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Mesmerized: The Magician's Plaything

Page 2

by Mallorie Griffin

  It was Malcolm.

  “Still under my spell, I see,” he commented as he shut the door behind him, leaving them both in the cramped dark. “How is my assistant enjoying her first day on the job, hmm?” He leaned in close as he spoke, and Tammy could smell him. His breath was faintly minty, but his body smelled musky, sweaty, and very manly. She suddenly found herself growing weak at the knees, as she realized her level of attraction to him. And now, she was trapped in a box with him, unable to move.

  “Is everything to your liking?” he continued, seemingly unaware of what was racing through Tammy's mind. “Speak, if you want to make any changes.”

  Tammy voice caught in her throat, and oddly, she found herself not wanting to change anything at all. She wanted this man, exactly like this. She wanted him to take her, to force her. Long pushed down and submerged desires welled up inside her, a burning fire coursing through her body. Her emotions warred against each other. Half of her wanted to scream, to push him away and break out of that constricting box, and the other half wanted to throw herself on him, and beg him for what she knew they both wanted. But she was still under Malcolm's spell. She couldn't speak, and she couldn't move, no matter how hard she tried.

  And Malcolm wasn't about to give her either of the things she so desired. He merely chuckled and opened the door to the box, snapping his fingers on the way out. “We've got another show in an hour, sweetheart,” he said, and the spell was broken. Tammy could move again.

  Shakily, she stepped out of the box.

  What the hell had just happened?


  The rest of the evening was completely normal. They did the show, everything went off without a hitch, and Tammy ended trapped in the box, once again. But this time there was no hypnotism, there was no spell. Malcolm let her out immediately after the trick, and allowed her to take a bow with him.

  It was like that earlier incident had never even happened.

  After the show, Jenna found her.

  Tammy didn't even realize Jenna was watching, but there she was, grinning and waving with an armful of flowers. She'd mentioned the job in passing to her college friend, but she hadn't expected the woman to actually show up for a show, and now she found herself freezing slightly at the thought of having to talk to her. Jenna was also quite the feminist, and if Tammy let slip the little bit of strange behavior that Malcolm had displayed earlier, she'd scream abuse. It didn't matter that Tammy found it incredibly thrilling, and more than a little arousing.

  She sighed, and made her way to the back of the stage to put on her civilian clothing. These work clothes certainly wouldn't do, not for going out in public. And she was sure that Jenna would have something to say about them. So, it was better to get out of them sooner, rather than later. She found her tiny, closet-sized dressing room, and stepped inside, changing quickly.

  “You did marvelously,” Malcolm purred behind her, causing her to jump. How did he get in here without her knowing?

  “Th-thank you,” Tammy stuttered as she pulled her shirt over her head. He'd seen her in her bra!

  Which was a stupid initial thought to have. Her stage outfit revealed as much as her bra did.

  “Did you enjoy the night?” he asked, looking at her meaningfully. Tammy knew full well what he was referring to.

  She paused. She knew that if she was truly uncomfortable with his naughty advances and the way he treated her, now was the time to get out.

  She nodded her head. “Yes, very much.”

  He gave a slight smile. “Good. I expect you'll be ready for another show tomorrow.”

  She returned the smile. “Definitely.”

  With that, he left, and Tammy finished her changing. What an odd arrangement. The lines were blurring about how much of a job this job was. And if it wasn't a job, what was it?

  She shook her head. No matter. She had to go out and see Jenna now.

  In fact, she heard Jenna before she saw her – the girl was arguing with a security guard, trying to get back stage to see Tammy.

  “I'm telling you, I know the assistant!”

  “Sure, sure, you and every other lovesick female trying to get to the magician,” the guard sighed and waved a lazy hand at the crowd of females. Tammy suddenly heard screams from the other side of the stage. Malcolm was apparently doing an after show appearance, to the delight of his fans. She was certain that it was somewhat expected that he show up for autographs and fan encounters.

  She didn't realize how popular he was, and felt a small pang of jealousy, for just a moment. He really could have any girl out there, she realized.

  But Jenna knocked the feeling clear out of her head. “There you are!” she shouted and pointed the flowers straight at Tammy.

  “Yeah, she's with me,” Tammy said to the guard, feeling a little sheepish. She should have gotten Jenna some sort of pass. But she didn't even know the girl was showing up Jenna was all smiles as she approached Tammy and handed her the flowers. Roses. “You did great!” she said brightly. Her hair had changed again since Tammy last saw her a week ago. Now it was cropped short and dyed magenta. Before, it had been slightly longer, with streaks of blue. Jenna seemed to change her hair every time Tammy saw her. She wasn't even sure what the original color was. “Even though I can't say I approve to the work,” she said in a more sniffing tone. “How can you parade around in that costume on stage?”

  Tammy shrugged, a slight flush rising. “I don't know.” The costume was rather revealing. Tammy knew what comparison was coming next.

  “I'm sorry, you just looked like a stripper up there.”

  Tammy's flush grew. “I'm not a stripper, though.”

  “You know they make more money, probably.”

  “And they also are required to get naked!”

  Jenna shrugged, but Tammy could see the slight grin on her face. Jenna didn't like this job, but she did like hassling Tammy. “Please tell me you're at least looking for a real job.”

  “Of course I am!” Tammy said shortly, tugging at the sleeves of her t-shirt. She felt too exposed even now, in her normal clothes.

  “Good. Come on, let's go out for a celebratory drink.”

  The rest of the night passed more or less uneventfully. They went out to one of the many bars on the strip, drank a little too much, and got hit on by a few too many guys for Tammy's taste. She'd never been good around men, and had few boyfriends even through her college years.

  Jenna shrugged off the advances for both of them easily though, and around two in the morning, they stumbled on their respective ways home.

  Tammy had another big day tomorrow, after all.


  She didn't know why, but she felt even more nervous this night than the last. She was afraid that Malcolm would do something with that hypnotism of his again, and that she wouldn't be able to resist him. But at the same time, she was thrilled by the thought.

  She hadn't told Jenna about that aspect of her performance last night. She knew the girl wouldn't approve. She had tried to get Jenna to use the secret phrase on her though, and it hadn't worked. Not that this meant much. It was entirely possible that only Malcolm had that kind of control over her.

  A thrill ran up her spine at the thought. He could control her.

  But for now, he was controlling her paycheck, and she had to get on stage.

  This night's performance went without a hitch, in a blaze of strobing lights and hypnotized audience members. Malcolm was really on top of his game – he didn't make a single mistake. And when Tammy wormed her way over to that dark, constricting box again, she waited with bated breath, wondering whether he would do his magic on her.

  To her chagrin however, he didn't. It was just like the latter performance of last night. He pulled her out of the box to a huge round of applause, and they both took a simultaneous bow.

  “You look disappointed,” Malcolm murmured to her over the rush of clapping and cheers.

  “What? No, I'm fine,” Tammy said back. Was
it so plain on her face? Did she really want this so badly?

  Malcolm smirked and squeezed her hand even tighter, and Tammy felt a flutter in her chest. “You better be fine, after what I have in store for you tonight.”

  She felt her eyes widen. What did he have planned?

  He wouldn't elaborate, and she didn't ask further. She almost didn't want to know.

  The second and last show of the night went without incident. At least, until Tammy had to crawl through the tunnel to the magician's box, again. She was nervous and her heart fluttered against her ribs like a bird. She felt that familiar burning sensation through her body, centered around her thighs, and the general excitement of not knowing what was going to happen. Malcolm hadn't said anything at all was going to happen, after all. He could just be teasing her.

  She wormed her ways towards the box, and lifted her body up into it, her arms shaking from the tension and effort. She could hear his muffled voice in the microphone, and the audience roared as the reveal was made.

  “Thank you, thank you all!” he shouted, and Tammy's heart gave a panicked jolt. He was saying good night without getting her out of the box. What was he going to do to her?

  She found out all too soon, when he slipped the door open a bare inch and murmured that phrase, and that familiar phrase to her. “Secret weapon.”

  Tammy froze, right then and there. This was it. Her mind struggled and railed against those mental bonds, but she found herself well and truly trapped. She was firmly in the magician's spell.

  And she wouldn't be released until he said so.

  It was just like the first time he'd done this, only now, after all the clean-up was finished, the lights would be turned off, and the assistants and janitors would go home. She would be left alone. Either alone with Malcolm, or alone in this box. The former thrilled her, but the latter scared her.

  Malcolm wouldn't do that to her. She didn't know him terribly well yet, but she knew him well enough that he wouldn't waste a perfectly good opportunity like this.

  The sounds of the crew eventually abated, and then ceased entirely, and the only sound she could hear was her own quickened breath against the close walls of the box. He had to let her out soon. She found herself murmuring silently, begging Malcolm to please come let her out. She wanted to squirm, to fall onto the floor and beg him to do... something to her. She didn't even know what.

  But she couldn't. She was in his spell.

  Finally, finally, she heard the chunk of the lights being turned off, and she was left completely in the dark. Not even a line of light seeped through the edges of the door. She was alone.

  Tammy knew better than that, though. She wasn't really alone. She could sense him, prowling around on the stage like a hungry panther. And she was the prey.

  The door brushed open with a slight hissing noise, and Tammy's eyes widened in shock. Malcolm

  – at least, she thought it was Malcolm – was silhouetted in the dim light. She couldn't make out any details of his face, but she knew he was smiling. The man was devious, and she loved it. She found herself wanting more and more for him to take her, to drag her out of that box and have his way with her.

  And he did just that.

  With a growl, he yanked at her arm, causing her to topple out of the narrow box. She still still couldn't move, so she hit the floor roughly, pain lancing up her shoulder where it connected with the hard wood of the stage. But Tammy found herself relishing that pain, and wanting to feel even more of it.

  Malcolm glared down at her on the floor, and leapt upon her with a fierceness that she'd never seen in a man. It really was like he was a tiger, or a panther, hungry for her flesh.

  “You like this, don't you,” he snarled as he bit her neck, and she knew it wasn't a question. It was a statement. And it was true; she loved the feeling of being pushed right down to the ground and forcefully taken. She couldn't resist Malcolm, no matter how much she wanted to. Her eyes wildly glanced about as he moved lower and lower on her body, sending burning flashes of heat through her.

  This was so wrong, so naughty, and she loved every second of it.

  She could now feel an unmistakeable hardness of a thickening erection against her thighs, through the thin cotton of his pants, and she knew he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. She could feel her pussy throb and pulse as she registered that cock in her mind. Apparently not every part of her was frozen. Even now, she was burning with need.

  But she couldn't tell him, she was still frozen by his spell. But he could sense her pulsing loins, he could smell her scent thick in the air. He growled again, and grabbed her, pinning her to floor. As if she could move anyways. She managed to force out a tiny whimper at his invading hands and lips, and he only chuckled, his breath hotly rolling against his skin.

  “Struggling, I see. Struggling to break that spell I have over you.” He lifted his body off of her, and poised his fingers together, making to snap them and break the hypnotism. “Should I?” he said as he glanced down, searching her eyes for an answer.

  Terror flood Tammy's blood and body. Not terror of what he could do to her, but terror of him breaking this spell he had over her. She wanted him to be in control. She wanted to give every ounce of herself up to this man. He just had that effect on her. It was amazing. No one had ever made her feel this way before – not her high school flame or any of the boys she gone with in college. Malcolm was... different. He was so dominating, and it escalated so quickly. She never could have imagined that she would be in this position, just a few days ago. But now here she was.

  He laughed at the expression on her face, and fell upon her again, even more aggressively than before. His hands curled around her wrists and pinned her to the cold wood of the stage. His body was a hot iron weight against her smaller form, lancing burns against her skin that cooled immediately whenever he lifted away from her. Tammy groaned lowly whenever he pulled away. She didn't want that. She wanted to writhe and curl her body around his, feel every inch of his sinewy, lightly muscled body, but she couldn't. She couldn't move a damned muscle.

  And Malcolm knew it. And he abused that knowledge, continuing to tease her. His fingers slipped up underneath her tight costume, tracing lines of electricity down her skin, setting her entire being on fire. She couldn't say anything at all; not urge him to go faster, or even scream at him to stop. She was completely under his power.

  He peeled the costume away from her now, exposing her on that stage in the dark, and for a moment, she froze. Well, she was already frozen, but for a moment she stopped struggling against the hypnotism. What if someone came into the auditorium? What if they were caught?

  Malcolm seemed to sense her tenseness, and he laughed. “Don't you worry, my faithful assistant.

  No one will find us.”

  Tammy breathed deeply and relaxed somewhat, as Malcolm pulled the tight suit away, revealing her pale flesh, her lacy black underwear and bra. He laughed again. “Dressed to impress, I see,” he murmured.

  She wanted to argue, to try and convince him that no, it was just a coincidence, but even she knew it was a lie. She wanted this to happen. That's why she had those undergarments on. Just in case.

  And they didn't even last long on her skin. Malcolm reached behind her, snaking his hands along the smooth surface of her back, unclasping the bra and drawing it away. Tammy gasped at the sudden sensation of her erect nipples exposed to the cool air, and Malcolm immediately tossed the bra away and cupped a small breast in his hand.

  “You like this, don't you,” he echoed his earlier sentiments, and Tammy's very thoughts. “Being completely under my power. You can't do anything at all to stop me. Oh no.” A slight smile played on his lips as he spoke with that toe-curlingly hot British accent.

  Tammy couldn't answer him, not with a word, not even with a nod. But he was right. She loved the thought of surrendering herself totally to this man.

  He seemed to see her agreement in her eyes, and dipped his head quickly, kissing and
sucking at that taut nipple. Pleasure exploded in her vision and she regained control of her body enough to tilt her head back and moan in ecstasy. She didn't know how, but he knew exactly what to do to please her.

  He darted his head over to her other nipple in turn, and a fresh hot wave of lust rolled over her. She needed him. She needed him to stop teasing her and just take her. She was on fire. Her thighs ached, her cunt throbbed with longing now. She felt so unbelievably empty, and she knew only one thing would fill her up. Malcolm's thick cock, pressed tight against her legs, straining against its fabric prison.

  But she couldn't voice her wishes. She couldn't tell the magician what she wanted of him. She would have to wait for him to give it to her.

  Malcolm couldn't hold off forever, though. She could sense his movements become more and more frenzied now as he licked and suckled at her breasts, his spit coating her skin, leaving burning hot and then icy cold trails as it cooled in the air. Lower and lower he went, the stubble on his face scratching against her belly, then her hips.

  He looked up at her when he reached her underwear, and he wasn't laughing or grinning now. He looked deadly serious and full of lust – lust for her, her body, her compliance, her inability to move against him. He hooked his fingers over the band of her underwear now, and pulled downwards. This was it.

  She was drenched. Tammy could feel, even without moving, that the folds of her pussy were covered in her slick juices, and Malcolm could tell now too, she was certain of her. Her ass pressed against the wood floor of the stage, her pale, milky thighs only slightly parted, and Malcolm hadn't even dug into her yet, but she could tell from the expression on his face that he could smell her. Her scent exploded into the air when her panties were pulled down, and he lifted that black, lacy undergarment to his nose and inhaled, taking in an even deeper smell.


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