you if that’s true you can’t do this it would break me.”

  “Your sister is gone the warlock in the red said that you were his target and tried to trade his life for yours,” he said his eyes on Anise.

  “I’m going to let you go but if I see any move to attack I will not hesitate the second time I come after you no matter what my mate says.” He released her and jumped back landing directly beside Anise.

  “You’re making it up so I’ll let you go free, there is no way that’s true,” Taren snapped.

  “It’s what he said…the weak one is gone and they need to eliminate you before you become a threat.”

  “No,” she said as tears filled her eyes. The people at the compound always called Ashley the weak one and there is no way anyone but an insider would know that.

  She’d wondered why Melvin and Will had been added to her team they worked directly with Dillon and would do anything to earn his favor.

  Pain, unlike anything she’d ever felt before rushed through her and she fell to her knees. After everything she’d done to keep her safe, after everything she’d sacrificed her little sister was gone. The one pure and good thing in her life was lost to the one person she hated above everyone else.

  She stood letting the rage control her body she could cry later for her sister for now she had a job to do. She cast her spell quickly. Anise followed her eyes and gasped as she saw the glazed blankness in his eyes. Taren was the Keeper of reflection and could trap anyone inside of an object that could reflect. Right now Nate’s body was there but his mind was gone.

  “Let him go Taren,” Anise ordered she saw him struggling to break free.

  I’m going after Mina myself, Nate and for some reason Anise wants you. I need you to understand that if anything happens to her if even one hair is harmed on her head I will come for you with everything I have.

  The voice filtered through his head and shook his soul. She meant it… she would find a way to seek vengeance if any harm was to come to Anise and he knew at that moment that he forgave her for what she’d done. Anyone who wanted to protect Anise wasn’t an enemy but an ally.

  Before anise could figure out what spell to use to break the enchantment Taren released Nate’s mind. She took a deep breath and turned toward her old friend.

  “There’s only one way I can make this right…there is nothing left for me not now.”

  “You are going to go after Mina alone?”Anise asked.

  “With my sister gone there is nothing to stop me I remembered the layout, the security parameters just for this moment. I’m going to rip that witch apart and burn that place to the ground and she will never be able to hurt another person again.”

  “You can’t do it alone…not all of it,” Anise said.

  “You’d be surprised at the lengths I can go to win that bitch will not get away.”

  “Okay if this has to be done then I’m going with you,” Anise said taking Nate’s hand.

  He squeezed her reassuringly understanding her reasoning and

  “I betrayed you,” Taren said, even if she’d done her best to protect them, she’d still been a traitor.

  “I know,” Anise said straightening up Dom’s living room.

  “I betrayed the coven,” she added in case Anise didn’t understand what all of it meant.

  “I got that memo, too.”

  “Then why?”

  “You are a secret holding, two-timing, torture happy crazy chick…but you are my family and we all know, a family is the one thing you protect.”

  “So the two of us against the world,” Taren whispered her eyes filling with tears.

  “Three…Anise is mine to protect, where she goes I go,” Nate added.

  “I need to kill her you understand that right?” She said looking at Anise.

  “I know…I get it. But I can’t let you do this alone so what’s the plan?” She asked firmly. She’d lost a lot in her life hell sometimes it felt like all she did was loose…but not this time, this time they would win.

  “First Nate, do you remember where you left Melvin we need something that he has,” Taren said, her mind already on the upcoming fight…

  Fall of the wicked witch of New Orleans

  * * *

  “Opal, Alex are you in place?” Pearl’s voice rang in her ear she was surprised at just how much equipment the sanctuary had.

  She’d told them she could cast a spell to connect their minds and they had pretty much laughed her out of the room. A spell would take away from their energy they said and no one would be able to detect this electrical equipment because of how it was made.

  So here she was in a utility closet with Alex with a 1960’s style earpiece and she’d never missed Atlantis more.

  “Yes, we are in place,” she said rolling her eyes. Alex smiled as he watched his wife try to make nice with the witches from the sanctuary.

  “Okay, we need you to take out their security system Balloch. Ashley and Nadia are working their way through the left wing of the compound and they aren’t using their powers so no one will be able to report the use of magic just keep it simple.”

  “Got it, boss,” she said sardonically Pearl was also like Myra even if she didn’t want to admit it.

  “Where is Ida?” She asked.

  “Apparently someone contacted the vampire council and told them about Ida’s pregnancy so she is being guarded by two of their knights.”

  “Oh my god, and how did Ida react to this?” She said laughing for the first time in days.

  “Let’s just say she wasn’t amu
sed,” Pearl responded by clicking off.

  “Did you have anything to do with this?” She asked Alex.

  “Absolutely not, you told me not to interfere so I’m not interfering.”

  “No you just told the council so they could,” she asked with a smile.

  The corner of his mouth raised slightly and for the fifth time tonight he checked the door. They were in the middle of the left wing far from the outside of the compound. He pulled two blades from his pocket and flipped them repeatedly in his hand testing their strength, god help anyone who walked through that door, he’d just received his mate and he would not lose her now.

  When he looked back at Opal he realized she was in a trance, channeling, and reshaping her spiritual energy for her spell. If the plan went right the lights should be cutting out right about….

  * * *

  Taren, Anise, and Nate arrived back at Melvin’s room at the compound. Whenever a group was sent on a mission by Dillon one of the personnel was given a two-way pass, a spell that would deliver them to their destination and one that would return them back. In this case, the return location was an old dingy looking bedroom that smelled of feet and fear.

  “Okay Melvin was nasty,” Anise said her eyes going to the dirty sheets that covered his bed. She felt Nate’s hand on her back his eyes going over the room as well.

  “We can’t stay here where are we going Taren?” He asked. They were sitting ducks in this little room. He stole a glance at his mate her thick curly hair was coming loose from her hair tie.


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