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Chance's Rule

Page 4

by Reese Gabriel

  Unashamed, greedily, she sucked them clean, tasting her bittersweet submission.

  “Good girl,” he said.

  Kinzie moaned, her submissive side accepting the praise even as she tried desperately to remember that she had no future with this man, no matter how good the sex felt.

  “If you continue to behave, maybe I’ll reward you with my cock to lick. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” she rasped. “Oh god yes.”

  “Treats have to be earned though, don’t they, my sweet angel?” He took hold of her nipple and squeezed.

  “Y-yes Sir.” She winced slightly.

  “Beg for the clamps,” he said.

  “Please,” she croaked. “Not tonight.”

  Chance took her lips. The kiss was as sudden as it was savage, his hand behind her neck pulling her close. Kinzie had no choice but to writhe against him as he worked her mouth, his tongue claiming each and every corner as though it were the first time.

  Pushing her breasts hard against his chest, she felt her nipples burn. She did not look forward to the clamps, not so much because of the pain but because of what they released in her sexually, making her ache and yearn with a pain that had no cure but Chance’s unique form of sexual healing.

  It was the same with the riding crop and its whistling bite on her vulnerable, screaming skin.

  As abruptly as it began the kiss ended. Chance pushed her away, keeping his hands on her upper arms to steady her. His face was fearsome, his eyes lit, in full Dominant mode. He was coldly beautiful, absolutely and unabashedly male.

  How could any woman not want this—to be the object of such a man’s affection, knowing you are all that he wants and that he will have you exactly as he chooses?

  Chance did not waste words at times like this. “Whose breasts?” he said, his voice low and deliciously edgy.

  Kinzie exhaled as he bent to sink his teeth into one of her full, soft globes. It was just enough pressure to remind her of the order of things but not enough to cause real discomfort. “Yours. Oh god…yours.”

  “And if I want to use the clamps?”

  He had suckled at her long enough by now to leave her reeling. Her nipple felt twice its usual size.

  “Go ahead,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Clamp them. You…you fucking own them.”

  “And what about your pussy?” He cupped the mound of her sex, leaving no doubt as to propriety.

  Kinzie’s toes curled at the contact. “It’s yours too.”

  Chance got down on one knee. What the hell was he up to?

  Grasping her by the hips, he moved in, applying his tongue before she could mouth a word of objection. Oral sex was something Kinzie preferred to give but he made her take it too, particularly when trying to inflict a lesson.

  “No, I don’t want…” Her objections trailed off as he found her clitoris, maneuvering his tongue like a tiny cock. Kinzie began to shake very slightly, tremors passing through her body. Fists clenched, she readied herself for the inevitable explosion.

  Chance ripped the orgasm from her, showing himself once more to be the master of her body. She reeled, riding the waves of thick, hot bliss, her entire being releasing itself, undulating against his boldly possessive mouth and tongue. The bastard…

  He didn’t stop when she was done coming. After just a few agonizing minutes he had her worked up all over again.

  Kinzie was as weak as a rag doll now as she leaned against him, sweat soaked. She could plead for him to finish her off again but what would be the point? He would do what he wanted either way.

  “Whose pussy? Whose body?” he demanded.

  “Yours,” she exclaimed. “Only yours.”

  So why didn’t he claim it for real…forever?

  Chance rose to his feet, towering above her. Grasping her hair in his fist, he bent back her neck, compelling her to look into his eyes. “And if I want to whip this body, then what?” he said with all the ferocity of a well-groomed cross-examiner.

  “It is yours…to whip,” Kinzie conceded.

  “Yes, my girl, it is.” He released her so he could take the clamps from his pocket. Her knees buckled at the sight of the innocuous-looking silver chain, a tiny pincer dangling from each end.

  “Chest out,” he ordered.

  Kinzie whimpered softly as she presented her quivering breasts. Her nipples were well prepared and well trained. One by one he pinched them with his fingers, tugging slightly at the pink, tingling buds. When he had ascertained that they were fully engorged and ready, he applied the first clamp.

  He chose the left nipple. The metal was cool, the pressure minimal at first. Then he began to turn the small screw, increasing the tension. The clamp bit at her nerve endings, sending throbbing, shooting tension down her spine.

  As if to demonstrate his power to bestow pleasure and pain he very lightly caressed her right nipple, gauging its slavish response.

  Kinzie shuddered, the signals crossing in her brain. “Please,” she moaned, though she did not even know what to ask for.

  “Submit,” he whispered, nibbling at her earlobe.

  “Yes…you own me,” she gasped.

  He put on the second clamp. The sting turned to a dull ache. She tried not to squirm, knowing it would only make things worse. His eyes burned with satisfaction. Squeezing her proffered breasts, he examined his handiwork.

  “You’re so beautiful, Kin. You’re a goddess—do you know that?”

  She didn’t want to be a goddess. She wanted slavery and he knew it.

  “Are…are you going to whip me now?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  She lowered her eyes, unable to meet his gaze. “I want to please you.”

  “You do,” he assured her. “Not that I leave you any option.”

  Kinzie sucked in her lower lip, waiting.

  One by one, he flicked her captive nipples, sending waves of sharp, shooting pain mixed with the sweetness of sexual anticipation.

  “Get on the bed,” he commanded. “Facedown, ass up high.”

  Kinzie could barely move. She was so weak. Every fiber of her being craved surrender, collapse. If only he would do it for her, pick her up and carry her or else push her down on the floor and have his way with her right there, bestowing that mix of harshness and gentleness that was his specialty.

  He had called her his girl. She hated feeling so excited over such little things, like a teenager being asked out by her first crush.

  When would she learn? More to the point, when would her body have enough of the kinky sex?

  Kinzie had trouble maneuvering herself onto the bed on account of her cuffed hands. She knew he wanted her with her ass high, knees to chest and cheek to the mattress. She ended up falling forward, crushing her clamped nipples. Agony seared through her. She buried her cry in the pillow.

  Almost immediately the pain passed. It was replaced with a deep throbbing. Soon she would disappear into that inner space of absolute, drifting helplessness. Chance would be in charge completely, manipulating her body to move and feel as he wished.

  She trusted him to do that, just as she had from the very first time. She never had told him that he was only the second man to ever make love to her. The first, her fiancé from college, had left her for an exchange student from Brazil.

  Kinzie had cried for days. From that point on, she had vowed never to appear emotionally vulnerable to a man. She had wanted Chance to think she was worldly, jaded and indifferent, despite her need for bedroom kink.

  Yeah right.

  She cringed as she heard the whip singe the air. He was directly behind her, testing, gauging. She could feel his eyes burning holes like lasers, leaving her skin as hot as if he had struck her.

  “You think that I leave you when I go, Kinzie. But I’m always here, you should know that.”

  She arched her back in reply to his voice. She needed him so much, her pussy lips puckered, exposed, her ass vulnerable and on display.

  How c
ould she argue at a time like this? How could she tell him how the promises fell short, day in day out, all those times she needed a hug, a pinch, an encouraging word.

  She didn’t want marriage, for crissakes, just a little more reliability.

  “I don’t want to share you, Chance.”

  “You aren’t.” The crop sliced through the air, landing on her left buttock. Kinzie jolted from the familiar explosion. The first sting always caught her off guard, no matter how many times they played the game.

  “So…there aren’t…other women?” She got the sentence out in short stabs.

  Chance whipped her again, no doubt reveling in his absolute power. “How many times have we talked about this?”

  A lot. She just didn’t believe him. “I know you. You are too much of a man not to take whatever females you want, whenever you want them.”

  Her ass was throbbing already. He paused to run a finger over the welts. It was like being struck all over again, twice as hard.

  “I could do just as you say,” he acknowledged.

  It was a bald statement of fact, not an ounce of bragging.

  “And I can’t do a fucking thing to stop you!” It came out desperate. She hated that kind of weakness. It wasn’t glorious or beautiful like their sex games. It was just…pathetic.

  “You wouldn’t like me much if you could control me,” he pointed out.

  She cried out as he inserted a finger into her tight anus. “You’re not fighting fair.”

  He laughed, curling her toes with the wild, husky sound, as untamed as this continent, which she both loved and hated. “You wouldn’t like me if I did that either.”

  “Try me,” she dared.

  Chance traced a line up her spine with the whip, teasing the back of her neck. She tried in vain to control her breathing. It was hell not being able to see what he was going to do next.

  “What we have works, my dear doctor, because while you know that I don’t have other women, you are under no illusions that I could. You don’t own me. I have made a choice to be with you and only you.”

  In her better moments Kinzie would recognize that as typically flawed and self-serving male logic. This was not one of her better moments.

  “I want to please you, Chance, every day. Oh god, I need to please you.”

  He brushed his knuckles over her cheek, caressing. “You do please me. You’re my good girl.”

  Oh yes, she thought, turning her head to kiss the hand that only moments ago had whipped her. Give me this opportunity and I will love him so much with my body, submit to him so completely that he will never leave.

  Lips pressing eagerly against his fingers, she told him the words he had been waiting forever to hear. “Chance, will you take me in the ass?”

  He paused a moment before helping her up on her knees to face him. “Do you know what you’re asking?”

  She could see the lust in his eyes, mixed with very real concern. Anal sex had been a hard limit for her, a place she would never let him go. As a loving Dominant, he had respected that limit, guarding it fiercely from his own desires.

  “I’m saying that I want you to be the first. Take me, Chance, claim my body.”

  His gaze narrowed, brow furrowed, ever the amateur psychologist and nursemaid. “Why now? Are you asking for this because you want to change our relationship?”

  Yes, no…maybe. “Stop analyzing. You’ve just been offered my deepest submission. If you don’t want it…”

  “Oh I want it.” His expression was fierce, leaving no doubt. In the past months he had put no pressure on her, though she had sensed how much he craved it.

  As far as he was concerned, it was a final frontier, the one form of intimacy that still eluded them.

  “So what’s the problem?”

  He pursed his lips, considering. “You promise me you will say if it’s too much.”

  She nodded.

  “Say it, Kinzie. Say that you’ll tell me to stop.”

  “I will tell you to stop if I need to,” she promised.

  Chance studied her a moment longer.

  Did he have something else to say? Thank you, Kinzie? I love you, Kinzie?

  Then again, she hadn’t said it either.

  And why was that?

  She held her breath as he moved to take off the clamps, knowing from experience there would be a sudden sharp pain as the blood rushed back into her well-tortured nipples.

  He did them both at once, minimizing the sensation.

  She felt it as a rush, the heat flashing across her chest. More than anything, she wanted him to crush her body to his so tightly that time itself stood still. Then they would never have to face another stupid, tragic tomorrow.

  “Turn around,” he ordered.

  Kinzie shuffled on her knees on the mattress, exposing her back to him. He unhooked the cuffs, freeing her arms.

  “On all fours,” he said. “Do you have any kind of lotion?”

  “By the shower.” Her shower consisted of a tank for water and a release valve to send it through the nozzle. The sink was a basin that she filled with water from the nearby stream.

  Kinzie waited for him on her hands and knees. Her body sang with anticipation. There was a certain amount of fear about having a thick, hard cock in her backside but she trusted Chance to work her through it. If not, he would be the one to call a halt, whether she said anything or not.

  Chance returned and climbed onto the bed behind her. She felt his bare leg and then his stiff cock rubbing against her thigh. Having him next to her always made her feel safe and warm, even if it was an illusion.

  “You’re really sure, Kin? You can back out. I won’t think more or less of you either way.”

  Kinzie knew he meant it as a kindness but a part of her felt hurt. Did he have to remind her how little effect she was capable of having on him?

  “I’m sure. I want you in me. I want you to claim my ass, Chance. Take it, it’s yours.”

  It wasn’t as if she wanted to keep her anal virginity or anything else for that matter. What good did it do her, having a body, a heart? She was just a toy for him, right?

  “I’ve wanted this, baby,” he crooned. “I’ve dreamed about it more than you’ll ever know.

  Add that to the list, she thought sardonically. She could publish a book if she wanted. 1001 Things I’ll Never Know about Chance, starting with his frigging last name.

  Kinzie’s thoughts were interrupted by the feel of his fingertips at her nervously clenched anus. They were cool and slippery. He must have applied the lotion.

  So he was going to lubricate her—that made sense.

  “Easy, sweetheart, just relax. Don’t overanalyze it, just feel.”

  “I am not overanalyzing…” Her sentence trailed into a moan as he worked his fingers inside to the second knuckle.

  Unbidden, her muscles contracted around him and then released. It was a strange sensation, a fullness that sharply contrasted with the sudden, empty ache in her pussy.

  Wow, is his cock actually going to go in there? Up to this point the whole notion had seemed a bit abstract.

  “That’s it, loosen up, angel. It’s just you and me right now and you have to know how much I want to be inside you.”

  Kinzie’s voice was a dry rasp. “How much, Chance? Tell me.”

  She needed to hear his desire, his wanting, no matter how superficial it might be.

  “More than anything, Kinzie. You drive me wild. There’s times I can’t think straight because I just want to see your face, touch you, possess you.”

  “Me too,” she gasped, her feelings breaking like a dam right along with the physical tension. “I want to just curl up in your arms, feel safe, like nothing can touch me, like nothing matters as long as I am making you happy.”

  “You do.” His fingers slid inside, claiming, opening.

  “Fuck me then. Fuck my ass and show me.”

  Chance put the flat of his hand down on her back, letting her draw his energy.
“It’s going to be tight at first, darling.”

  “I’m a doctor,” she couldn’t resist quipping. “You think I don’t have that figured out?”

  “Ever the smartass.” The tip of his cock was poised at the cleft of her buttock cheeks, making her shiver with anticipation.

  Chance went slowly, his hands on her waist securing her as he pushed inside, just a little, maybe an inch. His cock felt so different from his fingers. It was thick and pulsating, communicating lust. But he was so big and there was so much more of him. How would she ever take it all?

  All of a sudden he withdrew, sending her to the brink of panic. “Chance, what is it?”

  Had she done something wrong?

  “It’s okay, baby, we just need a little special lubrication.”

  She moaned as he caressed her dripping sex, taking some of the liquid with his finger to apply to her narrower channel, lubricating it further.

  “Good thinking in a pinch, as always,” she praised.

  “Thank you, my dear.” He entered her again. This time went a lot easier. He easily regained the previously conquered territory and was able to press deeper still with little effort.

  I’m doing it, she thought. I’m taking Chance inside me in a brand new way.

  “You okay, Kin?”


  He chuckled, pushing himself in a little farther.

  “How about you, Chance?”

  “I’m fucking fantastic.”

  Kinzie’s heart soared.

  He was as content as she had ever heard him.

  Now if only they could stay in this place forever.

  Kinzie has done it again, Chance thought as he settled his throbbing, rock-hard cock deep inside her tight, sweet, virgin channel. She had blown his mind, catching him completely off guard. A little while ago she had wanted him out of her life and here she was offering him a part of herself that she had held back all these months.

  It was a sacred gift and he treated it as such. The most tender offering a woman like Kin could give and he would not abuse or waste it.

  “We’re going to climax together,” he said, leaning forward to press his chest protectively against her back.

  “But…how?” she asked.

  He smiled, his turn to surprise her. “Trust me.”


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