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Born to be Wild

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by Anne Marie Winston

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  October’s menu


  in Boston’s North End

  In addition to our regular flavors of gelato, this month we are featuring:

  Angel food cake with fresh whipped cream At seventeen, small-town girl Celia had never been out of her home state, never let loose, never been kissed. But when Reese Barone spent a summer at the Cape, a lot changed. His sexy swagger stirred her senses and made her lose control.

  Dark, rich devil’s food cake Reese was privileged, monied; he knew what he wanted and usually got it. And he wanted Celia. One touch and she was his. He knew she could never resist him—and after he fled, he knew he could never forget her….

  Hot fudge sundae Their lovemaking thirteen years ago was child’s play compared to the heat that flared between them at Reese’s return. No longer a sweet innocent, Celia was a woman now, with a woman’s needs. As much as she wanted to deny them, her body betrayed her with an all-out yearning for Reese’s expert hands and sensuous mouth. She’d spent most of her life trying to forget them…. Now she wanted to revel in them—rumors be damned—for as long as it lasted….

  Buon appetito!

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  Dear Reader,

  Thanks for choosing Silhouette Desire, the place to find passionate, powerful and provocative love stories. We’re starting off the month in style with Diana Palmer’s Man in Control, a LONG, TALL TEXANS story and the author’s 100th book! Congratulations, Diana, and thank you so much for each and every one of your wonderful stories.

  Our continuing series DYNASTIES: THE BARONES is back this month with Anne Marie Winston’s thrilling tale Born To Be Wild. And Cindy Gerard gives us a fabulous story about a woman who finds romance at her best friend’s wedding, in Tempting the Tycoon. Weddings seem to be the place to meet a romantic partner (note to self: get invited to more weddings), as we find in Shawna Delacorte’s Having the Best Man’s Baby.

  Also this month, Kathie DeNosky is back with another title in her ongoing ranching series—don’t miss Lonetree Ranchers: Morgan and watch for the final story in this trilogy coming in December. Finally, welcome back the wonderful Emilie Rose with Cowboy’s Million-Dollar Secret, a fantastic story about a man who inherits much more than he ever expected.

  More passion to you!

  Melissa Jeglinski

  Senior Editor

  Silhouette Desire

  Born To Be Wild


  To Kathleenest

  The bestest roommate ever.

  Books by Anne Marie Winston

  Silhouette Desire

  Best Kept Secrets #742

  Island Baby #770

  Chance at a Lifetime #809

  Unlikely Eden #827

  Carolina on My Mind #845

  Substitute Wife #863

  Find Her, Keep Her #887

  Rancher’s Wife #936

  Rancher’s Baby #1031

  Seducing the Proper Miss Miller #1155

  *The Baby Consultant #1191

  *Dedicated to Deirdre #1197

  *The Bride Means Business #1204

  Lovers’ Reunion #1226

  The Pregnant Princess #1268

  Seduction, Cowboy Style #1287

  Rancher’s Proposition #1322

  Tall, Dark & Western #1339

  A Most Desirable M.D. #1371

  Risqué Business #1407

  Billionaire Bachelors: Ryan #1413

  Billionaire Bachelors: Stone #1423

  Billionaire Bachelors: Garrett #1440

  Billionaire Bachelors: Gray #1526

  Born To Be Wild #1538


  RITA® Award finalist and bestselling author Anne Marie Winston loves babies she can give back when they cry, animals in all shapes and sizes and just about anything that blooms. When she’s not writing, she’s managing a house full of animals and teenagers, reading anything she can find and trying not to eat chocolate. She will dance at the slightest provocation and weeds her gardens when she can’t see the sun for the weeds anymore. You can learn more about Anne Marie’s novels by visiting her Web site at

  Meet the Barones of Boston—an elite clan caught in a web of danger, deceit…and desire!

  Who’s Who in BORN TO BE WILD

  Reese Barone—He’s made a killing in the stock market and has seen picturesque sunsets all around the world, but he finally realizes that when he walked away thirteen years ago, he lost everything that mattered. Family…and Celia, the only woman he’s ever loved….

  Celia Papaleo—Something strange is happening at her harbor in Cape Cod. Something she suspects is linked to the mysterious deaths of her husband and young son. Even stranger is the return of her one—and only—true love, Reese. His return is the one thing she dreaded—and the one thing she craved….

  Nicholas Barone—He knows all about reunions. Some fail miserably…and some are worth waiting for. Which will his brother’s be?



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  “She said what?” Twenty-one-year-old Reese Barone, seated in the parlor of his family home in Boston’s Beacon Hill district, stared at his father in shock. “She’s lying!”

  “Eliza Mayhew says that she’s pregnant and you are the father.” Carlo Barone stood in front of the elaborate marble fireplace, hands clasped behind his back. He eyed his second-to-eldest son sternly. “Needless to say, your mother and I are very disappointed in you, Reese. Let’s not make this more difficult than it already is.”

  “But I never—”

  “Reese.” His father’s voice was colder than he’d ever heard it, even more so than the time Reese had been caught and disciplined for putting two baby goats in the headmaster’s office on April Fools’ Day. The fact that he hadn’t taken into account their tendency to eat everything in sight—and promptly recycle it from the other end—had been a significant problem. “There will be no discussion. You will do the right thing and marry Miss Mayhew at the end of the month.”

  “I—huh? I will not.” Reese leaped to his feet, nearly upsetting the elegant wing chair in which he’d been sitting while he’d waited to find out what could possibly have gotten his old man’s drawers in such a twist. “That baby isn’t mine.”

  On the love seat facing them, his mother, Moira, bowed her head as a sob escaped.

  Carlo’s face darkened with anger. “Haven’t you already done enough to damage our family name?” he demanded. “First you get involved with that fisherman’s daughter in Harwichport—”

  “There’s nothing wrong with Celia,” Reese said hotly, “except that she doesn’t come with a pedigree.”

  “It’s not the lack of family connections,” his mother said. “I would hope you know us better than that. It’s just that… Oh, Reese, she’s so young. And she comes from a world that’s very different from yours—”

  “Being of Portuguese descent doesn’t make her different.”

  But his mother ignored the rebuke. “How could you ever expect to have anything in common?”

  “Besides the obvious,” put in his father. “Which, might I point out, you appear to have in common with other women, as well.”

  “I already told you,” Reese said tightly, “I can’t be the father of Eliza’s baby. I—”

  “Enough!” Carlo made an angry gesture. “I will not tolerate lying. Miss Mayhew is the daughter of a family friend as well as a classmate
of your sister’s. How could you be so careless?”

  “Has she had a paternity test done?” Reese demanded. “Maybe you’d better think about who’s being careless.” He could feel his temper slipping the tight leash he’d held, and the words spilled out. Even the pain in his father’s eyes couldn’t halt his tongue. “Taking someone else’s word without giving me a chance to defend myself? Fine.” His eyes narrowed. “I don’t need this, Dad. I’m not marrying Lying Eliza and you can’t make me.” He strode toward the door to the hallway.

  “Don’t you dare walk away when I’m speaking to you!” Reese had come by his temper honestly. Carlo stepped forward and reached for his son’s arm, but Reese shoved him away in a red haze of anger.

  “You ever put your hands on me again and I swear you’ll be sorry,” he snarled at his father. He barreled down the hall to the heavy front door, oblivious to his mother’s frantic cries. As he slammed through the door and the thunderous sound of its closing echoed behind him, he swore one thing to himself: he would never set foot in the same room with his father again until he’d received an apology from the old man.

  His chest was tight with pain and he blinked rapidly. No way, he told himself, no way was he ever going into that house again until his father apologized. He couldn’t be the father of that baby—he’d never even slept with Eliza! But he hadn’t been allowed the chance to explain. Hell, his father hadn’t even given him the courtesy of pretending he might be innocent.

  He was getting as fast and far away from Massachusetts as he could on the first flight out. To hell with finishing school. Who needed a degree from Harvard, anyway? He was good with the stock market, had already managed to significantly increase the million he’d inherited on his last birthday.

  But…if he quit school, what would he do?

  The answer came to him as easily as if the idea had only been waiting for the question to be asked. He’d dreamed of sailing around the world since he’d been old enough to steer a boat.

  Around the world! Oh, yeah, he was outta here.

  As he jumped into his car and roared away from his childhood home for the last time, he decided he’d ask Celia daSilva to join him. Images of her naked body glowing in the golden sunlight filled his head. God, he loved her. They could even get married!

  Then cold sanity kicked in. Celia wouldn’t be eighteen for over another month. Wouldn’t his father just love the chance to catch him with a minor! And he knew Celia’s father wasn’t exactly thrilled that she had been glued to Reese’s side all summer.

  Five more weeks…

  He couldn’t stick around that long. Anger continued to race through him. He could barely wait to get out of town. Today. Besides, he knew Celia too well. If he went to her now, she would try to talk him into waiting until he was calmer, into talking with his father. And if that failed, she’d pester him to take her along. The hell of it was, he wasn’t sure he had the willpower to resist her. Even if it landed him in jail if they were caught.

  He’d write to her. Write her and tell her what his father had done, explain to her why he’d had to leave so abruptly. She would understand. That was the one thing he could count on. Celia always understood him. Yeah, he’d write. Ask her to come with him after her birthday…ask her to marry him.

  His hands tightened on the wheel as he punched the accelerator of his sleek sports car against the floorboard. To hell with his old man. He didn’t need anyone else as long as he had Celia.


  Thirteen years later

  “Hey, Celia! Guess what I heard?”

  With an abstracted smile Celia Papaleo glanced up from the paperwork on permanent moorings. Thank God it was finally October. They’d reached that time of year when Harwichport residents could begin to breathe again after the tourists overran Cape Cod for the summer, flinging money and flouting rules and generally making the South Harwich harbormaster and everyone else who worked for her crazy.

  “Roma.” She raised her head and smiled at the petite woman in the bright red sweater who’d entered her office, sitting back in her chair. “What did you hear?”

  Roma had been Celia’s best friend since their elementary school days. She held a tiny girl in one arm and a toddler by the hand.

  Celia rose and automatically reached for the infant, ignoring the sharp sting of pain that pierced her heart as she cuddled baby Irene close. How she’d loved holding Leo this way when he was a baby. Leo… He would have been five next week—

  “Ceel?” Roma snapped her fingers, waving one hand in front of Celia’s face.

  Celia focused on her friend’s concerned blue eyes, knowing Roma would worry. Pushing aside the grief that inevitably welled up, she made an effort to smile again.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I was just thinking how glad I am summer’s over.”

  “Amen to that.” Roma’s voice held feeling although she still studied Celia too closely. “Adios, tourists.”

  “Those tourists put food on our tables,” Celia felt compelled to point out.

  “Yeah, but they’re still a huge pain in the—”

  “All right. I get your point.” Celia chuckled. She gestured to Irene and little William, who was busy pushing a truck around the seat of one office chair with pudgy fingers. “So what’s so important that you had to drag these two down here instead of just picking up the phone?”

  “Oh!” Roma perked up. “Almost forgot. You’d better sit down,” she warned darkly.

  Celia’s eyebrows rose. “Why?”

  “Reese Barone docked over at Saquatucket Marina last night.”

  Reese Barone…Reese Barone…Reese Barone… The name echoed through her head, a blast from the past she surely could have lived the rest of her life without hearing. Her muscles tensed, her heart skipped a beat. For a single crystalline instant, the world froze. Then she forced herself to react.

  “Wow.” Her voice would be calm if it killed her. “It’s been years since he was here, hasn’t it?”

  Roma snorted. “You know darn well how long it’s been. He hasn’t been back since he dumped you for the pregnant deb.”

  “Technically, he didn’t dump me for anyone. The last I heard, he refused to marry her and took off for good.” She handed Irene back to Roma and picked up the papers on her desk, aligning all the corners with unnecessary care. “I doubt we’ll see him here. Saquatucket caters more to the yacht crowd than we do.”

  “He might look you up.”

  Celia forced herself to laugh. “Roma, he probably doesn’t even remember me. We were kids.”

  “Kids? I think not.” Roma cocked her head and studied Celia until she blushed.

  “Okay, we weren’t kids. But we were really young. My life has changed completely since those days and I’m sure his has, too.”

  “Maybe.” Roma didn’t sound as if she believed it. But then she shrugged. “I’m off to the grocery store. I just have time for a quick run before I pick Blaine up from kindergarten.”

  Celia nodded, although another arrow of pain shot into her to nestle beside the first. Leo had been seven months younger than Blaine, but because of his October birthday he would have been a year behind in school. This would have been his last year at home with her. Don’t go there, Celia. You’re not an at-home mom anymore. You’re not a mom, period. Or a wife. You’re just the harbormaster now.

  “See you.” Roma corralled her younger son and blew a kiss at Celia before she swept out the door.

  Celia could only be grateful that her friend hadn’t perceived her pain. Leaning both elbows on her desk as she sank into her chair again, she pressed the palms of her hands hard against her eyes, refusing to shed the tears that wanted to spring free.

  After two and a half years she didn’t think of them as much now, Milo and Leo. Only a few times a day as opposed to a few times a minute. The agony had faded to a dull ache—except for momentary flare-ups like this one. Often, they were triggered by Roma’s three children. She suspected her friend knew it, because Ro
ma didn’t bring them around as much as she once had.

  But Celia refused to crawl into a hole and hide for the rest of her life, which was what she’d have to do to avoid seeing children. She loved Roma’s kids and her husband, Greg. She’d lost her own family but that was no reason to cut Roma’s out of her life. Still, sometimes it was hard. Just…so hard.

  She turned her mind away from the thoughts because she couldn’t stand them anymore. Lord, she couldn’t believe Roma’s news.

  Reese. On the same small piece of land with her. She’d given up all hope of ever seeing him again years ago. But before that…before that, there had been a time when Reese Barone had been so much a part of her that she’d never even imagined she could have a life that didn’t include him.

  Reese. Her first love, the boy with whom she’d spent a carefree long-ago summer making love and sailing every moment she wasn’t working. Looking back, it was easy to see that she would never have fit into Reese Barone’s world on a permanent basis. She had been a fisherman’s daughter, a motherless girl who knew more about where the best stripers were than she did about fashion or feminine pursuits. She’d been seventeen to his twenty-one, a local Cape girl who’d only ever been to Boston on a high school field trip, inexperienced and easily won.

  They couldn’t have been more different. He was the grandson of a Sicilian immigrant whose ambition and drive had brought the Barone name both fortune and fame. Second of eight children in a large and loving family, Reese was born knowing how to make money. Well-traveled, confident, he’d had no lack of females vying for his attention. Why he’d been interested in her would always remain a mystery.

  Reese. She’d heard rumors that he’d been disowned by his family years ago. He’d gotten a girl pregnant then refused to marry her. Had it been a girl like Celia, she had little doubt his prominent, wealthy family would have reacted with such ire. But the girl supposedly was a debutante whose family was close to the Barones, and his refusal to marry her had set off a Barone family explosion the reverberations of which had been heard clear up to the mid-Cape village of Harwichport where they made their summer home.


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