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Collected Works of Booth Tarkington

Page 136

by Booth Tarkington

  To the bank, then, the instant you read. Cable me one thousand dollars, and be at the Rue Auber not more than ten days later. To the bank! Thence to the telegraph office. Speed! V. C.

  He was in better spirits as he read over this letter, and he chuckled as he addressed it. He pictured himself in the rear room of the bar in the Rue Auber, relating, across the little marble-topped table, this American adventure, to the delight of that blithe, ne’er-do-well outcast of an exalted poor family, that gambler, blackmailer and merry rogue, Don Antonio Moliterno, comrade and teacher of this ductile Valentine since the later days of adolescence. They had been school-fellows in Rome, and later roamed Europe together unleashed, discovering worlds of many kinds. Valentine’s careless mother let her boy go as he liked, and was often negligent in the matter of remittances: he and his friend learned ways to raise the wind, becoming expert and making curious affiliations. At her death there was a small inheritance; she had not been provident. The little she left went rocketing, and there was the wind to be raised again: young Corliss had wits and had found that they could supply him — most of the time — with much more than the necessities of life. He had also found that he possessed a strong attraction for various women; already — at twenty-two — his experience was considerable, and, in his way, he became a specialist. He had a talent; he improved it and his opportunities. Altogether, he took to the work without malice and with a light heart. . . .

  He sealed the envelope, rang for a boy, gave him the letter to post, and directed that the apartment should be set to rights. It was not that in which he had received Ray Vilas. Corliss had moved to rooms on another floor of the hotel, the day after that eccentric and somewhat ominous person had called to make an “investment.” Ray’s shadowy forebodings concerning that former apartment had encountered satire: Corliss was a “materialist” and, at the mildest estimate, an unusually practical man, but he would never sleep in a bed with its foot toward the door; southern Italy had seeped into him. He changed his rooms, a measure of which Don Antonio Moliterno would have wholly approved. Besides, these were as comfortable as the others, and so like them as even to confirm Ray’s statement concerning “A Reading from Homer”: evidently this work had been purchased by the edition.

  A boy came to announce that his “roadster” waited for him at the hotel entrance, and Corliss put on a fur motoring coat and cap, and went downstairs. A door leading from the hotel bar into the lobby was open, and, as Corliss passed it, there issued a mocking shout:

  “Tor’dor! Oh, look at the Tor’dor! Ain’t he the handsome Spaniard!”

  Ray Vilas stumbled out, tousled, haggard, waving his arms in absurd and meaningless gestures; an amused gallery of tipplers filling the doorway behind him.

  “Goin’ take Carmen buggy ride in the country, ain’t he? Good ole Tor’dor!” he quavered loudly, clutching Corliss’s shoulder. “How much you s’pose he pays f’ that buzz-buggy by the day, jeli’m’n? Naughty Tor’dor, stole thousand dollars from me — makin’ presents — diamond cresses. Tor’dor, I hear you been playing cards. Tha’s sn’t nice. Tor’dor, you’re not a goo’ boy at all — you know you oughtn’t waste Dick Lindley’s money like that!”

  Corliss set his open hand upon the drunkard’s breast and sent him gyrating and plunging backward. Some one caught the grotesque figure as it fell.

  “Oh, my God,” screamed Ray, “I haven’t got a gun on me! He knows I haven’t got my gun with me! Why haven’t I got my gun with me?”

  They hustled him away, and Corliss, enraged and startled, passed on. As he sped the car up Corliss Street, he decided to anticipate his letter to Moliterno by a cable. He had stayed too long.

  Cora looked charming in a new equipment for November motoring; yet it cannot be said that either of them enjoyed the drive. They lunched a dozen miles out from the city at an establishment somewhat in the nature of a roadside inn; and, although its cuisine was quite unknown to Cora’s friend, Mrs. Villard (an eager amateur of the table), they were served with a meal of such unusual excellence that the waiter thought it a thousand pities patrons so distinguished should possess such poor appetites.

  They returned at about three in the afternoon, and Cora descended from the car wearing no very amiable expression.

  “Why won’t you come in now?” she asked, looking at him angrily. “We’ve got to talk things out. We’ve settled nothing whatever. I want to know why you can’t stop.”

  “I’ve got some matters to attend to, and — —”

  “What matters?” She shot him a glance of fierce skepticism.

  “Are you packing to get out?”

  “Cora!” he cried reproachfully, “how can you say things like that to me!”

  She shook her head. “Oh, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least! How do I know what you’ll do? For all I know, you may be just that kind of a man. You said you ought to be going — —”

  “Cora,” he explained, gently, “I didn’t say I meant to go. I said only that I thought I ought to, because Moliterno will be needing me in Basilicata. I ought to be there, since it appears that no more money is to be raised here. I ought to be superintending operations in the oil-field, so as to make the best use of the little I have raised.”

  “You?” she laughed. “Of course I didn’t have anything to do with it!”

  He sighed deeply. “You know perfectly well that I appreciate all you did. We don’t seem to get on very well to-day — —”

  “No!” She laughed again, bitterly. “So you think you’ll be going, don’t you?”

  “To my rooms to write some necessary letters.”

  “Of course not to pack your trunk?”

  “Cora,” he returned, goaded; “sometimes you’re just impossible. I’ll come to-morrow forenoon.”

  “Then don’t bring the car. I’m tired of motoring and tired of lunching in that rotten hole. We can talk just as well in the library. Papa’s better, and that little fiend will be in school to-morrow. Come out about ten.”

  He started the machine. “Don’t forget I love you,” he called in a low voice.

  She stood looking after him as the car dwindled down the street.

  “Yes, you do!” she murmured.

  She walked up the path to the house, her face thoughtful, as with a tiresome perplexity. In her own room, divesting herself of her wraps, she gave the mirror a long scrutiny. It offered the picture of a girl with a hard and dreary air; but Cora saw something else, and presently, though the dreariness remained, the hardness softened to a great compassion. She suffered: a warm wave of sorrow submerged her, and she threw herself upon the bed and wept long and silently for herself.

  At last her eyes dried, and she lay staring at the ceiling. The doorbell rang, and Sarah, the cook, came to inform her that Mr. Richard Lindley was below.

  “Tell him I’m out.”

  “Can’t,” returned Sarah. “Done told him you was home.” And she departed firmly.

  Thus abandoned, the prostrate lady put into a few words what she felt about Sarah, and, going to the door, whisperingly summoned in Laura, who was leaving the sick-room, across the hall.

  “Richard is downstairs. Will you go and tell him I’m sick in bed — or dead? Anything to make him go.” And, assuming Laura’s acquiescence, Cora went on, without pause: “Is father worse? What’s the matter with you, Laura?”

  “Nothing. He’s a little better, Miss Peirce thinks.”

  “You look ill.”

  “I’m all right.”

  “Then run along like a duck and get rid of that old bore for me.”

  “Cora — please see him?”

  “Not me! I’ve got too much to think about to bother with him.”

  Laura walked to the window and stood with her back to her sister, apparently interested in the view of Corliss Street there presented. “Cora,” she said, “why don’t you marry him and have done with all this?”

  Cora hooted.

  “Why not? Why not marry him as soon as you can g
et ready? Why don’t you go down now and tell him you will? Why not, Cora?”

  “I’d as soon marry a pail of milk — yes, tepid milk, skimmed! I — —”

  “Don’t you realize how kind he’d be to you?”

  “I don’t know about that,” said Cora moodily. “He might object to some things — but it doesn’t matter, because I’m not going to try him. I don’t mind a man’s being a fool, but I can’t stand the absent-minded breed of idiot. I’ve worn his diamond in the pendant right in his eyes for weeks; he’s never once noticed it enough even to ask me about the pendant, but bores me to death wanting to know why I won’t wear the ring! Anyhow, what’s the use talking about him? He couldn’t marry me right now, even if I wanted him to — not till he begins to get something on the investment he made with Val. Outside of that, he’s got nothing except his rooms at his mother’s; she hasn’t much either; and if Richard should lose what he put in with Val, he couldn’t marry for years, probably. That’s what made him so obstinate about it. No; if I ever marry right off the reel it’s got to be somebody with — —”

  “Cora” — Laura still spoke from the window, not turning— “aren’t you tired of it all, of this getting so upset about one man and then another and — —”

  “Tired!” Cora uttered the word in a repressed fury of emphasis. “I’m sick of everything! I don’t care for anything or anybody on this earth — except — except you and mamma. I thought I was going to love Val. I thought I did — but oh, my Lord, I don’t! I don’t think I can care any more. Or else there isn’t any such thing as love. How can anybody tell whether there is or not? You get kind of crazy over a man and want to go the limit — or marry him perhaps — or sometimes you just want to make him crazy about you — and then you get over it — and what is there left but hell!” She choked with a sour laugh. “Ugh! For heaven’s sake, Laura, don’t make me talk. Everything’s gone to the devil and I’ve got to think. The best thing you can do is to go down and get rid of Richard for me. I can’t see him!”

  “Very well,” said Laura, and went to the door.

  “You’re a darling,” whispered Cora, kissing her quickly. “Tell him I’m in a raging headache — make him think I wanted to see him, but you wouldn’t let me, because I’m too ill.” She laughed. “Give me a little time, old dear: I may decide to take him yet!”

  It was Mrs. Madison who informed the waiting Richard that Cora was unable to see him, because she was “lying down”; and the young man, after properly inquiring about Mr. Madison, went blankly forth.

  Hedrick was stalking the front yard, mounted at a great height upon a pair of stilts. He joined the departing visitor upon the sidewalk and honoured him with his company, proceeding storkishly beside him.

  “Been to see Cora?”

  “Yes, Hedrick.”

  “What’d you want to see her about?” asked the frank youth seriously.

  Richard was able to smile. “Nothing in particular, Hedrick.”

  “You didn’t come to tell her about something?”

  “Nothing whatever, my dear sir. I wished merely the honour of seeing her and chatting with her upon indifferent subjects.”


  “Did you see her?”

  “No, I’m sorry to — —”

  “She’s home, all right,” Hedrick took pleasure in informing him.

  “Yes. She was lying down and I told your mother not to disturb her.”

  “Worn out with too much automobile riding, I expect,” Hedrick sniffed. “She goes out about every day with this Corliss in his hired roadster.”

  They walked on in silence. Not far from Mrs. Lindley’s, Hedrick abruptly became vocal in an artificial laugh. Richard was obviously intended to inquire into its cause, but, as he did not, Hedrick, after laughing hollowly for some time, volunteered the explanation:

  “I played a pretty good trick on you last night.”

  “Odd I didn’t know it.”

  “That’s why it was good. You’d never guess it in the world.”

  “No, I believe I shouldn’t. You see what makes it so hard, Hedrick, is that I can’t even remember seeing you, last night.”

  “Nobody saw me. Somebody heard me though, all right.”


  “The nigger that works at your mother’s — Joe.”

  “What about it? Were you teasing Joe?”

  “No, it was you I was after.”

  “Well? Did you get me?”

  Hedrick made another somewhat ghastly pretence of mirth. “Well, I guess I’ve had about all the fun out of it I’m going to. Might as well tell you. It was that book of Laura’s you thought she sent you.”

  Richard stopped short; whereupon Hedrick turned clumsily, and began to stalk back in the direction from which they had come.

  “That book — I thought she — sent me?” Lindley repeated, stammering.

  “She never sent it,” called the boy, continuing to walk away. “She kept it hid, and I found it. I faked her into writing your name on a sheet of paper, and made you think she’d sent the old thing to you. I just did it for a joke on you.”

  With too retching an effort to simulate another burst of merriment, he caught the stump of his right stilt in a pavement crack, wavered, cut in the air a figure like a geometrical proposition gone mad, and came whacking to earth in magnificent disaster.

  Richard took him to Mrs. Lindley for repairs. She kept him until dark: Hedrick was bandaged, led, lemonaded and blandished.

  Never in his life had he known such a listener.


  THAT WAS A long night for Cora Madison, and the morning found her yellow. She made a poor breakfast, and returned from the table to her own room, but after a time descended restlessly and wandered from one room to another, staring out of the windows. Laura had gone out; Mrs. Madison was with her husband, whom she seldom left; Hedrick had departed ostensibly for school; and the house was as still as a farm in winter — an intolerable condition of things for an effervescent young woman whose diet was excitement. Cora, drumming with her fingers upon a window in the owl-haunted cell, made noises with her throat, her breath and her lips not unsuggestive of a sputtering fuse. She was heavily charged.

  “Now what in thunder do you want?” she inquired of an elderly man who turned in from the sidewalk and with serious steps approached the house.

  Pryor, having rung, found himself confronted with the lady he had come to seek. Ensued the moment of strangers meeting: invisible antennae extended and touched; — at the contact, Cora’s drew in, and she looked upon him without graciousness.

  “I just called,” he said placatively, smiling as if some humour lurked in his intention, “to ask how your father is. I heard downtown he wasn’t getting along quite so well.”

  “He’s better this morning, thanks,” said Cora, preparing to close the door.

  “I thought I’d just stop and ask about him. I heard he’d had another bad spell — kind of a second stroke.”

  “That was night before last. The doctor thinks he’s improved very much since then.”

  The door was closing; he coughed hastily, and detained it by speaking again. “I’ve called several times to inquire about him, but I believe it’s the first time I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to you, Miss Madison. I’m Mr. Pryor.” She appeared to find no comment necessary, and he continued: “Your father did a little business for me, several years ago, and when I was here on my vacation, this summer, I was mighty sorry to hear of his sickness. I’ve had a nice bit of luck lately and got a second furlough, so I came out to spend a couple of weeks and Thanksgiving with my married daughter.”


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